Perreaux è un'azienda neozelandese produttrice
di apparecchiature audio di alta qualità. La loro missione è la riproduzione più
fedele possibile di un evento musicale. Per questo Perreaux combina tecniche di
produzione avanzate con un design unico. Tratti distintivi del marchio sono :
ricerca nella progettazione e circuitazione, alta selezione dei componenti e
grande solidità costruttiva per durare nel tempo. I loro prodotti utilizzano
tecnologie all'avanguardia, assicurando al cliente la più alta qualità sonica.
Storia Perreaux fu fondata nel 1974. Il primo prodotto realizzato è stato un
amplificatore integrato a transistor capace di erogare 22Wrms per canale. Nel
corso dei due anni successivi l'azienda sviluppa nuovi prodotti, tra cui
preamplificatori, amplificatori e altoparlanti per i mercati domestico e
professionale. Nel 1976 Perreaux produce il primo sistema PA della Nuova Zelanda
: questo sistema pesava circa 3 tonnellate ed era in grado di erogare 900Wrms.
Nel 1977 Perreaux viene a conoscenza della tecnologia MOSFET. Dopo anni di
studio e lavoro sperimentale, la società si rende conto che i MOSFET di potenza,
se utilizzati correttamente, possono fornire un suono caldo, dolcezza e realismo
timbrico tipici delle valvole in combinazione con gli aspetti più pratici dello
stato solido. Nel 1979 produce i primi amplificatori a MOSFET: con questi
prodotti Perreaux è la prima azienda nel mondo occidentale ad utilizzare i
MOSFET di potenza in apparecchi audio. Le reazioni dei mercati sono
entusiastiche. Nei 1980, la Perreaux sbarca negli Stati Uniti : alcuni
rivenditori hi-fi a New York rimangono favorevolmente colpiti e da allora le
vendite si incrementano progressivamente. Nel 1983 debutta il preamplificatore
SM2 che utilizza una circuitazione in pura classe A. Questo prodotto catalizza
l’attenzione della stampa audio internazionale che comincia a dedicare sempre
più attenzione a questa azienda. Nel 1985 gli ampli professionali Perreaux
vengono utilizzati dalla Lucas Film Ltd con la tecnologia THX . Più recentemente
Perreaux ha intrapreso un'ulteriore intensa attività di ricerca e sviluppo,
abbracciando sofisticati processi elettronici digitali nella maggior parte della
linea di prodotti. La vasta conoscenza sia dell'elettronica analogica che
digitale e il loro utilizzo in ambiti misti consente all'azienda di continuare a
sviluppare e offrire alcuni dei più sofisticati e musicali componenti
audio/video disponibili oggi sul mercato. Dopo avere venduto migliaia di unità,
le statistiche pongono la Perreaux ai vertici come affidabilità.

Listino ufficiale
€. 3.300,00
Great-looking hi fi
audio products that sound exceptional don't have to cost a fortune. The Audiant
range of USB DACs, preamplifiers and amplifiers offer an elegant design using
today's high definition technology that lets you hear your music like you've
never heard it before. The Audiant range of audio products include a 32-bit
asynchronous USB DAC preamp, 80W integrated amplifier with USB DAC and 100W
stereo power amp with balanced input. Each product is packed with innovative
features – combining exceptional sound and class-leading performance with
unbeatable value. The design of the Audiant range is simply captivating; the
sleek and modern appearance is a welcome change among the wealth of uninspiring
audio components. The touch panel interface keeps the user experience current,
while giving the flexibility of design to allow the Audiant range to look right
at home in today's modern homes. The Audiant range provides a truly hi fi audio
experience and raises the bar on what is possible in this category – the result
of over 35 years of fine-tuning and perfecting. Audiant will reconnect you with
the thing that is so often overlooked – the MUSIC. Are you interested in
listening to Audiant, find your nearest dealer to experience the Audiant range
of hi fi audio products for yourself. Audiant 80i Stereo Integrated Amplifier
Audiant 80i Stereo Integrated Amplifier The Absolute Sound Editors' Choice Award
The Audiant 80i is a stereo integrated amplifier equipped with an asynchronous
USB DAC and is capable of delivering 80W of pure, distortion free power per
channel. Audiant 80i features eight stereo inputs, including asynchronous USB,
coaxial & optical digital inputs, along with a MM phono input for a turntable
and a selectable home theatre loop. Incorporating an upsampling 24-bit/96kHz
digital to analogue converter (DAC), Audiant 80i uses ESS Technology's Reference
Sabre ES9006 DAC for accurate sound reproduction of all your digital sources.
