"Comunicato di Tim De
"Desidero spiegare ai nostri clienti che noi facciamo tutto rigorosamente a mano
con una cura pari alla costruzione di un violino o di un violoncello. Gli EAR
912 come il CD e il nuovo 868 sono costruiti da me personalmente mentre i
trasformatori sono fatti dai miei collaboratori sotto le mie precise ed accurate
istruzioni. La costruzione di un EAR 912 necessita approssimativamente di un
tempo 5 volte superiore a quello necessario per la costruzione di un EAR 864. Mi
auguro quindi che i clienti capiscano che valga la pena aspettare per poi poter
usufruire di vera musica" Grazie e buon ascolto Tim De Paravicini.Tim de
Paravicini è uno dei più grandi progettisti ed ingegneri del suono del mondo,
insomma una vera e propria leggenda del settore. Per chi non dovesse conoscerlo,
farò una piccola cronologia della sua eccellente carriera. Dal 1965 Tim è
coinvolto nel design e nella progettazione personalizzata di apparecchiature per
complessi di rock & roll di artisti del calibro di George Harrison, Ry Cooder e
Pink Floyd!!! che lo portarono ad essere scelto come collaboratore nelle
registrazioni . Ciò che rese famoso Tim de Paravicini, e che lo portò ad entrare
nell'olimpo dei progettisti di hi fi, fu la sua dedizione alla sperimentazione
con risultati precisi e dimostrabili, e qui i vecchi appassionati di hi fi
dovrebbero ricordare, con la realizzazione del XXAE XXB: due amplificatori,
circuitalmente identici, dei quali il primo facente uso di triodi , quindi con
progettazione valvolare, il secondo facente uso di transistors bipolari, quindi
con progettazione stato solido. Con questi due oggetti, de Paravicini volle
dimostrare la sua capacità nell’ utilizzare entrambe le tecnologie e volle anche
dimostrare che i due oggetti portavano ad identici risultati sonici!!! Questo
creò molto scalpore e scompiglio nel mondo dell'hi fi!!! Un impulso ulteriore al
suo genio inventivo l'ha ricevuto quando si è spostato in Sud Africa
dall'Inghilterra dove ha prodotto il primo amplificatore professionale venduto
con il nome "de Paravicini". E' in occasione dell'incontro con la Luxman
Corporation che, nel 1972, viene invitato ad Osaka, in Giappone, dove gli fu
offerto di lavorare come designer audio. Da questa nuova sinergia venne alla
luce il famoso preamplificatore e amplificatore di potenza C 1000/M6000. Nel
1976 Tim rientra in Inghilterra e lavora inizialmente con ALBARadio Corporation
e la Tangent Loudspeakers e collabora con la famosa ditta inglese Michaelson &
Austin. Nell'arco di un anno fonda l' Esoteric Audio Research Ltd e
commercializza l'EAR 509: 100 Watt di amplificatori monofonici a valvole.
Sviluppa un circuito di interfaccia a valvole chiamato "Balanced Bridge Mode",
una modalità bilanciata a ponte dove gli elettrodi hanno trasformatori in uscita
in tredici sezioni a doppio avvolgimento. Inoltre, caratteristica degli
amplificatori Paravicini è di essere privi di feedback complessivo. Tecnicamente
questo amplificatore ha dato prova in laboratorio di rendere come un transistor
con un' ampiezza di banda passante di 9-85.000 Hz a -3db. Negli ultimi 30_anni,
dal 1976 ad oggi, Tim ha realizzato un ampio catalogo di convertitori sia
analogici che digitali (per la masterizzazione di CD) oltre a componenti
personalizzati dedicati alla registrazione per artisti famosi. Basandosi sul
classico circuito EAR509, nel 1985 ha introdotto un nuovo sistema che ottiene
una maggiore dinamica con un segnale/rumore di 65db che avvicina la qualità
sonora a quella dei nastri master. Solo per citarne alcuni ,ha prodotto
l'entusiasmante Al, la cui unica concessione è quella di lavorare a 10 Watt in
uscita in pura classe A, l'A 470/370, il p270, il CD T, etc. Attualmente, in
Europa, vediamo rinascere l'interesse per l'amplificazione a valvole e molte
ditte emergenti senza una solida conoscenza nel campo della progettazione e
realizzazione hanno cercato di imitare i prodotti di Tim senza le necessarie
competenze: il risultato è un suono povero, privo di ampiezza e con problemi
evidenti di distorsione nelle seconde armoniche. L'attenta progettazione
proiettata verso innovazioni migliorative non lascia dubbi: ad un ascolto
attento i prodotti EAR non temono confronti. In breve tempo la EAR è riuscita a
farsi un nome tra gli appassionati di valvole, creando quella sorta di mistero e
leggenda che si cela dietro il suo progettista
There are very few modern
designers in the audio field who can claim as much as de Paravicini. No aspect
of the recording and reproduction chain has been left untouched, no aspect of
circuit design not further researched and developed. As early as 1965 Tim was
involved in custom design work for rock and roll bands; manufacturing his own
public address equipment, and modifying existing studio equipment to realise
even greater potential. A move to South Africa from England saw a further
development of his own unique design genius, and the launch of his own
professional amplifier product, sold simply as “de Paravicini”. While working in
South Africa, Tim had a chance meeting with representatives of the Lux
Corporation, and in 1972 was invited back to Osaka, Japan, and offered a job as
audio designer. Tim soon put together some very interesting designs for Lux,
including the remarkable C1000/M6000 pre/power amplifier combination. One of his
own favourite designs from this period was the Luxman 3045 tube mono block. At
the time, this was the only mono block design available in the audio field, and
backed up de Paravicini’s preference for locating the power amplifiers close to
the loudspeakers. Tim also designed the actual output tube for this amplifier,
