La NAD non costruisce prodotti che hanno solo caratteristiche esaltanti. I nostri ingegneri escono dal laboratorio per studiare le reali condizioni di ascolto e gli effetti dell'interazione fra le varie parti di un sistema audio completo. Nessun compromesso di qualsiasi tipo viene fatto in quelle aree di progetto che influenzano direttamente le prestazioni nelle reali condizioni d'uso. I circuiti e le funzioni di ogni prodotto NAD forniscono la massima qualità sonica possibile nonchè la massima semplicità di utilizzo.L`organizzazione della NAD è anomala quanto la sua filosofia di prodotto. Fondata nel 1972, la compagnia è un`associazione internazionale di specialisti alta fedeltà. La compagnia è unica per il fatto di essere posseduta e gestita dalle stesse persone che vendono i suoi prodotti, da persone che hanno il più stretto contatto con quelli che comprano le apparecchiature. Rivenditori e distributori da più di 45 paesi partecipano alle riunioni di prodotto. Lavorando a stretto contatto con gli ingegneri NAD contribuiscono allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e di concetti che rendono i prodotti NAD così unici.La NAD, incorporando le tecnologie progettuali più avanzate, produce prodotti allo stato dell'arte a prezzi accessibili. Questo inusuale approccio razionale alla progettazione audio e la propensione alla semplicità e alla convenienza hanno suscitato il plauso critico dei recensori audio e degli amanti della musica di tutto il mondo.E` questa simbiosi tra una ditta singolare e una filosofia fuori dal comune che ha portato alla creazione di prodotti di alta caratura musicale che sono diventati una leggenda dei nostri tempi. Per vedere e ascoltare i prodotti descritti in questo catalogo vi suggeriamo di visitare il rivenditore NAD più vicino.Per oltre vent'anni la NAD ha goduto di una particolare reputazione per l'eccellenza sonica dei suoi prodotti audio. Ogni apparecchio che realizziamo offre prestazioni insuperabili per la categoria di prezzo, utilizzando i migliori componenti audio per un superbo risultato sonoro.I nuovi prodotti NAD continuano e in effetti esaltano questa tradizione di eccellenza. Non offrono infatti solo ottime prestazioni per il prezzo richiesto, ma solidificano la reputazione che NAD ha per essere in prima linea nel progresso della tecnologia Hi-Fi. Ecco una breve cronologia di alcuni traguardi raggiunti che mostrano come l'innovazione sia per NAD una tradizione tanto quanto le alte prestazioni. 1977: Modello 3080, il primo amplificatore al mondo in grado di lavorare su 2 ohm.1979: Brevetto del Soft Clipping, un'esclusivo circuito di riduzione della distorsione. Riserva Dinamica di 3dB implementata in tutti gli amplificatori. Modello 3140, il primo amplificatore al mondo con Bass Eq.1980: Modello 6150C, il primo registratore a cassette al mondo con il sistema Dolby C Modello 6040, il primo registratore a cassette al mondo con Dolby HX1982: Modelli 4150 e 7150, il primo sintonizzatore e sintoamplificatore al mondo con circuito Schotz.1983: Modello 5120, il primo giradischi al mondo con braccio ad assorbimento della risonanza - dinamica.1985: Modello 2200, il primo amplificatore al mondo con circuito Power Envelope. Modello 6155, il primo registratore a cassette del mondo con circuito Play Trim, circuito di equalizzazione delle alte frequenze in riproduzione sviluppato in collaborazione con i Dolby Laboratories. Modello4155, il primo sintonizzatore al mondo equipaggiato con sistema di riduzione del fruscio FM.1986: Il modello 3020 diventa l'amplificatore integrato più venduto della storia: oltre 600,000 prodotti e tutt'ora in catalogo.1987: Modello 6300, il primo registratore a cassette del mondo sia con Dolby HX Pro che circuito DYNEQ. La rivista inglese What Hi-Fi? seleziona il modello 6220 come "Registratore a cassette dell'Anno". Il modello 7240 viene nominato "Sintoamplificatore dell'Anno" dalla rivista danese High Fidelity.1988: Il modello 3020e viene selezionato dalla rivista What Hi-Fi? come "Amplificatore dell'Anno".1989-1990: Il modello 4225 viene selezionato per due anni consecutivi come "Sintonizzatore Economico dell'Anno" da HiFi Review.1991: Il lettore CD 5425 viene premiato dalla rivista francese Le Diapason con il "Diapason d'Or".1992: Viene prodotto il milionesimo amplificatore 3020

Il 3020 ha venduto nel mondo circa un milione di unità, un traguardo incredibile per un componente hi-fi; risultato che acquista ancor più importanza se si considera che i progettisti NAD si contrapposero alla tendenza del tempo che si ispirava alla filosofia del "un pò di tutto è meglio".In un periodo nel quale i fabbricanti infarcivano i pannelli frontali e posteriori dei loro amplificatori di funzioni, circuiti complessi e del maggior numero di controlli (spesso inutili), il 3020, incarnando la filosofia NAD basata sul concetti quali la semplicità, senza che questa si traducesse in compromesso, facilità d'uso e riduzione del percorso del segnale, diventò un prodotto dal successo travolgente. Naturalmente gli amplificatori integrati NAD incorporano gli stessi standard progettuali, gli stessi componenti e circuiti ad ampia gamma dinamica impiegati nei nostri finali audiophile. Nel pieno rispetto dello stile NAD, innovativo più che imitativo, i nostri ingegneri hanno realizzato due circuiti molto sofisticati: il "Soft Clipping" e l'"Power Envelope" (PE). Ambedue forniscono soluzioni concrete riguardo due limiti piuttosto comuni nell'ambito delle amplificazioni, permettendo all'utilizzatore di apprezzare la resa musicale ad alti livelli di volume senza che questa sia affetta da distorsione o da un qualsiasi altro compromesso prestazionale.

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NAD  D3020V2                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €.   599,00


NAD  D3045                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €.    949,00

Amplificatore Integrato tecnologia Ibrida 2x60W, Bluetooth Aptx HD, DAC 24/192 Ingressi : 1 Ingr. Digitale coax, 2 Ingr. Ottici, 1 Ingr. Analogico RCA, 1 Ingr. Phono MM Uscite Audio: 1 Pre Out / Sub Out, 1 Uscita Cuffia 1 USB (Tipo B)asincrono, 1 Ingr. HDMI per ARC, 1 Ingr. Trigger 12v, 1 Ingr. Analogico Mini Jack

The NAD D 3045 is everything a modern amplifier should be; compact, energy efficient, powerful, silent, High Resolution capable, and packed with cutting edge features like DSD and MQA playback. NAD’s expertise in both digital and analog engineering is on full display in this flexible and affordable amplifier.HIGHER FIDELITY High Res is to audio, what High Definition is to video. It is more lifelike and natural, and an altogether more enjoyable listening experience. With features like Master Quality Authenticated (MQA) the D 3045 can faithfully and accurately reproduce the full spectrum of sound encapsulated on the Studio Master. Until now, music lovers have only been allowed to hear an edited version of the full fidelity because our delivery systems, be it tape, vinyl, or CD, did not have the capacity to hold all the information contained in the Studio Master recording. With High Res downloads and streaming we can now enjoy exactly the same experience the artist heard in the studio when the recording was first made. AMAZING CAPABILITY We recognize that just because there is a new better format available doesn’t mean your present music collection will be discarded – far from it. So we have included all the inputs and circuits required to listen to all your current music, while also possessing the capability to fully exploit today’s best High Res sources. Especially notable is the Asynchronous USB input for attaching a computer which allows High Res streaming using one of the several High Res programs like Roon, JRiver, and Amarra. Asynchronous operation uses the D 3045’s precision clock (instead of the computers clock) to reduce jitter to a minimum and make the USB format work ideally for audio. For everyday convenience we have included Bluetooth wireless streaming featuring aptX HD, the latest 24-bit High Res version of Bluetooth that is being supported by more and more phones and tablets. Additionally, if you have Bluetooth headphones, you can also stream your non-Bluetooth sources wirelessly to your headphones, or you can plug in your wired headphones to enjoy the exceptional performance of our low impedance, high current, Headphone Amplifier. FEATURES YOU WON’T FIND ANYWHERE ELSE Love vinyl? The D 3045 features NAD’s super accurate, wide dynamic range, Moving Magnet Phono preamp to extract every last morsel of sound from your LPs. If you still play CDs, we have both analog and digital inputs. The digital inputs allow use of the advanced High Res DAC built into the D 3045. You can even send the sound from your TV to the NAD and seamlessly control the system using your TV’s remote by taking advantage of the HDMI ARC input. Complete your system by adding a subwoofer with the convenient Sub Out jack. PERFORMANCE AND PRICE The NAD D 3045 includes advanced capabilities usually only found in far more expensive components. High Res USB DACs? They start at about 3X the price of the D 3045. High Current headphone amplifiers start at the price of the D 3045 and go up from there. Power Amps featuring 60wpc and with the low distortion and high current capability of the D 3045 are rare at this price. Yet all these products are wrapped into one compact, energy efficient, and convenient package engineered by one of audio’s most iconic brands. 45 years of audio excellence is on full display with this innovative and versatile component. Just add your favourite music source and a great set of speakers to enjoy many years of sonic bliss.FEATURES & DETAILS 2 x 60W Hybrid Digital Amplifier Two-Way Bluetooth powered by Qualcomm aptX HD audio Asynchronous USB 24/192 Input supporting MQA and DSD HDMI Audio Return Channel Coax and Optical Input MM Phono and Line Input Preamp Out Sub Out Headphone Amp IR Remote


