The MANLEY brand
has been around since the late 1980's. Manley's first commercially available
products were upper echelon high-fidelity vacuum tube amplifiers and
preamplifiers constructed at the old Vacuum Tube Logic of America factory.
On January 30, 1989, a 20 year old EveAnna on sabbatical from her studies at
Columbia University met the crew and was hired on to the production team. She
quickly learned to solder and assemble vacuum tube amplifiers, and after
training a new team of assemblers, EveAnna worked her way into the Quality
Control department. It was at this time that the first Manley professional
products were developed, starting with the original 1u Reference 60dB Microphone
Preamplifier and soon followed by the Manley Enhanced Pultec and Mid Frequency
Equalizers. These products, along with the Manley Reference Cardioid and
Reference Gold microphones, all made their debut at the 1990 Los Angeles AES
Show. In 1993, Manley Laboratories, Inc. became a separate entity apart
from VTL.The new Manley Labs factory at 13880 Magnolia Ave. in beautiful and
bovine Chino, California was outfitted to house the Manley Hi-Fi and Pro Studio
manufacturing as well as the Langevin production lines, our newly acquired
machine shop, and printed circuit board facilities. The following year, the
factory's capabilities were augmented by the addition of a computer-controlled
mechanical engraving machine and, very importantly, a transformer winding
department.From the early 2000s to today, Manley has focused on streamlining
production processes, becoming more efficient while maintaining the principles
of high-end audio quality and integrity in American manufacturing that have
always guided the brand. Beginning with the CORE® Reference Channel Strip in
2014 and continuing with the FORCE®, NU MU® and ELOP®+, the newly designed power
supplies in Manley’s latest gear provide the ultra-low noise floor, true high
voltage brawn, and superior headroom required for serious analog sound. Manley
Laboratories continues to produce recording, mixing, mastering, and playback
equipment of the very highest caliber, proudly maintaining the great analog
traditions upon which the company was built - and always looking forward to the
future of the industry. TUBES RULE.

STINGREY Listino ufficiale
€. 10.500,00

Amplificatore INTEGRATO a Valvole
our most advanced evolution of the Stingray, expect even more coherent bass
definition and solid brawn from the larger high voltage energy storage. The EL84
output stage can be switched between 20 Watts of TRIODE power or 40 Watts of
Ultra-Linear mode push-pull operation. The headphone output takes advantage of
the entire amplifier and every ounce of attention to detail we have poured into
this fantastic design. RF remote control included. DETAILS The famous Manley
Stingray stereo integrated amplifier has been renewed and refreshed. Allow us to
present to you the Stingray II integrated tube amplifier with full featured RF
and IR remote control. We also make another model with a built-in iPod dock
called the Stingray iTube that you can learn about here. The STINGRAY II
is the next evolution from our acclaimed Stingray Integrated Amplifier,
legendary in the hifi world since it first swam from our labs in 1997.
Originally conceived with particular attention paid to optimal component
placement for the purity and symmetry of the signal path layout, the Stingray
quickly became one of our best-selling products. The Stingray II retains the
same basic tube circuitry and marvelous output transformers as the original with
some important improvements: The high voltage tube energy storage has been
increased vastly resulting in even more solid and coherent bass control and
impact. A headphone jack has been added to the right side facia. This jack
re-routes the output from the speaker binding posts and mutes the Subwoofer
output feed. This makes the Stingray II a fabulous headphone amplifier! The 4th
input source is an 1/8" (3.5mm) TRS mini jack for convenient hookup with
portable devices and computers on the left front facia. The Remote Control works
with both Radio Frequency and InfraRed technologies. Using the remote in RF mode
gives freedom from having to "point and shoot." The RF remote is omnidirectional
and works through walls and cabinets. IR capability is included for those with
Universal Learning Remote Controls for consolidated integration into existing
systems. The volume control, balance adjust, input switching, and display
options are all on the RF/IR Remote Control. Additionally user can perform the
MUTE, DIM, INSERT and STANDBY commands with the Remote Control. Each INPUT can
be individually level trimmed to match and to optimize system gain staging of
various input devices. The fancy blue LED displays surrounding the INPUT and
VOLUME encoder knobs can be dimmed down or turned off entirely, after a
user-settable time period, or a "screen-saver" random light sequence can be
selected. Speed and intensity of the "Starlight" mode can be tweaked to taste.
All custom user settings are hard written into memory when the unit is put into
STANDBY mode and thus retained if power is later interrupted. There is even a
SLEEP timer which is programmable from the remote control to allow you to drift
off carefree dreaming of your musical Stingray for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes
while it gracefully lowers the volume and puts itself into STANDBY mode.
Individual sealed gold contact relays deliver the selected input into the volume
control system before hitting the first 12AT7 input tubes. Following the mighty
6414 driver/phase splitter, the trusty EL84 output stage can be switched between
either 20 watts of TRIODE power or 40 watts of Ultra Linear mode push-pull
operation. Individual bias for each tube is easily adjusted using the trimpots
and test points, conveniently located on the top surface of the amplifier. The
Stingray's power supply is extra-rugged and stiff, a MANLEY hallmark. It swims
with the sharks: fast, agile, fluid, and with consummate authority. Post-volume
SUBWOOFER OUTPUT allows easy hookup of outboard line-level driven active powered
subwoofers. This output is after the volume control so that the subwoofer will
track the volume level changes of the main speakers. The SUB OUTPUT is a line
level and full frequency output that is AFTER the volume control so your powered
subwoofer follows the same volume as your main speakers. These are unbalanced
RCA jacks, line level. They feed the line inputs of your subwoofer, NOT the
speaker jacks. A switchable TAPE LOOP is standard. The TAPE SEND is the output
of the selected input before the volume control. The TAPE RETURN can also be
used as a 5th line input if needed. RECORD OUT (aka Tape OUT) is BEFORE
the volume control so you can record whatever input you have selected without
your listening level affecting the level going to your recorder. These are
unbalanced RCA's. It is UNbalanced RCA's and UNbuffered so check out the input Z
to your recorder to make sure it won't load down the Stingray main input while
it is plugged in. Usually with unbuffered record outs we recommend you only plug
in your recorder only when you are actually recording... Tape LOOP: Also
known as an INSERT point, the SEND or Tape Out comes off the selector switch as
the Record Out option does going to your outboard EQ or Merlin BAM unit or tape
recorder and then the signal returns (RETURN) to the Stingray in front of of the
volume control so you can play tunes. A toggle switch selects whether the Tape
LOOP (and whatever is plugged into the Tape Loop) is active or the signal goes
straight through the Stingray as normal. If you have the Merlin BAM system,
order your Stingray with the Tape LOOP option. NOTE: The SUBWOOFER OUT, RECORD
OUT, and TAPE LOOP are all passive. The RECORD OUT comes straight off the input
select switch. So whatever source is selected will show up passed through at the
TAPE OUT. With the Stingray, the MANLEY team has struck a remarkably harmonious
balance in design which satisfies the sonic desires of the audiophile and the
rocker, the artist and the musician, the student and the master, the yin and the
yang. We invite you to experience the stunning sonic quality and visual beauty
of the Stingray personally. SPECIFICATIONS 3 x Stereo Line
RCA Inputs 1 x Stereo Line 1/8" TRS mini-jack Input TRIODE - UL Output Stage
Mode SwitchingRECORDING OUTSUBWOOFER OUTTAPE LOOP (Insert) with Bypass switch1/4"
Headphone OUTPUT (mutes speakers and subwoofer output when deployed) Logic
controlled Volume and Balance functionsAll-Vacuum Tube Lo-feedback Stereo
Integrated Design Output Tubes: 8 x EL84 Ships with Russian NOS EL84M (aka
6Pi14Pi-EB) Driver Tubes: 2 x 6414 Ships with GE or RAYTHEON JAN NOS USA or
6414W Input Tubes: 2 x 12AT7EH Ships with: 12AT7EH large plate Electro-Harmonix
RussianMaximum Output Power UL mode: 32 Watts x 2 channels 1.5% THD @ 1kHz into
5 OhmsMaximum Output Power TRIODE mode: 18 Watts x 2 channels 1.5% THD @ 1kHz
into 5 OhmsFrequency Response: 15 Hz - 58 kHz, -1dBGain: 35 dB at max
VolumeInput Sensitivity UL Full Power: 210 mV in = 32 watts out into 5 Ohms with
volume control at maximumInput Sensitivity Triode: 41mV in = 1W into 5 Ohms with
volume control at 20dB gain settingInput Sensitivity UL: 35mV in = 1W into 5
Ohms with volume control at 20dB gain settingCrosstalk: -72dB See ChartS/N Ratio:
typically 72 dB A-WGT, 1W output, 20dB gain, Source Z = shorted input THD+N
Ratio: typically 64 db at 1W output, Bandwidth 22Hz-22kHz, Source = 1kHz Sine
wave Input Impedance: 12 kOhm nominal Optimum Speaker Load: 5 Oh Speaker
Terminal Output Impedance: 2.36 Ohms @ 20Hz, 2 Ohms @ 1kHz, 1.83 Ohms @ 20kHz
Damping Factor: 2.4 Headphone Jack Output Impedance: 53 Ohms Scratch Factor: Use
pennies under pointed feet to avoid marring cabinetry. Try quarters if you are
in upper tax brackets. The bargain performer would be
nickels. Paper currency does not function as well. Euro coins work 1.54 times
better. Remote Control Type: RF (radio frequency) and IR (infrared), user
selectableVolume Control: Cirrus Digital Level Control System, controlled by
Grayhill Rotary Encoders Volume Control Range: 102dB in 1dB steps turning slowly,
with larger steps as rate of turn increases SLEEP timer: 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes
Power Consumption (Standby): 6W Power Consumption Idle: 198W Maximum Power
Consumption at Full Power: 300WFuse type and ratings @ 117 VAC operation: MAINS
fuse: 3 Amp 3AG slow-blow use glass body Littlefuse Series 239Fuse type and
ratings @ 230 VAC operation: MAINS fuse: 1.6 Amp 3AG slow-blow use glass
body Littlefuse Series 239B+ FUSES (2): MDA 1/4 AMP, 250 Volt SLO-BLO, Ceramic.
Power Supply: is factory set for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC operation for original
destination country's mains voltage. Operating Mains Voltage: changeable with
power transformer re-wiring on PCB and fuse value change. Mains Voltage
Frequency: 50 ~ 60 Hz Power Cord: Detachable IEC standard. Appropriate power
cord supplied for original destination country Dimensions: W= 19", D=14", H= 7
1/2" Shipping Weight: 35 lbs.

