The fact that dCS has remained at the forefront of the digital
audio world is testament to the talent and commitment to great music playback of
everyone who has ever been involved with dCS: customers and employees alike. We
are passionate about the electronics we produce and we know this is a passion
shared by our enthusiastic owners. These owners always ask what our secret is
and the truth is that the amazing performance of our products is down to a
combination of our unique technology and our drive for excellence. Performance
is Everything At dCS we will only build audio products that are best in
their class. Because of our unique architecture dCS products are not constrained
by conventional design approaches and this allows us to focus on creating
technologies and manufacturing products that deliver optimum performance. People
Matter As a result of our commitment to innovation and leading the field
in digital audio, we employ some of the best and brightest talent in the
industry. At dCS our entire reputation depends on our people and we provide an
environment where they can grow and flourish. Anticipate the Future
Recognising that technology is constantly changing we have developed a
completely flexible and modular product architecture that allows us to
continually improve our products so music lovers can build and expand their dCS
system over time. Test and Test and Test Again State-of-the-art
performance is our number one requirement and for this reason we cannot rely on
conventional testing hardware and software to measure our products because they
exceed the capability of standard test equipment. Every unit we produce is
rigorously tested using dCS converter technology that has been designed, built
and maintained in-house. Form Must Follow Function At dCS our ambition is
to make world beating, life-enhancing products. Our design approach is to
balance world class craftsmanship with leading edge technology. There is a rich
history of groundbreaking innovation inside every dCS unit and we only use
materials and components that are of the highest quality. Made in the UK A
typical dCS product is assembled by hand with a total build time of around one
week. From the original concept to the point of shipping, we are proud to say
that everything is designed, tested and manufactured in our Cambridge, UK,

Network DAC
Listino ufficiale
€. 15.500,00

Listino ufficiale
€. 22.900,00
Listino ufficiale
€. 24.900,00

digitale tecnologia Ring DAC con MQA & DSD 2x e lettore di rete l nuovo DAC dCS
Bartók riunisce passato, presente e futuro di dCS. È innanzitutto un DAC di
streaming di rete all'avanguardia che utilizza la tecnologia sviluppata per la
gamma Rossini. Con l'aggiunta dell'esclusivo amplificatore per cuffie offre la
straordinaria esperienza digitale dCS sia agli ascoltatori di cuffie che stereo.
Questo lettore musicale digitale a scatola singola presenta il leggendario dCS
Ring DAC ™ e la piattaforma di elaborazione del segnale, oltre a uno streamer
musicale UPnP personalizzato ad alte prestazioni. Bartók riproduce musica
attraverso una serie di ingressi digitali USB, AES o S / PDIF standard del
settore. Può eseguire lo streaming su Ethernet da un'unità NAS o servizi
musicali online come TIDAL ™ o Spotify ™ e da dispositivi Apple tramite Airplay
™. L'interfaccia di rete può eseguire la decodifica e il rendering MQA ™
completi. La sezione DAC è dotata di uscite di linea bilanciate e sbilanciate
indipendenti che possono pilotare direttamente gli amplificatori di potenza,
evitando la necessità di un preamplificatore separato. Il DAC per cuffie è
dotato di un amplificatore per cuffie progettato su misura che funziona molto
bene con cuffie sia ad alta che a bassa impedenza in formati bilanciati o
sbilanciati. Tutte le uscite possono essere impostate su uno dei 4 livelli
massimi per migliorare la compatibilità del sistema. Progettato per flessibilità
e facilità d'uso senza compromessi, Bartók utilizza la più recente piattaforma
di elaborazione digitale dCS e la tecnologia Ring DAC ™, originariamente
sviluppata per la serie Rossini. Il singolo FPGA offre un'elaborazione del
segnale ottimizzata e una flessibilità superiore, rendendola efficace per il
futuro. Bartók DAC ha una nuova potente interfaccia utente, oltre a un'app di
controllo personalizzata che consente agli ascoltatori di gestire la loro
riproduzione musicale da qualsiasi sorgente in un modo elegantemente semplice,
accedendo ai canali iRadio, digitali e UPnP da un unico punto di controllo. L'app
Bartók consente di accedere facilmente alle impostazioni DAC. Dotato di
upsampling DXD di serie, il design di sovracampionamento a più stadi offre l'upsampling
DSD opzionale oltre a una vasta selezione di filtri DSP per soddisfare il gusto
individuale e la scelta musicale. La funzionalità di streaming di rete
all'interno di Bartók è comprovata in termini di jitter, facilità d'uso e
prestazioni sonore. L'interfaccia di rete attualmente funziona fino a 24 bit,
384kS / se DSD128, supportando tutti i principali codec senza perdita di dati,
oltre a DSD in formato DoP e DSD nativo. Bartók supporta l' architettura dCS
"auto clocking" semplice ma altamente efficace utilizzata in Vivaldi, che riduce
al minimo il jitter e migliora significativamente la qualità del suono.
Progettato e realizzato in Gran Bretagna secondo i più alti standard, Bartók
prende spunto dal design della pluripremiata gamma Rossini, utilizzando
alluminio lavorato di grado aerospaziale con pannelli di smorzamento acustico
interno per ridurre le vibrazioni meccaniche degradanti e gli effetti magnetici.
Viene utilizzata la regolazione dell'alimentazione a più stadi, con
trasformatori di rete gemellati per isolare i circuiti DAC dall'amplificatore
delle cuffie. Come per tutti i prodotti dCS , il firmware Bartók può essere
facilmente aggiornato tramite CD, USB o la nuova funzione di download e
aggiornamento automatizzata. Ciò consente a dCS di aggiungere nuove funzionalità
e migliorare le prestazioni di Bartok nel corso della sua vita. Ascoltare musica
digitale attraverso un sistema Bartók è in qualche modo un'esperienza
sbalorditiva. I tratti distintivi generali della riproduzione dCS: precisione,
dettaglio, suono coinvolgente e coinvolgente sono tutti presenti insieme a una
musicalità naturale e fedeltà alla registrazione originale