With listening, we realised that Audiant 80i was proof positive that our core
philosophy is correct. Form and function combines to create a hugely satisfying
amplifier. The appearance is aesthetically forward-thinking while the sound
continues the tradition of previous Perreaux pieces – engaging, purposeful and
controlled. Since 1974 Perreaux have been manufacturing high fidelity components
of exceptional quality in New Zealand. Audiant proves again, that commitment and
passion can triumph over geography and high expectations. The elegant
implementation of MOSFET output devices and Class-A signal stages give Audiant
80i a potent, dynamic and sophisticated sonic signature. Merge our high musical
standards with the versatile features of Audiant and you have an amplifier ready
for now, and the future. A variety of digital inputs enable you make the most of
the superb 24-bit/96kHz Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC).You can ease Audiant
into a home theatre system to extract any missing detail from your cinema
experience. Or you can put the needle on the record with the knowledge that the
phono stage has been extensively tested by our music obsessed team in the deep
south. Once again Perreaux bring you a ground-breaking amplifier that will
reconnect you to the thing that is, in these busy days, so often overlooked –
the MUSIC. Find your nearest dealer to experience the Audiant 80i integrated
amplifier for yourself
Amplifier Section Power Output: 80W into 8Ω 130W into 4Ω Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD+N): Typically 20Hz to 20kHz 0.002% @ 1kHz
<0.05% Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz ±0.1dB, 20Hz to 20kHz
Signal to Noise (A-weighted): 105dB, ref. 80W into 8Ω Damping Factor: 400
@ 1kHz, ref. 8Ω Gain: 28dB Preamplifier Section Analogue
Inputs: 3 Line Level (RCA) 1 Phono (RCA) Home Theatre Input: Yes (selectable)
Analogue Input Impedance: 47kΩ Volume Control Range: -90.0dB to +6.0dB
Analogue Outputs: 1 Pre Out (RCA) 1 Line Out (RCA) Analogue Output
Impedance: Pre Out: Line Out: 540Ω 270Ω Signal to Noise Ratio
(A-weighted): 113dB, ref. 2Vrms Digital Audio Section
Digital Inputs: 1 USB (asynchronous 24/96) 1 Coaxial (RCA) 2 Optical (Toslink)
Digital Input Impedance: 75Ω (Coaxial) Transformer Coupled Digital Input:
Yes (Coaxial) Digital to Analogue Converter: ESS Technology Sabre
Reference ES9006 DAC Input Word Length (maximum): 24-bit (all inputs)
Input Sample Rate (maximum): 96kHz (all inputs) Digital to Analogue
Conversion: 24-bit/96kHz (upsampled) DAC Output Voltage: 1.95Vrms @ 0dBFS
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+N): Typically 20Hz to 20kHz 0.002% @
1kHz, -20dBFS <0.004%, -20dBFS Frequency Response 20Hz
to 20kHz ±0.2dB Signal to Noise Ratio (A-weighted): 120dB, ref.
0dBFS Phono Stage Gain: 40dB Input Impedance: 47kΩ
Input Capacitance: 100pF Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+N):
Typically 20Hz to 20kHz 0.06% @ 1kHz, 1Vrms <0.15%, 1Vrms
General Power Consumption Standby: Idle: Maximum
(130W into 4Ω): <1W 50W 640W Dimensions Width: Depth:
Height: 431mm (17.0") 309mm (12.2") 67mm (2.6") Weight:
11.5kg (25.3lb)
Listino ufficiale
€. 6.500,00
Listino ufficiale
€. 7.700,00
Versione x:phono
MM/MC, DAC 24/384 DSD, Bluetooth Audio ,ampli cuffia in classe A, telecomando
IR, iOS , Android OPTIONAL : Phono Option
scheda phono MM/MC 600,00 euro -DAC Option scheda DAC USB DAC 1.600,00
Listino ufficiale
€. 8.600,00
Listino ufficiale
€. 9.900,00
Il 255i è l'amplificatore integrato più potente
e sofisticato di Perreaux. Le sue prestazioni e le sue specifiche sono davvero
impressionanti, ma ascoltando il 255i apprezzerai davvero la qualità
dell'ingegneria, del design e della maestria. Il 255i è l'amplificatore
integrato più avanzato che Perreaux abbia mai prodotto.