SHRIMP Listino ufficiale
€. 6.700,00

Preamplificatore a Valvole Caratteristiche dichiarate dal produttore Tipologia:
valvole a triodi Valvole in ingresso: 2x12AT7 EH Valvole di interstadio: 2x5670
GE USA Valvole d’uscita: 2x7044 oppure 5687 GE JAN NOS Ingressi: 5 RCA Mute:
automatico per riscaldamento preventivo del circuito Uscite: 2 coppie RCA
Guadagno: 11,8dB Impedenza d’ingresso: 250kohm Sensibilità d’ingresso: 200mV
Massimo livello d’ingresso: 5V-1,5THD Risposta in frequenza: 10-80.000Hz,
20-20.000Hz -0,3dB Rapporto segnale/rumore: 95dB pesato A THD: 0,02% a 1V RMS
Impedenza d’uscita: 50ohm Consumo: 55W Telecomando: Remora Remote Control in
very short, simple minimalist
signal path. All-tube design. 2 x 12AT7 input, 2 x 5670 driver, and 2 x 7044
output.Signal path furnishes very high dynamic range with prodigious input and
output signal headroom.Signal path also delivers high bandwidth, low noise,
modest local negative feedback and low distortion, and is voiced for best
musical performance. Radio-Frequency based remote command of the silicon-free
high-quality motorized VOLUME attenuator set, for infinitely resolvable control
of listening levels. No need to "point" the remote in any direction. Now the
Shrimp's attenuator set can be controlled from another nearby room, through
walls, floors and doors, and through opaque equipment closet or cabinet doors
too! Dedicated White Follower stage using the 5670 dual triodes effortlessly
drives all passive interstage circuits;volume, balance and output stages receive
crisp instruction from the Follower regardless of control settings. Generousenergy
storage via large power supply capacitors for more impact in the bass. No global
feedback makes the Shrimp veryfast sounding. Non-inverting two-triode gain stage
is direct-coupled for most pure signal path. Cool White-follower outputstage
provides low 50 Ohm output impedance. This is much better than a boring plain ol'
cathode follower. The Shrimp can drive anything, not to worry. Filament supply
floated 80V above chassis ground for quieter operation and longer tube life.
ALPS audiophile-grade balance and motorized VOLUME pots. We use the nice parts
in here! MIT/MultiCap polypropyleneaudiophile-grade signal coupling capacitors,
including two 30 uF monsters on the output stages. SPECIFICATIONSALL-TUBE:
Vacuum Tube all-triode designInput Tubes: 2 x 12AT7EH large plate
Electro-Harmonix Russian Interstage Follower Tubes: 2 x 5670 GE USA dual
triodesOutput Tubes: 2 x 7044 or 5687 GE JAN NOSFive Line Level Inputs:
unbalanced RCA MUTE switch and Warm-Up muting delayALPS motorised volume control:
Accurate tracking usually within 0.5dB. Smooth operation. (no detents)ALPS
balance control: Center detentedRecord Output: (AKA "TAPE OUT") Unbalanced RCA
jacks, unbuffered, passive (always ON)Main Outputs: Two sets of unbalanced RCA
main outs for bi-amping or driving a powered subwooferGain: 12dB Input Impedance:
250 kOhm Input Sensitivity: Volume Control at MAX: 200mV in yields 0.8V out
(12dB GAIN) Volume Control at 3 o'clock: 200mV in yields 0.380V out (5.6dB GAIN)
Volume Control at 12 o'clock: 200mV in yields 0.115V out (-4.8dB GAIN)Maximum
Input Level: 5V in produces 1.5% THD at outputFrequency Response: 10 Hz - 80 KHz;
20 Hz - 20KHz, -0.3dB Noise Floor: Typically -83 dB 20-20K with volume control
fully openNoise Floor: Typically -95 dB A WGT 20-20K with volume control fully
openNoise Floor (shorted input): Typically -94 dB 20-20K with volume control
fully closedNoise Floor (shorted input): Typically -106 dB A WGT 20-20K with
volume control fully closed S/N Ratio: typically 95 dB A WGT 20-20K THD: 0.02%
at 1V rms output Output Impedance: 50 Ohms Maximum Output: +23dBu @ 1.5% THD
into 100K load (10.9V rms) Maximum Output: +20dBm @ 1.5% THD into 600 Ohm load
Badge Lamp: LED illumination RF Remote Control: commands volume control UP/DOWN;
uses 9V battery Power Consumption: 55 Watts (485mA @ 120VAC)Operating Mains
Voltage: Units are purpose built for original destination country's mains
voltage: 100V, 120V, or 220240VAC as indicated on the serial number badge. Power
transformer must be replaced in order to change mains operating voltage. 120VAC
units may NOT be rewired to put the primaries of the power transformer in series
for 220-240V operationor a large radiated field of hum will develop. If changing
locations/voltages, the power transformer must be replaced withthe dedicated one
for the voltage at which it will operate. Mains Voltage Frequency:
Dimensions: W=19", L=11", H=3 1/2" Shipping Weight: 15 Lbs.

CLASSIC 300B RC Listino ufficiale
€. 9.500,00

Preamplificatore a Valvole
most esoteric product is THE 300B PREAMPLlFIER. This is the first and only
preamp to feature these classic tubes. We had been designing the 300B into small
power amps for many years and have always had great respect for the smooth
natural sound of this tube. However, a single 300B provides truly appropriate
power and voltage swing for headphones and makes a remarkable line driver. Here
is where the impedances are not too low and the power requirements are not too
high: ideal for this kind of tube in a single-ended configuration. This was the
genesis of a new preamp.We combine the historic 300B with another classic, the
large octal based 6SL7GT, for the input stage- all triodes running in pure Class
A operation. To complement this 'retro' feel, we implemented vacuum tube
rectification and regulation in the power supply along with plenty of capacity.
We also developed an additional (and innovative) ripple rejection circuit to
filter out power supply noise making this an incredibly low-noise preamplifier-
especially critical for headphone users. Complementing this lovely and rich
sounding line-driver is the ALPS audiophile volume control, gold plated RCA
connectors, high purity silver wire, mil-spec printed circuit boards with extra
thick copper and plating, and custom designed output transformers which we wind
right here in our own magnetics department. It all adds up...For 2002, we
returned to our classic and elegant "Manley-Blue" pewter grey color and the
chassis was reworked to accommodate a few updates we had in mind. Whether
you use headphones or loudspeakers this preamp will deliver the goods and spoil
you for any other preamplifier. Notes for current version not covered in the
manual: The transformer switch puts the output transformer in or out of circuit.
You HAVE TO have it switched to "IN" to use the headphone jacks. It is
recommended, in the spirit of "less is more", to switch to "OUT" when using the
main line outputs. The SUB out is a post-volume control output which can be used
to drive a powered subwoofer unit so that the level of the subwoofer follows the
volume level of the preamplifier.SPECIFICATION Inputs: 5 stereo pair
unbalanced RCA jacks Outputs: 2 stereo pairs MAIN out same as SUB out unbalanced
RCA jacks RECORD output: 1 stereo pair pre-volume control unbalanced RCA jacks
HEADPHONE Outs: 2 front panel 1/4" headphone jacks Optimized headphone impedance
switching: 30-400 Ohms to 300-4000 Ohms MUTE: Selecting HEADPHONE operation
mutes LlNE outputs Output Vacuum Tubes: 2 x 300B Electro-Harmonix Input Tubes: 2
x 6SL7 Sovtek Rectifier Tubes: 2 x 5AR4 Ruby Regulator Tubes: 2 x OD3 Gain:
factory set at 12 dB at max Volume Internal Variable Feedback: 8.5 dB of global
NFB is used @ 12 dB of gain, adjustable trim -1.7dB to +1dB Noise Floor:
typically -70 dB (1 Hz - 100 KHz) S/N Ratio: typically 105 dB (A WGT, 20 Hz - 20
KHz) Frequency Response: 5 Hz to 50 KHz 1dB Channel-to-Channel Separation (L to
R): @1KHz 48 dB; @10KHz 35 dB; @20KHz 34 dB Channel-to-Channel Separation (R to
L): @1KHz 50 dB; @10KHz 40 dB; @20KHz 37 dB THD: 0.08 % @ 1KHz at 1V rms out
Distortion THD+N: -80 dB (.01 %) zero "crossover" distortion, mostly 2nd
harmonic Input Sensitivity: 250mV (-9.8dBu) yields 1V out Input Impedance: 100
kOhm Noble volume control Maximum Input Level: 5.5dBu or 1.459 Vrms @ 1KHz,
volume control at maximu Output Impedance (LINE STAGE): 100 Ohms Maximum
Output Level: 17.2dBu or 5.636 Vrms @ 1KHz, volume control at maximum Output
Power (100 Ohm Headphones): 1W (10 V RMS) (28 V P-P) Output Power (600 Ohm
Headphones): 1W( 25 V RMS) (70 V P-P) Power Consumption: 170 Watts (1.4 A @
120VAC) Operating Mains Voltage: Factory set for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC
operation for original destination country's mains voltage. Operating Mains
Voltage: changeable with power transformer re-wiring and fuse value change.
Mains Voltage Frequency: 50~ 60Hz Mains Fuse Value: 3A SLO-BLO (100, 120VAC
operation), 1.5A SLO-BLO (220-240VAC operation) Dimensions: W=19" x L=13" Top
Deck Height: 4" Transformer Height: 3 1/2" Suggested shelf height minimum: 10" (depending
on height of 300B tube) Shipping Weight: 28 Ibs.