NAD  D7050                                                                                                                       Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.099,00

Amplificatore Integrato Direct Digital 2x50W, Streaming Player, UPnP DLNA, Air Play, Aptx  DAC 24/96, Spotify connectIngressi : 1 USB (Tipo B)asincrono, 2 Ingr. Digitali, 2 Ingr. Ottici, 1 USB per apparati IOS e caricare smatphone Smartphone, 1 Trigger 12 v. 1 Porta Lan, Applicativi per controllo funzioni da SmatphoneUscite Audio: 1 Pre Out, per finale o Sbwoofer, 1 Uscita Cuffia,

Our D 7050 with Apple AirPlay is one simple package. If you have a computer or smartphone running iTunes and a home Wi-Fi network, just add the D 7050 and your favourite loudspeakers. You'll now have a state-of-the-art audio system in a stylish and compact package that fits anywhere in your home. Wireless access is universal as the D 7050 also supports Bluetooth aptX for hi fidelity point-to-point streaming without a network. A premium headphone amplifier output with a high quality volume control is also included for your personal listening. Downloads and streaming, instant access to all the music in the world, plus Spotify Connect – the D 7050 offers audio excellence as never before. The Streaming is Easy Equipped with Apple AirPlay, the D 7050 is the ultimate plug 'n play solution for wireless music in your home. The D 7050 can also stream any UPnP audio content on your home network, but if you don't have a network, you can simply stream directly from your smartphone or laptop using the latest hi fidelity Bluetooth aptX. The D 7050 can also get you hooked up to your music via a wired connection from your computer or from a USB Drive. It can even recharge a docked iPad while streaming. Innovative Direct Digital™ Technology The D 7050 features our most advanced digital platform, Direct Digital™, first introduced in our award-winning Masters Series M2 Amplifier. Direct Digital™ eliminates any noise and distortion producing analogue circuits in the D 7050, so your music remains digital right up to the speaker outputs. Direct Digital™ technology performs all preamplifier functions in the digital domain using sophisticated software to control all aspects of performance. Digital is converted to analogue by a simple passive two-pole reconstruction filter located at the speaker outputs. This radical design is the world's first successful closed loop digital amplifier, which compares the output to the input, and then compensates for any differences to achieve a 'perfect' result. The uncompromising performance of the D 7050 is largely due to the elimination of noisy and resonating analogue circuits that can obscure musical detail and soften musical transients.Small is Beautiful We've packed four times the amount of circuitry into one-quarter of the space compared to our traditional analogue receivers. This makes sense since high-speed digital circuits perform better with very short signal paths. We also employ large scale integrated circuits (LSIs), surface mount components and multi-layer printed circuit boards to optimise speed and performance while keeping the form factor ultra-compact. The high efficiency of our Direct Digital™ amplifier technology significantly reduces the size of the heat sinks and power supply required, while offering improved sound quality. There is even a subwoofer output with selectable digital crossover that encourages the addition of a powered subwoofer for cinema effects and musical rhythms you can feel as well as hear. The result is a cool running, compact powerhouse with remarkable performance. Spotify Connect Spotify Connect AmplifierNAD D 7050 owners will now enjoy Spotify’s new home audio experience with simple hassle-free music control and instant access to millions of songs. Streaming music from Spotify Connect couldn’t be simpler, making the D 7050 the ultimate plug ’n play solution for wireless music in the home. Spotify Connect now gives owners the ability to playback millions of songs using any smart device or computer to the D 7050 with uncompromising performance. Get the Spotify app/Premium free trial and more details about setting up Spotify Connect at Advanced Features? There's an App for that! Download the free app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to use your iOS or Android device as a full function remote, and access some of the most advanced features found in any stereo amplifier. You get the electronic crossover function for perfect subwoofer integration, as well as PerfectPitch™, a custom EQ libraryspeaker eq that fine tunes the response of your D 7050 when used with supported models of PSB Speakers. This integration of amplifier and speaker is a unique capability made possible by the powerful DSP engine inside the D 7050. Mean, Green, and Clean NAD has taken amplification to new lows, with lower distortion, lower noise, and lower power consumption. Compact and cool, the D 7050 can power and control expensive high-end loudspeakers while playing them at life-like levels! The D 7050's pure digital amplification highlight's NAD's major focus on finding new technology that can improve musical performance while consuming less power to operate. Plus it uses fewer non-renewable resources in manufacturing. The D 7050 packs a mean musical punch that would make any music lover proud.AUDIO SPECIFICATIONS D 7050 Rated Power at 4 ohms 2 x 50W Signal / Noise Ratio (A-weighted) ≥90dB Crosstalk (1kHz) ≥85dB Crosstalk (10kHz) ≥70dB Frequency Response (20Hz - 20kHz) 0dB to -0.3dB Total Harmonic Distortion ≤0.004% IMD (SMPTE) 0.02%IMD (CCIF) 0.003% GENERAL Standby Power ≤0.5WSupports bit rate/sample rate up to 24/192 (via Digital Audio input) up to 24/96 (via Computer/Type B USB input) Unit Dimensions (WxHxD) - Gross* 70 x 236 x 270mm 2 13/16 x 9 1/4 x 10 5/8” ** Net Weight 2.2kg (4.85lb) Shipping Weight 3.3kg (7.3lb)


NAD  C316BEE                                                                                                                   Listino  ufficiale  €.    549,00

Our scene-stealing C 315BEE, an award-winning design that exceeded all expectations, has given rise to the C 316BEE Integrated Amplifier. The C 316BEE promises improved power efficiency, a healthy dose of ‘green’ attributes, and serious musical performance. The C 316BEE offers entry-level affordability and for many there will never be a need for another amplifier. With class-leading specifications for noise, distortion, power, stereo separation and volume control tracking, the C 316BEE sets new benchmarks for performance, both measured and audible. The sonic result is a relaxed and inviting sound that digs out the subtle details in your favourite recordings and presents them across a panoramic stereo sound stage. Features > Innovative Twist on Proven Technology Proprietary PowerDrive™ Circuit offers a remarkable combination of high current drive needed for complex loudspeaker loads combined with high levels of undistorted dynamic power. Bjørn Erik Edvardsen, our Director of Advanced Development, developed a simplified version of PowerDrive for the C 316BEE. > Enviro Chic Thanks to its innovative technology, standby power consumption is less than 1 watt. The C 316BEE uses lead-free silver solder and is constructed free of hazardous materials. > Budget-friendly True to our enviable reputation for creating some of the best performing budget amplifiers of all time, the C 316BEE delivers huge performance without the huge price tag. > Dynamic Power Reserves Continuous power is a conservative 40 watts and dynamic power, which is more important for music listening, is remarkably more than 100 watts! Far more usable power on tap than other amps at this price point. > Keeping it Simple The C 316BEE has everything necessary for musical enjoyment, yet it is refreshingly limited to the essentials: six inputs, one set of speakers, a headphone jack and full function remote control. > Impressive Capacity While the C 316BEE embodies simplicity, it is far from a ‘stripped down’ product. It is fully equipped to be the control centre for a high performance music system. V

NAD  C328                                                                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €.    799,00


NAD  C338                                                                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €.    899,00

Amplificatore Integrato Ibrido, 2x50w RMS su 8 ohm 6 Ingressi linea di cui 2 Dig.ottici, 2 Dig. Coax, 1 Analogico, 1 Phono MM Connessione Bluetooth ADP4 con aptX Connessione di rete Wifi per lo streaming di servizi musicali, radio internet, Google Cast e uPnP Uscite 1 Uscita Sub, 1 Uscita Cuffia Possibilità di controllo da Smartphone o Telecomando Colori disponibili : Graphite

NAD  C368                                                                                                                            Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.349,00