Listino ufficiale
€. 32.900,00

The new dCS Rossini DAC makes superlative
sounding music from a wide range of digital sources, simply integrating your
digital music and setting the performance standard for digital playback. This
single-box digital music player features the legendary dCS Ring DACTM and signal
processing platform plus a custom high performance UPnP music streamer. Rossini
plays music through an array of industry-standard USB, AES and S/PDIF digital
inputs, and can stream over Ethernet from a NAS drive or online music services
such as TIDALTM, SpotifyTM and from Apple devices via AirplayTM . Designed for
flexibility and ease of use without compromise, Rossini uses the very latest dCS
Digital Processing Platform and Ring DACTM technology, originally developed for
the flagship Vivaldi series. Its single FPGA brings improved signal processing
and superior flexibility, effectively making it future-proof. Rossini DAC has a
powerful new user interface, plus a custom control app that lets listeners
manage their music playback from any source in an elegantly simple way –
accessing music streaming services, digital and UPnP sources from one control
point. The Rossini app also features an intuitive install and configuration
wizard for ease of set-up. Featuring DXD upsampling as standard, the multi-stage
oversampling design offers optional DSD upsampling plus an extensive selection
of DSP filters to suit individual taste and music choice. The network streaming
functionality within Rossini DAC is unparalleled in its processing power and
jitter performance, and currently runs at up to 24-bit, 384kS/s and DSD128,
supporting all major lossless codecs, plus DSD in DoP format and native DSD.
Rossini supports the simple yet highly effective dCS ‘auto clocking’
architecture as used in Vivaldi, which minimises jitter and improves sound
quality significantly. Designed and made in Great Britain to the highest
standards, Rossini’s elegant chassis uses aerospace-grade machined aluminium
with internal acoustic damping panels to reduce sound-degrading mechanical
vibration and magnetic effects. Multi-stage power regulation is employed, with
twin mains transformers to isolate the analogue, digital and clock circuitry. As
with all dCS products, Rossini’s firmware can be easily updated via CD, USB or
the new automated download and update facility. This lets dCS add new features
and improve the performance of Rossini over its lifetime. When listening to
digital music through a Rossini system, listeners are immediately struck by its
natural musicality and faithfulness to the original recording. It delivers a
powerful and visceral sound yet is highly transparent too, making for an
immersive and realistic listening experience.Technical Specifications Type
Upsampling Network DAC. Colour Silver or Black. Dimensions 444mm/17.5” x
435mm/17.2” x 125mm/5.0”. Allow extra depth for cable connectors. Weight
15.6kg/34.3lbs. Converter Type dCS proprietary Ring DACTM topology. Digital
Inputs Network interface on an RJ45 connector – Acts as a UPnPTM renderer in
Asynchronous mode, streaming digital music from a NAS or local computer over a
standard Ethernet network, decoding all major lossless formats including FLAC,
WAV & AIFF at up to 24 bit 384kS/s native sample rate, plus DSD/64 & DSD/128 in
DFF/DSF format.Other supported formats include WMA, ALAC, MP3, AAC & OGG. Some formats are
limited to lower sample rates. Accepts data streamed from an iPod, iPhone or
iPad via Apple AirPlay, 44.1 or 48kS/s only. Network Loop Out connector on a
second RJ45 connector. USB 2.0 interface on a B-type connector operating in
Asynchronous mode, will accept up to 24 bit PCM at up to 384kS/s plus DSD/64 &
DSD/128 in DoP format. Operates in Class 1 or 2 mode.
USB-on-the-go interface on type A connector operating in Asynchronous mode,
streams digital music from a flash drive at up to 24 bit 384kS/s plus DSD/64 or
DSD/128. 2x AES/EBU on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each will accept PCM
at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/64 in DoP format. Used as a Dual AES pair, it
will accept PCM at up to 384kS/s, DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DoP format or
dCS-encrypted DSD. 2x SPDIF on 1x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors. Each
will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/64 in DoP format. 1x SPDIF
optical on a Toslink connector will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 96kS/s. Analogue
Outputs Output levels: 2V or 6V rms for full-scale input, set in the menu.
Balanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x 3-pin XLR male connectors (pin 2 = hot,
pin 3 = cold). These outputs are electronically balanced and floating.
Output impedance is 3Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended).
Unbalanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x RCA phono connectors. Output
impedance is 52Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended). Wordclock I/O
2x Word Clock Inputs on 2x BNC connectors, accept standard word clock at 44.1,
48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kHz. The data rate can be the same as the clock
rate or an exact multiple of the clock rate. Sensitive to TTL levels. Word Clock
Output on 1x BNC connector. In Master mode, a TTL-compatible word clock appears
on this output. Residual Noise 24-bit data: Better than -113dB0, 20Hz-20kHz
unweighted. (6V output setting). L R Crosstalk Better than -115dB0, 20Hz-20kHz.
Spurious Responses Better than -105dB0, 20Hz-20kHz. Filters PCM mode: up to 6
filters give different trade-offs between the Nyquist image rejection and the
phase response. DSD mode: 4 filters progressively reduce out-of-audio band noise
level. Upsampling Rates DXD as standard or optional DSD upsampling. Software
Updates Loaded from CD-R via PCM digital inputs or PC via USB input. Download
and update functionality available via Rossini App. Local Control dCS Rossini
App for Unit Configuration and Music Playback. RS232 interface (controlled by a
3rd party automation system). IR remote control – dCS premium remote control
available as an optional extra. Power Supply Factory set to either 100, 115/120,
220 or 230/240V AC, 50-60Hz. Power Consumption 23 Watts typical / 28 Watts
maximum. Operating Systems Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10, Mac OSX 10.10. dCS USB
driver is required for Windows in Audio Class 2 Mode.
Listino ufficiale
€. 45.500,00