CHINOOK Listino ufficiale
€. 4.200,00

Phono a Valvole
spawn of the famous STEELHEAD, our CHINOOK uses the same clean and quiet audio
circuit design. 45 or 60dB of GAIN can be set internally and rear-panel dip
switches select input resistive and capacitance choices. There are tons of
options to match any Moving Coil or Moving Magnet cartridge. Set it and forget
it! Designed for the real music lover - not the switch tweaker - the CHINOOK’s
elegant design and efficient construction keep the price affordable AND
devotedly handcrafted in the USA at Manley Labs. DETAILS
Angling for an affordable yet world-class vacuum tube phono stage? The hunt is
over! The spawn of the Manley Steelhead - one of the world's greatest phono
preamplifiers - Stereophile Class A Recommended Component and The Absolute
Sound's Preamp of the Year, has arrived. The Chinook epitomizes the sound of the
Steelhead. Designed for the music lover, not the switch tweaker. Like the
Steelhead, each channel employs the two triode sections of a 6922 for amplifying
duties with highly accurate passive RIAA equalization networks. In the Chinook,
the signal is then directly coupled to another 6922 dual triode serving as the
output driver in a White Follower configuration. This output stage circuit is
our favorite because of its super-low output impedance and beefy current-driving
capabilities. It can drive long cable lengths and difficult loads, tube or
solid-state. Bring it on. No wimpy cathode followers here! Setting up the
Chinook couldn't be easier. There are two internal settings for optimal gain:
45dB for Moving-Magnet cartridges and 60dB for Moving-Coil cartridges. Set it
and forget it! The back panel contains DIP switches for adjusting the input
resistive and capacitance loading values. 31 possible options between 26 and 800
Ohms plus 47k Ohms and 7 capacitive loading choices between 50 pF and 350 pF
provide flexibility to match any cartridge and fine tune the tone.
Audiophile-grade and time-proven componentry is used throughout, embodying
Manley's dedication to seductive sonics, combined with the reliability that
professionals around the world depend on. At just about a quarter of the price
of our revered Steelhead preamplifier, the Chinook's focus is on elegance of
design, careful execution, efficient construction, and appreciable quality.
Designed and built in California, the Chinook exemplifies Manley's commitment to
our local community and to a simple, clean, and quiet signal path. The Chinook
demonstrates the supreme linearity of vacuum tubes while providing the
flexibility needed to embrace any turntable setup. Everything from the most
exotic 180 gram audiophile pressing to 25 cent thrift-store classics will be
reproduced accurately and musically. Don't let this one get away! Hook a Chinook!
SPECIFICATIONS Vacuum Tube Complement: 6922 x 2 (gain stage) plus 6922 x2
(output stage). Any 6DJ8, 7308, ECC88 typesmay be used.Unbalanced Input and
Output connections via Manley Teflon ® & Gold plated RCA jacksAutomatic Mute
Timer: On initial power up output jacks are muted for approximately 45 seconds.
Automaticmute circuit allows tubes to warm up and circuitry to settle. At power
down, output jacks are immediately muted. Input Termination Capacitance (MM/MC):
3-position user-selectable capacitor values of 50pF, 100pF, and 200pF yield
resultant combinations of: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350pF Moving Magnet
Input Impedance: 47k Ohms, fixed Moving Coil (MC) Input Impedance: 5-position
user-selectable resistor values of 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 Ohms. There are 32
possible loading possibilities. Gain: Internal DIP switches select 45dB or
60dBDeviation from RIAA curve: Less than ± 0.5 dB from 20Hz to 20kHz at any gain
setting. Typically less than±1dB from 10Hz to 100kHz.Distortion (THD+N) (47k Ohm
Input Termination, 45dB gain, 1kHz sine, 0dBu output): Typical 0.010%THD+N, into
100k Ohm load, BW = 100Hz-22kHzDistortion (THD+N) (47k Ohm Input Termination,
45dB gain, 1kHz sine, 0dBu output): Typical 0.030%tHD+N, into 600 Ohm load, BW =
100Hz-22kHzDynamic Range (MM input, Gain set to 45db, 200 Ohm source): 91dB @
1kHz, 0.1% THD+N, BW = 22Hz22kHzDynamic Range (MM input, Gain set to 45db, 200
Ohm source): 107dB @ 1kHz, 1.0% THD+N, BW = 22Hz 22kHz Noise Floor at 45dB gain
setting with shorted input: -84 dBu, A-weighted Noise Floor at 60dB gain setting
with shorted input: -75 dBu, A-weighted Maximum Input at 45dB gain setting with
20 Ohm Source Z @ 1kHz into 10 kOhm load: 250mV RMS =+34.5 dBu @ 1% THD+N BW=22Hz-22kHzMaximum
Input at 60dB gain setting with 20 Ohm Source Z @ 1kHz into 10 kOhm load: 40mV
RMS = +34.2dBu @ 1% THD+N BW=22Hz-22kHzMaximum Output: +37dBu @ 1kHz, 1.5% THD+N
into 100 kOhm loadOutput Impedance: 91 OhmsMinimum Recommended Load: 2500
OhmsInternal Power Supply: Fully regulated linear B+, Heater, and control
voltage rails.Operating Mains Voltage: Units are built for original destination
country's mains voltage: 100V, 120V, or220-240VAC as indicated on the serial
number badge. Power Consumption in Standby mode: 1 Watt (8.0mA @ 120VAC) Power
Consumption: 42 Watts (345mA @ 120VAC)Mains Voltage Frequency: 50~60HzPower
Transformer: Toroid contruction for low radiation.Mains Fuse for 100V operation:
600mA SLO-BLO size 5mm x 20mmMains Fuse for 117V-120V operation: 500mA SLO-BLO
size 5mm x 20mm Mains Fuse for 220V-240V operation: 250mA SLO-BLO size 5mm x
20mmStandby Transformer Fuse for all voltage operation 100V-240V: 10mA, SLO-BLO,
MDL type size 1/4" x 11/4" Badge Lamp: LED illumination Dimensions: W=19",
L=11", H=3 1/2" Shipping Weight: 15 Lbs.