Versione x:phono
MM/MC, DAC 24/384 DSD, Bluetooth Audio ,ampli cuffia in classe A, telecomando
IR, iOS , Android
OPTIONAL : Phono Option scheda phono MM/MC 600,00
euro -DAC Option scheda DAC USB DAC 1.600,00 euro
255i is Perreaux's most powerful, most sophisticated integrated amplifier. It's
performance and specifications are truly impressive, but hearing the 255i is
when you will truly appreciate the quality engineering, design and craftsmanship.
The 255i is the most advanced integrated amplifier Perreaux has ever produced.Dimensions
Width: 426mm (16.8") Depth: 344mm (13.5") Height: 149mm (5.9") Weight: 25kg
(55lb) Amplifier Rated Power Output (per channel): 250W into 8Ω 500W into
4Ω Maximum Power Output (prior to clipping, per channel): 360W into 8Ω 530W into
4Ω Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise Typically: 20Hz to 20kHz: 0.002% @
1kHz, 250W into 8Ω 0.010%, 250W into 8Ω Frequency Response 20Hz to 20kHz: 5Hz to
60kHz: +0.00dB, -0.15dB +0.00dB, -0.50dB Damping Factor: 800 @ 1kHz, 250W
into 8Ω Signal to Noise Ratio (unweighted): better than 98dB, ref. 250W
Preamplifier Input Impedance Unbalanced: Balanced: 12kΩ 22kΩ Input
Overload Unbalanced: Balanced: 8Vrms 8Vrms Volume Control Range: -95.5dB
to +31.5dB Volume Control Resolution: 0.5dB per step Input Volume Trim Range:
±40dB Balance Resolution: 0.5dB Balance Range: ±40dB Headphone Amplifier
Headphone Rated Power Output: 1.0W into 32Ω 150mW into 300Ω Headphone Total
Harmonic Distortion + Noise Typically: 20Hz to 20kHz: 0.001% @ 1kHz, 1.0W into
32Ω less than 0.002%, 1.0W into 32Ω Headphone Volume Trim Range: ±40dB 255i DAC
Module Specifications Digital Inputs: 2 SPDIF Coax (RCA) 2 SPDIF Optical (Toslink)
1 USB (Type B) Chipsets: ES9038PRO Sabre DAC / XMOS chipset solution (32 bit /
140db noise floor)Input Sample Rate: 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192kHz (Coax,
Optical)32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / DSD 64, 128, 256
(USB)Input Word Length (maximum): 32-bit (Coax, Optical) 32-bit (USB) Input
Impedance: 75Ω (Coax) Transformer Coupled Coax: Optical: USB: YesNo
Asynchronous and Galvanically IsolatedAnalogue Section Digital to Analogue
Conversion: 32-bit/384kHz Output Voltage: 2.0Vrms @ 0dBFS Total Harmonic
Distortion + Noise 0.002%, 20Hz-20kHz @ 0dBFS Frequency Response 20Hz to 20kHz:
5Hz to 94kHz: +0.0dB, -0.1dB +0.0dB, -3.0dB Dynamic Range (unweighted):
better than 115dB @ 0dBFSSignal to Noise Ratio (unweighted): better than 115dB @
0dBFSChannel Separation: better than 110dB @ 0dBFS Stop Band: 105kHz Stop Band
Attenuation: 125dB 255i Phono Module SpecificationsInput Impedance Low Gain (MM):High
Gain (MC): 47kΩ 100ΩInput Capacitance: 22pF Gain Low Gain (MM):High Gain (MC):
40dB60dB Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise Typically: 20Hz to 20kHz: 0.002% @
1kHz, low gain setting less than 0.010%, low gain setting RIAA Accuracy: ±0.5dB,
20Hz-20kHz Signal to Noise Ratio (unweighted): better than 85dB, low gain

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.900,00
The Audiant DP32 is a USB DAC preamplifier
equipped with a 32-bit digital to analogue converter (DAC), fully balanced
analogue audio circuits and ample input options – featuring AES/EBU digital
input and balanced XLR analogue input along with asynchronous 24-bit/192kHz USB
audio streaming. From its sleek, modern appearance to its transparent, extended,
and engaging sonic presentation; the Audiant DP32 preamp is simply captivating.
