Ortofon, brand danese
di antica tradizione e grande capacitŕ innovativa nel settore della lettura
fonografica hi-fi.Ortofon viene fondata il 9 ottobre del 1918 come Electrical
Phono Film Company da Axel Petersen e Arnold Poulsen. La loro iniziale attivitŕ
č lo sviluppo del primo sistema di sincronizzazione sonora cinematografica al
mondo.Diventa Fonofilm Industri A/S nel 1946, a fine guerra e subito sviluppa il
primo tornio per incisioni di lacche fonografiche monofoniche al mondo. La
risposta delle registrazioni giŕ puň raggiungere i 14kHz, dai 5kHz delle
macchine fin lě prodotte.E' il 1948 quando viene ingegnerizzata la prima testina
a bobina mobile al mondo in grado di rivaleggiare con la qualitŕ delle migliori
registrazioni all'epoca disponibili.Nel 1951 nasce la Ortofon A/S, filiazione
commerciale della Fonofilm Industri A/S. La scelta del nome ortofon deriva dalla
crasi delle due parole greche "orto" (corretto) e "fon" (suono).Nel 1957 Ortofon
sviluppa il suo primo tornio da incisione stereofonico. Negli anni a seguire,
con lo sviluppo della produzione discografica, viene messa a punto e
commercializzata - dapprima solo per i professionisti (fu adottata sin da subito
dalla radio di stato danese, svedese e dalla etichetta discografica Deutsche
Grammophon) - la leggendaria SPU tutt'ora in produzione in diversi
allestimenti.Oggi Ortofon, nonostante la dilagante ed onnipresente tecnologia
digitale, era e rimane il punto di riferimento piů qualificato, affidabile e
variegato dell'intero mondo che ruota assieme al Disco Nero.

Magnet Ortofon has designed and manufactured magnetic cartridges since 1969. In
providing an economic alternative to the renowned Ortofon moving coil cartridges,
the magnetic models have established a firm position for themselves among music
lovers and audiophiles all over the world. Naturally, the magnetic cartridges
also benefit from Ortofon's research and experience in transducer technology.
Sophisticated styli, light and rigid cantilevers, and advanced magnetic
circuitry have produced a level of quality which is state-of-the-art within the
magnetic category.
€. 50,00

Stilo sferico.
Tensione di uscita 4,5mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 1,75gr. Resistenza
di carico consigliata 47Kohm. Peso 5gr.

€. 70,00

Stilo ellittico. •Tensione di
uscita 4mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 1,75gr.•Resistenza di carico consigliata
47Kohm.•Peso 5gr
5E The OM 5E is a magnetic cartridge (MM) with an elliptical shaped stylus that
provides balanced and distortion-free playback for general purpose applications.
TECHNICAL DATA Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 4 mV Channel balance at
1 kHz 2 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz 22 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz 15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-25.000 Hz Frequency response 20-20.000 Hz ± 2 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) 65 µm Compliance,
dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mN Stylus type Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm
Tracking force range 1,5-2,0 g (15-20 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,75 g
(17,5 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 750 Ohm Internal
inductance 450 mH Recommended load resistance 47 kOhm Recommended load
capacitance 200-600 pFCartridge colour, body/stylus Black/BlackCartridge weight
5 g Replacement stylus unit Stylus 5 E *) Typical value

RED Listino
€. 110,00

Stilo ellittico. •Tensione di
uscita 5,5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 1,8gr.•Resistenza di carico
consigliata 47Kohm.•Corpo in Lexan DMX.•Peso 7,2gr
Versione 2M RED
Verso Come 2M RED, ma con attacchi a vite studiati per i bracci con montaggio
della testina dal basso 120,00 euro
Versione 2M RED PnP Come 2M RED, premontata su headshell con attacchi a
baionetta per installazione plug-n-play 160,00 euro
Red - The 2M series were developed in conjunction with Danish designer Mřller
Jensen Design – the same designer who designed the award winning MC Jubilee and
Kontrapunkt series. Inspired by the facets of a diamond, whose contours
gracefully trace the grooves on a record’s surface, the 2M’s handsome elegance
establishes a great combination of form and functionality. 2M are designed for
precise and accurate retrieval of the information in the record groove. Our
philosophy is to play the record sound as accurate as possible, without coloring
the sound. We have optimized the design for ease of mounting the cartridge,
weight and size to fit the most common turntables at the market today.The name
2M was selected among several ideas. We wanted a modernname which should be easy
to pronounce and to remember, and therefore an alpha numerical name was chosen.
2M means MM, which is the abbreviation for moving magnet. Of course the 2M
isn’t just another pretty face. It has been engineered to the highest standards
and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most
precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration.The 2M series of
cartridges feature Ortofon’s trademark split pole pins, an invention which
enables moving magnet cartridges to have a flat frequency response, as with a
moving coil cartridge. Split pole pins were invented by Ortofon, and were
originally presented in the 500 series and Super OM series. The 2M Red uses an
improved engine, which provides an increased output of 5.5mV. 2M red features a
tipped elliptical diamond. TECHNICAL DATA Output voltage at 1000 Hz,
5cm/sec. 5,5 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz 1,5 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz 22 dB
Channel separation at 15 kHz 15 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20-22.000 Hz
Frequency response 20-20.000 Hz + 3 / - 1 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at
recommended tracking force 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mNStylus
type EllipticalStylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Tracking force range 1,6-2,0g
(16-20 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,8 g (18 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal
impedance, DC resistance 1,3 kOhm Internal inductance 700 mH Recommended load
resistance 47 kOhm Recommended load capacitance 150-300 pF Cartridge colour,
body/stylus Black/Red Cartridge weight 7,2 g Replacement stylus unit 2M Red

BLUE Listino
€. 220,00

Stilo nude
ellittico. •Tensione di uscita 5,5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
1,8gr.•Resistenza di carico consigliata 47Kohm.•Corpo in Lexan DMX.•Peso 7,2gr.
2M BLUE Verso Come 2M BLU, ma con attacchi a
vite studiati per i bracci con montaggio della testina dal basso 230,00
BLUE PnP Come 2M BLU, premontata su headshell con attacchi a baionetta per
installazione plug-n-play 270,00 euro
Blue - The 2M series were developed in conjunction with Danish designer Mřller
Jensen Design – the same designer who designed the award winning MC Jubilee and
Kontrapunkt series. Inspired by the facets of a diamond, whose contours
gracefully trace the grooves on a record’s surface, the 2M’s handsome elegance
establishes a great combination of form and functionality. 2M are designed for
precise and accurate retrieval of the information in the record groove. Our
philosophy is to play the record sound as accurate as possible, without coloring
the sound. We have optimized the design for ease of mounting the cartridge,
weight and size to fit the most common turntables at the market today.The name
2M was selected among several ideas. We wanted a modernname which should be easy
to pronounce and to remember, and therefore an alpha numerical name was chosen.
2M means MM, which is the abbreviation for moving magnet. The 2M series of
cartridges feature Ortofon’s trademark split pole pins, an invention which
enables moving magnet cartridges to have a flat frequency response, as with a
moving coil cartridge. Split pole pins were invented by Ortofon, and were
originally presented in the 500 series and Super OM series. The 2M Blue uses an
improved engine, which provides an increased output of 5.5mV. TECHNICAL
DATA Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 5,5 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz 1,5 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz 25 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz 15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-25.000 Hz Frequency response 20-20.000 + 2 / - 1 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force 80 µm Compliance,
dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mN Stylus type Nude Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18
µm Tracking force range 1,6-2,0g (16-20 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,8 g
(18 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 1,3
kOhm Internal inductance 700 mH Recommended load resistance 47 kOhm
Recommended load capacitance 150-300 pF Cartridge colour, body/stylus
Black/Blue Cartridge weight 7,2 g Replacement stylus unit 2M Blue