STEELHEAD Listino ufficiale
€. 14.700,00

Phono a Valvole
quiet, and bulletproof with enormous flexibility, the STEELHEAD is both a
tweak-o-holic tube-lover’s dream, and a reviewer’s reference. Two MC inputs have
selectable impedance matching via our beautiful Manley-designed and produced
autoformers. Resistive load settings for the MM input and any capacitive loading
from 0 to 1100pF will mate the STEELHEAD perfectly to any cartridge.
Audiophile-grade components are used throughout. VARI outs can drive amps direct.
LINE input replaces your preamp. Outboard PSU and RF Remora Remote control
included. We debuted to the world a killer frikkin' cool phono stage at CES
2001. It was called, aquatic naming theme continuing, The Steelhead®, as it is
an "upstream" device and has a very clever MC variable load auto tranny that we
designed and our very own Manley Magnetics department executed (which makes the
MC stage so very clever). Iron = transformer = "steel" makes sense to me...It
has two Moving Coil inputs with selectable impedance load 25, 50, 100, 200 and
400 Ohms via Mr. Clever "Steelhead" transformer/autoformer. It also has variable
and selectable Moving Magnet input impedances too 25, 50, 100, 200 Ohms and 47
kOhms. Very nifty is the selectable-dial-able-in-able-from-the-faceplate-able
capacitive loading for all three of the MM & MC inputs 0 to 1100 picofarads in
10 picofarad steps. Very cool! Equalize baby! TEN picofard steps! Wow! Now you
can really dial this in for perfect cartridge matching with ZERO penalty. None
of this switching detracts from the sound quality or adds any extra anything to
the signal path. Rest assured. It's got six tubes. 2 x 6922 plus 4 x 7044
or 5687. It's got a big honkin' volume control. It can drive an amplifier
directly if you want, if you don't "do" digital. Hey and if you happen to have
three turntables set up, we give you 2 x MC and 1 x MM selectable inputs! It's
got variable and fixed volume outputs. And All-tube really low Z tube buffered
outputs. Like inherently 20 Ohms plus the little 47 Ohm "OK drive those high
capacitance audiophile cables why doncha" resistor, so it's real output
impedance is only 67 Ohms. No wanky cathode follower (oh bor-ing) output here
like the other guys. We got your real low impedance all-tube outputs right here!
It will drive anything and everything. Long cables, no problem. It's got
selectable gain 50, 55, 60, 65dB on a switch that even auto-mutes as you change
it so no nasty bangs. Gain switch markings are referred to from the input of the
1st active electronics at 1 kHz to the fixed output @ 10k load, regardless of
whether source is MM or XFMR stepped-up MC. It is not really practical to
include MC step-up gain on the front panel markings due to the variable SOURCE
impedances of the MC cartridges and the variable LOADING that the input XFMR
will have on any given cartridge. All of this total MC gain variability should
be confined to about 3 to 12 dB of range though. XFMR step-up gain plateaus as
the load Z on a given MC cartridge is optimized...producing no VOLTAGE gain but
in fact a bit more POWER gain... All this means you should set a load Z which
sounds best with your particular MC cartridge and adjust gain to suit your
system's operating level. Whatever you like. You will not blow anything up. (Bottom
line: there is plenty of gain... enough to do justice to your fave lo-output MC
cartridges). It's got a mute switch. It's got a "just turn it down while I cue
up so I don't throw my woofer cones across the room but I still want the same
volume I was listening at before I flipped the side" DIM switch. And what goes
with DIM better than SUM which would be the MONO button... It has a killer
hyper-regulated outboard power supply that plugs in on the huge-est connector
you ever saw. And you can just hit the "standby" button to keep everybody off
while you take a small holiday to Tahiti. A backlit "MANLEY STEELHEAD"
illuminated badge reflects back to vinyl-days-of-yore while the millions of BLUE
LEDs remind you that this is modern tube engineering design, baby! The VARIABLE
Outputs are controlled by the precision film dual NOBLE® volume control. They
are SMOOTH action these days as the fashion went against the detented ones. This
is a tweak-o-holic tube-lover's dream.... Let's talk about the LINE input some
more: There is a stereo LINE input included as standard. This means you can
drive your amplifiers directly from the Steelhead's Variable Outputs and select
whether you are listening to the Steelhead phono stage or any LINE source (CD,
SACD, Tape, Tuner, a whole 'nuther preamplifier's main line output, or better
yet, use a Manley SKIPJACK to add up to 4 more LINE inputs into your Steelhead!)
This feature turns the hifi world upside down. It is novel. Other features we
should mention: LINE input comes after RIAA stage, but before the volume control
and Variable output white follower buffer. The LINE button on faceplate selects
LINE input or the output from the built in RIAA stage. There are clever anti-RFI
grounding options user selectable via dip switches on the back for those in high
Radio Frequency Interference zones. If you are picking up a local radio station
through your system, try playing with these switches.All the inputs show up via
standard RCA jacks.There is an additional pair of RCA Outputs for those
bi-amping or driving amps and a subwoofer directly from the Variable Outputs.
This second set of outputs is wired in parallel to theVariable Outputs. If you
need them wired to the Direct Outputs, we can do that too upon request.The
motorized volume control has a smooth action when turned by hand or one can
control it via the REMORA REMOTE push buttons. Badge illumination uses nice
looking white LEDs which will never burn out. Output Muting relays changed to
short outputs if power is turned off. Output Muting relays short out the outputs
if power is turned off preventing unwanted bangs or pop noises. The SLEEP button
puts the unit into standby conserving power and tube life. The audio (audible)
circuitry has remained largely unchanged since the first Steelhead shipped in
2001. SPECIFICATIONS Vacuum tube complement: 6922
SOVTEK Russian x 2 (gain) plus JAN NOS GE 7044 or 5687 x 4 (output buffers) Fuse
type and ratings @ 117 VAC operation: 1.5 Amp 3AG slow-blow mains fuse 0.5 Amp
3AG slow-blow logic fuse Fuse type and ratings @ 230 VAC operation: 0.75 Amp 3AG
slow-blow mains fuse 0.25 Amp 3AG slow-blow logic fuse Moving Magnet input
impedance: 5-step user adjustable via fixed low-noise resistors. 25, 50, 100,
200 and 47000 Ohms. Moving Coil input impedance: 5-step user adjustable via
multi-tap autoformer: 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 Ohms. Input Termination
Capacitance: Front Panel Selectable in 10 picofarad steps from 10 to 1100 pF
(1.1nF) Residual input capacitance less than 40 pF. Gain: 4-step user adjustable,
50, 55, 60 and 65 dB active gain at 1 kHz referred to the FIXED output jack into
a 10 kOhm load. Additional gain available via the MC input's step-up autoformer.
See Owner's Manual for discussion. Deviation from RIAA curve: Less than +0.5 /
-0.3 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at any gain setting. Typically less than ±1 dB from
10 Hz to 100 kHz Inter-channel differential phase: Less than 4 degrees from 20
Hz to 20 kHz at any gain setting. Typically less than 2 degrees. Inter-channel
differential gain: Less than ±0.5 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at any gain setting.
Dynamic Range: 101 dB @ 1 kHz, 1% THD measured with 200 Ohm source, 47 kOhm
input, @ 55dB Gain 97 dB @ 1 kHz, 0.1% THD THD: 0.0042% at 1V output @1kHz
REMORA RF REMOTE: controls motorised volume control up/down functions; uses 9v
battery Maximum MM input level: 50 mVrms @ 1KHz for an output of 17 Vrms or
-23.8 dBu @ 1KHz for an output of +27 dBu @ 1.5% THD Maximum MM input level: 93
mVrms @ 1KHz for an output of 29 Vrms or -18.4 dBu @ 1KHz for an output of +32.3
dBu @ 10% THD Maximum MC input level: 39 mVrms @ 1KHz for an output of 17 Vrms
or -26 dBu @ 1KHz for an output of +27 dBu @ 1.5% THD Maximum MC input level: 72
mVrms @ 1KHz for an output of 29 Vrms or -20.6 dBu @ 1KHz for an output of +32.3
dBu @ 10% THD Maximum LINE input level: 26.5Vrms @ 1KHz for an output of
22.8Vrms or +30.6dBu @ 1KHz for an output of +29.3dBu @ 0.07% THD Maximum
Output: +27dBm @ 1KHz with 3% THD into 100 kOhm load FIXed Output impedance: 150
Ohms. Minimum suggested load greater than 1500 Ohms. VARIable Output impedance:
75 Ohms. Minimum suggested load greater than 600 Ohms. Variable Output GAIN
Setting Fixed Output 9:00 12:00 V/C FULL MM Noise (S+N+D) / (N+D): 50 dB 86dB
108dB 99dB 86dB 200 Ohm source, 47 kOhm input A-weighted Referred to 2.54 mV rms
@ 1 kHz 55 dB 84dB 108dB 99dB 85dB 60 dB 80dB 108dB 94dB 80dB 65 dB 75dB 108dB
89dB 75dB MC Noise (S+N+D) / (N+D): 50 dB 84dB 108dB 98dB 85dB 100 Ohm source,
100 Ohm input A-weighted Referred to 0.5 mV rms @ 1 kHz and rated Input Z 55 dB
80dB 108dB 95dB 81dB 60 dB 75dB 108dB 90dB 76dB 65 dB 70dB 107dB 85dB 71dB