the 8045 power tube. As always with his designs, the output transformer was a
custom de Paravicini design. In 1976 de Paravicini returned to England, and very
quickly made an impact as a design consultant, initially working with the ALBA
Radio Corporation, and Tangent Loudspeakers. Tim was also responsible for the
later ranges of Michealson and Austin tube amplifiers, including the TVA10 and
M200 mono blocks. Within a year, he had set up Esoteric Audio Research Ltd., and
was marketing the remarkable EAR 509 100 watt professional tube mono block power
amplifiers. He developed a unique output transformer/tube interface circuit
called “balanced bridge mode”, in which all the electrodes (except the control
grids) have their own separate windings on the thirteen-section, biflar wound,
output transformer. In addition, the amplifier has no overall feedback,
something of a de Paravicini trade mark. Technically this amplifier proved that
tubes are capable of performing equally as well as transistors in a laboratory,
with a specification that included a power bandwidth of 9-85,000 Hz, -3dB, and
also proved that tubes are capable of better things than the “retro” sound some
manufacturers look for. Subjectively the 509 amplifiers were a big hit. Although
aimed at the professional market, several Hi-Fi magazines picked up on the 509’ss,
and compared them to the then State of the Art domestic High End equipment. The
fact the 509 beat all of the competition at the time helps explain why the 509
is still in production today. the 509 was designed by de Paravicini to have no
sound; trying to sum up the 509 is hard, it does not offer the warm
‘comfortable’ tonal quality which so often mark most tube amplifiers out. They
are remarkably clear, transparent, with firm realistic bass, effortless top end,
detailed and very alive. In the twenty years since 1976, Tim has designed a
mammoth catalogue of Hi-Fi and Studio components, both for Esoteric Audio
Research and for other domestic audio companies. Currently the ‘E.A.R.@
professional product range includes a tube capacitor microphone, built with a
rectangular gold spluttered capsule. A design which easily betters the classic
European designs. Tube microphone preamplifiers, tube equalisers, record cutting
systems, analogue to digital converters (for CD mastering) plus custom
components and servicing for some of the Worlds most famous recording artists.
His is most famous in the studio industry for the stunning analogue tube master
tape recorders. These units have very special custom designed heads, and are
capable of digital levels of signal to noise ratio, with a bandwidth in excess
of 8Hz to 80,000Hz! Work for the recording industry has brought critical acclaim.
On the ‘Waterlily’ label, “A Meeting by the River” received a prestigious
‘Grammy’ award for its sound quality. This was a mid/side technique recording
using a pair of crossed microphones. Waterlily’s microphones, preamplifiers,
analogue master recorder and A/D converter were all built and designed by Tim.
In 1985, de Paravicini introduced his new record cutting system. Now installed
at ‘The Exchange’ in the heart of London, (originally Island Records ‘Sound
Clinic’ facility). This is phase corrected, and uses in excess of 1,000 watts of
tube audio power, based on the classic EAR 509 circuit. The cutter head is again,
a custom design, and is capable of cutting deeper, wider grooves than any other
system. The result is higher dynamics, with a true signal to noise ratio in
excess of 65 dB from records pressed off a master cut on this system. It is
truly as close to the original master tape as it is physically possible to get.
Throughout the past twenty years, Tim has worked with many different
manufacturers. For London based Musical Fidelity, Tim designed the amazing A1,
taking the concept of a cut down ‘High End’ audiophile amplifier, the only
compromise being the 10 watts output, albeit pure class ‘A’. Other products
designed for ‘M.F.’ include the A470/370, P270, Digilog, CD-T, etc. More
recently in Europe, the ‘Tube Scene’ in domestic audio has really taken off. A
lot of European manufacturers have stolen both older European designs, and
designs from Japanese magazines and journals. Most of these amplifiers are very
poor sounding, and terribly unreliable. These manufacturers neither understand
the designs or how to build them. They use the reputation of tubes to sell their
poor, none original product. De Paravicini’s answer to these companies, was the
award winning EAR 859 amplifier. His all new Enhanced Triode Mode circuit
bettering the performance of directly heated triodes designs. It provided the
public with a real design, from a professional maker. The EAR 834P phono stage
was also introduced, and similar to the ‘859 has proved very popular, offering
un-rivalled performance per dollar. The particular speciality being the stunning
Moving Coil stage transformers - transformer design being one of Tim de
Paravicini’s fortes - unlike most manufacturers, who just buy in ‘off-the-peg’
transformer designs or just specify the most basic requirement to an outside
supplier. All EAR amplifiers are truly original, including the custom
transformer, metal work, circuit printed cicuit board. All the work of Tim de
Paravicini. Tim de Paravicini works by a simple premises: If he designs it, it
must be a better design than anything else, or he will not manufacture it. His
sole goal is taking audio to the furthest possible point of development. Current
research is taking him further along this path than any single competitor.

