Listino ufficiale
€. 795,00

Fonorivelatore a bobina
mobile, livello d'uscita 2mV, peso 5,7gr.
entry models to the Benz Micro line provide the musicality we are famous for
combined with affordability and a wide range of turntable/tonearm compatibility.
The Gold is a low output moving coil at .4mV at 3.54cm/sec, perfectly suited for
moving coil phono stages with 60dB or higher gain. The Silver high output (2.5mV
at 3.54cm/sec) is ideal for m type phono stages, low-gain tube phono stages and
AV systems. These models let you enjoy the Benz Micro sound and provide an
upgrade path to the Swiss hand-made cartridges.
Specifications: Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec) 5 (Gold), 2 (Silver) Stylus Shape
.3 x .7 mil Internal Ohms 20 (Gold), 120 (Silver) Loading Range >200 (Gold),
>1,200 (Silver) Weight 5.7 grams Compliance 15 Tracking 1.7 – 2 grams Warranty 2

Listino ufficiale
€. 795,00

a bobina mobile, livello d'uscita 0,4mV, peso 5,7gr.
entry models to the Benz Micro line provide the musicality we are famous for
combined with affordability and a wide range of turntable/tonearm compatibility.
The Gold is a low output moving coil at .4mV at 3.54cm/sec, perfectly suited for
moving coil phono stages with 60dB or higher gain. The Silver high output (2.5mV
at 3.54cm/sec) is ideal for m type phono stages, low-gain tube phono stages and
AV systems. These models let you enjoy the Benz Micro sound and provide an
upgrade path to the Swiss hand-made cartridges.
Specifications: Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec) 5 (Gold), 2 (Silver) Stylus Shape
.3 x .7 mil Internal Ohms 20 (Gold), 120 (Silver) Loading Range >200 (Gold),
>1,200 (Silver) Weight 5.7 grams Compliance 15 Tracking 1.7 – 2 grams Warranty 2

Listino ufficiale
€. 1.250,00

a bobina mobile, disponibile in 3 livelli d'uscita L (Low 0,4mV), M (Medium
0,8mV), H (High 2,5mV), nuovo stilo in diamante S DESIGN, corpo in perspex, peso
in 1996 as the most affordable Swiss hand-made moving coil phono cartridge, it
took 5 years and a new factory to deliver the Advanced Cartridge Engineering
(ACE) in 2001. Now the S Class models of the ACE SL (red), SM (clear), SH (blue)
($900 MSRP) all incorporate the Benz Micro Ridge stylus for the best
performance/value ratio in phono cartridges, regardless of output level. The SL
is .4mV at 3.54cm/sec with a coil impedance of 12 ohms, perfectly suited for MC
phono stages with 60dB or higher gain. The SM is .8mV and 24 ohms, designed for
less efficient systems and tube phono stages with gain between 45 – 58dB. The
ACE SH (2.5mV at 3.54cm/sec) is among the best high output moving coils ever
made, ideal for moving coil type phono stages, low-gain tube phono stages and AV
systems. Music lovers can take advantage of industry leading programs in
upgrading previous Benz Micro models or other brand cartridges to the new ACE S
Class. Specifications: Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec) 2.5 (ACE SH), .8 (ACE SM),
.4 (ACE SL) Stylus Shape Micro Ridge Internal Ohms 90 (ACE SH), 24 (ACE SM), 12
(ACE SL) Loading Range >1,000 (ACE SH), >240 (ACE SM), >120 (ACE SL) Weight 8.8
grams Compliance 14 (ACE SH), 14 (ACE SM), 15 (ACE SL) Tracking 1.6 – 1.9 grams
Warranty 2 years

Listino ufficiale
€. 1.587,00

Fonorivelatore a bobina
mobile, disponibile in 3 livelli d'uscita L (Low 0,4mV), M (Medium 0,8mV), H
(High 2,5mV), nuovo stilo in diamante S DESIGN, peso 6,8gr.
famous Benz Micro Glider S, originally introduced in 1993, now features the Benz Micro
Ridge stylus and is available in three outputs: L, M or H. Its open air design,
medium compliance and 6.8-gram weight make it ideal on a very wide range of
tonearms, one of the many reasons for its incredible success. The Glider SL is
.4mV at 3.54cm/sec with a coil impedance of 12 ohms, perfectly suited for moving
coil phono stages with 60dB or higher gain. The SM is .8mV and 24 ohms, designed
for less efficient systems and tube phono stages with gains between 45 – 58dB.
The SH (2.5mV at 3.54cm/sec) is among the best high output moving coils ever
made, ideal for moving magnet type phono stages, low gain tube phono stages and
AV systems. The lower mass coils and matched cantilevers of the new S Class
retain their real world output levels and with their improved styli, offer
higher performance. Specifications: Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec)2.5 (Glider
SH), .8 (Glider SM), .4 (Glider SL) Stylus Shape Micro RidgeInternal Ohms 90 (Glider
SH), 24 (Glider SM), 12 (Glider SL) Loading Range >1,000 (Glider SH), >240 (Glider
SM), >120 (Glider SL) Weight 6.8 grams Compliance 14 (Glider SH), 14 (Glider SM),
15 (Glider SL) Tracking 1.6 – 1.9 grams Warranty 2 years