Listino ufficiale
€. 8.600,00

Amplificatore FINALE MONO a Valvole
Our longtime love affair with the EL84 has never sounded tighter, faster, or
deeper than it does in the MAHI. Larger B+ rail storage means control, impact,
and slamming bass punch. Nimble and lively, the MAHI delivers 20 Watts in TRIODE
mode and 40 Watts in Ultra-Linear mode through our own custom transformers,
engineered and wound at Manley Labs. Variable Feedback switch provides a sonic
palette ranging from sweet and seductive to powerful and rockin’. Sold in pairs.
(Mahi-Mahi! These cute little guys produce around
40 watts RMS in Ultra-Linear mode or around 20 watts in TRIODE from a quartet of
EL84 / 6BQ5 tubes driven by a 6414 dual triode driver and a 12AT7EH input dual
triode. The EL84 has been one of our very favorite tubes for many years,
extremely long lasting and reliable, and can be considered the smaller brother
of the much beloved EL34: really quick-sounding both in the bass and especially
in the top end. And of course this has a lot to do with our Manley Output
transformer, the same one we build for the Manley Stingrays. We have been
building EL84 amplifiers for well over a decade. The Manley-branded Tiny Triodes
were much acclaimed in the early 1990's. In 1993 after the Manley company split
off from VTL, the Manley Tiny Triodes underwent a chassis rework to become the
Manley 35 watt Monoblocks soon followed by the 50 Watt Monoblocks. The more
powerful Ultra-Linear mode operation became the standard with hard-wired Triode
operation or Triode/UL switching available upon special request. After the
introduction of the Stingray Integrated amplifier in 1998, we then went back and
incorporated the Stingray's new circuitry design refinements into the 50 Watt
Monoblocks. Finally, big bass out of a small amplifier! So, topology-wise, the
post-1998 50 watters were the monoblock version of the stereo Stingray, with the
additional variable feedback feature. After the introduction of the fabulous
Manley Snappers in 2002, it was obvious that we had to update our classic EL84
50 watt monoblocks both cosmetically and feature-wise. Make-over time! Everyone
was always asking us for Triode/Ultra-Linear switching. We listened to your
requests and feature the Triode-UL switch as standardequipment on the MAHI's. As
are the beautiful german WBT binding posts. Also we increased the B+ rail
capacity in a major way. The 50 Watt monos only had around 45 Joules or energy
storage in the B+ rail. Now the MAHI's have nearly 115 Joules of energy storage
for the B+ rail. You can hear this improvement in the especially in the bass
region: tighter, faster, deeper. More is more in this case. The chassis design
is like a mini-Snapper. They are so cute! And of course they come standard as a
pair so you get.... "Mahi-Mahi." We believe the MANLEY MAHI's give a lot of
value for an affordable price and we think you will be surprised at just how big
these little guys sound. You have no idea how fabulous these amplifiers are.SPECIFICATIONS
Input Tube (each mono block): 1 x 12AT7EH large plate Eletcro-Harmonix Russian
Driver Tube (each mono block): 1 x 6414 JAN NOS GE or Raytheon branded Output
Tubes (each mono block): 4 x EL84 Ships with Russian NOS EL84M (aka 6Pi14Pi-EB)
Output Tube Quiescent Standing Current: 25mA Set Bias for 250mVDC measured
across each 10 Ohm cathode resistor Input Impedance: 110 kOhm Negative Feedback:
MIN= 3dB; STD=6dB; MAX=10dB of global NFBGain:FB MIN: 30.7 dB TRIODE; 32.1 dB UL
FB STD: 28.5 dB TRIODE; 29.1 dB ULFB MAX: 26.1 dB TRIODE; 27.1 dB UL Input
Sensitivity for Maximum Output Power, defined as input voltage required in order
to produce maximum power output reaching 1.5% THD @ 1KHz: FB MIN: 175mV TRIODE;
155mV UL FB STD: 312mV TRIODE; 340mV UL FB MAX: 480mV TRIODE; 566mV U Input
Sensitivity for 1W into 8 Ohms: 61mV 53mV Maximum Output Power, defined as power
output reaching 1.5% THD @ 1KHz: into 5 Ohms: FB MIN: 18W TRIODE; 20W UL FB STD:
27W TRIODE; 42W UL FB MAX: 28W TRIODE; 46W UL into 8 Ohms: FB MIN: 14W TRIODE;
24W UL FB STD: 24W TRIODE; 40W UL FB MAX: 25W TRIODE; 41W U Signal to Noise
Ratio Ref. 1W: Typically 82 dB A-WGT 20-20K Noise Floor: Typically 150µV =
-74dBu A-WGT Noise Floor: Typically 650µV = -62dBu unweighted Will Scratch Your
Floor: Use pennies under pointed feet to avoid marring cabinetry. Try quarters
if you are in upper tax brackets. The bargain performer would be nickels. Paper
currency does not function as well. Euro coins work 1.54 times better. Concrete
pavers or wooden chopping blocks serve fine for amplifier platforms. Dynamic
Range: 83dB THD+Noise @ 5W: less than 0.15% Frequency Response at full power UL
mode w/MAX NFB: 20 Hz to 20 kHz FLAT Frequency Response at 5W into 5 Ohms: 10 Hz
to 30 kHz FLAT, -3.75dB @ 100KHz Recommended Speaker Load: Optimized for 5 Ohms
Output Impedance: FB MIN: 2.43 Ohms TRIODE; 3.10 Ohms UL FB STD: 1.47 Ohms
TRIODE; 1.67 Ohms UL FB MAX: 0.90 Ohms TRIODE; 0.95 Ohms UL Damping Factor:
FB MIN: 3.29 TRIODE; 2.58 UL FB STD: 5.45 TRIODE; 4.78 U FB MAX: 8.90 TRIODE;
8.43 UL Power Consumption (idle): 102 Watts (0.85A @ 120VAC) Maximum Power
Consumption (at Full Power): 168 Watts (1.4A @ 120VAC) Operating Mains Voltage:
Factory set for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC operation for original destination
country's mains voltage. Operating Mains Voltage: changeable with power
transformer re-wiring and fuse value change. Mains Voltage Frequency: 50 ~ 60 Hz
Fuse type and ratings @ 117 VAC operation: MAINS fuse: 3 Amp 3AG slow-blow
use glass body Littlefuse Series 239 Fuse type and ratings @ 230 VAC operation:
MAINS fuse: 1.6 Amp 3AG slow-blow use glass body Littlefuse Series 239 B+ Fuse:
MDA 400 mA SLO-BLO Ceramic Time-Delay fuse Badge Illumination: Units produced
before 3/2003 use 8V, 0.3A "Fuse-Lamp" 1/4" X 1 1/4" - Serial numbers after
MAHI036 use LED illumination which probably won't burn out Dimensions: 11" deep
x 10" wide x 5" tall Shipping weight each: 18 pounds

MANLEY SNAPPER Listino ufficiale
€. 13.300,00

Amplificatore FINALE MONO a Valvole
Watts at full power across the entire frequency band from a quartet of EL34’s in
a fully differential circuit topology is only achievable with an impressive
19-layer output transformer designed and wound by us here at Manley Labs, of
course. Very cleverly, the Snapper’s unique fully balanced topology can be
driven via the XLR inputs or by the unbalanced RCA’s with no sonic penalty
either way. Until you have experienced these beauties, you have no idea how
great these Snappers sound. Strong and natural, like real music. In 2002 we
launched a very tasty all-tube 100 watt monoblock called The Snapper® (oceanic
names continuing). At $7,250 per pair for stereo playback, we also welcome you
to catch a school of Snappers for surround systems.Another brilliant design from
Mitch Margolis features a quartet of EL34 or 6CA7's in a fully differential
circuit topology, including the input and driver stages. This Snapper can be
driven fully balanced all the way through via the XLR inputs. If you have
balanced outputs on your preamplifier, this amplifier is the first Manley design
to really let you take advantage of your XLR's without additional balancing
input circuitry or input transformers. Very cleverly, the unbalanced RCA's can
alternatively be used in this special topology with equally impressive results.
Biasing is easy with all measurement points and trimpots located on the top deck
and speaker connection is made with heavy duty WBT binding posts.
Over three months of prototyping in the Manley Magnetics department resulted in
a brand new output transformer design, a true 19-section incredibly complicated
piece. The Snapper® will crank out 100 watts at 10 cycles all day long and a
full 110 watts from about 15Hz all the way up to 40KHz. Don't let frequency
response specs fool you when people give you amazing bandwidth measured at...
oh, five puny watts. We're talking full power bandwidth here! Continuous duty.
Real muscle. SPECIFICATIONS Input Impedance RCA: 475 KohmInput Impedance XLR:
15 Kohm or 600 ohm switchable Input Sensitivity RCA: 750mV input = 110W
outputInput Sensitivity XLR @ 15Kohms: 1.5 V input = 110W outputInput
Sensitivity XLR @ 600ohms: 2.4 V input = 110W output (w/600ohm source)Gain RCA:
factory set for 31 dB; Range = 29.5 to 34.5dB Gain XLR: factory set for 25
dBNegative Feedback: factory set for 9dB of global NFB Maximum Output Power into
5 ohms: 110 Watts (1.5% THD @ 1kHz) Maximum Output Power into 8 ohms: 100 Watts
(1.5% THD @ 1kHz)Signal to Noise Ratio Ref. 1W: Typically 90 dB A-WGT 20-20K
Noise Floor: Typically 105μV = -77dBu A-WGT Typically 388μV = -66dBu unweighted
Dynamic Range: 98dBTHD+noise @ 1W: less than 0.1% Frequency Response at 110W
full power: 15 Hz to 40 kHz FLAT Frequency Response at 5W into 5 ohms: 10 Hz to
65 kHz FLAT, -3dB @ 100KHz Recommended Speaker Load: Optimized for 5 ohms Actual
Output Impedance: 1.5 ohmsPower Consumption (idle): 170 Watts (1.4A @120VAC)
Power Consumption (at Full Power 110W): 336 Watts (2.8A @120VAC) Operating Mains
Voltage: Factory set for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC operation for original
destination country's mains voltage. Operating Mains Voltage: changeable with
power transformer re-wiring and fuse value change. Mains Voltage Frequency: 50~
60Hz Tube Complement (per pair of Snappers): Input Vacuum Tube: 2 x Ruby 12AX7 (matched
pair) Driver Vacuum Tube: 2x 5687 or 7044 (equivalent) (matched pair) Output
Vacuum Tubes: 8 x Tungsol EL34B (matched) B+ Voltage: 570V DC Output Tube
Quiescent Standing Current: 30mA Set Bias for: 300mVDC measured across 10 ohm
cathode resistor Lamp type: "FuseLamp" size 1/4" X 1 1/4", 12 volt, 0.15 amp;
Units built after 5/2003 use white LEDs Fuse values & types for: 120VAC
operation: MDL or MDA 4 AMP / 250 Volt SLO-BLO size 1/4" X 1 1/4" 240VAC
operation: MDL or MDA 2 AMP/ 250 Volt SLO-BLO size 1/4" X 1 1/4" B+ FUSE: MDA
1/2A Ceramic SLO-BLO size 1/4" x 1 1/4" Dimensions: 15" deep x 13" wide x 8.75"
tall Shipping weight each: 45 pounds