Listino ufficiale
€. 6.600,00

EAR 834 Amplificatore
integrato con uscita pre per bi-aplificazione 50 W valvole: 2 X ECC83, 2 X
ECC85, EL34
Yoshinos latest model, the 834T
is the companys first solid-state Hybrid Integrated amplifier. It draws both on
the original all-valve 834 and the spectacular M100 transistor mono-block power
amps, and in true EAR style breaks definitively with convention. Backed by
designer Tim de Paravicinis unrivalled expertise in audio transformers, the 834T
offers 100W of transformer-coupled MOSFET power per channel. A valve-like output
configuration gives the noted virtues of valve sound together with bullet-proof
stability and reliability not always associated with MOSFETs. Input stages use
both valves and transistors, drawing on the unique strengths of each to make
this one of the most sophisticated-sounding amps in its class and fully
realising the traditional EAR/Yoshino virtues of transparency, complete
assurance and, quite simply, accuracy. 6 line-level inputs and tape output
complete the specification, with the utter simplicity of two controls making a
welcome contrast to the trend for over-complicated user interfaces. What more
could you want? 50 Watts/Channel · Eight EL34s · Two ECC85 Valves · Two ECC83
Valves · Five Analogue inputs (RCA) · Chrome Facia with gold or chrome

Listino ufficiale
€. 6.990,00

EAR 869 Amplificatore
integrato/Finale 15 W a valvole in pura classe “A” a triodo: 2X EL509/519, 3 X
Tim de Paravicini has been
credited by many with starting the valve renaissance in England. Tim, who has
worked around all corners of the globe, has unique ideas and designs, are a ''clean
sheet'' break from the designs of old. Too many of his competitors use old,
tired designs to flavour the sound, and do not seek to advance the state of the
art. The EAR 859 was designed to be ''the best'' Single-Ended Triode amplifier
on the market. Tim as always, was keen to cut a new path through the forest and
ignored the week and vulnerable, inferior and obsolete direct heated triodes (such
as the 300B). He based his design on his favorite valve, the 6KG6/EL519,
developing a new operating mode called Enhanced Triode Mode, or ETM for short.
This revolutionary new circuit cleverly tied the control grid (G1) to the
cathode, removing the potential difference between the two, and fed the control
signal into the screen grid (G2). This gave better, more linear results than
directly heated triodes, with the added advantages of high anode power rating,
good valve availability and maximum reliability. This was put together in a
DC-connected, low feedback pure Class ''A'' circuit, that automatically
compensates for valve spread, maintaining excellent, reliable, sound quality for
an extended period of time. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the
EAR 859 does not disappoint. It has that unique valve sound, but without the
usual single-ended ''mush''. All of Tim de Paravicini�s designs bear the
influence of his experience designing and using professional products, and this
clearly shows. Hi-fi reviewers around the world have acclaimed the EAR 859 as,
to quote one South African Magazine, ''The finest Integrated Valve Amp we have
ever heard.'' In England, Ken Kessler of Hi-Fi News summed up his review by
saying ''yes, yes, yes, yes,'' and even in Japan, the world's most diverse and
intense market, the '859 has won critical acclaim from Japan's most prestigious
hi-fi magazine ''Stereo Sound''. It was honoured so highly as to be nominated
for the ''Component of the Year'' (COTY) award, and was highly commended; an
outstanding achievement for a 13 watt single-ended valve amplifier

Listino ufficiale
€. 6.990,00

EAR 8L6 Amplificatore
Integrato a valvole con uscita pre per bi-aplificazione 50 W 2 X ECC83, 2 X
ECC85, 8 X 8L6
The EAR 8L6 has been designed to
meet a wide variety of needs, from the most demanding of audiophiles to the
professional seeking high quality monitoring equipment in the studio field. The
circuit design uses push-pull output and driver stages, a high quality
in-house-designed output transformer and low negative feedback. Tube life is
long (and replacement costs modest) and the circuit operates in pure Class A. An
unusual feature of the 8L6 is that it can be used as an integrated amplifier or
as separate preamplifier and power amplifier. This is selected using the switch
at the rear of the unit marked 'Pre/power split on'. In integrated amplifier
mode the front panel source selector works in the usual way to select any of the
five inputs available on the rear. No connection is required between the 'Pre
out' sockets and the 'Power amp in' sockets. In pre-main mode the (passive)
preamplifier section is disconnected internally from the power amplifier section,
requiring an external connection between the 'Pre out' sockets and the 'Power
amp in' sockets. This facility is provided to allow the user the option of
connecting a signal processor such as an equaliser between the pre and power
sections. An additional benefit is that the 'Pre out' sockets remain active when
the 8L6 is in integrated mode, so that a second 8L6 (or other amplifier of
similar gain) can be used 'slaved' to the main one for bi-amping.
Listino ufficiale
€. 10.290,00