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.385,00

I modelli Classe S
del Wood Body SL (basso), SM (medio) e SH (alto), incorporano tutti lo stilo
Benz Micro Ridge accoppiato a generatori migliorati che utilizzano nuovi
avvolgimenti della bobina e raffinati design delle espansioni
polari/ammortizzatore. Albert Lukaschek di Benz Micro ha iniziato a ricercare
prestazioni migliorate e uniformità dei suoi progetti di bobine incrociate
mentre sviluppava i modelli Benz Ebony H, L e TR. La sperimentazione con la
lunghezza del cantilever in boro solido ha rivelato come l'elasticità di questo
materiale molto rigido abbia contribuito alla conformità e al tracciamento. Lo
sviluppo di un'espansione polare posteriore scanalata per svasare
l'ammortizzatore dell'o-ring, introdotta per la prima volta sulle cartucce a
piastra quadra Benz Ruby, è stata quindi adattata ai design delle bobine
incrociate, data la loro area di contatto inferiore e lo smorzamento. L'SL è 0,4
mV a 3,54 cm/sec con un'impedenza della bobina di 12 ohm, perfettamente adatto
per stadi phono MC con guadagno di 60 dB o superiore. L'SM è 0,8 mV e 24 ohm,
progettato per sistemi meno efficienti e stadi phono a valvole con guadagno
compreso tra 45 e 58 dB. Il Wood SH (2,5 mV a 3,54 cm/sec) è tra le migliori
bobine mobili ad alto rendimento mai realizzate, ideali per stadi fono a magnete
mobile, stadi phono a valvole a basso guadagno e sistemi AV.

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.645,00

Fonorivelatore a bobina
mobile. Corpo testina in legno, basso livello d'uscita, 0,26mV, avvolgimenti
della bobina in argento, stilo micro-edge, peso 9 gr.

Listino ufficiale
€. 3.439,00

a bobina mobile, basso livello d’uscita 0,1 mV, stilo micro-edge, corpo in
ebano, impedenza 1ohm, peso 9,6gr.
Benz Micro classic, the Ebony H and Ebony TR cartridges have been re-introduced
for a very limited production run. The Ebony body, cross-coil models include the
Ebony H and Ebony TR, both featuring Micro Ridge or MR stylus. The ultimate
high-output moving coil, the Ebony H shares the same Ebody body as the Benz
Micro LP S MR, and is used with MM type phono stages and a 47kohm input
impedance. The Ebony TR is designed for use with a Step Up Transformer (SUT),
featuring a .1mV output and a coil impedance of less than 5 ohms.
Specifications: Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec).1 (TR) 2.5 (H)Stylus ShapeMicro
RidgeInternal Ohms 1Ω (TR) 90Ω (H) Loading Range >5 (TR) >1000 (H) Weight10.7
grams Compliance 14 Tracking 1.6 – 1.9 grams Warranty 2 years

Listino ufficiale
€. 3.439,00

Fonorivelatore a bobina mobile, corpo in
legno, basso livello d’uscita, 0.34 mV, stilo micro-edge, peso 10,2gr
Ruby sr 12,2 Gr, L=0.34
mV, H=0.7 mV
Z upgrades this famous model to full “S Class” status. It features the new Zebra
wood body, second only to Ebony for its resonance characteristics, offering bass
weight and pitch definition, midrange linearity and high frequency clarity with
a natural musicality. The new Micro Ridge stylus is featured, providing enhanced
tracking, resolution and groove integrity. The generator is based on the Ruby
square plate and output is .35mV. The Ruby Z low output is best used with phono
stages offering greater than 60dB gain, loaded at 400 ohms or higher. The Ruby
Zebra cartridge weighs only 10.6 grams, making it ideal for a wide range of
tonearms, including today’s state-of-the-art, and vintage models lacking the
energy control, bearing designs, or counter-weight range.
Specifications:Output Voltage (3.54 Cm/sec).35 Stylus Shape Micro RidgeInternal
Ohms38 Loading Range >400Weight 10.7 grams Compliance 15 Tracking 1.8 – 2 grams
Warranty 2 years
Listino ufficiale
€. 4.629,00

Fonorivelatore a bobina mobile, basso
livello d’uscita 0.34 mV, stilo micro-edge, corpo in ebano, peso 10,7gr
VERSIONE LP S -Fonorivelatore
a bobina mobile, basso livello d’uscita 0.34 mV, stilo micro-edge, corpo in
ottone, peso 16,4gr
latest LP S incorporates a higher mass brass frame for improved coupling to
tonearms, evolved ruby square plate generator and Ebony body. Brass, an alloy of
copper and tin, complements Ebony, materials used for building musical
instruments. The LP S has 50% more mass than the previous model for enhanced
vibrational and resonant characteristics, thus revealing greater dynamic
contrasts, deeper bass and increased resolution from all records. The latest LP
S Class was the first Benz Micro to use the new Micro Ridge stylus, now found on
all Benz Micro Swiss-made cartridges. Specifications: Output Voltage 3.54
Cm/sec .35 Stylus Shape Micro Ridge Internal Ohms 38 Loading Range >400 Weight
16 grams Compliance 15 Tracking 1.8 – 2 grams Warranty 2 years

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.595,00

Stadio phono MC universale,
utilizzabile con qualsiasi preamplificatore linea

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