CLASSIC SE/PP 300B Listino ufficiale
€. 17.000,00

Amplificatore FINALE MONO a Valvole
retro, the 300B harkens to a bygone era that focused on the simplicity of
design. Expect luscious mid range, delicate detail, and seductive emotion. User
control of negative feedback and the ability to switch topology ‘on the fly’
from 12 Watts in parallel SINGLE-ENDED mode to 25 Watts in PUSH-PULL mode is
totally unique. This is an amplifier that will always delight and entice you as
it adapts to a variety of efficient speakers (and ears!).The wonderfully simple
300B directly heated triode is virtually Lee De Forest's very first evolutionary
3-element piece, comprising only filament, input grid and anode output. Brought
to reliable perfection by Western Electric USA and later by Standard Telephones
UK as the 4300B, the 300B was very much intended and widely used for telephony
amplification. But audio enthusiasts of older times knew a good thing when they
saw (heard!) it and the great love affair between the 300B and music began...
and dwindled many years later as the American Western Electric 300B was taken
out of production in the late 1980's making the genuine ones extremely valuable
and, accordingly, very highly prized as collectors' pieces. With the
Asian-driven passion and resultant revival of SINGLE ENDED topology the call for
the 300B to be put back into production was too overwhelming for the Chinese
factories to resist. The Russian and the re-start of USA manufacture of the
genuine Western Electric original have further expanded the selection. Basic
thermionic simplicity... directly-heated triodes... it is a drug for some, a
religion for others... With its decidedly (and studiedly) 'retro' physical
proportions- very deep front-to-back dimensions with a narrow side-to-side width,
this layout closely follows concepts of a bygone era, where the well-conceived
intention was to keep the power supply as far as possible from the hum and noise
susceptible octal input tubes. The output tubes themselves require careful
distancing from the mains transformer and, of course, require pure DC on their
filaments. Again, reverence to past times begs the use of vacuum tube
rectification with its very gentle voltage rise-time. But to bring the
performance up to modern demands, we use two rectifiers to enable the use of
very substantial filter / reservoir capacitors... over 1300 microfarads in the
B+ rail- much improved from the 4 or 8 microfarads utilized in the 1930's.When
several other manufacturers started selling single-ended amps with 5 to 9 watts
of power, we understood subjectively and objectively the good part of the story:
the superb mid range, the delicate detail, the inherent simplicity. The bad news
was that there were almost no speakers efficient enough to help form a
dynamically viable system. The worst news was that either these single-ended
amps cost more than the condo and or they had specs that could only be read as a
joke. As the triode fans increased, more efficient speakers became available and
several fanatics began to dismiss push-pull as a bad thing to be avoided at all
costs. We objected to such blanket generalities and stressed that the push-pull
done right with truly phase-balanced transformers, quality parts throughout and
well designed circuitry has proven to be a superb technique. We also enjoy
single-ended topology but only when it is done right, mostly because we expect
flat frequency response and low distortion out of an amplifier. We knew that we
could achieve this in a properly conceived single-ended design. We chose to rise
to the challenge of designing special circuitry that could be switched "on the
fly" From 12 watts in parallel SINGLE-ENDED to 25 watts in PUSH-PULL which, we
believe is unique in the industry. The Output transformer (hand-wound in our own
factory) is of complex design employing inordinately high primary inductance to
compensate for the mandatory magnetic "gap" required for the uni-direction
current and voltage flow of the single-ended output stage. Another factor in the
single ended triode saga (currently enjoying a wide spread popularity) is demand
for little (or sometimes zero) negative feedback. We at Manley Labs believe in
the judicious or sensible amount of feedback to refine and maximize performance.
Our Neo-Classic SE/PP300B gives you the choice in precision switched 1 dB steps
to go from ZERO dB's to 10 dB's of negative feedback. Even with zero negative
feedback, this amp is cleaner and flatter than any single-ended amp we know of.
For more information about variable feedback read Notes on Negative Feedback.
One interesting aspect of negative feedback is it gives a higher damping factor.
Conventional wisdom would have us think that the higher the damping factor, the
better. Our experience is that the optimum damping factor is not infinity and
that it depends on the speaker, the room. and the taste of the listener. In
other words, the optimum is variability, and this we provide. This amp satisfies
us as long time amplifier builders, amazes the critics in several well known
magazines and is bound to satisfy you with the ability to fit into your system
and your expectations. BUT REMEMBER PLEASE the overall facts of power ratings
versus loudspeaker sensitivity and room size when electing to venture into lower
power amplifiers (less than 50 watts) and especially when contemplating
single-ended topology. Please read Considerations of Amplifier Power for more
info.As highly regarded as the Retros were by dealers ,audiophiles and reviewers,
the Neos take the design and the sonics to a new level. In 2000, Mitch Margolis
completely overhauled the previous "Retro" model to create the Neo-Classic
Version you see above.. So what's new with this Neo-Classic version you ask? Now...
onto the techno mumble jumble... here's all the guts improvements we made in
2001. Mitch spent six months doing all this:The driver stage was completely
re-engineered. Peak output volts of driver increased by 60V p-p in PP mode.
Clever new driver circuit delivers way better drive, with less punishing plate
volts, and less THD. This offers enough drive even for more exotic tubes such as
VV30B, etc... The NEO's have WAY improved power bandwidth. NEO's deliver much
more power at higher and lower freq's than the ol' Retro's did. We did rescale
the B+ and reduced idle plate dissipation on the NEO's 300Bs for better tube
reliability. mNew power max ratings are 12 watts in SE mode and 25 watts in PP
mode. BUT because of better bandwidth delivery and better driver "drive" into
300B's these NEO's sound louder and "seem" to be more powerful. They distort
much less early when pushing the power envelope. The power supply sags-on-demand
at a much high point than before for more headroom. It is all beefier 'n'
heftier. The heater (300B "cathode" which is directly heated triode design) now
has 40dB less ripple. NEO design has MORE capacity in heater supply and LOTS of
PI filtering! So the result is a quieter amplifier. Big time. Now in the NEO
version, the B+ rectification is all-real-Full Wave Bridge vacuum tube
rectification. Even more better. Especially sonically for you vacuum tube
rectifier fans... mThe NEO'S chassis was redesigned to accommodate a much bigger
power tranny. Huger VA. Next frame size up. Cooler running. Much more able to
deliver-on-demand. Less PSU sag. Kick-ass. And now, finally QUIET! REALLY! There
wasn't enough room on the old Retros for next frame size up to achieve a nice'n'quiet
power transformer design. Now the NEO's chassis is big enough to have a big
enough power transformer that is really silent and running on holiday. Bias
supply is now cleverly cross-coupled so that changing one tube's bias doesn't
whack the other one out. This is very cool. mWe even isolated the input B+ for
more stable input B+ supply. Again, so when pushed, the whole amp doesn't drag
everybody down with it. We added a MUTE switch on the front panel. SE-PP switch
on the other side of front panel. mPower switch at the IEC so all those nasty AC
volts don't come up and infect the input stages. Discarded the
transformer-balanced XLR input. Because WHAT'S THE POINT??? At gunpoint, we will
make a balanced XLR transformer coupled input available "upon special request"...
but you need to have a bigger gun than EveAnna does... Still has those nice
sounding MultiCap® coupling caps and even more of 'em.... Now NEO has nice
beautiful WBT binding posts that everybody loves. Still has impedance load
switch as before. Service is now a piece of cake in the NEO design. The main PCB
can now be lifted out for service without a soldering iron... if switches get
banged or broken they can be user replaced with a phillips screwdriver to remove
the bottom stainless-steel (now) cover and then remove faceplate with little
allen key, then unscrew the switch with pliers or (better) correct nut driver,
then unplugged out old switch then new one plugged in with switch assembly from
us. Easy as pie! But, just in case, we did invent newer stronger foams and
packaging so hopefully no more breakies.... And bottom line, in all our
listening tests, this NEO is very much improved. Now with this six months of
re-engineering of the Neo-Classic SE/PP 300Bs, "THD BE-GONE!!!!" The
Electro-Harmonix Russian 300B tubes are being shipped as standard. That's
300B-EH. And finally, sorry to say, we had to raise the price to PAY for all
this R&D and nice improvements and so we can start making some money on this
product for a change... (insert trite capitalist expression here). Sorry folks,
that's the way it goes....SPECIFICATIONS Vacuum Tubes: 2 x 300B (Output), 1 x
6SN7 (Driver), 1 x 6SL7 (Input), 2 x 5AR4 (Rectifier). (Units prior to 2011 used
5U4 rectifier tubes.)Output Power @ 1kHz with 5 dB FeedBack in SINGLE-ENDED: 11
Watts @ 3% THDOutput Power @ 1kHz with 5 dB FeedBack in PUSH-PULL: 24 Watts @
1.5% THD Frequency Response with 5 dB FB in SINGLE-ENDED: 15 Hz - 15 kHz ±0.5 dB
(measured at 5 watts)Frequency Response with 5 dB FB in PUSH-PULL: 10 Hz - 20
kHz ±0.5 dBGAIN SE Mode 0dB Feedback Setting: 30 dBGAIN SE Mode 10dB Feedback
Setting: 20 dBInput Sensitivity with 5db FB SINGLE ENDED: 700mV for Maximum
PowerInput Sensitivity with 5db FB PUSH-PULL: 450mV for Maximum PowerInput
Sensitivity with 5db FB SINGLE ENDED: 165mV for 1V output into 8 OhmsInput
Sensitivity with 5db FB PUSH-PULL: 160mV for 1V output into 8 Ohms S/N Ratio:
SINGLE ENDED: 83.5dB Ref. 1W; 2.83v//8 Ohms,20KHz BW; 5dB FB.S/N Ratio:
PUSH-PULL: 85.4dB Ref. 1W; 2.83v//8 Ohms; 20KHz BW; 5dB FB.Dynamic Range: SINGLE
ENDED: 94dB Ref. 3% THD; 20KHz BW; 5dB FB.Dynamic Range: PUSH-PULL: 99.5dB Ref.
1.5% THD; 20KHz BW; 5dB FB.Input Impedance: 100 kOhm, direct coupled.Optimum
Speaker Load (switchable): 4 to 12 Ohm range appropriate for 4 & 8 Ohm speakers
- 12 to 20 Ohm range appropriate for 16 Ohm speakers Actual Output Impedance
SINGLE ENDED: 2.25 Ohms Actual Output Impedance PUSH-PULL: 1.86 OhmsDamping
Factor SINGLE ENDED: 3.5 Damping Factor PUSH-PULL: 4.3 Maximum Power Consumption:
240 Watts Mains Voltage Frequency: 50~ 60Hz Power transformer factory set for
100V, 120V or 220-240VAC operation for original destination country's mains
voltage. Operating Mains Voltage changeable with power transformer re-wiring and
fuse value change. Mains Fuse 100-120VAC operation: MDA 3 Amp SLO-BLO Ceramic
Time-Delay fuseMains Fuse 220-240VAC operation: MDA 1.5 Amp SLO-BLO Ceramic
Time-Delay fuseB+ Fuse: MDA 400 mA SLO-BLO Ceramic Time Delay fuseBadge
Illumination: Units produced before 7/2003 use 8V, 0.3A "Fuse-Lamp" 1/4" X 1
1/4" - Serial numbers after NSEPP314 use LED illumination which probably won't
burn out Dimensions: W= 8.5, D= 23, H= 9 inches, Including projecting controls
and parts Minimum Mounting Surface Dimensions: Feet Footprint = W= 7.5" D= 18"
Shipping Weight: 41 lbs. each