Amplificatore Integrato Ibrido 2x80w RMS su 8 ohm  7 Ingressi linea di cui 2 Dig.ottici, 2 Dig. Coax, 2 Analogico, 1 Phono MM Connessione Bluetooth ADP4 con aptX 1 RS232 per controllo remoto, 2 ingressi per Moduli MDC DD-AP1, DD-HDMI-1, DD-BluOS Possibilità di controllo da Smartphone (opzionale) o Telecomando Possibilità di modalità Bridge Colori disponibili : Graphite

NAD  C388                                                                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.699,00

C 388 Amplificatore Integrato Ibrido 2x150w RMS su 8 ohm  Connessione Bluetooth ADP4 con aptX Uscita: 1 Uscita Pre Out/Sub1/Sub2, 1 IR in/out, 1 Trigger in/out, 1 Uscita Cuffia Possibilità gestione Speaker A Speaker B 7 Ingressi linea di cui 2 Dig.ottici, 2 Dig. Coax, 2 Analogico, 1 Phono MM Uscita: 1 Uscita Pre Out/Sub1/Sub2, 1 IR in/out, 1 Trigger in/out, 1 Uscita Cuffia 1 RS232 per controllo remoto, 2 ingressi per Moduli MDC DD-AP1, DD-HDMI-1, DD-BluOS Possibilità di controllo da Smartphone (opzionale) o Telecomando Colori disponibili : Graphite



NAD  C375BEE                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.795,00

150W x 2 di Potenza Continua su 4 ohm e 8 ohm - 200W, 365W, 500W di Potenza Dinamica IHF, rispettivamente su 8, 4 e 2 ohm - Circuito PowerDrive - Telecomando di Sistema NAD SR 8 - Presa Cuffia - Ingresso Media Player (MP) sul pannello frontale per lettore portatile MP3 - Selezione ingressi a relè - Trasformatore toroidale Holmgren - 7 Ingressi linea, Inclusi due tape in/out - Circuitazione interamente discreta - Stadi di tensione in Classe A (sezioni pre e finale) - Circuito Distortion Canceling - BEE Anti-saturation Clamp - Corto percorso di segnale da ingresso a uscita - Tutti i connettori dorati - Selettore di esclusione controlli di tono - Ingresso Main-amp & 2 uscite pre-amp - Uscite Speaker A + B con selettore - Soft Clipping - Ingresso/Uscita IR - 12 volt trigger out - Porta seriale RS-232 - Cavo di alimentazione IEC sfilabile - Modulo phono opzionale PP375 MC/MM - Consumo in Standby <1W - Eco-friendly, non usa sostanze dannose per l'ambienteIl C 375BEE è apparecchio molto più dimensionato del C 355BEE, in effetti le sue specifiche si avvicinano a quelle dell'amplificatore integrato M3 della serie high-end di NAD, la Masters Series. Il C375BEE incorpora inoltre una versione aggiornata del concetto "Building Block", la cui struttura modulare rende possibile espansioni future quali quella con il modulo phono PP375.Evidente l'attenzione posta ai dettagli più minuti, dal telaio in acciaio di grosso spessore al sofisticato stadio di alimentazione, alle spesse lamelle in solido rame che convogliano altissimi flussi di corrente verso i connettori binding post degli altoparlanti, di progetto proprietario.  Il C 375BEE eredita molte delle soluzioni di progetto sviluppate per il famoso amplificatore M3 della Masters Series. Tra queste citiamo l'innovativo Distorsion Canceling Circuit, creazione di Bjorn Erik Edvardsen e oggetto di brevetto, che risiede negli stadi di uscita, e il BEE Clamp che risiede nello stadio di alimentazione. Un circuito dei controlli di tono e un layout di circuito più raffinati hanno ridotto rumore e distorsione a livelli da record. Tutti questi aggiornamenti, presi insieme, hanno reso possibile un salto prestazionale che solo una prova di ascolto del C 375BEE rivelerà in modo chiaro e inconfondibile.

The C 375BEE is far more than a bigger C 355BEE — in fact, it is much closer in spec to the M3 Integrated Amplifier from NAD’s high end Masters Series. It also incorporates an updated version of NAD’s “Building Block” concept to make the addition of the PP375 phono module and other affordable future upgrades possible. Attention to the most minute detail is evident everywhere, from the heavy gauge steel chassis to the sophisticated power supplies and copper buss bars channeling almost absurd amounts of current to the custom gold plated speaker binding posts.The C 375BEE boasts many upgrades and refinements taken directly from the highly acclaimed NAD Masters Series M3 Amplifier. These include application of Bjorn Erik Edvardsen’s innovative and patented Distortion Canceling Circuit in the output stage and BEE Clamp in the power supply. An improved tone control circuit and revised PCB layout has reduced distortion and noise to unprecedented levels. Taken together, these improvements mark a sharp upturn in performance that simply must be heard, to be fully appreciated!Features150W x 2 Continuous Power into 4 Ohms and 8 ohms 200W, 365W, 500W IHF Dynamic power into 8, 4 and 2 ohms, respectively PowerDrive™ circuit NAD SR 8 Full System Remote control Headphone socket Front panel Media Player (MP) input for attaching portable MP3 Player Relay Input Switching Holmgren Toroidal Power transformer 7 Line inputs, including two tape in/outs All discrete circuitry Class A Voltage Stages (Preamp and Power Amp) Distortion Canceling Circuit BEE Anti-saturation Clamp Short signal path from input to output All sockets Gold plated Tone controls defeat switch Main-amp input & 2 pre-amp outputs Speaker A + B outputs and switching Soft Clipping™ IR Input/Output 12 volt trigger out RS-232 serial port Detachable IEC Power Cable Optional PP375 MC/MM Phono Module <1W Standby Power Consumption Free of lead and other environmentally dangerous substances

NAD  C399                                                                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €. 2.499,00


NAD  C3050 LE                                                                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €. 2.499,00





NAD C 390DD                                                                                                              Listino  ufficiale  €. 2.990,00