The sound is spacious and focused, resolving so much information but without
brightness, grain or artefact. The Audiant DP32 USB DAC preamplifier is
the perfect partner for the Audiant 100p stereo power amplifier. Whether as part
of a complete Audiant system, or as the DAC preamp in your existing system – the
DP32 will reconnect you with the MUSIC. Find out more about Balanced vs.
Unbalanced Audio and discover how using a balanced input allows your audio
system to sound its best. Find your nearest dealer to experience the Audiant
DP32 USB DAC preamplifier for yourself Digital Audio Section
Digital Inputs: 1 USB (asynchronous 24/192) 1 AES/EBU (XLR) 2 Coaxial (RCA) 2
Optical (Toslink) Digital Input Impedance: AES/EBU Coaxial 110Ω75Ω
Digital to Analogue Converter: ESS Technology Sabre³² Reference ES9018 32-bit
DAC Input Word Length (maximum): 24-bit (AES/EBU, Coaxial, Optical) 24-bit
(USB) Input Sample Rate (maximum): 192kHz (all inputs) DAC Output Voltage:
2.0Vrms @ 0dBFS Total Correlated Jitter: <10ps @ -3dBFS (all sample rates)
Preamplifier Section Analogue Inputs: 1 Balanced/Unbalanced (selectable)1
Unbalanced Line/Home Theatre (selectable) Analogue Input Impedance:
BalancedUnbalanced 20kΩ 47kΩ Analogue Pre Outputs: 1 Balanced (XLR)1
Unbalanced (RCA) Analogue Line Outputs: 1 Unbalanced (RCA) Volume
Control Bypass: Yes (selectable) Volume Control Range: Analogue Inputs Balanced
XLR Unbalanced RCA Digital Inputs -105.0dB to 0.0dB -100.0dB to +6.0dB
-105.0dB to 0.0dB Maximum Output Voltage: 12.0Vrms Analogue Output
Impedance: Balanced XLR Unbalanced RCA 100Ω50Ω Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD+N): Typically20Hz to 20kHz 0.0005% @ 1kHz better than 0.001%
Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz ±0.05dB Signal to Noise: 140dB,
ref. 2Vrms (unweighted) Dynamic Range: 140dB @ -60dB, ref. 2Vrms (unweighted)
Channel Separation: 20Hz to 20kHz better than 115dB, ref.
2Vrms General Dimensions: Widt Dept
Height 431mm (17.0") 305mm (12.0") 67mm (2.6")
Weight: 8.0kg (17.6lb)
Listino ufficiale
€. 6.000,00

Il Pre linea SM6
MkII è completamente bilanciato ed utilizza il percorso del segnale in Classe-A.
Presenta la musica con il realismo della performance reale. Le sei alimentazioni
separate alimentano i vari stadi analogici. La risposta in frequenza consente
all'intero spettro audio di essere rappresentata in modo articolato e dinamico.
Come in tutti i prodotti Perreaux, la componentistica a stato solido è della
migliore qualità oggi reperibile
Prisma Series Conceived as a range of
high end hi fi audio products for the audiophile, the team at Perreaux designed
the Prisma series from their famous professional audio products to bring the era
of professional quality products into your living room. The Prisma series
carries many of the hallmarks of the professional products, such as rugged build
quality, highly specified toroid transformers, smoothing capacitors and
rectifiers. Balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) inputs, high quality speaker
terminals and earth lift switch feature on each unit. Amplifiers in the range
feature abundant power to drive the most difficult of loads, yet are refined to
offer the highest audio fidelity to the most discerning listener. Are you
interested in listening to Prisma, find your nearest dealer to experience the
Prisma range of hi fi audio products for yourself.The Prisma Series SM6 MkII Balanced Stereo
Preamplifier is a fully balanced hi fi audio stereo preamplifier. Utilising
discrete Class-A signal and line stages in a fully balanced topology, the SM6
MkII presents music with the realism of the performance itself. With six
separate regulated power supplies the sensitive analog stages are isolated from
all power supply artifacts, allowing dynamic transient attacks to appear from a
black background. The wide frequency response of the SM6 MkII enables the entire
audio spectrum to be portrayed in an articulate manner, ensuring you’re not left
guessing. As with all Perreaux products, the design is completely solid state,
featuring the finest audiophile grade components throughout SM6 MkII
Balanced Stereo Preamplifier User Controls Infrared (IR) Remote Control
Alphanumeric Display Simple User Interface Remote Trigger Outputs
Balanced/Unbalanced Selector I/O Compliment 6 pairs Unbalanced
Inputs (RCA) 1 pair Balanced Inputs (XLR) 2 pairs Unbalanced Preamp
Outputs (RCA) 1 pair Balanced Preamp Outputs (XLR) 2 pairs Unbalanced Line
Outputs (RCA) General Features True balanced input and output for
improved noise rejection and cancellation The SM6 MkII is a fully balanced
stereo preamplifier, from input to output. The positive and negative halves of
the signal never touch. This is very rare and only the highest quality hi fi