BRONZE Listino
€. 360,00

Stilo nude
fine line. •Tensione di uscita 5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
1,5gr.•Resistenza di carico consigliata 47Kohm.•Corpo in Lexan DMX.•Peso 7,2gr.
attacchi a vite studiati per i bracci con montaggio della testina dal basso
370,00 euro
su headshell con attacchi a baionetta per installazione plug-n-play 410,00
Bronze - The 2M series were developed in conjunction with Danish designer Mřller
Jensen Design – the same designer who designed the award winning MC Jubilee and
Kontrapunkt series. Inspired by the facets of a diamond, whose contours
gracefully trace the grooves on a record’s surface, the 2M’s handsome elegance
establishes a great combination of form and functionality. 2M are designed for
precise and accurate retrieval of the information in the record groove. Our
philosophy is to play the record sound as accurate as possible, without coloring
the sound. We have optimized the design for ease of mounting the cartridge,
weight and size to fit the most common turntables at the market today.The name
2M was selected among several ideas. We wanted a modernname which should be easy
to pronounce and to remember, and therefore an alpha numerical name was chosen.
2M means MM, which is the abbreviation for moving magnet. The 2M Bronze
features a nude Fine Line diamond stylus, which is particularly suited for
demanding applications. The slim profile of the Fine Line stylus will track even
the highest frequency information, making it a must for discerning listeners.
Additionally, its larger footprint ensures reduced distortion and record wear.
The cartridge body used for the 2M Bronze is manufactured from a newly-developed
Noryl plastic/glass combination, a revolutionary material which ensures high
rigidity while eliminating unwanted resonances. The 2M Bronze uses a special
upgraded engine, featuring split pole pins with a silver plated copper wire.
TECHNICAL DATA Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 5 mV Channel
balance at 1 kHz 1 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz 26 dB Channel separation
at 15 kHz 15 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20-29.000 Hz Frequency
response 20-20.000 + 2 / - 0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force 80 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 22 µm/mN Stylus
type Nude Fine Line Stylus tip radius r/R 8/40 µm Tracking force
range 1,4-1,7g (14-17 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,5 g (15 mN)
Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 1,2 kOhm
Internal inductance 630 mH Recommended load resistance 47 kOhm
Recommended load capacitance 150-300 pF Cartridge colour, body/stylus
Black/Bronze Cartridge weight 7,2 g Replacement stylus unit 2M

BLACK Listino
€. 600,00

Stilo nude fine line.
•Tensione di uscita 5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 1,5gr.•Resistenza di carico
consigliata 47Kohm.•Corpo in Lexan DMX.•Peso 7,2gr.
VERSIONE 2M BLACK Verso Come 2M BLACK, ma con
attacchi a vite studiati per i bracci con montaggio della testina dal basso
610,00 euro
VERSIONE 2M BLACK PnP Come 2M BLACK, premontata
su headshell con attacchi a baionetta per installazione plug-n-play.
650,00 euro
Black - The 2M series were developed in conjunction with Danish designer Mřller
Jensen Design – the same designer who designed the award winning MC Jubilee and
Kontrapunkt series. Inspired by the facets of a diamond, whose contours
gracefully trace the grooves on a record’s surface, the 2M’s handsome elegance
establishes a great combination of form and functionality. 2M are designed for
precise and accurate retrieval of the information in the record groove. Our
philosophy is to play the record sound as accurate as possible, without coloring
the sound. We have optimized the design for ease of mounting the cartridge,
weight and size to fit the most common turntables at the market today.The name
2M was selected among several ideas. We wanted a modernname which should be easy
to pronounce and to remember, and therefore an alpha numerical name was chosen.
2M means MM, which is the abbreviation for moving magnet. The 2M Black is the
new moving magnet flagship from Ortofon. The 2M black is graced with a Shibata
diamond stylus – the same diamond as on the acclaimed MC Jubilee. Its slim,
highly polished profile allows an exceedingly wide contact area to the groove
walls and ensures notably detailed reproduction throughout the spectrum,
including even the most high frequency groove information. Users of the 2M Black
will enjoy the benefit of impeccable sound quality, along with reduced record &
stylus wear and reduced distortion and phase error as a result of the diamond’s
improved tracking geometry.The cartridge body used for the 2M Black is
manufactured from a newly-developed Noryl plastic/glass combination, a
revolutionary material which ensures high rigidity while eliminating unwanted
resonances. The 2M Black uses a special upgraded engine, featuring split pole
pins with a silver plated copper wire. TECHNICAL DATA Output voltage at
1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 5 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz 1 dB Channel
separation at 1 kHz 26 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz 15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-31.000 Hz Frequency response 20-20.000 + 2 / -
0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force 80 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 22 µm/mN Stylus type Nude Shibata
Stylus tip radius r/R 6/50 µm Tracking force range 1,4-1,7g (14-17 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 1,5 g (15 mN) Tracking angle 20°
Internal impedance, DC resistance 1,2 kOhm Internal inductance 630 mH
Recommended load resistance 47 kOhm Recommended load capacitance 150-300
pF Cartridge colour, body/stylus Black/Black Cartridge weight 7,2 g
Replacement stylus unit 2M Black
78 Listino
€. 115,00

Stilo sferico.
Tensione di uscita 4mV (mono). Peso di lettura consigliato 1,8gr. Resistenza di
carico consigliata 47Kohm. Peso 7,2gr
2M 78 Verso Come 2M 78, ma con attacchi a vite studiati per i bracci con
montaggio della testina dal basso 125,00 euro
78 PnP Come 2M 78,premontata su headshell con attacchi a baionetta per
installazione plugn- play. 165,00 euro
€. 320,00

Stilo sferico
nude. Tensione di uscita 4mV (mono). Peso di lettura consigliato 1,8gr.
Resistenza di carico consigliata 47Kohm. Peso 7,2gr
2M MONO Verso Come 2M MONO, ma con attacchi a vite studiati per i bracci con
montaggio della testina dal basso 330,00 euro
Versione 2M MONO
PnP Come 2M MONO,premontata su headshell con attacchi a baionetta per
installazione plug-n-play. 370,00 euro

Coil Nothing demonstrates more convincingly Ortofon´s commitment to be the
world´s last cartridge manufacturer than the ongoing development of new
state-of-the-art models, and Ortofon will continue to refine upon the level of
sound quality attainable from analogue recordings. Since 1948 Ortofon has
introduced about 100 different moving coil models, and more are to follow.
Contrary to other types of phono catridges, the moving coil principle is not
suited for mass production. Each of the four coils contains between 11 an 24
turns of wire, depending on model, and has to be wound by hand under a
microscope. The wire itself is much thinner than a human hair. The high degree
of craftsmanship involved is one of the "secrets" behind Ortofon's reput
€. 299,00

Stilo ellittico, bobina in rame. Tensione
di uscita 0,5mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr. Impedenza di carico
consigliata >20 ohm. Corpo in lega ABS/Alluminio di colore rosso. Peso 9gr
€. 430,00

Stilo nude ellittico, bobina in argento
puro 4-nines. Tensione di uscita 0,5mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr.
Impedenza di carico consigliata >20 ohm. Corpo in lega ABS/Alluminio di colore
blu. Peso 9gr.
€. 630,00

Stilo nude fine line, bobina in argento
puro 4-nines. Tensione di uscita 0,3mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr.
Impedenza di carico consigliata >20 ohm. Corpo in lega ABS/Alluminio di colore
bronzo. Peso 9gr
€. 830,00

Stilo nude Shibata, bobina in aucurum e
cantilever in boro. Tensione di uscita 0,3mV. Peso di lettura consigliato
2,3gr. Impedenza di carico consigliata >20 ohm. Corpo in lega ABS/Alluminio di
colore nero. Peso 9gr
€. 490,00

Stilo nude ellittico, bobina in argento
puro 4-nines. Tensione di uscita 0,3mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr.
Impedenza di carico consigliata >20 ohm. Corpo in lega ABS/Alluminio di colore
bianco. Peso 9gr.