Digital Innovation   Amplifier Product of the year 2012 - Best Amp  The NAD C 390DD is not only a new concept in amplification, but also in audio system architecture. First introduced in the now famous NAD M2 Direct Digital Amplifier, Direct Digital technology has been praised for its transparent, dynamic and detailed sound quality. Like the M2, the C 390DD has no analogue stages in the signal path, keeping music in the digital domain right up to the speaker outputs. All preamp functions are executed in the digital domain without the phase shift, noise and distortion that plagues all analogue designs regardless of price or pedigree. Its 35-bit architecture and 108MHz master clock also make Direct Digital one of the most accurate DAC technologies available  Modular Design Construction The advantages of a pure digital system are many, but one drawback is the constantly changing delivery formats for digital content. Each of these formats typically requires specialized hardware and software, often with licensed IP and content copy protection.For this reason, we place all digital interface circuitry on easily upgradable modules. We call this Modular Design Construction or MDC. The C 390DD comes standard with one module, the DD USB 1 for USB interface, and open slots for two more modules. Optional MDC modules currently include the DD HDM-1 HDMI Module and the DD AP-1 Analogue Phono module. The DD HDMI-1 offers three HDMI inputs and one output with video pass through. This opens up the possibility of using the C 390DD as the heart of a "Video 2.0" system using the mandatory two-channel linear PCM soundtrack from Blu-ray or DVD to make a compelling two-channel high definition theatre presentation. Many Symphony Orchestras and some specialty music labels are also released in HD recordings on Blu-ray or DVD. The DD HDMI-1 is fully 3D video compatible, but there is no surround sound decoding or video processing.The DD AP-1 module is also very innovative, using super high quality Analogue-to-Digital conversion to make analogue sources compatible with the C 390DD's pure digital circuitry. Using 24/192 processing, the ADC circuit auto-ranges for the best possible resolution and lowest noise. The phono circuit has impedance settings for both moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) cartridges with gain automatically set. Power  The C 390DD has a very high continuous power rating of 150 watts per channel with almost virtually non-existent distortion and noise. More importantly, thanks to NAD's exclusive Digital PowerDrive circuit sensing the speaker load and altering amplifier characteristics, power delivery into real loudspeakers is enhanced with the most efficient power delivery and best safety margin. Resulting in power output that can more than triple the rated power for short periods of time to accurately and effortlessly reproduce musical transients. The result is that the C 390DD sounds even more powerful than its already impressive continuous power rating.  System Architecture Since the C 390DD performs the functions of multiple conventional components, not only is the sound improved, but the way a music system is configured can change as well. The C 390DD is ready for the world of computer audio with its asynchronous USB input that can directly stream 24/96 content from your PC or Mac, USB memory sticks and hard drives (Fat32) are also supported with both front and rear connections. Or add NAD's innovative C 446 Digital Media Tuner to stream and manage your internet radio and NAS devices as well as local FM and AM broadcasts. Naturally, traditional components like CD, DVD, and Blu-ray disc players can all be accommodated. Even older analogue sources and turntables can be used with the optional DD Analogue/Phono Module.  Exclusive Features  The Direct Digital platform includes a large amount of DSP processing power, and NAD has fully exploited this power with a toolbox full of useful features. Even familiar features, like the volume control, benefit from the Direct Digital platform. Perfect signal tracking and channel balance combined with a total freedom from noise and distortion characterize this remarkable volume control. Traditional bass and treble controls also take on a new usefulness when distortion and phase shift are totally absent.  An 'electronic crossover' function is also included to easily allow bi-amplification or subwoofer integration. Frequencies from 40Hz to 200Hz can be selected with the high pass signal sent to the C 390DD amplifier section and the low pass sent to the preamp out. One of the major problems in any high power music system is what we call 'room modes' or 'standing waves'. The wavelengths in the bass frequencies are so large that room dimensions disturb the even propagation of the sound (think of water ripples in a fish tank – when the wave hits the tank boundary a reverse interference wave is produced). The result of this effect is that certain bass notes are reinforced and become much too loud, making the bass sound 'boomy'. This effect actually changes the perception of the harmonic structure of the bass instruments and spoils the illusion of "listening through" to the acoustic space of the recording. Our simple solution is what we call Room EQ. Playing back a supplied test tone sequence allows this problem to be easily tamed using your ears and the C 390DD Room EQ filters. There are six frequency centres in the low bass region that can be cut (or slightly boosted) to remove the 'boom' without reducing the low bass response. The width or "Q" of the filter can also be adjusted to be wide or narrow to address a number of different room configurations.Software Defined Product  Not only is the hardware platform of the C 390DD flexible and upgradable, but also almost every aspect of this fine instrument is software defined and can be upgraded. Future MDC upgrade modules are in the works to add new features and functions. Existing features can be upgraded with a simple software update. The C 390DD comes standard with eight inputs, and with the optional MDC modules, this can be expanded to 14! Inputs can be activated or hidden, and can be renamed to reflect the specific source component attached. Listening Mode, Polarity, and SoftClipping can all be easily selected and adjusted. RS-232, IR Inputs/Outputs and 12V triggers all make integration with home automations systems simple and effective  The Future Begins Now  Small footprint, large power, low energy consumption, future-proof upgradability, software defined operation, backward compatibility, easy integration and a new high definition system architecture. All this and more is combined with what is arguably the most accurate DAC/amplifier ever devised in this C390DD Digital Amplifierradical yet, affordable package. Now is the time to update, upgrade and upend your preconceived notions of what a music system looks and sounds like. USB MASS STORAGE DEVICE CAPACITY The following are the C 390DD's capabilities with respect to USB mass storage device playability.•Digital USB Front/Digital USB Back (USB Type A): Supports playback of MP3, WMA and FLAC files MP3/WMA: 48 kHz FLAC: 24 bit/48 kHz•Computer (USB Type B): 24 bit/96 kHz PCM content from PC or MAC •FAT12/16 root directory up to 256 files (short names)•FAT12/16/32 up to 65535 files (short names) per directory •FAT file system limited to 2TB•File and directory names limited to 64 characters•Up to 16 maximum level of directories •Supports USB version 1.1 C 390DD Audio Resolution chart. •USB Type A - 24 bit/48 kHz•USB Type B - 24 bit/96 kHz•Optical - 24 bit/192 kHz •Digital Coax - 24 bit/192 kHz •Optional HDMI DD HDMI-1 - 24 bit/192 kHz


NAD M32                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 5.100,00

Amplificatore Integrato Stereofonico 2x150w RMS su 8 ohm  Ingressi : 1 USB (Tipo B) asincrono, 2 Digitale coax, 2 Ottici, 1 Digitale AES /EBU Costruzione modulare MDC Ingressi : 2 Analogico RCA, 1 Analogico Phono MM Uscite: 1 Uscite Pre Analogica RCA / Sub, 1 Digitale Coax, 1 Digitale Ottica Uscite: 1 IR in, Porta RS232

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NAD C658                                                                                                    Listino  ufficiale  €. 2.190,00

Ingressi : 1 x USB, 1 X Ethernet LAN, 2 X Analogico stereo, 2 X Ottico, 2 x Coax, 1 x Phono MM, 1 X IR 2 Uscite Pre ( RCA e XLR), 2 UscIte Sub, 1 Trigger In/out, 1 IR in /out Connessione di rete LAN e Wifi per lo streaming di contenuti musicali su software BluOS Connessione Bluetooth aptX HD 2 ingressi per Moduli MDC per future espansioni Possibilità di controllo da Smartphone o Telecomando .Preamplificatore NAD C 658 con convertitore DAC Una tipologia di prodotto che nasce per la musica digitale, dalle esigenze di avere tutta la nostra libreria audio sempre disponibile, magari da indirizzare nelle diverse stanze della nostra abitazione per farci compagnia di ogni occasione. Chiaramente il tutto con la massima qualità possibile! Infatti il C 658 gestisce i file audio digitali (MQA compreso) con il supporto del DAC ESS Sabre a 32 bit, con una gamma dinamica di 118 dB e un valore di jitter praticamente azzerato. Tutta la gestione di preamplificazione del segnale audio è in dominio digitale,con una struttura che riprende quella della serie Master Series quella che è la massima espressione tecnologica di NAD.Ingressi 1 x USB, 1 x Ethernet LAN, 2 x Analogico stereo, 2 x Ottico 2 x coassiale, 1 x Phono MM, 1 x XLR Connessione di rete LAN e WIFI per lo streaming di contenuti musicali su software BluOS Connessione Bluetooth aptX HD 2 ingressi per moduli MDC per future espansioni Possibilità di controllo da Smartphone o Telecomando Finitura: Graphite

NAD  M12            €. 5.950,00           Per offerta e promozioni  TELEFONA / E-MAIL

Ingressi : 1 USB (Tipo B) asincrono, 2 Digitale coax, 2 Ottici, 1 Digitale AES /EBUUscite: 2 Uscite Pre Analogica ( RCA e XLR) , 2 UscIta Sub, 1 Digitale Coax, 1 Digitale Ottica Ingressi : 1 Analogico RCA, 1 Analogico XLR Uscite: 1 Trigger In, 1 IR in /Out, Porta RS232

Built for the future, the M12 isn't a typical DAC and it isn't a typical preamplifier. The M12 is an ultra-high resolution digital audio hub that boasts a full roster of audiophile-grade features that leverage some of the most advanced digital audio thinking on earth. 24/192 Asynchronous USB offers modern connectivity options from any source imaginable. And NAD's DirectDigital™ processing and a Class-A buffer guarantee real-time, 24-bit accuracy from the very first to the very last bit. The M12 interfaces with all digital or analogue musical sources, and renders them perfectly to power amplifiers and active loudspeakers.  NAD DirectDigital™ Innovation DirectDigital™ amplification offers the highest level of performance. The 35-bit data path with 24-bit coefficients and 62-bit accumulation, and dithered truncation back to 35-bits after DSP functions guarantee the overall 24-bit accuracy. With this degree of resolution, all preamp functions can be accomplished with a new level of precision, and all in the digital domain. This eliminates the noise and distortion prone to analogue circuits. Because of the super high resolution, even 24-bit files are processed without truncation or loss of information.  Uncompromised Connection Standard inputs include AES/EBU, Asynchronous 24/192 USB, coaxial and optical digital inputs and balanced and single-ended line level inputs including a high performance MC/MM phono stage. Rounding out the picture, a pure Class-A buffer using the latest generation of Super OP Amps provide low impedance balanced and single-ended connections to power amplifiers or active loudspeakers. A remote controls all functions and IR repeaters, 12V triggers, and a serial port to make integration with advanced control systems a snap.  Fine Tune Your System Because of the massive computing power and high-resolution signal path, some interesting features have also been incorporated to further perfect the listening experience. Want to add a subwoofer to your system? The M12 includes a second order high pass and low pass crossover with selectable frequency. You can even select different frequency knees for each filter. This level of flexibility and precision is made possible by our highly perfected DirectDigital architecture.  Future Forward MDC One of NAD's most innovative technological advancements— Modular Design Construction (MDC)—does away with obsolescence by providing a simple upgrade path to add future features and functionality. M12 owners can add an optional DD HDM-1 HDMI Module with 3 inputs and 1 output (3D video passthrough) and/or the soon to be released network audio module, DD BluOS, with music management software that is controlled with an iOS or Android device. The DD BluOS MDC Module allows streaming of a variety of music services, HD streaming from a NAS device, and TuneIn radio; plus it gives you full control of your music library. Integrated WiFi/Ethernet and aptX Bluetooth™ connections are also offered with the DD BluOS Module.