Convertitore digitale tecnologia Ring DAC
con DXD & DSD 2x e lettore di rete con telecomando
The dCS Vivaldi range redefines state of the
art in digital playback representing the pinnacle of our ‘no compromise’
approach to product design and setting a new standard for the future of digital
audio by delivering an unrivalled in-home musical experience.
Vivaldi DAC uses the latest groundbreaking technology from dCS including ‘next
generation versions of the dCS Ring DACTM, Digital Processing Platform and
Clocking System so that, as the hub of a digital audio system, an array of
features guarantee amazing performance from any digital source. The unique
design of the legendary dCS Ring DACTM combines exceptional linearity with very
high speed operation enabling it to deliver true 24 bit performance even at low
signal levels. The latest generation of our Ring DACTM incorporates a number of
important technical advances that have resulted in enhanced dynamic range,
reduced jitter, improved channel separation and greatly improved musical realism.
The powerful digital processing platform of Vivaldi DAC is based around Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chips and
microcontroller system. All of these use code developed and maintained in the UK
by dCS. Vivaldi DAC represents true state-of-the-art in digital audio by
offering twice the logic capacity of previous generations, emphasised by its
unmatched sonic and measured performance. dCS were pioneers in the use of
external clocks in digital audio systems and the redesigned multi-stage
Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) system used in Vivaldi DAC sets worldbeating standards
for accuracy and control of troublesome jitter from the incoming audio stream.
Vivaldi DAC features standard AES3, Dual AES, SDIF-2 and SPDIF inputs in
addition to an asynchronous USB 2.0 interface. The enhanced digital volume
control allows direct connection to a power amplifier so that in the majority of
systems there is no need for a separate preamplifier. Maximum output can be set
at either two or six volts to suit different amplifier and speaker combinations.
Featuring a completely new interface designed to handle all high resolution
musical formats up to DXD (24 bit data at 352.8 and 384kS/s) plus DSD, the
optimised DSP filters available to Vivaldi DAC owners will ensure you can
extract every last nuance of musical detail and emotion by tuning the system to
suit your personal preference. The dCS ‘soft' approach to programmable logic
makes it extremely easy for users to update Vivaldi DAC software, whether adding
new features, installing performance upgrades or adapting to changes in digital
formats. Used as a standalone DAC or as part of a complete Vivaldi digital
audio playback system Vivaldi DAC gives a performance of effortless realism each
and every time. type Digital-to-Analogue Converter finish options Silver or
Black dimensions 444mm/17.5" x 435mm/17.2" x 151mm/6.0" high. Allow extra depth
for cable connectors. Allow space for air flow around the unit. weight
16.2kg/35.65lbs CD mechanism N/A converter type dCS proprietary Ring DACTM
topology. analogue outputs Output Levels: 2V rms or 6V rms on all outputs for a
full-scale input, set in the menu. Balanced Outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x 3-pin
male XLR connectors (pin 2 = hot, pin 3 = cold) These outputs are electronically
balanced and floating, the signal balance ratio at 1kHz is better than 40dB,
output impedance is 3Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (a 10kΩ-100kΩ load is recommended).
Unbalanced Outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x RCA Phono connectors. Output
impedance is 52Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (a 10kΩ-100kΩ load is recommended).
digital I/O INPUTS USB 2.0 interface on a type B connector. Operates in
asynchronous mode, will accept streamed PCM data up to 24 bits at 44.1, 48,
88.2, 96, 176.4 & 192kS/s and DOP (DSD over PCM). Can operate in USB Audio Class
1 or Class 2 mode. 4x AES/EBU on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each will
accept up to 24 bit PCM at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 & 192kS/s & DOP OR 2x
Dual AES pairs at 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8 & 384kS/s or dCS-encrypted DSD &
DOP. 3x SPDIF on 2x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors. Each will accept up to 24
bit PCM at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 & 192kS/s or DOP. 1x SPDIF optical on a
Toslink connector, will accept up to 24 bit PCM at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2 & 96kS/s.
1x SDIF-2 interface on 2x BNC connectors, will accept up to 24 bit PCM at 32,
44.1, 48, 88.2 & 96kS/s or SDIF-2 DSD (auto-selected). If the unit is not in
Master mode, this interface requires a compatible Word Clock input, locked to
the data rate. word clock I/O INPUT 3x Word Clock inputs on 3x BNC connector,
accept standard Word Clock at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kHz. The data
rate can be the same as the clock rate or an exact multiple (0.125x, 0.25x,
0.5x, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x) of the clock rate. Sensitive to TTL levels. OUTPUT
Word Clock output on 1x BNC connector. In Master mode, a TTL-compatible 44.1kHz
Word Clock is available. clock frequencies 44.1kHz in Master Mode. Calibrated
within +/-10ppm, not temperature compensated. residual noise Better than
-113dB0 @ 20Hz-20kHz unweighted (6V Setting). spurious responses Better than
-115dB0, 20-20kHz. filters Better than -105dB0 @ 20-20kHz. software updates
Loaded from CD-R or via USB interface. software version 1.0 local control dCS
Premium Remote is supplied as standard. RS232 (controlled by a third party
device). A dCS-programmed Nevo Q50 is available for the Vivaldi range as an
optional extra. power supply Factory set for 100, 115, 220 or 230V AC, 49-62Hz.
power consumption 23 Watts typical/30 Watts maximum