Amplificatore integrato a valvole 50 W a
valvole: (6 xEL84, 5x ECC82 per canale)
The V12, the latest brainchild
of Tim de Paravicini, is a completely new concept in valve amplifier design.
Forget other more conventional designs - the V12 is a totally "clean sheet of
paper" design. The output valves are indirectly heated EL84/6BQ5 pentodes, 6 per
channel. The parallel push-pull class "A" circuit features Pentode Mode. This
circuit provides superb linearity and very low distortion. In addition, the V12
uses Tim de Paravicini's highly developed Balanced Bridge Mode, a custom
ultra-wide bandwidth output transformer, and no overall feedback. The key design
goals for the V12 were to extend frequency response at both ends of the spectrum,
improve low-level detail, and provide perfect loudspeaker coupling. All have
been successfully achieved, along with superb reliability from the low-priced
Pentode output valves. The amplifier is perfectly stable into any load, and will
offer years of reliable service.The circuit is not the V12's only unique feature;
the casework is also unique. Tim wanted a more natural, harmonious look to his
new amplifier, something less aggressive than traditional designs with their
exposed, industrial looking transformers, hard angles, and valves sticking up in
the air. The fascia is rounded, in a half-moon shape, with the left and right
channel valves positioned on opposing sides of the top of the chassis. The V12's
finish is exemplary, with wood-capped valve covers, chrome fascia, and
gold-plated control knobs. The name V12 was inspired by Tim's passion for the
classic Jaguar V12 engine. Tim decided to use 6 EL84's per channel in the new
circuit. Comparisons to the best motor car engine in the world are valid, for
this amplifier is so very smooth and sophisticated. There is very little to give
the V12 away as a valve amplifier. Its openness, speed and authority are beyond
comparison. Seeing and hearing is believing. The amplifier is 50 watts per
channel, has 5 line inputs, and can be connected to any loudspeaker load from 4
to 16 ohms. It is perfectly stable into any load, and will offer years of
reliable service. Specification Power Output - 50 watts per channels 20Hz to 20
KHz Power Bandwidth - 12Hz-60 KHz -3dB (half power) I.M.D - Less than 0.5%
Output Damping Factor - 10 Signal to Noise Ratio - 93dB (less than 0.4mv) Input
Sensitivity - 400 mV Input Impedance - 47kOhms Power Consumption - 200V/A Weight
- 22kg Size - 42cm(W) x 44cm(D) x 13.5cm(H) Valve List - 10 x ECC83(12AX7), 12 x

Listino ufficiale
€. 1.249,00
iva esclusa
MM-MC Listino ufficiale
€. 1.510,00
iva esclusa

EAR 834P Preamplificatore Phono a valvole,
Finitura Nero solo per testine MM valvole: 3 X ECC83
When Tim de Paravicini does a job; he
does it properly; whether it is a custom studio installation, or an affordable
phono pre amplifier like the EAR 834P range. With years of experience in design
and manufacturing, nobody can come close to his unique point of view and life
experiences he puts into all his designs. When first launched, now over five
years ago, it was the only valve phono stage you could buy with facilities for
both good quality Moving Coil (MC) and Moving Magnet (MM) cartridges. In
addition, for a small premium the unit could be purchased with an in-built
volume control, allowing direct connection to a power-amplifier. Yoshino was set
up in 1994 with the pure intention of manufacturing the worlds finest Hi-Fi and
studio equipment: In other words; the designs of Tim de Paravicini. Yoshino Ltd.
decided to up-rate and widen the range. There are now three models in the EAR
834P line up: The Classic EAR 834P uses the same circuit architecture as its
more expensive brothers, and shares in the same high quality sound through MM
type cartridges. It is enclosed in a tough, rigid metal case, and is fully ''CE''
type approved. Our most popular phono amplifier in England. The Signature builds
on the classic EAR 834P specification, by adding a superb Moving Coil (MC) input
stage, as well as the no extra price option of a high quality volume control.
Top of the range, the De-luxe comes in a stunning chrome and gold cabinet, and
has extra attention and quality control. For the true vinyl enthusiast. With
different moving coil input options, this unit will fit the most demanding of
audiophile systems. From Basic through Signature to De-luxe, the performance
remains class leading.

EAR YOSHINO 834 Pb DELUX Listino ufficiale
€. 5.313,00
iva esclusa

EAR 834P De Luxe
Preamplificatore Phono a valvole, “De Luxe” Finitura Cromo/oro testine MM / MC
valvole: 3 X ECC83
When Tim de Paravicini does a
job; he does it properly; whether it is a custom studio installation, or an
affordable phono pre amplifier like the EAR 834P range. With years of experience
in design and manufacturing, nobody can come close to his unique point of view
and life experiences he puts into all his designs. When first launched, now over
five years ago, it was the only valve phono stage you could buy with facilities
for both good quality Moving Coil (MC) and Moving Magnet (MM) cartridges. In
addition, for a small premium the unit could be purchased with an in-built
volume control, allowing direct connection to a power-amplifier. Yoshino was set
up in 1994 with the pure intention of manufacturing the worlds finest Hi-Fi and
studio equipment: In other words; the designs of Tim de Paravicini. Yoshino Ltd.
decided to up-rate and widen the range. There are now three models in the EAR
834P line up: The Classic EAR 834P uses the same circuit architecture as its
more expensive brothers, and shares in the same high quality sound through MM
type cartridges. It is enclosed in a tough, rigid metal case, and is fully ''CE''
type approved. Our most popular phono amplifier in England. The Signature builds
on the classic EAR 834P specification, by adding a superb Moving Coil (MC) input
stage, as well as the no extra price option of a high quality volume control.
Top of the range, the De-luxe comes in a stunning chrome and gold cabinet, and
has extra attention and quality control. For the true vinyl enthusiast. With
different moving coil input options, this unit will fit the most demanding of
audiophile systems. From Basic through Signature to De-luxe, the performance
remains class leading.