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NAD C268                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.100,00


NAD C298                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 2.499,00



NAD  M22         €.  4.950,00                 Per offerta e promozioni  TELEFONA / E-MAIL

Finale Stereofonico 2x250w RMS su 8 ohm Ingressi Audio Analogici RCA e XLR

Connect to the emotion of live performance through detailed sound with amazing control and transparency. This is the M22. It is easy to find amplifiers that can excel in one or two areas, but the M22 is truly an amplifier that does everything well. Wide open-loop bandwidth, extremely low-phase shift, almost non-existent noise, harmonic and intermodulation distortion independent of load (load invariant), high current capability, low output impedance (high damping factor) uniformly at all audible frequencies-it all adds up to incredible performance. You just have to hear it to feel it. Hybrid Digital Amplification The M22 is using the latest nCore™ amplifier technology licensed from Hypex to provide a nearly ideal amplifier with distortion below measurement, ultra-high damping factor, and unconditional stability with any speaker. Tight, detailed sound with amazing control and transparency gets the best performance available. With nCore, Hypex has refined their UcD concept to new levels of perfection by improving the modulator for more accurate feedback subtraction and PWM generation. The all-discrete driver and output stage have also been improved for lower open-loop THD as well as lower idling losses, normally conflicting requirements with conventional IC driver circuitry. An added control loop incorporating an integrator with adaptive clipping enables 20dB more feedback to be used across the audio band because of its extremely low-phase shift resulting in a dramatic reduction in distortion across the audio band. This is added to UcD’s already amazing characteristics of load invariance and high current capability, common characteristics of great-sounding amplifiers.  Effortless Power Employing the latest generation of digital PowerDrive™ the M22 offers a minimum of 250W per channel with amazing reserves of dynamic power at lower impedances. The M22 is capable of >300W dynamic power per channel even in 8 ohms, and >600W in 2 ohms. It can effortlessly power any loudspeaker to live performance levels with amazing efficiency and low power consumption. Control for PowerDrive is derived by sensing the average output power, applying a time constant, and then cleanly hard clipping the signal thus limiting it to the rated continuous clipping power over a sustained loading. By controlling the power envelope maximum clean power is obtained for every operating condition.  Perfecting Performance The output stage is only one of several circuits in the amplifier, and each must complement the other to obtain optimal performance. The amp is DC coupled throughout, from input to output, there is no capacitor in the forward signal path. Yet, it has a beneficial 12dB/octave roll-off below 2Hz. It does this using a unique circuit topology that is functionally a forward servo. It is however not a servo in the traditional sense as it does not measure DC at the output and send back a correction signal. Instead part of the input signal is fed to a side chain with a second order low-pass filter. The output of this is subtracted from the forward signal input to the second stage thus rejecting DC. Clean and Dynamic The performance of the entire signal path is critically dependent on the power supply; in this case a well regulated, but not too tight, custom switch mode design. This allows maximum dynamic power, very high current yet with very low distortion. Secondary supplies are individually regulated and decoupled at each opamp for lowest possible noise and maximum dynamic range



NAD C700                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.850,00


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NAD  DAC2                                                                                                                        Listino  ufficiale  €.   279,00


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NAD C538                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.   489,00



NAD C568                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.   999,00


NAD  M50      €.  3.150,00                   Per offerta e promozioni  TELEFONA / E-MAIL  

Il Lettore CD può essere usato anche per registare dischi su Hard disk esterni Porte LAN, USB, HDMI - Wifi Integrato Lettore CD multifunzione / Streaming Player con Web Radio  Decodifica e riproduce i più diffusi formati digitali inclusi PCM lineare fino a 24/192 ecc.

Masters Digital Music Suite CES Innovations Award Now High Definition wireless music listening, streaming, storage and playback can be found in NAD's perfectly coordinated suite of high performance components. This is a complete solution that does not require a computer. These are noise-free components that offer state-of-the-art digital performance. Until now, the only way to download and store these precious recordings has required the use of a computer. Computers are designed as business machines and are not built for audio performance. With the Masters Digital Music Suite, NAD introduces a new way to enjoy HD music downloads. M50 Digital Music Player The M50 is the brain of the Masters Digital Music Suite, where most of the processing and control functions are located. The M50 is a "software defined" product, meaning that much of the functionality of the system is defined by software not hardware. This means that new cloud services or audio codecs can be integrated at a future date by simply changing the software stack of the M50. This software upgrade potential means that there is a software "roadmap" that allows the M50 to live on and maintain its cutting edge functionality. Best Buy DAC - The-Ear.netWhile the focus is clearly on 24/96 and 24/192 Studio Master downloads and listening, our roadmap includes Internet Radio and premium cloud services. You will be notified when these additional capabilities are available and given the option to add them in your M50. The hardware includes the latest generation of low power, super high performance ARM processors. These have more computing power than a PC from just a few years ago, yet run cool and do not require noisy fans. Many different digital formats are supported in hardware including SPDIF, USB and unusually for a stereo audio component, HDMI. We included HDMI because it is a secure encrypted format that supports 24/192 HD Audio in PCM's native I2S format. This is not included as a video output. There is a choice of wired or wireless network connection, and these use standard wireless protocol IEEE 802.11 b/g/n. While it is possible to stream 24/96 or 24/192 music wirelessly, we recommend a wired connection or local storage for HD music to avoid the possibility of dropouts. The Wi-Fi capability does offer the option of control from a smartphone or tablet with Wi-Fi, which is a fantastic way to enjoy your music collection. When combined with the M52 Digital Music Vault, the M50 becomes the ideal way to enjoy HD music as well as everything else in your collection including CDs, MP3s and AAC compressed music. The M50 CD transport can playback or rip to the M52 Digital Music Vault, and ripping is completely automatic. NAD's management software is available for free download for Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. (Download the app from the Apple app store here) With a network connection to the internet, this music management software fetches meta data and cover art, without the need for a computer! Everything is organized and available for playback. You can browse your music collection using album art or category listings and easily create playlists on the fly. Of course a tablet is not required to operate the M50, as there is an IR remote and 4-line graphic VFD display that operates like a conventional hi-fi component. The RS-232 and IR input allow integration with home automation systems as well. But the tablet or smartphone interface is addicting in its simplicity and ease of use. You can create and store playlists, and discover and play music from any device on the network. With your entire library at your fingertips, music listening becomes more engaging and more enjoyable. Even CD playback is different and better than from existing CD players. Instead of streaming directly from the disc to the output, the M50 stores the CD as digital data in the M52 Digital Music Vault. It now can be played using the M50's music management software, with cover art and disc information clearly displayed on your Apple or Android phone or tablet. When played back it is re-clocked to the M50's high precision master clock for lowest levels of jitter.

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NAD  M17          €. 9.490,00                 Per offerta e promozioni  TELEFONA / E-MAIL  

Pre Processore Audio/Video Dolby Pro HD, DTS Master Audio, Dolby Digital EX, Prologic IIx, Costruzione modulare MDC Porta seriale RS232 per controllo remoto Ingressi : 6 HDMI, 2 Component, 3 Composito, 7 Audio Analogico, 4 Dig. Coax, 4 Dig.Ottici Uscite : 2 HDMI, 1 Component, 2 Pre Out 7.2 (RCA e XLR) , 2 Coax, 2 Ottica, Uscita stereo Zona 2,3,4 Applicativo per controllo funzioni e zone da Smartphone, Ethern, RS232,