Listino ufficiale
€. 36.300,00

Lettore CD con DAC DXD & DSD 2x e lettore
di rete e telecomando
The new dCS Rossini Player makes superlative
sounding music from a wide range of digital sources, simply integrating your
digital music and setting the performance standard for digital playback. This
single-box digital music player features the legendary dCS Ring DACTM and signal
processing platform, plus a custom high performance UPnP music streamer and CD
transport. Rossini plays music through an array of industry-standard USB, AES
and S/PDIF digital inputs, and can stream over Ethernet from a NAS drive or
online music services such as TIDALTM, SpotifyTM and DeezerTM, and from Apple
devices via AirplayTM. An integral disc transport mechanism is fitted for
Compact Disc playback. Designed for flexibility and ease of use without
compromise, Rossini uses the very latest dCS Digital Processing Platform and
Ring DACTM technology, originally developed for the flagship Vivaldi series. Its
single FPGA brings improved signal processing and superior flexibility,
effectively making it future-proof. Rossini Player has a powerful new user
interface, plus a custom control app that lets listeners manage their music
playback from any source in an elegantly simple way – accessing CD playback,
music streaming services, digital and UPnP sources from one control point. The
Rossini app also features an intuitive install and configuration wizard for ease
of set-up. Featuring DXD upsampling as standard, the multi-stage oversampling
design offers optional DSD upsampling plus an extensive selection of DSP filters
to suit individual taste and music choice. The network streaming functionality
within Rossini Player is unparalleled in its processing power and jitter
performance, and currently runs at up to 24-bit, 384kS/s and DSD128, supporting
all major lossless codecs, plus DSD in DoP format and native DSD. The Rossini
Player’s CD mechanism does not support SACD, but SACD data can be played via
Dual AES output from dCS Vivaldi, Scarlatti or Paganini Transports. Rossini
supports the simple yet highly effective dCS ‘auto clocking’ architecture as
used in Vivaldi, which minimises jitter and improves sound quality significantly.
Designed and made in Great Britain to the highest standards, Rossini’s elegant
chassis uses aerospace-grade machined aluminium with internal acoustic damping
panels to reduce sound-degrading mechanical vibration and magnetic effects.
Multi-stage power regulation is employed, with twin mains transformers to
isolate the analogue, digital and clock circuitry. As with all dCS products,
Rossini’s firmware can be easily updated via CD, USB or the new automated
download and update facility. This lets dCS add new features and improve the
performance of Rossini over its lifetime. When listening to digital music
through a Rossini system, listeners are immediately struck by its natural
musicality and faithfulness to the original recording. It delivers a powerful
and visceral sound yet is highly transparent too, making for an immersive and
realistic listening experience.Technical Specifications Type Upsampling CD/Network
Player. Colour Silver or Black. Dimensions 444mm/17.5” x 435mm/17.2” x
151mm/6.0”. Allow extra depth for cable connectors. Weight 17.4kg/38.3lbs.
Converter Type dCS proprietary Ring DACTM topology. Digital Inputs Network
interface on an RJ45 connector–Acts as a UPnPTM renderer in Asynchronous mode,
streaming digital music from a NAS or local computer over a standard Ethernet
network, decoding all major lossless formats including FLAC, WAV & AIFF at up to
24 bit 384kS/s native sample rate, plus DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DFF/DSF format.
Other supported formats include WMA, ALAC, MP3, AAC & OGG. Some formats are
limited to lower sample rates. Accepts data streamed from an iPod, iPhone
or iPad via Apple AirPlay, 44.1 or 48kS/s only. Network Loop Out connector
on a second RJ45 connector. USB 2.0 interface on a B-type connector
operating in Asynchronous mode, will accept up to 24 bit PCM at up to 384kS/s
plus DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DoP format. Operates in Class 1 or 2 mode.
USB-on-the-go interface on type A connector operating in Asynchronous mode,
streams digital music from a flash drive at up to 24 bit 384kS/s plus DSD/64 or
DSD/128. 2x AES/EBU on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each will accept PCM
at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/64 in DoP format. Used as a Dual AES pair, it
will accept PCM at up to 384kS/s, DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DoP format or
dCS-encrypted DSD. 2x SPDIF on 1x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors.
Each will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/64 in DoP format. 1x SPDIF
optical on a Toslink connector will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 96kS/s. Mechanism
Stream Unlimited JPL-2800 SilverStrike with aluminium tray. Analogue Outputs
Output levels: 2V or 6V rms for full-scale input, set in the menu.
Balanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x 3-pin XLR male connectors (pin 2 = hot,
pin 3 = cold). These outputs are electronically balanced and floating.
Output impedance is 3Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended).
Unbalanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x RCA phono connectors. Output impedance
is 52Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended). Wordclock I/O 2x Word
Clock Inputs on 2x BNC connectors, accept standard word clock at 44.1, 48, 88.2,
96, 176.4 or 192kHz. The data rate can be the same as the clock rate or an exact
multiple of the clock rate. Sensitive to TTL levels. Word Clock Output on 1x BNC
connector. In Master mode, a TTL-compatible word clock appears on this output.
Residual Noise 16-bit data: Better than -96dB0, 20Hz-20kHz unweighted. 24-bit
data: Better than -113dB0, 20Hz-20kHz unweighted. (6V output setting). L R
Crosstalk Better than -115dB0, 20Hz-20kHz. Spurious Responses Better than
-105dB0, 20Hz-20kHz. Filters PCM mode: up to 6 filters give different trade-offs
between the Nyquist image rejection and the phase response. DSD mode: 4 filters
progressively reduce out-of-audio band noise level. Upsampling Rates DXD as
standard or optional DSD upsampling. Software Updates Loaded directly CD-R or
via PCM digital inputs or PC via USB input. Download and update functionality
available via Rossini App. Local Control dCS Rossini App for Unit Configuration
and Music Playback. RS232 interface (controlled by a 3rd party automation
system). IR remote control – dCS premium remote control available as an optional
extra. Power Supply Factory set to either 100, 115/120, 220 or 230/240V AC,
50-60Hz. Power Consumption 26 Watts typical / 35 Watts maximum. Operating
Systems Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10, Mac OSX 10.10. dCS USB driver is required
for Windows in Audio Class 2 Mode.