audio preamplifiers have this architecture. Four discrete line stages running in
Class-A The Class-A line stages have been designed to provide output buffering,
so the user can drive low impedance loads over long cable lengths using any
cable, without affecting the quality of the audio signal. Six separate regulated
power supplies There is a separate power supply for each section of the
preamplifier; one for each of the volume control ICs (one IC is used for each of
the left and right channels to keep the system fully balanced and, therefore to
maintain separation each IC is supplied with it’s own separate power supply),
another one for each of the output buffering stages (once again because the SM6
MkII runs a fully balanced system, this means that there are two separate output
buffer stages), yet another to power the digital logic and the final power
supply looks after the input and output relays. The advantage of is that there
is complete isolation from stage to stage, and most importantly digital noise is
completely kept from infecting the analog audio section. Wireless remote control
of all functions Many audiophile hi fi audio components are still provided with
analog controls that are adjusted on the faceplate of the unit. While total
control from the remote is common practice in standard products, it is not yet
widely utilised on many high-end audio systems. Obvious advantage is that you
don’t have to get out of your chair to make an adjustment. Home Theatre Bypass
The SM6 MkII features a direct input (processor loop), which bypasses the
preamplifier for use in a home theatre system. Earthing We pay particular
attention to designing the product to ensure maximum separation between internal
signal and power earths, only meeting at a central starred point. Premium grade
components used throughout Wima signal capacitors, custom wound multi tap epoxy
potted toroidal control transformer directly soldered to the PCB, highest
quality fiberglass PCB allowing special treatment to be given to earth planes
and layout with minimum dielectric, hand soldered through-hole mounted
components. Precision digitally controlled analog resistor ladder volume control
The SM6 MkII uses two digitally controlled resistor ladder volume controls. This
is because we treat the positive and negative parts of the signal separately (true
balanced system). The advantages of using a digitally controlled analog resistor
ladder to adjust volume are - precise control, no contacts to corrode creating
wiper noise and no analog component drift. Input switching via high quality
relays Any manufacturer who uses a comprehensive remote control will use relays.
However, Perreaux employs the use of high quality relays with gold plated silver
contacts, thereby further lessening the chance of degrading the audio signal.
Dual preamp level outputs You do not need to purchase an RCA style splitter if
you want to drive two separate audio power amplifiers simultaneously (for
example in a bi-amp situation) or if you wish to include a subwoofer in your
system, as there are dual preamp outputs. High quality PCBs Quality PCBs
featuring heavy copper tracks and components are used throughout the unit.
Remote Trigger Outputs Dual 5V remote trigger outputs are provided to allow
connected components to be powered ON or OFF as the SM6 MkII is taken in and out
of standby.Rated Output Unbalanced: 1.5Vrms Balanced: ±1.5Vrms Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD+N) Typically: 0.001% @ 1kHz 20Hz to 20kHz: <0.004% Frequency
Response 20Hz to 20kHz: ±0.15dB Signal to Noise Ratio: 95dB, referenced to rated
output Dynamic Range: 110dB Input Impedance Unbalanced: 10kΩ Balanced:
20kΩ Input Sensitivity Unbalanced: 215mV Balanced: 215mV Phase
Accuracy: ±0.5º, 20Hz-20kHz Dimensions: Width Height Depth 430mm
(16.9")106mm (4.2") 323mm (12.7") Weight: 7.7kg (17.0lb)

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.900,00

Audiant 100p Stereo
Power Amplifier Audiant 100p Stereo Power Amplifier Hi-Fi Choice Editor's Choice
Award The Audiant 100p is a no compromise 100W stereo power amplifier with
balanced input and combines form and function to create a hugely satisfying
amplifier. The MOSFET output transistors and high-current power supply give a
potent, dynamic and sophisticated sonic signature; continuing the tradition of
previous Perreaux pieces – engaging, purposeful and controlled. With 100W power
output per channel, fully balanced input circuitry, shunt voltage regulation and
power supply filtering; it is amazing what advancements are made in the level of
transparency, detail and dynamics. The Audiant 100p stereo power amplifier
raises the bar on what is possible in this category. The Audiant 100p stereo
power amplifier is the perfect partner for the Audiant DP32 USB DAC preamplifier.