Surround yourself with perfection. The M17 carries on the enviable task of representing NAD’s finest surround sound performance. Infinite possibilities await thanks to the M17’s most impressive feature, Modular Design Construction (MDC), our proven method for preventing premature obsolescence. Dolby® TrueHD™, DTS® Master Audio™ and NAD’s innovative EARS™ (stereo-to-surround) circuits deliver hyper-realism that captures every dimension of a performance. Add bit-perfect video processing and the M17 delivers the most accurate sound and image experience you’ve ever had. The M17 is second-to-none in terms of flexibility and up-to-the-minute digital technology. Modular Design Construction (MDC) With MDC all major digital circuits can be upgraded and replaced to keep the M17 forever young and capable. This NAD innovation is a unique architecture that keeps pace with the fast changing world of digital formats by allowing connectivity and feature upgrades as new technology becomes available. Future video formats and surround sound decoders can be easily accommodated with our exclusive MDC, allowing critical digital hardware and software to be upgraded. MDC defies premature obsolescence, so you can keep pace with the latest developments in high performance AV through dealer-installed modules. Your M17 can be upgraded as your needs and tastes develop, and you only need to replace the module you want to upgrade, not the entire AV preamp processor.  Fully Featured Surround The M17 carries on the enviable task of representing NAD's finest surround sound performance. It offers full HDMI video switching and surround sound decoding along with 7.1 balanced outputs. Brimming with a full complement of sophisticated features like the high resolution lossless surround formats from Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master Audio decoding, NAD's own renowned stereo-to-surround EARS (Enhanced Ambient Recovery System) circuit optimized for 7-channel surround, and Audyssey MultEQ setup and room correction, the M17 provides the highest levels of performance. The surround mode of the source material is automatically detected via the digital inputs of the M17, and the most advanced form of decoding, based on your setup, is switched in. Conversion of the encoded digital bitstream is performed with high resolution and extremely linear D/A converters carefully selected for their performance capabilities. Fully Balanced Audio with Separate Linear Supply Like all professional recording studios and sound stages, the M17 offers fully balanced audio outputs for all seven channels. Locking connectors and special interface electronics allow long cable runs without noise pickup or signal loss. The silent black background and explosive dynamics afforded by the balanced line stage amplifier adds drama and excitement to your music and movies.  Flexible SetupA full suite of video switching caters to all the popular video formats (HDMI, Component Video, S-Video, and Composite Video). Digital inputs and outputs are available in both coaxial and optical formats to make it easy to attach all your digital sources. Digital inputs are converted to analogue for use in Zone 2, and you can choose to convert unused tape outputs for Zone 3 and Zone 4 use with independent source selection and volume control. We have also made it easy to add more speakers for listening to music in additional rooms. IR repeaters, 12V triggers to automatically switch amplifiers on and off, and an RS-232 data port makes it easy to connect to highly advanced automated control systems, such as Savant and Control4. Thoughtful features like discrete On and Off codes, direct access to inputs and FM station presets facilitates the integration of the M17 into elaborate remote control systems.Customize with AV PresetsThe M17's sleek TFT touch panel display makes setup and control easier than ever before. Unique features like AV presets and a completely flexible input setup allow unprecedented flexibility and ease of use. The M17 offers five independent AV presets that store speaker level and tone control settings for instant recall, making it easy to custom tailor your system for different types of program material. Encoded surround modes like Dolby Digital and DTS are automatically selected if the program is so encoded. The M17 also remembers your last used settings when switched in and out of Standby mode.Complete and Compact The M17 combines all the control and decoding functions in one compact chassis, giving up nothing to the convenience of the receiver, yet by separating the power amp stages gives a big jump in performance and flexibility. Match it with our M27 Seven Channel Power Amplifier with the latest advancement in hybrid digital amplification. The M17 is an excellent example of the NAD Design Team’s expertise in quality in the digital decoding stages, the video processing section, and in the analogue preamp stages for the best overall performance. Along with the new touch screen and ergonomic refinements that simplify operation, the M17 will be the dream command centre of your home cinema

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NAD  M27         €. 6.990,00                          Per offerta e promozioni  TELEFONA / E-MAIL  

Finale Multicanale 7x180w RMS su 8 ohm Ingressi Audio Analogici RCA e XLR

Completely immerse yourself in the moment. With seven channels of massive power, the M27 can effortlessly create a truly realistic surround sound experience that will transport you directly into a new hyper-reality. Rated at 180W continuous power per channel, the M27 will provide over 300W dynamic power per channel with all channels driven. The M27 can accept both balanced and single-ended inputs, and features high-quality binding posts for speaker connection. The compact dimensions of this highly energy-efficient design belie the massive amount of power available for the most demanding music and movies. Hybrid Digital Amplification The M27 uses the latest nCore™ amplifier technology licensed from Hypex. With nCore, Hypex has refined their UcD concept to new levels of perfection by improving the modulator for more accurate feedback subtraction and PWM generation. The all-discrete driver and output stage have also been improved for lower open-loop THD as well as lower idling losses, normally conflicting requirements with conventional IC driver circuitry. An added control loop incorporating an integrator with adaptive clipping enables 20dB more feedback to be used across the audio band because of its extremely low phase shift resulting in a dramatic reduction in distortion across the audio band. This is added to UcD's already amazing characteristics of load invariance and high current capability, common characteristics of great sounding amplifiers. Nothing can match the performance of hybrid digital amplifier technology. The sonic character of the M27 only reinforces the story told by the numbers. This is an amazingly powerful and transparent amplifier design that does everything well. Fully Balanced Audio The same efficient audio interface used by studios provides the highest level of signal integrity with the lowest noise floor. Locking connectors and special interface electronics allow long cable runs without noise pickup or signal loss. All you get is awesome sound without the possibility of noise pickup or interference. Effortless PowerAs our most powerful amplifier ever, the M27 can pump out over 600W into difficult loads to follow complex dynamic peaks in your movies and music. Everything from rim shots to asteroid explosions sound remarkably real and immersive. The M27 has power reserves to meet the demands of the latest high-resolution digital soundtracks. Thanks to the advanced nCore amplifier technology, all this monster power comes at a lot less cost than traditional technology and delivers more power and performance! Legendary PowerDrive™ NAD PowerDrive™ circuit delivers very high dynamic power and low impedance drive to accurately control loudspeakers, resulting in remarkably musical and relaxed sound. PowerDrive gives the M27 maximum power no matter what you throw at it—and without the energy drain. NAD's exclusive SoftClipping™ feature is also included to protect your speakers (and ears) from damaging clipping distortion. Control for PowerDrive is derived by sensing the average output power, applying a time constant, and then cleanly hard clipping the signal thus limiting it to the rated continuous clipping power over a sustained loading. By controlling the power envelope maximum clean power is obtained for every operating condition.

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NAD T 788                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €.  3.999,00

It boasts a seriously refined industrial design, but all the excitement of the T 777 AV Surround Sound Receiver lies under its hood. Geared up with 80W per seven channels of ultra low distortion power, the T 777 is more than powerful enough to take on high-end home theatres without breaking a sweat. Features include high definition 3D video at resolutions up to 1080p, decoding of all the latest surround sound formats, and our exclusive Modular Design Construction (MDC), which defies technology obsolescence. While there are many AV receivers on the market, only NAD offers the flexibility of MDC and such incredible value.> MDC—Ready for Anything The T 777 includes NAD's highly innovative Modular Design Construction (MDC) to give you the flexibility to keep up with the ever-changing world of AV. With MDC, your T 777 can be easily upgraded to include future digital formats without replacing the entire AV receiver. So whatever the future has in store, you'll be ready! MDC won the prestigious reddot Design Award and continues to be lauded as one of the most essential innovations to look for in an AV receiver. >'Music First' Audio The T 777 includes the latest high-speed Dual Core Floating Point DSP technology for popular surround formats, such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. Our own highly regarded EARS (Enhanced Ambient Recovery System) surround mode will also provide you with natural room-filling sound from any two-channel source. Unlike other DSP modes, EARS eliminates undesirable artificial effects. Its natural musicality and incredible sound effects, makes the T 777 perfect for any home theatre. > Pristine Video At NAD, we believe video processing should happen at the display, so the T 777 doesn't degrade video quality with multiple format conversions and video processing. Instead, your display receives the purest video signal possible. With full support for the latest HD digital video technologies, including 3D video in resolutions up to 1080p, the T 777 will also cross convert analogue video sources. The latest HDMI technologies, including Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) and Audio Return Channel (ARC), are also part of the T 777's many offerings. > The Power to Move You! Don't let the specs fool you. The T 777's 80W of continuous power per seven channels is more than enough to power high performance home theatre systems easily. Plus NAD's PowerDrive ensures an extra power boost for dynamic immersive sound for your music or movies. We've even made improvements to the T 777's power amplifier in order to eke out more musical performance. > Connect in More Ways Than One With seven HDMI inputs and two outputs plus digital coaxial and optical inputs/outputs, the T 777 gives you loads of system options. For easy connection to home automation, the T 777 offers IP control, IR outputs, programmable 12V triggers, and an RS-232 port. Speakers can be added in other rooms or 'Zones', and with a simple on-screen setup and click of the supplied second zone remote (Zone output can redirected to Back Surround channels), your home is filled with NAD sound. iPod users can even add our IPD 2 Dock or for digital radio, our DB 2 digital DAB+ module (230V only). > Easy Set-up Speaker setup and advanced room correction is made simple with the supplied calibration microphone and Audyssey MultEQ XT, which is optimized with NAD custom target response curves. To maximize your ease-of-use and enjoyment of the T 777, you can configure our unique AV Presets to customize different types of sources or program material and save your preferences into a memory bank of up to five presets. You can even rename your inputs to make simplify component selection 80W RMS x 7 “Simultaneous Full Disclosure Power” – 125W x 7 minima pot. di uscita (FTC) HDMI 1.4 - Costruzione modulare per accogliere futuri aggiornamenti – Trasformatore toroidale Holmgren Dolby TrueHD e DTS HD – Data Port per collegamento NAD Dock per iPod opzionale – Tuner AM/FM RDS con 40 preselezioni – DAB ready, predisposizione per NAD DB-2 – Audyssey MultiEQ XT, Dynamic Volume e Dynamic EQ – Trasformatore toroidale, con rami separati per le sezioni analogica, digitale e controllo – Transcodifica di tutti i formati video analogici – Conversione video analogico in HDMI – Uscita linea a/v Zone 2 – Uscite audio Zone 3 e 4 - Finali Back Surround assegnabili a Zona 2, 3 o 4 - Funzioni CEC selezionabili per ingresso - Schede AM200/VM150/VM150X - Porta RS-232 ed Ethernet