€. 1.090,00

Stilo nude fine line,
cantilever in alluminio. •Tensione di uscita 450µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
2,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata 50-500 ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso
Cadenza Mono The Cadenza Mono
model is made with a nude fine line stylus and a cylindrical aluminium
cantilever. For easy use the pins are connected so you get the same signal from
both pairs of connecting pins. The stylus radius is r/R 8/40 µm. Sharing
internal build with the Cadenza Red and with optimized adjustments for mono
playback the sound is relaxed, homogeneous and moderate. Find your old records
as well as new micro groove mono records and experience the Cadenza Mono.
Technical Data Value Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec 450 μV Frequency
range at -3 dB 20 Hz - 50 kHz Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz -3
Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force *) 70 μm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 12 μm/mN Stylus type Nude fine line, Al.
cantilever Stylus tip radius r/R 8/40 Tracking force range 2,2-2,7 g
(22-27 mN) Tracking force recommended 2,5 g (25 mN) Tracking angle
20ş Internal impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm Recommended load
impedance 50-500 Ohm Cartridge body material Stainless steel Aluminium
Cartridge colour Natural/Black Cartridge weight 10,7 g

€. 1.090,00

Stilo nude fine line,
cantilever in alluminio. •Tensione di uscita 450µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
2,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata 50-500 ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso
Cadenza Red The Cadenza Red model is using a nude fine line stylus with a
cylindrical aluminium cantilever. The stylus tip radius is r/R 8/40 µm. The
coils are made from 6NX (99.9999 %) pure silver wire. An improved winding
process on the armature allows a better channel balance. The sound picture of
Cadenza Red is more relaxed, homogeneous and moderately dynamic in the
perspective compared to the Cadenza Blue and have great space and depth in the
stereo image.Technical Data Values Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec 450 μV
Channel balance < 1,5 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 23 dB Channel
separation at 15 kHz > 15 dB Frequency range at -3 dB 20 Hz - 50 kHz
Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz -3 Tracking ability at 315 Hz at
recommended tracking force *) 80 μm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 12 μm/mN
Stylus type Nude fine line, Al. cantilever Stylus tip radius r/R 8/40
Tracking force range 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN) Tracking force recommended 2,5 g
(25 mN) Tracking angle 20ş Internal impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm
Recommended load impedance 50-500 Ohm Cartridge body material Stainless
steel Aluminium Cartridge colour Red/Black Cartridge weight 10,7 g

€. 1.590,00

Stilo nude FG70, cantilever
in rubino. •Tensione di uscita 500µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
2,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata 50-200 ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso
Blue The Cadenza Blue model is using a Nude FG 70 stylus with a very thin
ruby cantilever. The improved winding process on the armature ensures better
channel balance. The soundstage of Cadenza Blue is wide open and grandiose
straight out of the box. Micro dynamic and ambience will be evident when
listening to complex compositions. It reaches a very high degree of definition
in the perspective, which is very present. It is true to the music with a
tremendous clarity.Technical Data Values Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec 500 μV
Channel balance < 1,2 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 23 dB Channel separation
at 15 kHz > 15 dB Frequency range at -3 dB 20 Hz - 50 kHz Frequency response 20
Hz - 20 kHz -2 Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force *) 80 μm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 12 μm/mN Stylus type Nude FG 70, Ruby cantilever
Stylus tip radius r/R 6/70 Tracking force range 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN)
Tracking force recommended 2,5 g (25 mN) Tracking angle 20ş Internal
impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm Recommended load impedance 50-200 Ohm
Cartridge body material Stainless steel Aluminium Cartridge colour Blue/Black
Cartridge weight 10,7 g

€. 1.890,00

nude Ortofon replicant, cantilever conico in alluminio. •Tensione di uscita
400µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 2,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata 50-200
ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso 10,7gr.
Bronze The Cadenza Bronze model is using a Replicant 100 stylus and a
conical aluminium cantilever. The coil wire is the famous Ortofon Aucurum wire,
which is a gold plated 6NX copper wire. A Field Stabilizing Element, FSE, is
used for optimal linearity especially during complex crescendo passages. Cadenza
Bronze is a true high-end reference cartridge, conveying music with supreme
precision, impact and dynamics. Its stereo imaging capabilities illuminate the
farthest corners of the soundstage in all three dimensions.Technical
Specifications Value Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 400 μV Channel
balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 24 dB Channel
separation at 15 kHz > 20 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20 - 55 kHz
Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz +1,5 Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *)80 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 12 µm/mN Stylus type
Nude Ortofon replicant,, conical aluminium Stylus tip radius r/R 5/100 µm
Tracking force range 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2,5
g (25 mN) Tracking angle 23° Internal impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm
Recommended load impedance 50-200 Ohm Cartridge body material Stainless
steel / Aluminium Cartridge colour Bronze/Black Cartridge weight 10,7 gram

BLACK Listino
€. 2.290,00

Stilo nude Shibata,
cantilever in boro •Tensione di uscita 0,3mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato
2,3gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata >10 ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso 10,7gr.
Black The Cadenza Black model is using a Nude Shibata stylus with a boron
cantilever. The effective mass of the stylus/cantilever system is extremely low
due to the use of a very thin boron rod. This material is extremely stiff and
even more lightweight than aluminium. It also uses the WRD (Wide Range
Damping-system), controlling the high and low frequency damping separately.
Cadenza Black is optimized for an amazing tonal neutrality, dynamics and purity
of sound. It is high performing on areas like detail, consistency and sound
staging.Technical Specifications Value Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec.
0,3 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 0,8 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 27 dB
Channel separation at 15 kHz > 20 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20 - 60.000
Hz Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz +1,5/0 Tracking ability at
315Hz at recommended tracking force *) 90 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral
16 µm/mN Stylus type Nude Shibata, Boron cantilever Stylus tip
radius r/R 6/50 µm Tracking force range 2,0-2,5 g (20-25 mN) Tracking
force, recommended 2,3 g (23 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal
impedance, DC resistance 5 Ohm Recommended load impedance > 10 Ohm
Cartridge body material Stainless steel Aluminium Cartridge colour Black/Black
Cartridge weight 10,7 gram