Lettore SACD/CD
con DAC DXD & DSD 2x con upsampler, lettore di rete e telecomando
Vivaldi Transport is designed to extract
revelatory levels of detail from both CD and SACD and is the ultimate machine
for silver disc replay. All signal processing in Vivaldi Transport is
proprietary to dCS. Vivaldi Transport uses the TEAC Esoteric VRDS Neo™ mechanism
which employs super-rigid construction and a brushless motor with heavy flywheel
for stable disc rotation. To enhance the purity of the power supply and isolate
the mechanism from the electronics, Vivaldi Transport features a completely new
chassis design that has separate power circuits for the digital processing and
CD/SACD mechanism sections. This gives near-silent operation. Vivaldi Transport
features a Dual AES output that supports encrypted DSD (1-bit data at 2.822MS/s)
to a dCS DAC from CD or SACD. Vivaldi Transport also offers the option of
upsampling CD data to DXD (24-bit data at 352.8kS/s) or DSD/128 (1-bit data t
5.644MS/s) and transmitting this data over the same Dual AES interface. SACDs
are played in their native DSD format, again using the Dual AES interface.
Native CD data is available from 4 PCM outputs (1x AES/EBU, 2x S/PDIF and 1x
SDIF-2), as is downsampled SACD data. Vivaldi Transport can be used with the
matching Vivaldi DAC or with any suitable industry-standard DAC. The unit may be
run either in Master mode or with the DAC as the system clock. Performance will
be enhanced further by adding a Vivaldi Clock to the system. The dCS ‘soft’
approach to programmable logic makes it extremely easy for users to update
Vivaldi Transport software, whether adding new features, installing performance
upgrades or adapting to changes in digital formats. Used as part of a complete
Vivaldi digital audio playback system, the Vivaldi Transport gives a performance
of effortless realism each and every time.