NAD T 758 V3I                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.  1.950,00

Our T 758 is a performance update to our award-winning T 757 A/V Surround Sound Receiver and continues our 'simple is better' design philosophy. Our insistence on creating products with remarkable sound quality at sensible prices stands in stark contrast to our competitors who view AV components primarily from a "feature content" point-of-view, with sound quality far down the list of priorities. From lifelike surround sound performance to heart thumping power to reach-out-and-touch-it 3D video, the T 758 is a treat for your senses! MDC—The MOST DISTINCTIVE Feature Like you, we want to embrace the ever-changing world of AV technology without destroying our original investment. So we devised the most important innovation in a decade: Modular Design Construction, our uncommon answer to technology obsolescence. Digital audio and video circuits are on replaceable modules. With MDC, the ability to easily upgrade the T 758 to include future digital formats is totally unique and unprecedented. Winner of the prestigious reddot Design Award, MDC should be at the top of your checklist.Music First' Audio Popular surround sound formats, including HD formats Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master Audio, are decoded using the latest generation of high-speed DSP. Stereo source material can be converted to surround sound using our exclusive EARS surround mode, praised by reviewers for its natural sound quality. With both music and movies, the T 758's award-winning heritage reveals its power with immense depth, clarity, and incredible detail. Ordinary AV receivers simply sound fl at in comparison. Pure and Simple Video The T 758 offers killer performance with the latest digital video technology, including 3D video at resolutions up to 1080p. Analogue video sources are also supported on HDMI for simple 'one wire' connection to your fl at screen or projector. We leave the video processing where it belongs, in your display, avoiding multiple format conversions that plague lesser AVRs. It also includes popular HDMI features, Audio Return Channel (ARC) and Consumer Electronic Control (CEC). Easy Flexibility We have created a very simple user interface that is incredibly fl exible but very easy to use. Each source component retains the same custom settings every time it is selected for viewing, and there are no 'empty inputs' to clutter or confuse. In addition, powerful AV Presets allow custom setups for different types of program material (drama, action, musical, etc.) tailoring the performance to your taste. Inputs can even be renamed to match your particular components. Automated setup of your surround speakers is accurate and easy with the supplied microphone and Audyssey Setup. A second independent zone is included, and can be powered by the internal back channel amplifi er. Advanced multi-room systems are easily accommodated thanks to its full suite of connections for home automation systems.Get More Music Unlike ordinary AVRs, the T 758 benefi ts from our 40-year legacy of producing some of the most musical components on the market. This sophistication is obvious every time you listen to music or watch your favourite video programs. Radio lovers will appreciate the T 758's highly sensitive FM/AM tuner, 30 station presets, and RDS support. Or add our DB 2 digital DAB+ module (230V only) for high quality digital radio. The T 758 is also XM Ready (120V only). The T 758 offers remarkable performance and fl exibility in a compact and simple to operate package. This multi-channel powerhouse will bring your favourite music and movies to life with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of pure enjoyment.

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NAD C427                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.   630,00

FM remains one of the most reliable and best sounding mediums for hassle-free music listening. NAD’s C 427 builds on the strengths of previous NAD tuners by offering a quality of reception that is as good as, or better than, the quality of today’s broadcasts. We have carried forward our highly sensitive RF Front End for cleaner reception in fringe areas, plus noise is extremely low across the audio spectrum. In line with NAD’s environmental policy, we have completely redesigned the power supply for improved efficiency and ultra-low power consumption during standby while still allowing all remote activation and control interfaces. The rear panel IR Input, and RS-232 port, allows the C 427 to be easily integrated with sophisticated system controllers used in custom installation. We also have one of the most intuitive user interfaces in the market utilizing a 24-position rotary encoder knob to more quickly tune stations or select preset stations. All functions are available via the included IR Remote Control. >Loads of Presets With 40 presets available you can store all your favourite radio stations. These presets can be any combination of AM and FM stations: 30 presets for FM and 10 for AM, or 25 for FM and 15 for AM, for instance. To avoid having to scroll through 40 presets, the C 427 skips any that have not been programmed (left empty), so you can quickly access all your favourite stations. >Simply Convenient Instead of littering the front panel with buttons and features that are hardly ever used, the C 427 concentrates on convenience in daily operation. The RDS limits itself to the RDS PS and RT function, both of which enhance ease of operation. The RDS PS (Program Service) will automatically indicate the name of the radio station on the display, e.g., "BBC R1", so you will always know exactly what station you are listening to. With its four-line graphic display, you always see all the available information. Preset information is stored in the C 427's non-volatile memory, which means it will remember all of its preset information even if the unit has been unplugged for a prolonged amount of time.>Great Reception Auto Search automatically stops at the next strong radio signal it comes across and optimizes tuning. Weaker radio stations can be tuned into manually. Stations that are quiet in Mono but noisy in Stereo can benefit from the “Blend” feature that narrows stereo separation and improves noise. FM Mute eliminates inter-station tuning noise and only allows strong and clear stations to emerge from the silent background. Although AM can never reach the quality of any FM transmission, the C 427's AM section retains excellent clarity together with lowest possible background noise. >Performance Driven Apart from its ease-of-use, the NAD C 427 also offers features to get the maximum out of the airwaves. The MOS-FET RF Front End design together with high quality components and careful PCB layout guarantees excellent sensitivity with low intermodulation distortion to provide quiet and musically satisfying performance. Whether you are looking for excellent performance, ease of use or the convenience of RDS, the C 427 offers all these with the value to high performance ratio for which NAD is so renowned. NAD C 427 Features:•RDS PS (Station name) and RT (Radio text)•40 Station random presets (AM or FM) •VFL graphic display •MOS-FET RF Front End •RS-232 Interface •IR Input •NAD Full Function Remote Control •<0.5W Standby power consumption

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NAD C558                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.   770,00



NAD C588                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €. 1.199,00



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NAD PP2E                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.    189,00

Stadio Phono MM/MC

The PP 2e Phono Preamplifier offers superb performance in a clean and simple package for a very reasonable cost. Perfect for the budget-conscious audiophile, the PP 2e's moving coil/moving magnet input selector provides different phono cartridge options. Our PP 2e is incredibly easy-to-use and is certain to bring years of enjoyment to any lover of vinyl LPs. The PP 2e's Auto Power Down feature saves energy by automatically powering the PP 2e to OFF when not in use. •Low noise, wide band MM & MC phono stage •Connect your turntable to almost all amplifiers and receivers •External 24 volt power supply •Gold plated input sockets High quality components •LED power indicator


NAD PP4                                                                                                                           Listino  ufficiale  €.    279,00

Stadio Phono MM/MC con porta USB per trasferimento su PC

Show your vinyl collection some serious love. Offering superb measured and sonic performance, NAD's two simple solutions, the PP 4 Digital Phono/USB Preamplifier makes it easy to add phono to many of today's stereo amplifiers and AV receivers that have either eliminated the phono input or included a low quality circuit for attaching your turntable. As part of NAD's commitment to the environment, the PP 4 features a more efficient "green" power supply that reduces power consumption. The PP 4 goes one step further with a USB interface, shielded USB cable and recording level control which combine to reduce noise and improve the analogue-to-digital conversion process. The PP 4's Auto Power Down feature saves energy by automatically powering the PP 4 to OFF when not in use. Our PP 4 Digital Phono/USB Preamplifier enables you to digitise your treasured vinyl collections to a PC or Mac. It features inputs for both MM (moving magnet) and low noise MC (moving coil) types for a wide variety of phono cartridges, and there is a line input to allow for the transfer of cassette tapes. The PP 4 also includes VinylStudio Lite Software for ripping LPs and burning audio CDs. The PP 4 Phono-to-USB Preamp offers a complete hardware and software solution with exceptional flexibility to record from LP or tape. PP 4 VinylStudio Lite The PP 4 comes with a new Mac compatible version of AlpineSoft’s VinylStudio Lite ripping software, in addition to the PC version. VinylStudio Lite is the most intuitive software available for ripping LPs and burning audio CDs. It automatically adds track numbers, looks up song titles (metadata) online, and offers other options for file management. Users can also opt to automatically add tracks to their iTunes Music Library. Visit the AlpineSoft website for the latest software information or to upgrade to the full version (required to save tracks as MP3 or MP4/AAC files).