CLASSIC 250 Listino ufficiale
€. 23.100,00

Amplificatore FINALE MONO a Valvole
Delivering emotion and translating with
pure seductive capabilities the essence of music, the Neo-Classic 250 relies on
decades of circuit refinement with proven componentry that maximizes this
classic push-pull design. Choose either the sonically seductive qualities of
triode or the more powerful tetrode configuration. The big beefy capacitors
provide instant energy for dynamic performance of transient peaks and powerful
bass impact. A magazine reviewer once wrote the following about the Manley
250's: "In triode mode a pair of Manleys produces a remarkably three dimensional
soundfield that is both convincing and seductive. When switched into tetrode
mode, the Manleys have the brawn to deliver a full symphony orchestra directly
into your living room." "When I listened through the same cut through the triode
mode tube amps, I cried. Yup, tears ran down my cheeks while I bounced up and
down, waving my arms, physically buffeted by the raw emotion of the music.
Emotion- that essential component at the very core of great music. The Manleys
pass through that emotional information, but the (solid-state amps) don't."
Tried and true: The Manley 500 and 250 Watt Monoblocks are our most powerful
push-pull production-models. Both the circuit design and the selected
componentry have been refined over years and years of development. Reliability
that you can depend upon combined with musical accuracy and emotional authority
is what these amplifiers promise- and deliver. They are able to switch operation
modes allowing the listener to choose between the sonically seductive qualities
of triode and the more powerful Ultra-Linear configuration. We use big, beefy
reservoir capacitors in the high voltage supplies giving plenty of instant
energy for dynamic performance of transient peaks and bass impact and weight
which often exceeds that of rival solid-state amplifiers. We run high voltages
on the plates of the output tubes but operate them at lower current which will
result in their longer life. Although each output tube has its own bias-adjust,
We carefully fit each amplifier with computer-batched tubes for optimum
performance. The bias adjustment pots and measuring points are conveniently
located behind the oval front panel insert. To avoid a heavy power drain when
the cold amplifier is first switched on, we conceived a "Soft-Start" mode which
also functions as an "Ever-Warm" position allowing the amplifiers to be always
warmed up for pleasurable listening. Each amplifier only consumes 30 watts of
power in Ever-Warm mode. A blinking green LED reminds the user that the
amplifier is in warm-up mode because as all the power supplies are at
half-voltage, the amplifier will still operate at half power when the Ever-Warm
mode is engaged, so the user should use the MUTE switch when in this mode. The
front-panel mute switch and angled-back chassis make it easier to hook up the
interconnects, speaker cables, and IEC power cord. In our own in-house magnetics
department, our R&D team completely redesigned all of our output transformers in
1998 with the goal to reclaim that luscious rich mid-range of our vintage
designs. In 2013 we reworked the output transformer to operate the output stage
in Ultra-Linear mode which is a great sounding balance between the detail of
triode and the brawn of Tetrode. We also specifically set out to achieve a
deeper bottom register at higher power with lower distortion. Hours and hours of
listening tests, measurements, and fine-tuning brought an exciting and stunning
result to our ears. We hope you will agree.SPECIFICATIONSALL-TUBE
monoblock design: uses 10 x Tungsol EL34B output tubesDriver Stage: High current
double 12BH7EH (x2) Electro-Harmonix RussianInput Tube: Tungsol 12AT7 large
plateBALANCED & UNBALANCED inputs: RCA and XLR jacks (switchable)MUTE switch: on
front panelTRIODE / Ultra-Linear output mode switching: on front panelSOFT-START
turn on mode: minimizes in-rush current by first powering up amplifier to half
voltagesEVER-WARM mode: for standby keeps tubes warmed up at half voltagesMANLEY
Precision Output Transformer: designed and wound at Manley LabsFront panel bias
measurement and adjust: Concealed under the black oval insertOutput Tube
Standing Current: 27.5mASet Bias for: 275mVDC measured across each bias tip jack
to groundLarge filter / reservoir capacitors: 3800uF x 2 Angled rear of chassis:
provides for easy connectionsWBT binding posts: CE compliant for European
modelsInput Sensitivity RCA: Triode = 1.637 V, Tetrode = 1.837 V for full
powerInput Sensitivity XLR: Triode = 3.2 V, Tetrode = 3.6 V for full powerInput
Sensitivity Triode: 174mV for 1 watt into 8 Ohms Input Sensitivity Tetrode:
146mV for 1 watt into 8 Ohms Gain Triode: 30dBGain Tetrode: 32dBInput Impedance
RCA: 116 kOhm @ 1KHzInput Impedance XLR: 270 kOhm @ 1KHz; 20 kOhms @ 20KHz; 38
kOhm @ 20HzActual Output Impedance Triode: 0.538 OhmActual Output Impedance
Tetrode: 0.465 OhmOptimum Speaker Load: 5 OhmsDamping Factor Triode: 14.8Damping
Factor Tetrode: 17.2S/N Ratio Ref 1W into 8 Ohms: -80 dB; -90dB A-WGTDynamic
Range: 93dBFLAT frequency response: 10 Hz - 30 KHz continuousFull Power Tetrode:
250W @ 1.5% THD into 5 OhmsFull Power Triode: 100W @ 1.5% THD into 5 OhmsPower
Consumption: 30 Watts in "EVER-WARM" modeMaximum Power Consumption: 815 Watts at
full powerOperating Mains Voltage: Factory set for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC
operation for original destination country's mains voltage. Operating Mains
Voltage: changeable with power transformer re-wiring and fuse value change.
Mains Voltage Frequency:Mains Fuse 100-120VAC operation: MDA 10 Amp SLO-BLO
Ceramic Time-Delay fuseMains Fuse 220-240VAC operation: MDA 8 Amp SLO-BLO
Ceramic Time-Delay fuse B+ Fuse: MDA 1 1/2A SLO-BLO Ceramic Time-Delay fuse
Badge Illumination: Units produced before 4/2003 use 8V, 0.3A "Fuse-Lamp" 1/4" X
1 1/4" - Serial numbers after N250188 use LED illumination which probably
won't burn out Power Cord: Detachable IEC standard. Appropriate power cord
supplied for destination country Unit Dimensions: W=19" x D=13" x H=9" eachUnit
Weight: 68 Lbs. eachShipping Weight: 73 Lbs. each