EAR YOSHINO 324 Listino ufficiale
€. 5.530,00
iva esclusa

EAR 88PB Preamplificatore
Phono a valvole con 2 ingressi MM o MC (impedenza regolabile)
EAR 834P was one of the very
first standalone phono stages and has become one of our best-selling products.
Now the continuing popularity of vinyl has encouraged us to develop an upmarket
phono preamp, the 88PB.Drawing on designer Tim de Paravicini's vast knowledge of
audio electronics, and employing several of the innovations he incorporated in
the class-leading Paravicini 312 Control Centre, a fully-featured preamp and 324
phono stage (both solid state), the 88PB is a definitive statement in valve
electronics.Its specification is a perfect match of essential flexibility with
cost-conscious simplicity. Two inputs cater for the growing number of
vinyl-lovers with more than one turntable or arm. Both inputs accept moving
magnet cartridge inputs, while one is also switchable for moving coil types -
naturally using de Paravicini�s famed input transformers for lowest noise and
highest fidelity. MC input impedance is adjustable internally.The inclusion of a
volume control allows for direct connection to a power amp in one-source systems.
To avoid cable-dependent high frequency response, a highly linear buffer stage
follows the volume control, using an output transformer which provides balanced
or single-ended output at a low impedance which can effortlessly drive long
cables.Other exclusive design details include a unique high stability circuit
for achieving the RIAA equalisation curve demanded by discs, and of course the
superb all-round sound quality of all EAR amps is guaranteed.The 88PB: you never
realised your vinyl sounded this goo

EAR YOSHINO 834 L DELUX Listino ufficiale
€. 2.950,00

Preamplificatore stereo linea a valvole, Finitura Nero valvole: 1 X ECC83, 2 X ECC82
Finitura Cromo/oro
The EAR 834L line preamplifier
is designed to complement any of the EAR 834P phono preamplifiers and an EAR
power amplifier or, indeed, any other high quality source or power amplifier. It
has facilities for up to five line inputs, and offers a genuine tape monitoring
circuit, making a total of six inputs. A high quality volume control is fitted,
as well as a panel mounted power switch. Input and output terminals are gold
plated. Designed by Tim de Paravicini in his usual robust style, the EAR 834L is
the perfect match for any high end system, whether biased towards analogue or
digital. The electronic architecture is minimalist, so that the absolute minimum
sonic degradation takes place. There are three double triode valves, arranged in
a classic 'de Paravicini circuit'. Special attention has been given to the input
circuitry. All inputs are at the rear of the chassis, on the same circuit board
as the selector switches, which are operated remotely by long control shafts.
The power supply is a unique arrangement; a high quality toridal transformer
feeds a double DC power supply, that provides the low-tension (LT) heater
current, and the high-tension (HT) anode voltage. It is critical in a
preamplifier that both the HT and LT supplies are pure DC, and free from AC
ripple. This is the case with all EAR products, not just this preamplifier. The
circuit is designed used in such a way as to have a minimum life of five years*
continuous operation for the valves. The preamplifier has more than enough
output for any power amplifier, transistor or valve, and is ideal for driving
long interconnect cables to remotely located power amplifiers. The unit is
available in Classic and Deluxe specification. Deluxe builds on the Classic's
specification with a superior chrome and gold finish, with extra outputs to
facilitate bi-amping systems, and a neon power monitor light. *Discounting
occasional random premature failure of valves
EAR YOSHINO 868  Listino ufficiale
€. 5.950,00

EAR 868
Preamplificatore a valvole di linea 2 ingressi sbilanciati più tape, 3 ingressi
bilanciati XLR, trasformatori
di uscita. Con telecomando solo volume
EAR 868PL Preamplificatore a
valvole con ingresso phono MM/MC (come 88PB), 2 ingressi sbilanciati più tape, 3
ingressi bilanciati XLR, trasformatori di uscita. Con telecomando solo volume
7.950,00 euro
Pride of Craftsmanship Encased
in solid built construction, to a quality you would expect. Each front fascia is
CNC milled for a high level of precision typically associated with finely
crafted watches. It’s 10mm thick fascia is hand-finished in flawless chrome and
is matched by it’s clutter-free interface. Four gold or chrome finished controls
dial in the experience. We have a heritage of crafting products for more than 30
years and if that wasn’t enough, it’s good to know that its designed and made in
England.The EAR 868 has been designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of users, from
the most demanding of audiophiles to the professional seeking high-quality
monitoring equipment in the studio. It is based on the circuit designs used in
the highly successful EAR 912 studio-grade pre-amp. Like the 912, the 868
features two pairs of balanced outputs and one pair of balanced inputs, all
coupled via high-quality transformers The low distortion, low noise line stage
is coupled to the outside world via transformers, giving the option of balanced
or unbalanced connection. As with all EAR products reliability and practicality
are key priorities and to this end all components have been selected and rated
for long and trouble-free service. All 4 valves are PCC88s, a type noted for
good performance and which will be around for servicing in the long-distant
future. And unlike many of our competitors� phono pre-amps there is no separate
power supply box to deal with - careful design ensures that hum is kept at bay
despite the inclusion of a high capacity power supply. Specification Inputs - 1
x phono 5 x line level unbalanced (RCA phon Tape Out - 1 x tape monitor Output -
2 sets Balanced XLR 2 sets Unbalanced RCA Pho Line Amp - S/Noise Line Amp = 90dB
(1v out ref) Phono section - Noise (weighted) = -80dB (IHF) Input Impedance -
Phono 47k ohms MC input40 ohms(as standard t Maximum Output - 5V into 600 ohms(Both
balanced & unbalanced o Power Consumption - 24 W max total


Paravicini 312
Preamplificatore a Transistor di Riferimento con telecomando, controllo di
volume ad alta precisione, circuitisingle ended in classe “A” a bassissimo
rumore, ingresso phono MM/MC di altissimo livello, completamente Bilanciato
ingessi e uscite XLR, strumento per la segnalazione del guadagno e dei livelli