Listino ufficiale
€. 48.900,00

Meccanica SACD/CD di riferimento assoluto
Vivaldi Transport is
designed to extract revelatory levels of detail from both CD
and SACD and is the ultimate machine for silver disc replay.
All signal processing in Vivaldi Transport is controlled by
electronics designed by dCS. It uses the TEAC Esoteric VRDS
Neo™ mechanism which provides a brushless motor with heavy
flywheel for stable disc rotation and super rigid
construction. The powerful digital processing platform
of Vivaldi Transport is based around Field Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA) chips, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chips
and a microcontroller system. All of these use code
developed and maintained in-house by dCS. Vivaldi
Transport represents true state-of-the-art in digital audio
by offering twice the logic capacity of previous generations,
delivering unmatched sonic and measured performance.
In order to enhance the cleanness of the power supply and
isolate the mechanism from the electronics Vivaldi Transport
features a completely new chassis design that has separate
power circuits for the digital processing and CD/SACD
mechanism sections. This has resulted in near silent
operation. Vivaldi Transport features a Dual AES
output that supports dCS-encrypted DSD (1 bit data at
2.822MS/s) to a dCS DAC from SACD. Vivaldi Transport also
offers the option of upsampling CD data to DXD (24 bit data
at 352.8kS/s) and transmitting this data over the same Dual
AES interface. SACDs are played in their native DSD format,
again using the Dual AES interface. Native CD data is
available from 4 PCM outputs (1x AES/EBU and 2x SPDIF, 1x
SDIF-2), as is down-sampled SACD data. Vivaldi
Transport is intended to be used with the matching Vivaldi
DAC or with any suitable industry standard DAC. The unit may
be run either in Master mode or with the DAC as the system
clock. Performance will be enhanced further by adding
Vivaldi Clock to the system. The dCS ‘soft’ approach
to programmable logic makes it extremely easy for users to
update Vivaldi Transport software, whether adding new
features, installing performance upgrades or adapting to
changes in digital formats. Used as part of a complete
Vivaldi digital audio playback system Vivaldi Transport
gives a performance of effortless realism each and every
time.type Upsampling CD/SACD
Transport finish options Silver or Black dimensions
444mm/17.5” x 435mm/17.2” x 196mm/7.8”. Allow extra depth
for cable connectors. weight 23.2kg/51.1lbs. CD mechanism
Dual laser CD/SACD mechanism (TEAC VRDS NEO™ VMK3).
converter type N/A analogue outputs N/A digital I/O 1x Dual
AES interface on 2x 3-pin male XLR connectors, outputs
dCS-encrypted DSD data, whether a CD or SACD is playing. A
menu setting changes the format to DXD (24/352.8) when a CD
is playing. 1x AES/EBU on 3-pin male XLR connector, outputs
CD format data (16 bits at 44.1kS/s), whether a CD or SACD
is playing. 2x SPDIF on 1x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors.
Each outputs CD format data, whether a CD or SACD is playing.
1x SDIF-2 interface on 2x BNC connectors, outputs CD format
data, whether a CD or SACD is playing. word clock I/O Word
Clock output on 1x BNC connector. With the Transport in
Master mode, a TTL-compatible 44.1kHz Word Clock derived
from the internal crystal oscillator is available on this
output. The calibration accuracy when shipped is +/-10ppm,
not temperature compensated. Word Clock input on 1x
BNC connector, accepts standard Word Clock at 44.1, 88.2 or
176.4kHz. Sensitive to TTL levels. clock frequencies N/A
residual noise N/A spurious responses N/A filters N/A
software updates Updates are loaded directly from CD-R.
software version 1.0 local control dCS Premium Remote
handset is supplied with Vivaldi DAC. RS232 (controlled
by a third party device). dCS-programmed Nevo Q50 Remote
handset is available for the Vivaldi range as an optional
extra. power supply Factory set for 100, 115, 220 or 230V AC,
49-62Hz. power consumption 28 Watts typical/40 Watts maximum.
Listino ufficiale
€. 27.700,00