€. 3.999,00

Stilo nude Ortofon
replicant 100 special polished con cantilever in boro. Tensione di uscita 0,2mV.
Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr. Impedenza di carico consigliata >10 ohm.
Corpo in lega speciale titanio/acciaio. Peso 11gr.
the MC Windfeld Historically, Ortofon has always followed its own path with
regard to the mechanical design of the cartridge housing, because mechanical
rigidity and total freedom from resonance in the audible range is a precondition
for optimal sound quality. In the MC Windfeld, Ortofon continues to build on the
structure of the Kontrapunkt range, in which the cartridge housing’s contact
with the pick-up arm takes place through three hard, well-defined points, i.e. a
kind of spikes. This means that the mechanical integration of the cartridge and
the pick-up arm are always absolutely perfect. We have reinforced the
construction by allowing one central structure, made in a special alloy, to
reach from the 2.5 mm threaded holes at the top all the way down around the
motor system at the bottom. This makes the MC Windfeld Ortofon’s strongest and
most resonance-free cartridge yet, with a direct mechanical connection between
the motor and the tonearm. What this means for the dynamics, resolution and
richness of detail in the sound simply has to be experienced.But the Ortofon MC
Windfeld is also unique in cosmetic terms: the parts of the cartridge housing
are produced with matt and polished black surfaces. The underside facing the
record is covered by a new shield, which reinforces the mechanical structure.
Per Windfeld’s characteristic initials in gold, which decorate the sides of the
cartridge housing, stand as a signal to the outside world that this
technologically advanced cartridge is Ortofon’s finest, most accurate and in our
own opinion also best-sounding design. We recommend a thorough listening test
using the best equipment, and invite serious audiophiles to pay tribute to Per
Windfeld with this serious candidate for “the world’s best cartridge”.MC
WindfeldTechnical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 0,3 mVChannel balance
at 1 kHz < 0,2 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz > 28 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz
> 22 dBFrequency range at - 3dB 10-80.000 HzFrequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz + / - 1 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *)100 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 16 µm/mN Stylus type Nude
Ortofon Replicant 100, special polished Stylus tip radius r/R 5/100 µm Tracking
force range 2,3-2,8 g (23-28 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2,6 g (26 mN)
Tracking angle 23° Internal impedance, DC resistance 4 Ohm Recommended load
impedance > 10 Ohm Cartridge body material Stainless steel/special alloy
Cartridge colour Black/Black Cartridge weight 13 gram

€. 4.999,00

Stilo nude Ortofon replicant 100 special
polished. Cantilever in Boro. Tensione di uscita 0,3mV. Peso di lettura
consigliato 2,6gr. Impedenza di carico consigliata >10 ohm. Corpo in lega
speciale d'acciaio SLM e materiale composito proprietario TPE. Peso 28gr.

ORTOFON MC A95 Listino
€. 4.999,00

Testina celebrativa dei 95 anni di Ortofon.
Stilo nude Ortofon replicant 100 special polished. Cantilever in Boro. Tensione
di uscita 0,2mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 2,3gr. Impedenza di carico
consigliata >10 ohm. Corpo in lega speciale di titanio SLM e materiale
composito proprietario TPE. Peso 6gr.
measured, making it a celebration of sound itself. This impeccably crafted
cartridge carries with it the culmination of decades of research in the field of
analogue sound reproduction along with the worldís best engineering, materials,
and manufacturing techniques. Combined with the inspiration of the very best
ears and minds in contemporary analogue technology, the A90 stands as a true
contender for the best moving coil pickup of all time. Technical Data
Output voltage at 1 kHz, 5cm/sec. 270 µV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 0,2 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz > 28 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 22 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 10 Hz - 80 kHz Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz
+ / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force 100 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 16 µm/mN Stylus type Special polished Nude
Ortofon Replicant 100 on Boron Cantilever Stylus tip radius r/R
5/100 µm Tracking force range 2,0-2,5 g (20-25 mN) Tracking force,
recommended 2,3 g (23 mN) Tracking angle 23° Internal impedance, DC
resistance 4 Ohm Recommended load impedance > 10 Ohm Cartridge body
material SLM Stainless Steel Cartridge colour Black

€. 6.950,00

Testina Hi-End in onore della cantante di
opera Anna Netrebko. Stilo nude Ortofon replicant 100 special polished.
Cantilever in Boro. Tensione di uscita 0,2mV. Peso dilettura consigliato 2,3gr.
Impedenza di carico consigliata >10 ohm. Corpo in titanio con tecnica SLM. Peso

€. 220,00

ellittico. •Tensione di uscita 3,3mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 2gr.•Impedenza
di carico consigliata 47Kohm/<500pF.•Corpo in Noryl.•Peso 4,1gr.
Turbo The MC 1 Turbo is an excellent entry into the world of high output moving
coil (MC) cartridges, with an elliptical stylus profile. The MC 1 Turbo has a
3.3mV output, which makes it perfect for use with inbuilt phono preamps –
specifically ones designed for moving magnet (MM) cartridges. The MC 1 Turbo
provides a taste of the linearity and precision of moving coils, but without the
need for additional high gain preamps or transformers.Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 3,3 mV
Channel balance at 1 kHz < 2 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 22 dB Channel
separation at 15 kHz > 15 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20-25.000 Hz Frequency
response FIM distortion at recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 4 / - 1 dB Tracking
ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) > 65 µmCompliance, dynamic,
lateral 13 µm/mN Stylus type Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Tracking
force range 1,8-2,2 g (18-22 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2 g (20 mN)
Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 100 Ohm Recommended load
impedance 47 kOhm / < 500 pF Cartridge body material Noryl Cartridge colour
Black Cartridge weight 4,1 g *) Typical value

€. 380,00

Stilo nude fine line.
•Tensione uscita 3,3mV.•Peso lettura consigliato 2gr.•Impedenza carico
consigliata 47Kohm/<500pF.•Corpo in Noryl.•Peso 4,1gr.
Turbo The MC 3 Turbo takes high output moving coil (MC) cartridges a step
further, with a high polished, nude fine line diamond. The MC 3 Turbo has a
3.3mV output, which is perfect for use with virtually any moving magnet (MM)
phono preamps, included inbuilt models. The nude fine line diamond resolves a
high level of detail and provides expansive stereo imaging. Technical data
Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 3,3 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 1,5 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz > 24 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz >15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-30.000 Hz Frequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 4 / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *) > 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 13 µm/mNStylus type Nude
Fine LineStylus tip radius r/R 8/40 µmTracking force range 1,8-2,2 g (18-22 mN)Tracking
force, recommended 2 g (20 mN)Tracking angle 20°Internal impedance, DC
resistance 100 Ohm Recommended load impedance 47 kOhm / < 500 pFCartridge body
material Noryl Cartridge colour Black Cartridge weight 4,1 g *) Typical value

€. 495,00

Stilo nude
FG70. •Tensione di uscita 2mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 2gr.•Impedenza di
carico consigliata 47Kohm/<500pF.•Corpo in Noryl.•Peso 4,1gr.
The X5-MC is our best high output moving coil (MC) cartridge, with a highly
polished nude Fritz Gyger 70 diamond. The FG70 diamond resolves a very high
level of detail, and can track even the highest frequency groove modulations.
The X5-MC has a 2mV output, which although high enough to be used with moving
magnet phono preamps, preserves the delicacy and accuracy that moving coil
cartridges are known for.Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz,
5cm/sec. 2 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 2 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 25
dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 15 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20-45.000
HzFrequency response FIM distortion at recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 3 / - 1,5 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) > 60 µm Compliance,
dynamic, lateral 13 µm/mN Stylus type Nude FG 70 Stylus tip radius r/R 5/70 µm
Tracking force range 1,8-2,2 g (18-22 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2 g (20 mN)
Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 80 OhmRecommended load
impedance 47 kOhm / < 500 pFCartridge body material Noryl Cartridge colour Red
Cartridge weight 4,1 g *) Typical value
SPU cartridges continue the tradition of the first ever Moving Coil cartridges
as originally engineered by Mr. Robert Gudmandsen and produced by Ortofon in the
late 1950s. Praised for their refined linearity and full body, these cartridges
have remained a favourite throughout the years, both for modern and vintage
high-end applications. The latest incarnation of SPU cartridges feature a
wood-based integrated headshell to further reduce resonance and provide an
authentic and attractive aesthetic.
€. 545,00