EAR 912
Preamplificatore a valvole di riferimento con doppio ingresso phono MM/MC
completamente regolabili, 2 ingressi sbilanciati più tape, 3 ingressi bilanciati
XLR, trasformatori di uscita, VU Meter per il controllo del segnale in uscita
For over 20 years, Tim de
Paravicini's EAR brand name has been associated with valve amplifiers of
legendary quality and reliability. Classics such as the 500-series power
amplifiers, the 802 preamp, and more recently the V20 integrated amp and the
800-series 'Enhanced Triode Mode' models are among the most prestigious hi-fi
products ever made and have attracted praise and awards the world over.Although
Tim de Paravicini has been designing transistor-based circuits since the days of
the very first commercial transistors, he has never before produced a
solid-state amplifier under his own flag. But now, after years of breaking with
everyone else's traditions, he has broken with his own and produced the 312
Control Centre, a fully-featured preamp which redefines the world of solid-state
just as EAR amplifiers have done for the world of valves. Taking into account
the current growth in the number of sources in many hi-fi systems, the 312
offers no less than eight inputs, three of which are balanced and
transformer-coupled. What's more, there are six outputs: three each balanced and
unbalanced, and because they are also transformer-coupled it is perfectly
possible to use both types simultaneously (for instance in multi-amped systems)
without upsetting the balanced outputs. This means that six stereo power
amplifiers can be driven at once.As you would expect from an EAR product, the
phono input also features transformer coupling for moving coil cartridges,
ensuring the lowest possible noise, and in order to ensure very high overload
headroom and complete stability the RIAA equalization of the phono stage uses an
inductor in a unique EAR circuit configuration. The basic amplifying circuit
uses just three transistors in a single-ended configuration, a 'valve-like'
approach that harnesses the gain of the transistors in such a way as to give
sound of unequalled sweetness and clarity. Complete compatibility with other
equipment is achieved through the very high input and output headroom of all
circuits, plus their low noise. Again drawing on de Paravicini's expertise in
the field of transformers and inductors, the power supply uses a choke input
filter to give very low noise and ripple, and very low dependency on the purity
of the incoming electricity supply: it also generates very low levels of
interference on the household supply without requiring any additional
suppression components. Simple and intuitive operation has always been a feature
of EAR products, and to this end the 312 uses a very high quality and high
accuracy volume control with a conventional single-turn range, in conjunction
with a unique meter-like scale which clearly indicates circuit gain. Channel
balance is maintained to close tolerances right down to whisper-quiet levels.
Finally, it should be hardly necessary to mention that like all EAR products the
312 is built to the highest standards and immaculately finished so that it looks
as good as it sounds. It will set standards for a long time to come.

Listino ufficiale
€. 6.900,00

EAR534 Amplificatore
stereo a valvole da 50 W (100 Mono) valvole EL34
The EAR534 has been designed to
meet a wide variety of needs, from the most demanding of audiophiles to the
professional seeking high quality monitoring equipment in the studio field. The
circuit design uses push-pull output and driver stages, a high quality in-house
designed output transformer and low negative feedback. It is capable of
operating in bridged-mono mode, to make a true mono block amplifier. Tube life
is long (and replacement costs are modest) and the circuit operates in pure
Class A. Specification Signal to Noise Ratio - 92dB Output Damping Factor - 18
I.M.D. - Less than 1% at any level from 10mW to 50 Wat Power Bandwidth - 15Hz -
40kHz at less than 3% THD Power Consumption - 260 watts total Power output - 50
watts/channel (24Hz - 15kHz at 1% THD int Weight - 20kg Input Impedance - 47k
Ohms Size - W 16'' (405mm), D 16'' (405mm), H 6'' (150mm Valves List - 2 x
ECC83, 2 x ECC85, 8 x EL34 Input Sensitivity - 1V

Listino ufficiale
€. 8.900,00

EAR890 Amplificatore
stereo a valvole da 70 watt (140 W mono) valvole KT90
The 800 series of amplifiers
from EAR has received widespread and consistent acclaim from users and reviewers
the world over. However, feedback from some quarters suggested that there was a
need for an amplifier with similar sonic prowess but just a little more power.Taking
as a starting point the circuits used in the 834 integrated amplifier, Tim de
Paravicini has addressed that need by producing the 890 power amplifier. Using
the innovative KT90 valve from EI, he has been able to offer 70W of clean
Class-A audio from the same chassis as the 834. One of the few new valve designs
of the last 30 years, the KT90 draws on the strengths of the EL509 valve (as
used in many EAR amplifiers) and is capable of sustained high power operation
with great reliability. Two pairs per channel are hardly stressed in the EAR
890.Features include balanced inputs (transformer-coupled) as well as unbalanced,
separate level controls for each channel, and the option of flexible mono-block
operation to deliver 140W into a wide range of loudspeaker loads. Build quality
and finish are to EAR's usual high standards, with a distinctive touch of luxury
in the thick brass front panel, heavily chromed and polished to a mirror finish.
Reliability is assured and there are no user adjustments.And the sound? All the
EAR trademarks are there: beautifully natural midrange and treble, superb stereo
imaging, and of course extended but perfectly proportioned bass, with the extra
power raising the roof even further than our earlier models.
Listino ufficiale
€. 15.500,00