Meccanica SACD/CD con

Listino ufficiale
€. 32.500,00

Convertitore digitale a digitale con lettore
di rete aggiornato alla versione 2.0
The dCS Vivaldi range redefines state of
the art in digital playback and represents the pinnacle of our ‘no compromise’
approach to product design, setting a new standard for the future of digital
audio by delivering an unrivalled in-home musical experience. Vivaldi Upsampler
is designed to act as the hub of a digital audio system and will transform your
listening experience, taking your music collection to levels you have not heard
before. Operating as a digital-to-digital converter Vivaldi Upsampler
accesses music from any digital source and converts the audio from its native
sample rate to either high resolution DXD (24 bit data at 352.8 or 384 kS/s),
DSD (1 bit data at 2.822 or 3.07MS/s) or standard high resolution PCM (24 bit
data up to 192kS/s). The results gained from Vivaldi Upsampler are extraordinary
– a more vibrant, 3-dimensional, transparent and effortless performance.
Vivaldi Upsampler features a wired network connection and can stream high
resolution audio files stored on a computer or on network storage via UPnP™. The
additional asynchronous USB input on Vivaldi Upsampler also allows direct
connection of a PC and supports high resolution audio up to and including
192kS/s or DSD over PCM (DOP). The USB interfaces runs in Asynchronous USB mode,
which makes Vivaldi Upsampler immune to jitter from the typical computer’s noisy
clock. Vivaldi Upsampler is Apple Authenticated and supports playback of iPod/iPhone-stored
digital media, bypassing the iPod/iPhone internal DAC to ensure optimal
performance. USB memory hardware is also supported. An array of
independently selectable digital inputs (RJ45, USB, AES, SPDIF, SDIF-2, Toslink)
completes the versatility of this powerful machine and elevates the performance
of Red Book CD from CD Players or high resolution audio from digital streamers
to a previously unsurpassed level. dCS were pioneers in the use of
external clocks in digital audio systems and the redesigned multi-stage
Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) system used in Vivaldi Upsampler sets world-beating
standards for accuracy and control of troublesome jitter from the incoming audio
stream. Control of such a versatile product is extremely simple with the
user having the choice of using the full colour front panel menu, Vivaldi
Controller App or the premium dCS remote control. The Vivaldi Controller App
also allows users to change DAC inputs and volume, simplifying the control
experience further. The dCS ‘soft’ approach to programmable logic makes it
extremely easy for users to update Vivaldi Upsampler software, whether adding
new features, installing performance upgrades or adapting to changes in digital
formats. Used as part of a complete Vivaldi digital audio playback system
Vivaldi Upsampler gives a performance of effortless realism each and every time
type Digital-to-Digital Converter. finish options Silver or
Black dimensions 444mm/17.5" x 435mm/17.2" x 125mm/5.0". Allow extra depth for
cable connectors. Allow space for air flow around the unit. weight 14.2
kg/31.3lbs. CD mechanism N/A converter type N/A analogue outputs N/A digital I/O
INPUTS Network interface on an RJ45 connector - Acts as UPnPTM renderer and
streams digital music from a NAS or local computer over a standard Ethernet
network, decoding all major lossless formats including FLAC, WAV, AIFF, WMA up
to 24 bit 192kS/s native sample rate. Other supported file formats include ALAC,
MP3, M4a, AAC and OGG. Note: Some formats are limited to lower sample rates.
USB 2.0 interface on a type B connector. Operates in Asynchronous USB mode,
Audio Class 1 or Class 2. Class 2 mode will accept up to 24 bit PCM at 44.1, 48,
88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kS/s and DSD in DOP format. USB-on-the-go interface on
A-type connector, streams audio files from a USB flash drive or iPod/iPhone.
Will accept up to 24 bit PCM at 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kS/s. Operates
in asynchronous USB mode. AES3 on a 3-pin female XLR connector. 4x SPDIF
on 2x RCA Phono, 1x BNC connectors and 1x TosLink optical connector. 1x SDIF-2
PCM interface on 2x BNC connectors + Word Clock. All electrical digital
inputs will accept PCM data at up to 24 bit PCM at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4
or 192kS/s. The Toslink input and SDIF-2 interface are limited to a
maximum of 96kS/s. OUTPUTS 2x AES3 on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each
outputs 24 bit PCM at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96kS/s, 176.4, or 192kS/s or DOP.
OR as a Dual AES pair at 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8 or 384kS/s or dCS-encrypted
DSD or DOP. 2x SPDIF on RCA Phono and BNC connectors. Each outputs 24 bit PCM at
32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kS/s or DOP. word clock I/O Word Clock
input on 2x BNC connector. Accepts standard Word Clock at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2,
96, 176.4 or 192kHz. Sensitive to TTL levels. Word Clock output on 1x BNC
connector. Outputs standard Word Clock at a frequency equal to the single wire)
output data rate, or 44.1kHz when set to output DSD.clock frequencies N/A
residual noise N/A spurious responses Better than -100dB0 @ 20Hz-20kHz for Fs>
32kS/s, 20Hz-14kHz for 32kS/s. filters A choice of filter responses give
different trade offs between Nyquist image rejection and the phase response.
software updates Loaded from CD-R via PCM audio input or via USB. software
version 1.0 local control dCS Premium Remote handset is supplied with Vivaldi
DAC. RS232 (controlled by a third party device). dCS-programmed Nevo Q50 or the
Premium Remote are available as an optional extra. Vivaldi Controller App
available for iOS, Android, Mac OSX & Windows. power supply Factory set for 100,
115, 220 or 230V AC, 49-62Hz. power consumption 15 Watts typical/18 Watts