Stilo sferico.
Tensione di uscita 0,18mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr. Impedenza di carico
consigliata >10 ohm. Corpo in composito legno/resina. Peso 30gr
€. 545,00

Stilo ellittico.
Tensione di uscita 0,18mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr. Impedenza di
carico consigliata >10 ohm. Corpo in composito legno/resina. Peso 30gr

DI MKII Listino
€. 790,00

Stilo sferico. •Tensione di
uscita 1,5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 3,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata
>100 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 33gr.
CG25 DI MkII The Mono CG 25 DI MKII is an SPU-style Moving Coil (MC) cartridge
with a spherical stylus profile, for the playback of early 25µm mono recordings.
The CG 25 DI MKII provides an authentic method of playing back these early vinyl
recordings with a remarkable level of sonic accuracy. This cartridge features a
1.5mV output, which makes it suitable for use with a variety of medium-gain
moving coil transformers. Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz,
5cm/sec. 1,5 mVFrequency range at - 3dB 20-18.000 HzFrequency response FIM
distortion at recommended 20-15.000 Hz + 3 / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at
recommended tracking force *) > 60 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral Stylus type
SphericalStylus tip radius R 25 µmTracking force range 3,0-4,0 g (30-40 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 3,5 g (35 mN)Tracking angle 20°Internal impedance,
DC resistance 6 OhmRecommended load impedance > 100 OhmCartridge body material
Grinded wood Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC) Cartridge colour Black
MCartridge weight 33 g *) Typical value

DI MKII Listino
€. 790,00

sferico. •Tensione di uscita 1,5mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 4,5gr.•Impedenza
di carico consigliata >100 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 33gr.
CG 65 DI MkII The Mono CG 65 DI MKII is an SPU-style Moving Coil (MC) cartridge
with a spherical stylus profile, for the playback of early 65µm mono and 78rpm
recordings. The CG 65 DI MKII provides an authentic method of playing back these
early recordings with a remarkable level of sonic accuracy, regardless of the
materials used to manufacture these discs. This cartridge features a 1.5mV
output, which makes it suitable for use with a variety of medium-gain moving
coil transformers. Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 1,5
mVFrequency range at - 3dB 20-18.000 HzFrequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-15.000 Hz + 3 / - 1 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *) > 60 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral Stylus type
SphericalStylus tip radius R 65 µmTracking force range 4,0-5,0 g (40-50 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 4,5 g (45 mN) Tracking angle 20°Internal impedance,
DC resistance 6 OhmRecommended load impedance > 100 OhmCartridge body material
Grinded wood Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC) Cartridge colour Black
Cartridge weight 33 g *) Typical value

GM MKII Listino
€. 820,00

Stilo sferico. •Tensione di
uscita 3mV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 3,5gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata
47Kohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 30gr.
Mono GM MkII The SPU Mono GM MKII is a high output Moving Coil (MC) cartridge
with a with a spherical stylus profile, for the playback of early 25µm mono
recordings. The SPU Mono GM MKII provides an authentic method of playing back
these early vinyl recordings with remarkable level of sonic accuracy, and its
high output negates the need for a moving coil transformer.Technical data Output
voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 3 mVFrequency range at - 3dB 20-20.000 HzFrequency
response FIM distortion at recommended 20-15.000 Hz + 2 / - 1 dBTracking ability
at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) > 70 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral 12
µm/mNStylus type SphericalStylus tip radius R 25 µmTracking force range 3,0-5,0
g (30-50 mN)Tracking force, recommended 3,5 g (35 mN) Tracking angle 20°Internal
impedance, DC resistance 100 Ohm Recommended load impedance 47 kOhmCartridge
body material Grinded wood Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC) Cartridge
colour Black MCartridge weight 30 g *) Typical value

€. 990,00

Stilo nude sferico. •Tensione
di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr.•Impedenza di carico
consigliata > 10 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 30gr.
GM E MKII Stilo nude ellittico. •Tensione di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura
consigliato 4gr.•Impedenza di carico consigliata > 10 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso
GM MkII The SPU Classic GM MKII, known for its dynamic and powerful sound
reproduction, is a Moving Coil (MC) cartridge with an 18µm spherical stylus
profile. The SPU Classic series embodies the essence of the original Moving
Coils and are a perfect solution for the playback of both early and modern and
contemporary stereo recordings.
Techical dat Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 200 µV Channel balance at
1 kHz < 1 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 20 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz >
10 dBFrequency range at - 3dB 20-25.000 HzFrequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz ± 3 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking
force *) 65 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mNStylus type Nude
sphericalStylus tip radius R 18 µmTracking force range 3,0-5,0 g (30-50 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 4,0 g (40 mN)Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance,
DC resistance 6 Ohm Recommended load impedance > 10 Ohm Cartridge body material
Grinded wood Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC) Cartridge colour Black
Cartridge weight 30 g *) Typical value

€. 1.690,00

Stilo nude ellittico.
•Tensione di uscita 300µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr.•Impedenza di carico
consigliata > 10 ohm.•Corpo in alluminio.•Peso 32gr.
SPU Meister Silver GM is an SPU Moving Coil (MC) cartridge that has been
improved on coil winding material, stylus and magnet. The cartridge has been
outfitted with high purity multi-conductor 6 – Nines silver wire (of a purity of
99,9999 %) for a more open and revealing high end presentation. The nude
elliptical stylus tip mass has been decreased by a factor of more than 50%,
resulting in increased tracking ability and reproduction of microdynamic detail.
The generator system has been revised produce a slightly higher output to ensure
compatibility with a wider range of moving coil transformers and active MC
preamplifiers.Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz 5cm/sec 300 μV Channel
balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 20 dB Channel separation
at 15 kHz > 10 dB Frequency range at -3 dB 20-25 kHz Frequency response 20 - 20
kHz +2 / -1 dB Tracking ability at315 Hz at recommended tracking force *) > 70
μm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 8 μm/mN Stylus type Nude elliptical Stylus tip
radius r/R 8/18 μm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,45 mg Tracking force range
3.0-5.0 g (30-50 mN) Tracking force recommended 4.00 g (40 mN) Tracking angle
20ş Internal impedance, DC resistance 1.5 Ohm Recommended load impedance > 10
Ohm Cartridge body material Aluminium Cartridge colour Silver/Black Cartridge
Weight 32 gram
€. 1.790,00

Stilo sferico.
Tensione di uscita 0,18mV. Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr. Impedenza di
carico consigliata > 10 ohm. Corpo in legno di faggio laccato con antica tecnica
giapponese Urushi . Peso 31gr