Amplificatori finali “Silver
Jubilee” Limited Edition EAR 509 Finali mono a valvole con telaio Cromato e
ingressi sbilanciati, 100W, la coppia
Built to professional standards.
Advanced Industrial grade high capacity valves not used in any domestic
amplifier. EAR amplifiers proven in studio use. Accurate simple self-biasing for
user replacement of valves when appropriate. In professional applications ''XLR''
input connectors and balanced semi-floating inputs are supplied at a nominal
additional cost. Stability - No feedback is used on the transformer secondary -
The amplifiers are entirely stable into any load. Matched mono amplifiers are
supplied in pairs for stereo.Specification Power Consumption -
...................180V.A. Frequency Response - 8Hz-30KHz............+0-1dB
Power Output - (20Hz-20KHz<0.25% THD into Rate Load)...100W Power Bandwidth -
-3dB,0.5% THD.......12Hz-60KHz Frequency Response - 3Hz-80KHz..........+0-3dB
I.M.D. - at any level from 100mW-100W equivalent power Signal to Noise Ratio -
down from 100W.......96dB Output Damping Factor - (0.4ohm + 4uH)....20 Weight -
.....................18kg Input Sensitivity - (Unbalanced).........1.2V Input
Impedance - (Unbalanced).........25Kohm ,Size
Listino ufficiale
€. 54.000,00

M100 Finali potenza di
riferimento, mono a Transistor 100 W in pura classe “A”, trasformatori in uscita
e configurazione atipica, la coppia
Tim de Paravicini established
EAR in 1979, since when the brand has been renowned worldwide for the finest
valve (tube) amplifiers. But in 2000 the tradition was broken with the
Paravicini 312 transistor preamplifier, now joined by the M100 transistor power
amplifier. To anyone familiar with EAR/Yoshino products, it will come as no
surprise that this is no ordinary transistor amplifier. Designed explicitly to
provide a 'valve-like' sound from transistors, it uses de Paravicini's
unrivalled expertise in audio transformer design to the full, with a unique
single-ended output stage coupled to the load through an output transformer.
Being single ended, the M100 naturally operates entirely in Class A, with all
that that implies for clarity and purity of sound. High reliability is assured
by the use of multiple parallel output transistors, with adequate heatsink area
for any climate (no noisy cooling fans), and the essential simplicity of the
audio circuit helps with both sonic and reliability aspects. A choke-input power
supply gives maximum immunity to mains supply variations and also prevents the
amplifier from corrupting the mains supply in turn. With an output power of 100W
the M100 has the ability to drive almost any loudspeakers to symphony-orchestra
levels. For the discerning listener, it offers new heights in sonic attainment.
Contact your local EAR/Yoshino representative to arrange a demonstration.
Specification Input impedance - 47k ohm Damping factor: - 8 Frequency response
(at 1W output) - 3dB at 3Hz, 40kHz Maximum output - 100W (28VRMS on 8 ohm
terminals) Sensitivity: - 1V for full output Frequency response (at 1W output)
- -3dB at 3Hz, 40kHz Power bandwidth - -3dB at 20Hz, 40kHz

ACUTE 3 Redisigned

CD Acute Lettore CD a Valvole, uscita con
volume a potenziometro motorizzato per poter pilotare anche un finale versione
direttamente senza preamplificatore, Telecomando e finitura alluminio
Listino ufficiale
€. 4.800,00

Meccanica di Lettura SACD di nuova
generazione, con telecomando. Uscita digitale (XRL) AES, e connessione dedicata
al DACute 4 (Acutelink). Dims 435x285x65mm. Peso 7,30 Kgs
Luxurious Detail The EAR Acute 4 was designed
with a beautiful chrome facia made with a high level of precision. Eight
polished chromed buttons are directly placed above the solid aluminium disc tray,
enabling easy interface access. Fitting to the design, a calm and soft vacuum
fluorescent graphic display indicates player information and includes CD text.
Accompanying the unit is a weighty infrared remote control. Built with soft
touch rubber for durability and tactility, topped with a luxurious aluminium
enclosure allowing for operation of both the Acute and Dac 4.Enhanced Audio The
EAR Acute 4 brings the next generation of audio optical disc, Super Audio CD.
Complementing the extensive library available with CDs, SACDs provide higher
detail recordings to the listener allowing for the best possible experience. The
Acute 4 was designed to be paired with the EAR Dac 4. Utilising EAR’s AcuteLink,
the original digital audio read by the Acute 4’s transport, is directly passed
to the Dac 4 for processing. A technique that helps remove the need for multiple
digital conversions. Leaving the listener with clear audio.
Connectivity One 5 Pin AcuteLink Output
(Compatibility with EAR Dac 4 only) One 3 Pin AES Connector (for service
and support only) Audio Playback SACD 1 bit DSD, 2.8 MHz, 105 dB, 20 Hz – 50 kHz
CD 16 bit PCM, 44.1 kHz, 90 dB, 20 Hz – 20 kHz CD Text Display if available
Dimensions & Weight Weight: 7.30kg (16.1lb) Width: 435mm (17.2”) Depth: 285mm
(11.2”) Height: 65mm (2.7”) Power Power Consumption: 20 watts 240 volt / 110
Volt / 100 Volt