CLASSIC 500 Listino ufficiale
€. 26.200,00

Amplificatore FINALE MONO a Valvole
the same topology as our 250’s, the Neo-Classic 500’s continue the legacy of
musical accuracy and emotional authority these amplifiers promise and deliver
with double the output power thanks to the amazing KT90 output tubes. Both the
250 and 500 Monoblocks overflow with detail and reveal spatial image beyond
expectation. Authoritative, muscular, and dependable, these Ultra-American tube
amps have no competition at these prices. Tried and true: The Manley 500 and 250
Watt Monoblocks are our most powerful push-pull production-models. Both the
circuit design and the selected componentry have been refined over years and
years of development. Reliability that you can depend upon combined with musical
accuracy and emotional authority is what these amplifiers promise- and deliver.
They are able to switch operation modes allowing the listener to choose between
the sonically seductive qualities of triode and the more powerful Ultra-Linear
configuration. We use big, beefy reservoir capacitors in the high voltage
supplies giving plenty of instant energy for dynamic performance of transient
peaks and bass impact and weight which often exceeds that of rival solid-state
amplifiers. We run high voltages on the plates of the output tubes but operate
them at lower current which will result in their longer life. Although each
output tube has its own bias-adjust, We carefully fit each amplifier with
computer-batched tubes for optimum performance. The bias adjustment pots and
measuring points are conveniently located behind the oval front panel insert.To
avoid a heavy power drain when the cold amplifier is first switched on, we
conceived a "Soft-Start" mode which also functions as an "Ever-Warm" position
allowing the amplifiers to be always warmed up for pleasurable listening. Each
amplifier only consumes 30 watts of power in Ever-Warm mode. A blinking green
LED reminds the user that the amplifier is in warm-up mode because as all the
power supplies are at half-voltage, the amplifier will still operate at half
power when the Ever-Warm mode is engaged, so the user should use the MUTE switch
when in this mode.The front-panel mute switch and angled-back chassis make it
easier to hook up the interconnects, speaker cables, and IEC power cord.In our
own in-house magnetics department, our R&D team completely redesigned all of our
output transformers in 1998 with the goal to reclaim that luscious rich
mid-range of our vintage designs. In 2013 we reworked the output transformer to
operate the output stage in Ultra-Linear mode which is a great sounding balance
between the detail of triode and the brawn of Tetrode. We also specifically set
out to achieve a deeper bottom register at higher power with lower distortion.
Hours and hours of listening tests, measurements, and fine-tuning brought an
exciting and stunning result to our ears. We hope you will agree.
SPECIFICATIONSALL-TUBE monoblock design 10 x KT90EH Electro-Harmonix Russian
output tubesHigh current double 12BH7EH driver stageTungsol 12AT7 large plate
input tubeBALANCED & UNBALANCED inputsMUTE switchTRIODE / Ultra-Linear
switchingSOFT-START/ EVER-WARM standby modeMANLEY Precision output
transformerFactory set for 5 Ohms nominalFront panel bias measurement and adjust
(hiding under the black insert)Large filter / reservoir capacitors 3800uF x
2Angled rear of chassis provides for easy connectionsWBT binding postsInput
sensitivity: 1VGain: 32dB tetrode; 30dB in triodeInput Impedance RCA: 116 kOhm @
1KHzInput Impedance XLR: 270 kOhm @ 1KHz; 20 kOhms @ 20KHz; 38 kOhm @ 20HzNoise
Floor: Tetrode: -67dB; Triode -65dB typicalS/N Ratio: -80 dBDynamic Range: 96dB
FLAT frequency response: 10 Hz - 30 KHz continuous Power Consumption: 30 Watts
in "EVER-WARM" Full power (tetrode): 500W Full power (triode): 275W Factory set
for 100V, 120V or 220-240VAC operation for original destination country's mains
voltage. Operating Mains Voltage changeable with power transformer re-wiring and
fuse value change. Mains Voltage Frequency: Dims: W=19", D=13", H=9" Shipping
weight: 82 lbs. each

MSK8 Listino ufficiale
€. 5.200,00

MSK8 Amplificatore CUFFIA a Valvole
Labs is proud to announce the release of a stunning design: the Absolute
Headphone Amplifier. Brimming with functionality, this new art piece from Manley
Labs is as enthralling musically as it is handsome visually.With over three
years of development in its creation, Manley has drawn from its 30 years of
experience in conceptualizing and developing each precise element of this
multi-talented unit. This masterpiece embodies high-performance flexibility for
every person to be able to custom compose sonic performance reliably, repeatedly,
or even spontaneously. Artistic expression with sound! Oh, and by the way, it is
also a Line-Level Preamplifier! There are fifteen independent controls available,
each of which was exhaustively developed for convenient adjustability and aural
variety. Two selectable stereo RCA jack pairs receive the input signals. Even
these RCA jacks are of our own design. Teflon® insulated and gold plated, we
have been producing these excellent RCA jacks since the mid-1990s. The volume is
controlled on the facia by the sexy front thumb wheel and also by the included
Radio Frequency remote control, both of which operate a precision stepped relay
ladder matrix attenuator in half dB steps. The RF remote can be operated
anywhere in the home, even through walls or cabinetry, especially useful when
using the unit as a stand-alone preamplifier. Next to the front volume control
wheel you’ll find the Mute switch to instantly kill the signal. Spinning the
volume wheel all the way to minimum also mutes the signal. There is also a user
adjustable Headphone Overload Protection System which declares maximum output
level to protect precious headphones and your ears! And you know how maddening
it is to try to listen to a mono LP record on headphones - which is why we have
provided a MONO switch!In case your source needs some correction or if your own
ears do not hear equally, we have included a Balance Control which can swing the
signal up to 72dB either way. In its center detent position, this special
balance control is completely out of the circuit. Also to be able to execute
some sonic authority over what is handed to you in a given recording or to just
make your headphones sound nicer (to you!) we have provided historically proven
pleasing and gentle Tone Controls - and these Baxandall Bass and Treble
equalizers can be completely bypassed at the push of a button. Try them! We
think you really will enjoy having the choice to enliven and enrich your sonic
experience. Along those lines, the Variable Feedback control allows you to
control the amount of overall negative feedback applied to the amplifier from
0dB, or no Global Negative Feedback, to 10dB of NFB. Negative Feedback in
electronics is when a small portion of the output signal is re-introduced back
to the input signal to provide a more stable and beneficial corrective result.
This control is very useful when determining how “tight” you want your amplifier
to sound. For example, a simple female vocal with minimal percussion can sound
more intimate with very little feedback, but a complicated symphony orchestra
passage may sound better positioned with more feedback. Applying different
amounts of negative feedback can also affect the slew rate and apparent “speed”
of the sonic character. Other aspects for which to listen include placement,
forward or relaxed, darker vs shimmering, or punchy vs mellow. Feel free to play
with this knob and listen for the not-so-subtle diversity that altering the
amount of feedback provides. It’s one of our favorite circuit tricks and we’ve
been pulling this one for decades!
SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Topology:
Triode Vacuum Tube Output Stage, Switchable Topology Single-Ended or Push-Pull
Vacuum Tubes: 2 x 12AX7 (ECC83), 4 x 6AQ5A (EL90) Inputs: 2 x RCA (Input 1 &
Preamp Output = Pass-Thru when amplifier is in Standby or Off) Input Impedance:
50 kOhms (Pass-Thru= 300 kOhms) Maximum Input Level:7.7 VAC RMS (+20 dBu) (Conditions:
XLR output, PP mode, 16 ohm load, VOLUME max, EQ out, 1kHz sine wave) Gain:Load
16 ohm: 12 dB (Min FB), 3 dB (Max FB)Load 62 ohm: 17 dB (Min FB), 8 dB (Max FB)Load
200 ohm: 22 dB (Min FB), 13 dB (Max FB) (Conditions: XLR output, PP mode, VOLUME
Max, EQ out, 1kHz sine wave) Input Sensitivity:600 mV AC RMS for an output of
100 mW1.9 VAC RMS for an output of 1W(Conditions: XLR output, PP mode, FB 12:00
o’clock, 16 ohm load, 1kHz sine wave, VOLUME max, EQ out) Volume Control:-
Precision Stepped Relay Attenuator 0.5dB per step - 63dB total attenuation –
Volume setting to minimum = MUTE Outputs (transformer coupled):1 pair RCA-
Unbalanced (Preamp Output)1 x TRS ¼” JACK – Unbalanced 1 x 4 PIN XLR- Balanced
XLR-pin outs - (Left Channel Pin 1= Signal (+), Pin 2= Signal (-), Right Channel
Pin 3= Signal (+), Pin 4= Signal (-)) Output Impedance: Switchable: Low 12-50
Ohm, Mid 50-200 Ohm, High 200-600 Ohms Maximum Output Power = 1W into 12 Ohms BW
22Hz-22kHz Variable Feedback Control (FB): MIN 0dBMAX 10dB (Conditions: BAL
output, PP mode, 16 ohm load, VOLUME max, EQ out) Signal to Noise Ratio:83 dB
(1kHz sine wave, 100mW output, BW 22Hz-22kHz) (Conditions: BAL output, PP mode,
FB 12:00 o’clock, 16 ohm load, VOLUME max, EQ out) Noise Floor: -80 dBu BW
22Hz-22kHz -85 dBu A-Weighted (Conditions: BAL output, PP mode, FB 12:00
o’clock, 16 ohm load, VOLUME MAX, EQ out) Channel Crosstalk: -71 dB (1kHz sine
wave, 100mW output, BW 22Hz-22kHz) Left Channel -72 dB (1kHz sine wave, 100mW
output, BW 22Hz-22kHz) Right Channel (Conditions: BAL output, PP mode, FB 12:00
o’clock, 16 ohm load, EQ out Balance Control Channel attenuation:Left Channel=
72dB (1kHz sine wave, 100mW output, BW 22Hz-22kHz)Right Channel= 72dB (1kHz
tone, 100mW output, BW 22Hz-22kHz) (Conditions: BAL output, PP mode, FB Min, 16
ohm load, EQ out) Frequency Response: Push-Pull= Flat 10Hz – 20 kHz (-1dB @ 40
kHz) Single-Ended= 20Hz – 20 kHz (-0.5dB @ 10Hz, -1dB @ 50 kHz) (Conditions: BAL
output, 100mW output, FB @ 12:00 o’clock, 16 ohm load, EQ out) Distortion:
Push-Pull= 0.16% THD+N (BW 20Hz-22kHz) Single-Ended= 1.0% THD+N (BW 20Hz-22kHz)
(Conditions: BAL output, PP mode, 1 kHz sine, 100mW output, FB @ 12:00 o’clock,
16 ohm load, EQ out)Supplied with Remora RF remote control Soft Start, 30 second
mute-controlled power-up sequence Operating Mains Voltage: 90-250 VAC, 50-60Hz,
universal works worldwide Unit Dimensions: 11.5 x 5.5 x 8.2” (LxWxH) Unit Weight:
12 lbs Shipping Weight = 13.5 lbs Packing Carton Dimensions: 17 x 11 x 15” Power
consumption STANDBY mode = 0.5W, Max Power = 80W Heat Rise above ambient
temperature at rear panel: 25ºC or 44ºF Heat Rise above ambient temperature at
side panels: 15ºC or 26

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