€. 1.790,00

Stilo nude ellittico.
•Tensione di uscita 500µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 3gr.•Impedenza di carico
consigliata 10-50 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 30gr.
Synergy GM The SPU Synergy GM modernizes the classic SPU design with a number of
optimizations designed for optimum compatibility and sonic purity. The SPU
Synergy features a wood-based housing and has a revised generator system which
allows for a maximum output of 500µV, relaxing the requirement for high gain
transformer or active preamplification systems. While still making use of a
highly polished Nude Elliptical stylus, the stylus tip mass has been reduced
significantly, resulting in reduced VTF and higher tracking ability.
Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 500 µV Channel balance
at 1 kHz < 1,5 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz > 23 dB Channel
separation at 15 kHz > 15 dB Frequency range at - 3dB 20-30.000 Hz
Frequency response FIM distortion at recommended 20-20.000 Hz ± 2 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) 70 µm Compliance,
dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mN Stylustype Nude elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R
8/18 µm Tracking force range 2,5-3,5 g (25-35 mN) Tracking force,
recommended 3,0 g (30 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC
resistance 2 Ohm Recommended load impedance 10 - 50 Ohm Cartridge
body material Grinded wood Coilwire material Goldplated Silver
Cartridge colour Shiny Black ,Cartridge weight 30 g *) Typical value

€. 2.200,00

Stilo nude Ortofon replicant
100. •Tensione di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 3gr.•Impedenza di
carico consigliata > 100 ohm.•Corpo in legno.•Peso 30gr.
Royal GM MkII The SPU Royal GM MKII provides a playback experience that embodies
the essence of analog, with generous refinements which bring the legendary SPU
cartridges into the realm of unrivaled perfection. The addition of Ortofon’s
unique Replicant 100 stylus and reduced tip mass ensures open and detailed sound
reproduction for a purely exquisite listening experience. Electrum coils,
consisting of a gold and silver alloy, provides uncolored and precise
transmission of armature movements while the slightly modified damping system
makes it possible to reduce VTF and achieves a higher level of linearity. High
purity 6-nines copper wiring ensures impeccable signal transmission and
preservation of the finest of microdynamic detail. Technical data Output
voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 200 µV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz > 25 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 20 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-60.000 Hz Frequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 1,5 / - 0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at
recommended tracking force *) 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mN
Stylus type Nude Ortofon Replicant 100 Stylus tip radius r/R 5/100 µm
Tracking force range 2,5-3,5 g (25-35 mN) Tracking force, recommended 3,0
g (30 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 6 Ohm
Recommended load impedance > 100 Ohm Cartridge body material Grinded wood
Coilwire material Goldplated Silver Cartridge colour Shiny Black
Cartridge weight 30 g *) Typical value

€. 690,00

Stilo nude sferico. •Tensione
di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr.•Impedenza di carico
consigliata >10 ohm.•Peso 13gr.
N The SPU Classic N provides the same sound reproduction properties as the SPU
Classic GM series, but is sold without the integrated headshell unit. The SPU
Classic N is a Moving Coil (MC) cartridge with an 18µm spherical stylus profile.
Listeners who wish to mount the SPU Classic on a traditional headshell may do
so, and those with vintage SPU-type headshells can use the Classic N to recreate
an authentic and functional SPU cartridge. Technical data Output voltage
at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 200 µV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB Channel
separation at 1 kHz > 20 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 10 dB Frequency
range at - 3dB 20-25.000 Hz Frequency response FIM distortion at recommended
20-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *)
65 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mN Stylus type Nude
spherical Stylus tip radius R 18 µm Tracking force range 3,0-5,0 g
(30-50 mN) Tracking force, recommended 4,0 g (40 mN) Tracking angle
20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 6 Ohm Recommended load
impedance > 10 Ohm Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC) ,Cartridge
colour Black Cartridge weight 13 g *) Typical value

€. 790,00

Stilo nude ellittico.
•Tensione di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 4gr.•Impedenza di carico
consigliata >10 ohm.•Peso 13gr.
N E The SPU Classic N E provides the same sound reproduction properties as the
SPU Classic GM E series, but is sold without the integrated headshell unit. The
SPU Classic N is a Moving Coil (MC) cartridge with an elliptical stylus profile
and provides more detailed sound reproduction and expansive imaging. Listeners
who wish to mount the SPU Classic on a traditional headshell may do so, and
those with vintage SPU-type headshells can use the Classic N E to recreate an
authentic and functional SPU cartridge.Technical data Output voltage at 1000 Hz,
5cm/sec. 200 µV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB Channel separation
at 1 kHz > 20 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 10 dB Frequency
range at - 3dB 20-25.000 Hz Frequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 3 / - 2 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at
recommended tracking force *) 65 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mN
Stylus type Nude elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Tracking
force range 3,0-5,0 g (30-50 mN) Tracking force, recommended 4,0 g (40 mN)
Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 6 Ohm
Recommended load impedance > 10 Ohm Coilwire material High Purity Copper (OFC)
Cartridge colour Black Cartridge weight 13 g *) Typical value

€. 1.450,00

Stilo nude Ortofon replicant
100. •Tensione di uscita 200µV.•Peso di lettura consigliato 3gr.•Impedenza di
carico consigliata >100 ohm. •Peso 13gr.
N The SPU Royal N provides the same sound reproduction properties as the
SPU Royal GM series, but is sold without the integrated headshell unit. The SPU
Royal N provides a playback experience that embodies the essence of analog, with
generous refinements which bring the legendary SPU cartridges into the realm of
unrivaled perfection. The addition of Ortofon’s unique Replicant 100 stylus and
reduced tip mass ensures open and detailed sound reproduction for a purely
exquisite listening experience. Electrum coils, consisting of a gold and silver
alloy, provides uncolored and precise transmission of armature movements while
the slightly modified damping system makes it possible to reduce VTF and
achieves a higher level of linearity. High purity 6-nines copper wiring ensures
impeccable signal transmission and preservation of the finest of microdynamic
detail. Listeners who wish to mount the SPU Royal N on a traditional headshell
may do so, and those with vintage SPU-type headshells can use the Royal N to
recreate an authentic and functional SPU cartridge. Technical data Output
voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 200 µV Channel balance at 1 kHz < 1 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz > 25 dB Channel separation at 15 kHz > 20 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB 20-60.000 Hz Frequency response FIM distortion at
recommended 20-20.000 Hz + 1,5 / - 0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at
recommended tracking force *) 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 8 µm/mN
Stylus type Nude Ortofon Replicant 100 Stylus tip radius r/R 5/100 µm
Tracking force range 2,5-3,5 g (25-35 mN) Tracking force, recommended 3,0
g (30 mN) Tracking angle 20° Internal impedance, DC resistance 6 Ohm
Recommended load impedance > 100 Ohm Coilwire material Goldplated Silver
Cartridge colour Blue/Gold Cartridge weight 13 g *) Typical value

TA-110 €.1.450,00
Per prezzo
Braccio a S da 9". •Tipo
statico con articolazione su cuscinetti.•Adatto sia per testine a bassa che ad
alta massa (con peso aggiuntivo opzionale).•Cavo 6NX-TSW 1010 in
dotazione.•Shell portatestina LH-2000 in dotazione

Per prezzo
Braccio a S da 9". •Tipo
statico con articolazione su cuscinetti.•Cablaggio in rame 8N.•Adatto sia per
testine a bassa che ad alta massa (con peso aggiuntivo opzionale).•Cavo 6NX-TSW
1010 in dotazione.•Shell portatestina opzionale