Listino ufficiale
€. 7.100,00

Back for an encore
The Acute CD player is reborn. When designing the new EAR Acute Classic, Audio
Designer Tim de Paravicini took inspiration from the original EAR Acute.
Building on its virtues, his all-new design was built from the ground up to
provide an improved listening experience. An elegant design and EAR’s extensive
knowledge, amassed over a thirty-year history, has culminated in the Acute
Classic.The new classic With sleek modern styling and more than a nod to classic
quality, the EAR Acute Classic is built to last. Its details are lavished by a
hand-polished mirror chrome finish, forming the basis of a timeless design. Its
aesthetic is married to leading digital and analogue technology, creating a
visual and audible feast for the senses. The display and power light both emit a
luxurious warm hue, providing subtle cues to the glowing valves within. The
large volume knob is also a statement of the product’s analogue nature,
emphasising the simplicity of interaction. This is honoured by the Acute’s
interface, which makes it even more intuitive to experience your digital media.Valves
Two PCC88 (6DJ8) or ECC88 (7DJ8) Audio Playback Audio Formats supported: CD 44.1
kHz, 16 bit PCM SPDIF upto 192 KHz, 24 bit PCM Toslink upto 96 KHz, 24 bit PCM
USB 2.0 (PC/MAC) 44.1K - 192 KHz, 16 - 24 bit PCM Connectivity One USB Input (PC
and MAC) One SPDIF Input (RCA) One SPDIF Input (Toslink) One Stereo Line Output
5V (RCA) One Stereo Balanced Output 5V (XLR) One Headphone Output (1/4”) 16-100
Ω Performance Total Harmonic Distortion 0.5% @ 5 Volts 20Hz - 20Khz Signal to
Noise 95db 40KHz Bandwidth Dimensions & Weight Weight: 8.00kg (17.7lb) Width:
435mm (17.2”) Depth: 285mm (11.2”) Height: 65mm (2.7”) Power Power Consumption:
30 watts 240 volt / 110 Volt / 100 Volt (depending on model)

Listino ufficiale
€. 7.500,00

Convertitore D/A a Valvole (4x PCC88).
Possiede 7 ingressi separati: 1 Analogico, 1 digitale USB, AES, 2 SPDIF, Toslink.,
1 dedicato per il CDAcute 4 (Acutelink). Dim. 435x285x65mm Peso 8,5Kg. Finitura
Exquisite detailing The EAR Dac 4 is an
amalgamation of technology and classic craftsmanship. The design is built with a
precision machined chrome plated facia, equipped with a matching volume control
and punctuated by discrete LED indicators. Machined chromed buttons further
compliment the design and inform of its solid construction. The Dac 4 will be a
focal point of your digital media and can be accessorised with the EAR Acute 4
for all of your audio disc needs.Limitless possibilities Connect to multiple
devices with the EAR Dac 4 boasting seven separate audio inputs. USB, AES, two
SPDIFs, Toslink, EAR AcuteLink and analogue audio. You can now realise the true
potential of digital audio formats into your system. It’s not just limited to
digital content with the inclusion of an analogue audio input, such is the
versatility of this product.Complete freedom of use Nothing comes between you
and the music you love. The EAR Dac 4 can handle all the popular formats up to
192 KHz 24 bit audio, enabling you play high resolution formats. This DAC
will open up your digital world. With the addition of DSD compatibility, you can
play DSD files over USB natively. It makes the Dac 4 capable of so much more
than you ever imagined Connectivity
One Stereo Analogue Input (RCA)
One USB Input (PC and MAC)
Three SPDIF Inputs (RCA, BNC & Toslink)
One AES Input (3 pin XLR)
One AcuteLink Input (5 pin XLR)
One Line Output (RCA)
One Balanced Output (XLR)
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.1%
@ 5 Volts 20Hz~20KHz
Signal to Noise 95db 40KHz Bandwidth
Dimensions & Weight
Weight: 8.50kg (18.7lb) Width: 435mm (17.2”) Depth: 285mm (11.2”) Height: 65mm

HP 4
Listino ufficiale
€. 5.990,00

L’amplificatore per cuffia
HP4 Amplificatore per Cuffia a valvole: 4 X 6SL7
Tim de Paravicini has long had a
worldwide reputation for valve preamplifiers and power amplifiers. Now he has
applied his expertise to produce what is arguably the world's finest headphone
amplifier aimed at the highest quality dynamic headphones. The HP4 uses 6SL7
valves, properly matched to the load through de Paravicini's renowned
transformers, to deliver nearly 1W of high quality, low distortion power into
high or low impedance headphones. The output circuit configuration uses de
Paravicini's 'Enhanced Triode Mode', as employed in the highly successful V20
and 859 integrated amplifiers, while the input is also transformer coupled,
giving the flexibility to accept balanced or unbalanced signals from the
preamplifier. For the greatest user convenience the HP4 has its own volume
control, while input signals can be independently switched through to the power
amplifier for headphone and/or loudspeaker listening. As with all EAR products,
reliability is paramount and valve life is in excess of 10,000 hours. It has
facilities for up to five line inputs, and offers a genuine tape monitoring
circuit, making a total of six inputs. A high quality volume control is fitted,
as well as a panel mounted power switch. Input and output terminals are gold
plated. Designed by Tim de Paravicini in his usual robust style, the EAR 834L is
the perfect match for any high end system, whether biased towards analogue or
digital. The electronic architecture is minimalist, so that the absolute minimum
sonic degradation takes place. There are three double triode valves, arranged in
a classic 'de Paravicini circuit'. Special attention has been given to the input
circuitry. All inputs are at the rear of the chassis, on the same circuit board
as the selector switches, which are operated remotely by long control shafts.
The power supply is a unique arrangement; a high quality toridal transformer
feeds a double DC power supply, that provides the low-tension (LT) heater
current, and the high-tension (HT) anode voltage. It is critical in a
preamplifier that both the HT and LT supplies are pure DC, and free from AC
ripple. This is the case with all EAR products, not just this preamplifier. The
circuit is designed used in such a way as to have a minimum life of five years*
continuous operation for the valves. The preamplifier has more than enough
output for any power amplifier, transistor or valve, and is ideal for driving
long interconnect cables to remotely located power amplifiers. The unit is
available in Classic and Deluxe specification. Deluxe builds on the Classic's
specification with a superior chrome and gold finish, with extra outputs to
facilitate bi-amping systems, and a neon power monitor light. *Discounting
occasional random premature failure of valves.

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