Listino ufficiale
€. 11.000,00

master clock
Listino ufficiale
€. 11.600,00

Master Clock con 3
uscite BNC 44.1kHz (e multipli), 48kHz (e multipli) e variabile
new dCS Rossini range makes superlative sounding music from a wide range of
digital sources, simply integrating your digital music and setting the
performance standard for digital playback. Rossini Master Clock is a simple to
use Grade 1 master clock, based on our pioneering developments in studio and
home audio. Featuring three separate clock outputs capable of outputting
different frequencies, Rossini Master Clock allows Rossini DAC or Player users
to benefit from the auto clocking mode in Rossini and optimise audio from
various digital sources in a simple, fuss free way. In a digital audio system,
samples must be accurately transferred at the correct time. Instability in the
sample timing is called jitter – this exists in all digital systems. Severe
jitter results in timing errors in the delivery of data to the DAC, causing the
analogue signal to be reconstructed inaccurately. In a dCS system, the DAC can
act as the system master clock, but listening tests have shown that there is no
substitute for a high quality, dedicated master clock. dCS pioneered the use of
external clocks in digital audio systems. Our clocking technology has been
continually refined so that our latest multi-stage Phase-Locked- Loop (PLL)
system sets world-beating standards for accuracy and control of troublesome
jitter from the incoming audio stream. All dCS Master Clocks are subjected to
rigorous in-house testing. The crystal oscillators are pre-aged, selected for
long term stability and then individually calibrated over a wide temperature
range to ensure consistent optimal performance. Rossini Master Clock uses a
sophisticated microcontroller system to ensure smooth frequency correction as
the temperature changes, and this approach gives a more stable result than
either oven-controlled crystal oscillators or even atomic clocks. All dCS Master
Clocks are designed to generate industry-standard Word Clock over a 75 ohm
coaxial cable. Other manufacturers’ equipment that has been designed to accept
standard Word Clock can be used with our clocks. When listening to digital music
through a Rossini system, Rossini Master Clock improves on an already
spectacular sound and takes it into an entirely new domain. Listeners are
immediately struck by its natural musicality and faithfulness to the original
recording. It delivers a powerful and visceral sound yet is highly transparent
too, making for an immersive and realistic listening experience.Technical
Specifications Type Class 1 Master Clock. Clock Frequencies 44.1kHz or 48kHz.
Colour Silver or Black. Dimensions 444mm/17.5” x 435mm/17.2” x 64mm/2.6”. Allow
extra depth for cable connectors. Weight 8.3kg/18.3lbs. Clock Accuracy Better
than +/-1ppm when shipped, over an ambient temperature range of 10°C to 30°C.
Typically +/-0.1ppm when shipped and stabilised. Wordclock I/O 3 independently
buffered outputs on 75Ω BNC connectors. Output 1: fixed at 44.1kHz Output 2:
fixed at 48kHz Output 3: 44.1kHz, RS232 controllable. Startup Time Typically 1
minute to rated accuracy. Local Control RS232 (limited to Power and Clock 3
output frequency). Power Supply Factory set to either 100, 115/120, 220 or
230/240V AC, 50-60Hz. Power Consumption 3 Watts typical / 4 Watts maximum.

Listino ufficiale
€. 24.400,00

Master Clock is a powerful yet simple to use Grade 1 master clock based on our
pioneering developments in studio and home audio. Featuring two banks of clock
outputs capable of outputting different frequencies, Vivaldi Master Clock uses
the latest groundbreaking technology from dCS. In a digital audio system,
samples must be accurate in level and time but jitter, which exists in all
digital systems, can result in timing errors in these samples, causing the
analogue signal to be reconstructed inaccurately.In a dCS system, the DAC can
act as the system master clock, but listening tests have shown that there is no
substitute for a dedicated high quality master clock. dCS pioneered the use of
external clocks in digital audio systems and this clocking technology has been
continually refined so that our latest multi-stage Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL)
system sets world-beating standards for accuracy and control of troublesome
jitter from the incoming audio stream. All dCS Master Clocks are subjected to
rigorous in-house testing. The crystal oscillators are pre-aged and selected for
long term stability and then individually calibrated over a wide temperature
range to ensure consistent optimal performance. Vivaldi Master Clock uses a
sophisticated microcontroller system to ensure smooth correction as the
temperature changes, and this approach gives a more stable result than either
oven-controlled crystal oscillators or even atomic clocks. All dCS master clocks
are designed to generate industry-standard Word Clock on 75 ohm coaxial cable.
Other manufacturers’ equipment that has been designed to accept standard Word
Clock can be used with our clocks. Vivaldi Master Clock may be slaved to an
external reference (such as an atomic clock or GPS reference) if increased
accuracy is desired. Our sophisticated multi-mode Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL)
significantly reduces jitter from the reference source. The dCS ‘soft’ approach
to programmable logic allows the user to easily update Vivaldi Master Clock
software, whether this is to add new features, improve performance or adapt to
changes in digital formats. Used as part of the Vivaldi digital audio playback
system, Vivaldi Master Clock improves on an already spectacular sound and takes
it into an entirely new domain. With a clock added to a dCS system, images snap
into sharper focus and the music displays a substantially greater sense of
authority and power, as well as offering noticeably superior resolution of
detail.SpecificationTechnical Specifications Type Class 1 Master Clock. Clock
Frequencies 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kHz. Colour Silver or Black.
Dimensions 444mm/17.5” x 435mm/17.2” x 126mm/5.0”. Allow extra depth for cable
connectors. Weight 13.6kg/29.9lbs. Clock Accuracy Better than +/-1ppm when
shipped. Typically +/-0.1ppm when shipped and stabilised. Wordclock I/O Two
groups of 4 independently buffered outputs on 75Ω BNC connectors. Each group may
be set to a different clock frequency Digital Inputs External Reference Input on
1x 75Ω BNC connector. Accepts either Word Clock or AC coupled signals at 1MHz,
5MHz & 10MHz. Lock range is +/-300ppm. Startup Time Typically 1 minute to rated
accuracy Software Updates Loaded from CD-R or PC / Upsampler via Reference
Input. Local Control dCS Premium Remote handset is supplied with Vivaldi DAC.
RS232 (controlled by a third party device). Power Supply Factory set for 100,
115, 220 or 230V AC, 50-60Hz. Power Consumption 10 Watts typical/12 Watts

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