AS-309S €.1.850,00
Per prezzo
Braccio a S da 12". •Tipo
statico con articolazione su cuscinetti.•Cablaggio in rame 8N.•Adatto sia per
testine a bassa che ad alta massa (con peso aggiuntivo opzionale).•Cavo 6NX-TSW
1010 in dotazione.•Shell portatestina opzionale
- 12 inch – Ortofon’s AS series static-balance tonearms feature high quality
materials and construction, combined with a nod to analog’s past, for precise
sound reproduction combined with a modern-vintage aesthetic. AS series tonearms
can be used for a wide array of cartridges (SPUs require an additional
counterweight) and feature anti-skating control.Technical data: Effective length
(distance between the stylus and pivot point): 326mm Length (distance between
the pivot point and turntable center): 311mm Offset angle: 19 degrees Overhang:
15mm Tracking force adjusting range ( direct reading): 0 to 3g Height adjustment
range: 35mm to 55mm Diameter of the armbase mounting hole: 19mm to 20mm
Diameter of center shaft: 18mm Optional counterweight for heavier
cartridge between 26 and 38 grams is available

RS-212D €.2.500,00
Per prezzo
Braccio a S da 9" •Tipo
dinamico con articolazione unipivot.•Cablaggio in rame 8N. Adatto sia per
testine a bassa che ad alta massa (con peso aggiuntivo opzionale).•Cavo 6NX-TSW
1010 in dotazione.•Shell portatestina opzionale.
- 9 inch - Ortofon’s D series tonearms take analog sound reproduction to a
higher level with highly configurable VTF options, and a dynamic balance system
for increased stability when tracking warps and other anomalies. D series
tonearms can be used for a wide array of cartridges, feature anti-skating
control.Technical data: Effective length (distance between the stylus and
pivot point): 229mm Length (distance between the pivot point and turntable
center): 214mm Offset angle: 22 degrees Overhang: 15mm Tracking force adjusting
range (direct reading): 0 - 5 g Height adjustment range: 42 mm - 57 mm
Diameter of the armbase mounting hole: 34 mm - 36 mm Diameter of the center shaf:
16 mm Digital scale DS 1 included Headshell SH-1 included

RS-309D €.2.620,00
Per prezzo
Braccio a S
da 12". •Tipo dinamico con articolazione unipivot.•Cablaggio in rame 8N.•Adatto
sia per testine a bassa che ad alta massa (con peso aggiuntivo opzionale).•Cavo
6NX-TSW 1010 in dotazione.•Shell portatestina opzionale.
- 12 inch - Ortofon’s D series tonearms take analog sound reproduction to a
higher level with highly configurable VTF options, and a dynamic balance system
for increased stability when tracking warps and other anomalies. D series
tonearms can be used for a wide array of cartridges, feature anti-skating
control. Technical data:Effective length (distance between the stylus and pivot
point): 326mm Length (distance between the pivot point and turntable center):
311mm Offset angle: 19 degrees Overhang: 15mm Tracking force adjusting range (direct
reading): 0 - 5 g Height adjustment range: 42 mm - 57 mm Diameter of the
armbase mounting hole: 34 mm - 36 mm Diameter of the center shaft: 16 mm
Digital scale DS 1 included Headshell SH-1 included

CW-C €.228,00
Per prezzo
weight for AS-212S & AS-309S

CW-D €.294,00
Per prezzo
weight for AS-212S & AS-309S

DS-1 Listino
€. 150,00

Bilancia digitale con
display LCD misura pressione stilo.

DS-3 Listino
€. 150,00

Bilancia digitale con
display LCD misura pressione stilo.

€. 8,00

Livella in plastica
per la messa in piano del giradischi

€. 37,00

Livella in
alluminio/vetro per la messa in piano del giradischi.
DS-1 DIGITAL SCALE Bilancia digitale con display LCD misura pressione stilo.
145,00 euro
STYLUS PRS. GAUGE Bilancina manuale misura pressione stilo.
9,00 euro
ALIGNMENT TOOL Dima per l'allineamento della testina.
6,00 euro
APJ 1 Adattatore SPU A.
99,00 euro
SPU N ADAPT. Adattatore SPU N.
29,00 euro
T4P ADAPTOR Adattatore per attacco T4P
6,00 euro
STYLUS BRUSH Spazzolino pulisci stilo.
3,00 euro
STYLUS BRUSH CF Spazzolino pulisci stilo in fibra di carbonio.
12,00 euro
LEAD WIRES Set cavetti per collegamento testina/braccio.
3,00 euro
SCREWS Set viti per montaggio testina.
4,00 euro
OM TOOL Utensile per montaggio testine.
4,00 euro
BUBBLE LEVEL Livella in alluminio/vetro per la messa in piano del giradischi.
36,00 euro
LIBELLE Livella in plastica per la messa in piano del giradischi.
7,00 euro
SB-1, STROBE Stroboscopio.
179,00 euro
LUG-B4 Set di 4 terminazioni a forcella placcate in rodio.
90,00 euro
€. 995,00

Ortofon is pleased to introduce the Verto – a moving coil transformer reserved
for only the most discerning audiophiles and music lovers. The Verto, not unlike
its predecessors, takes an unrelenting approach to audio reproduction by
combining the finest components available along with world class engineering,
for unparalleled sound reproduction. Starting with exceptional quality
Lundahl ™ transformers, surrounded by a specialized mu-metal shielding,
listeners can be assured that each detail in a complex array of notes is
reproduced with utter purity, with freedom from internal and external sources of
interference. These two items combined make Verto one of the quietest, most
revealing transformers ever offered to the audiophile market. Featuring dual
mono design, the Verto provides discrete circuitry for each channel, resulting
in the elimination of crosstalk and possible distortions. This results in
cleaner, clearer reproduction with substantially increased stereo imaging.
Regardless of the composition being played, the Verto’s expansive stereo
separation provides lifelike realism, and accurate tonal balance devoid of
coloration. To further minimize signal degradation and maximize signal flow, the
Verto has been engineered using high quality industrial grade PCB. Additionally,
gold plated RCA jacks with Teflon insulation provide optimal conductivity for
use with high quality interconnects. Internally, the unit is assembled with an
absolute bare minimum of internal wiring, preserving absolute signal integrity.
The Ortofon Verto maintains compatibility with most Moving Coil cartridges, with
internal jumbers offering two gain/impedance options. This affords audiophiles
with broad flexibility while still maintaining a clean aesthetic. TECHNICAL DATA
Configuration A: Recomended cartridge impedance 5-50 Ohm Gain 1kHz 24 dB Freq
response 10 Hz - 100 kHz ± 1 dB Configuration B: Recomended cartridge impedance
< 10 Ohm Gain 1kHz 30 dB Freq response 10 Hz - 80 kHz ± 1 dB Trafo output
loading 47 kOhm / 200 pF Dimensions 75 X 125 X 170 mm Recomended load; 47 Kohm,
200 p

€. 599,00

Trasformatore di Step Up per testine a bobina mobile (MC). Particolarmente
indicato per le testine Ortofon della serie Quintet e SPU. Costruzione dual-mono.
Chassis con struttura a sandwich e trasformatori schermati in un contenitore in
permalloy. Connettori RCA dorati con isolamento in Teflon. Piedini
anti-vibrazione in alluminio/gomma.