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VISIO VISO 1BT                                                                                                                                   Listino  ufficiale  €.  680,00


The NAD VISO 1 BT is for the purest who wants nothing but heart-pounding, soul-stirring sound and the freedom of instant point-to-point wireless connection. Bluetooth aptX wireless high fidelity reception allows any Bluetooth-enabled device to seamlessly integrate with the NAD VISO 1 BT. Bluetooth aptX offers true “hi-fi” performance, ease-of-use, and incredible sound quality.NAD Direct Digital™ This awesome little system came from our undeniable passion for clean, pure, vivid music. At the heart of the NAD VISO 1 is our proprietary Direct Digital™ amplifier technology—the same technology introduced in our top-of-the-line M2 Direct Digital Amplifier, and critically acclaimed worldwide. As a pure digital platform, Direct Digital™ is analogue-free signal processing, scientifically designed to reduce distortion and enhance the digital dynamics of music. The NAD VISO 1 BT’s processing power inherent in Direct Digital™ technology also allows its speakers to be optimized for sonic performance. Combined with state-of-the-art wireless technology, the NAD VISO 1 BT delivers the effortless convenience and freedom of wireless music, without compromising on sound quality. Hassle-free set-up The high-definition wireless technology used is a universal point-to-point solution to high quality music streaming, requiring minimal setup procedures and no Wi-Fi connection. Your favourite music can be streamed in true high fidelity from any Bluetooth-enabled tablet, computer, smartphone or other mobile device. World-class Acoustics The elegantly curved cabinet houses three full-range dual-magnetic drivers from NAD’s sister company, PSB Speakers, while its air flow has been acoustically engineered and tested inside one of the world’s most sophisticated acoustic labs at Canada’s National Research Council to produce a more controlled soundstage with refined detail and tight bass, no matter what the music calls for. Smart Music, Smart Looks The NAD VISO 1 BT retains the original distinctive award-winning VISO design, but now with a new cradle-free metal precision ring that emphasizes clean lines and modern styling. The redesigned ring is ergonomically designed and equipped with three soft touch buttons for intuitive control. The versatile NAD VISO 1 BT design can seamlessly fit into any living space and filling the room with amazingly natural acoustics.

VISIO VISO THREE                                                                                                                                   Listino  ufficiale  €.  990,00


We've expanded our NAD VISO Series with the new NAD VISO 1 AP, a complete digital device that offers Wi-Fi network capability and supports Apple AirPlay, as well as high fidelity aptX Bluetooth for instant connectivity to smartphones and tablets. The NAD VISO 1 AP is the latest evolution of our award-winning NAD VISO 1 Wireless Digital Music System, featuring a rear USB port for connection and charging of Apple iOS devices, thus eliminating the need for a docking cradle. A USB input and a 24/96 capable optical input is perfect for connecting many digital devices, as well. Acoustic design is provided by NAD's sister company, PSB Speakers, and the amplification and acoustic design is fully integrated to create some impressive synergies. The result is a compact system with enough acoustic power to fill a large room, and a smoothness of response and lack of distortion that puts many full size component audio systems to shame. Wireless Hi-Fi with AirPlay This is freedom. Wi-Fi and Apple AirPlay means you don't need a docking cradle, plus it makes wireless connection easy. Stream all your music wirelessly from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or stream iTunes from your networked Mac or PC. High fidelity aptX Bluetooth Put incredible sound at your fingertips with instant connection from any smartphone or tablet. Bluetooth aptX adds true hi-fi performance to the easiest to use wireless streaming technology. Innovative Direct Digital™ Technology The NAD VISO 1 AP is a completely digital device, using NAD's exclusive Direct Digital™ technology to eliminate all analogue stages along with their inherent noise and distortion. Instead, NAD uses a sophisticated closed loop DAC technology to directly power the speakers. Sonic Wonder Direct Digital™ technology allows the speakers to be optimized for sonic performance. We teamed up with our award-winning sister company, PSB Speakers, to make the NAD VISO 1 AP the best sounding wireless AirPlay music system. Full stop. USB Playback A rear USB input is perfect for connecting and charging your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. 24/96 Capable Optical Input In addition to Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connectivity, and USB playback, the NAD VISO 1 AP sports a 24/96 capable optical input allowing the connection of many digital devices. Optional Wall Mount A custom wall mount bracket accessory is also available to securely mount the NAD VISO 1 AP to any wall

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NAD HP20                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €.  99,00

NAD HP30                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €. 169,00


NAD VISO HP20 High Resolution In-Ear Headphones NAD has taken a fresh look at in-ear headphone design to create a product that replicates a more life-like listening experience. The NAD VISO HP20 In-Ear Headphones have been designed to bring the warm, open sound of live performances directly to your personal headphone experience. They are made specifically for digital natives who understand the difference that clean, crisp sound makes to music lovers. Because we don't care about your lifestyle. We care about your ears. RoomFeel™ Utilising years of sound research inside one of the world's most sophisticated acoustic labs at Canada's National Research Council, the NAD VISO HP20 is the first in-ear headphone to be engineered with RoomFeel™ technology. Created to translate the warm, open sound of live performance directly into your private headphone experience. Countless hours were spent in the research and development of RoomFeel™ technology, resulting in a way to add back to the recording without altering the audio signal. The NAD VISO HP20s benefit from true headphone innovation that lets you sense the music around you, feel every beat, and hear a more open soundstage.Apple Control The NAD VISO HP20's ribbon cable features an inline Apple remote, so you can take full control of your music with a simple touch, or talk hands-free with the high-quality microphone built for voice-calling and device control with Siri-compatible devices. Compatible with your device's headphone output, iTunes music and full-featured call functionality is also right at your fingertips; play/pause, skip track, previous track, fast-forward, pause, skip, make and answer calls.Features and Benefits •RoomFeel™ provides a scientifically researched transfer function that translates the open sound of the live performance to the private world of headphone listening•Ultra low mass high excursion 8mm drivers featuring neodymium magnets deliver shimmering highs and extended bass response•Solid billet aluminum housing is precision milled for light weight and precise acoustic response •Optimized acoustic chamber design for tight articulate bass and stunningly natural vocals•OFC wired cord for intensely detailed sound•Play/Pause/Skip and Volume Up/Down controls on cord•Phone controls and microphone Made for iPhone•Design by award winning DF-IDIncluded Accessories:•Choice of 5 different size silicone gel tips provide a perfect ear fit for unparalleled comfort and hours of listening pleasure•Clothing clip and cord slider for convenient cord management•Airplane adaptor•Neoprene travel case with convenient accessory organizer •Available finishes: Black and Silver

NAD HP50                                                                                                                         Listino  ufficiale  €. 199,00



NAD VISO is the culmination of more than 40 years of dedicated audio innovation. Designed and driven by audiophiles, the NAD VISO HP50 Over-Ear Headphones are made specifically for digital natives who understand the difference that clean, crisp sound makes to music lovers. Because we don't care about your lifestyle. We care about your ears. RoomFeel™ Created to translate the warm, open sound of live performance directly into your private headphone experience. Countless hours were spent in one of North America's most sophisticated audio labs in the research and development of RoomFeel™ technology, discovering a way to add back to the recording without altering the audio signal. The result is true headphone innovation that lets you sense the music around you, feel every beat, and hear a more open soundstage.Apple Control Take full control of your music with a simple touch of the 3-button multi-click remote. Compatible with all devices' headphone output, iTunes music and full-featured call functionality is also right at your fingertips; play/pause, skip track, previous track, fast-forward, pause, skip, make and answer calls. It also includes a high quality inline mic for crystal-clear voice-calling and device control with Siri-compatible devices. Science-Driven Sound Fine-tuned with precision inside one of the quietest places on earth, with an expert team of sound scientists, the HP50s deliver the most advanced headphone technology for today's detailed recordings. Acoustically optimised ear cups and specially-developed 40mm drivers keep the music sounding as accurate, clear, and natural as inside the recording booth Fashion-forward Style The HP 50 doesn't just lead the way in performance. A combination of extremely lightweight materials like smooth brushed metals, polished finishes, and lush leather fabrics, make for a perfect balance of extreme comfort and durability. The pivoting, ultra-soft ear cups are specially designed to naturally reduce distractions and increase clarity, leaving you with peaceful listening and all-day comfort.


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