€. 1.680,00

Trasformatore di Step Up per testine a bobina mobile (MC). Costruzione
Dual-Mono. Doppi trasformatori per canali sinistro e destro, magneticamente
schermati in un contenitore in permalloy inserito in un cilindro di alluminio
dello spessore di 10mm ricavato dal pieno, ed isolati fisicamente dal
contenitore principale per evitare dei disturbi esterni. Connettori RCA dorati
con isolamento in Teflon. Partner ideale per testine MC quali: la serie Cadenza,
MCA90, MC Windfeld, tutta la serie SPU e Xpression.

LH2000 €.65,00
Per prezzo
The LH-2000 is a basic high quality headshell designed specifically for HiFi use.
Providing a clean, minimalist aesthetic, the LH-2000 is great for a wide variety
of cartridges.

Per prezzo
The LH-6000 is a high quality headshell designed specifically for the
Kontrapunkt, Jubilee, and Windfeld cartridges. Its rounded front portion
facilitates proper mounting and compliments each of these cartridges.

LH8000 €.129,00
Per prezzo
LH-8000 is a high quality handmade wood-based headshell with a polished brass
finger lift. The highly attractive LH-8000 is perfect for a variety of

LH9000 €.179,00
Per prezzo
The LH-9000 is a new exceptionally high quality headshell made by carbon fiber.
The new LH-9000 is perfect for a variety of high-end cartridges.

Per prezzo
Set di 4 cavetti per il
collegamento di braccio/testina. •Conduttori in rame 6N OFC.•Terminali dorati.
is the 6N lead wire made of Ultra high purity copper wire, the configuration is
very sofisticated with different diameter of wire strand, the inside strand is
right windings, the outside strand is left winding. The tight winding against
each other makes the clear transmission of music signals. Clear and crisp
tonality. The end of wire is fastened by gold plated terminal. •High purity Cu
wire 6NCu: 7 x φ 0.18mm (Right strands) •High purity Cu wire 6NCu: 17 x φ 0.10mm
(Left strands)
Per prezzo
Set di 4 cavetti per il
collegamento di braccio/testina. •Conduttori in rame 7N/6N OFC.•Terminali in
is the hybrid lead wire made of Ultra high purity copper wire of 7N and 6 N. As
there is no foreign particle other than copper 7N (99.99999 % purity) in the
wire, music signal can be transmitted without any noise. The end of wire is
fastened by rohdium plated terminal.•High purity Cu wire 7NCu: 3 x φ 0.26mm
•High purity Cu wire 6NCu: 16 x φ0.10mm
Per prezzo
Set di 4 cavetti per il
collegamento di braccio/testina. Conduttori in argento 4N OFC. Terminali in
is the most sophisticated lead wires composed of pure silver and silver coated
wire. The nature of silver wire, silver coated wire transmits the very clear
high tone signals, it brings the brilliant tonality. The end of wire is fastened
by rohdium plated terminal.
•4N Pure Silver wire: 3 x φ 0.26mm •Silver plated OFC wire: 16 x φ0.10mm

Per prezzo
This cable is made of high purity copper 6N/5N Hybrid. This is an exclusive use
for tonearm connection. RCA center pin is rhodium plated. Technical
specifications: Conductor material: Hi-purity OFC Length: 1 x 1.2m Diameter: Ř
10 mm ,RCA Terminal Gold plated
Per prezzo
Per prezzo

Per offerta
data Frequency range 20-20.000 Hz Frequency response 20-18.000 Hz + 2 / - 3 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) 60 µm Compliance,
dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mN Stylus type Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm
Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg Tracking force range 1,5-2,0 g (15-20 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 1,75 g (17,5 mN) Tracking angle 20° Stylus
colour Black Recommended for following cartridges OM 3E, OMP 3E *)
Typical value
Per offerta
5E Technical data Frequency range 20-25.000 Hz Frequency response
20-25.000 Hz Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) <1%
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 65 µm Stylus type Elliptical Stylus tip
radius r/R 8/18 µm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg Tracking force
range 1,5-2,0 g (15-20 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,75 g (17,5 mN)
Tracking angle 20°Stylus colour Black Recommended for following cartridges
OM 5E, OMP 5E, OMB 5E, OMT 5E *) Typical value
Per offerta
10 Technical data 10 STYLUS Frequency range 20-24.000 Hz Frequency response
20-20.000 Hz + 3 / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking
force *) 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 25 µm/mN Stylus type Elliptical
Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg Tracking force
range 1,25-1,75 g (12,5-17,5 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,5 g (15 mN)
Tracking angle 20° Stylus colour Black Recommended for following
cartridges Super OM 10, OM 10, OMP 10, OMB 10, OMT 10, LM 10, Concorde 10,
Concorde EC 10, TM 10H, LMB 12, SMB 12, LMA 12 *) Typical value
Per offerta
78Technical data Frequency range 20-15.000 Hz Frequency response 20-12.000
Hz + 2 / - 3 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) 60 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 15 µm/mN Stylus type spherical Stylus tip
radius 65µm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg Tracking force range 1,75-2,25 g
(17,5-22,5 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2,0 g (20 mN) Tracking angle 20°
Stylus colour Black Recommended for following cartridges All Super OM, OM, OMP,
TM, Concorde cartridges for playing 78 r.p.m. records *) Typical value
Per offerta
D 25 M Technical data D 25M STYLUS Frequency range 20-20.000 Hz Frequency
response 20-18.000 Hz + 2 / - 3 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *) 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 7 µm/mN Stylus type
Spherical Stylus tip radius R 25µm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg
Tracking force range 2,0-3,0 g (20-30 mN) Tracking force, recommended 2,5 g (25
mN) Tracking angle 20° Stylus colour Black Recommended for
following cartridges All Super OM, OM OMP, TM, Concorde cartridges for playing
micro-groove records *) Typical value
2M red
Per offerta
2M Red Technical data Frequency range 20-22.000 Hz Frequency response
20-20.000 Hz + 3 / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking
force *) 70 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mN Stylus type
Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Equivalent stylus tip mass
0,5 mg Tracking force range 1,6-2,0 g (16-20 mN) Tracking force,
recommended 1,8 g (18 mN) Tracking angle 20° Stylus colour Red
Recommended for following cartridges 2M Red
2M blue
Per offerta
2M Blue Technical data Frequency range 20-25.000 Hz Frequency
response 20-20.000 Hz + 2 / - 1 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *) 80 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 20 µm/mN Stylus type Nude
Elliptical Stylus tip radius r/R 8/18 µm Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,5 mg
Tracking force range 1,6-2,0 g (16-20 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,8
g (18 mN) Tracking angle 20° Stylus colour Blue Recommended
for following cartridges 2M Blue *) Typical value
2M bronze
Per offerta
2M Bronze Technical data Frequency range 20-29.000 Hz Frequency
response 20-20.000 Hz + 2 / -0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended
tracking force *) 80 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 22 µm/mN Stylus
type Nude Fine Line Stylus tip radius r/R 8/40 µm Tracking force range 1,4-1,7 g
(14-17 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,5 g (15,0 mN) Tracking
angle 20° Stylus colour Bronze Recommended for following cartridges
2M Bronze *) Typical value
2M black
Per offerta
2M Black Technical data Frequency range 20-31.000 Hz Frequency response
20-20.000 Hz + 2 / - 0 dB Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking
force *) 80 µm Compliance, dynamic, lateral 22 µm/mN Stylus type
Nude Shibata Stylus tip radius r/R 6/50 µm Tracking force range 1,4-1,7 g
(14-17 mN) Tracking force, recommended 1,5 g (15 mN) Tracking angle
20° Stylus colour Black Recommended for following cartridges 2M
Black*) Typical value

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