Whether as part of a complete Audiant system, or as the power amplifier in your
existing system – the 100p will reconnect you with the MUSIC. Find out more
about Balanced vs. Unbalanced Audio and discover how using a balanced input
allows your audio system to sound its best. Find your nearest dealer to
experience the Audiant 100p stereo power amplifier for yourself Amplifier Section Line Inputs: 1 Balanced(XLR) 1 Unbalanced
(RCA) Input Impedance: Balanced Unbalanced 20kΩ 47kΩ Power
Output: 100W into 8Ω 145W into 4Ω Input Sensitivity: BalancedUnbalanced 1.0Vrms0.5Vrms Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+N):Typically
20Hz to 20kHz 0.001% @ 1kHz less than 0.02% Frequency Response:20Hz to
20kHz ±0.1dB, ref. 8Ω Signal to Noise: 120dB, ref. 100W into 8Ω (unweighted)
Dynamic Range: 120dB @ -60dB, ref. 100W into 8Ω (unweighted) Channel
Separation: Typically 20Hz to 20kHz 100dB @ 1kHZ, ref. 100W into 8Ω better
than 90dB, ref. 100W into 8Ω Damping Factor: 400 @ 1kHz, ref. 8Ω Amplifier
Gain: Balanced Unbalanced 29.1dB 35.1dB Shunt Voltage Regulators:
Yes Power Supply Filtering: Yes 12V Trigger Input: Yes Protection
Circuitry: Yes Audio-Grade Signal Capacitors: Yes General
Power Consumption:StandbyIdle Maximum (145W into 4Ω) <1W 60W 670W
Dimensions: Width Depth Height 431mm (17.0") 309mm (12.2") 67mm (2.6")
Weight: 12.0kg (26.4lb)

Listino ufficiale
€. 8.500,00

Il finale 350 è
un amplificatore di potenza stereo da 350W per canale. La potenza elevata
permette di pilotare senza sforzo tutti i diffusori con precisione, dettaglio e
musicalità per cui i prodotti Perreaux sono rinomati. La possibilità di
estendere in profondità le ottave inferiori con controllo e finezza fornisce
fornisce agli strumenti e alle voci grande realismo. La trasparenza sonica è la
principale qualità dei 350.
Come in tutti i prodotti Perreaux, la componentistica a stato solido è della
migliore qualità oggi reperibile.SPECIFICHE TECNICHE Continuous Power Ouput
(per channel): 350Wrms into 8ohm 600Wrms into 4ohm Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+N):
Typically 0.004% @ 1kHz into 8ohm 20Hz to 20kHz <0.02% into 8ohm Frequency
Response: 20Hz-25kHz, ±0.25dB Hum & Noise (unweighted): -100dB, ref. rated
output Dynamic Headroom (rated with music): >1.1dB Maximum Current Output: 80A
per channel Damping Factor: >700 @ 1kHz into 8ohm Gain 30.7dB Input Impedance:
Unbalanced 22kohm Balanced 3.3kohm Input Sensitivity: Unbalanced 1.5Vrms
Balanced ±0.78Vrms Dimensions: Width Height Depth 482mm (19.0') 176mm (6.9')
460mm (18.1') Weight: 30.0kg (66.1lb)
Prisma Series Conceived as a range of
high end hi fi audio products for the audiophile, the team at Perreaux designed
the Prisma series from their famous professional audio products to bring the era
of professional quality products into your living room. The Prisma series
carries many of the hallmarks of the professional products, such as rugged build
quality, highly specified toroid transformers, smoothing capacitors and
rectifiers. Balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) inputs, high quality speaker
terminals and earth lift switch feature on each unit. Amplifiers in the range
feature abundant power to drive the most difficult of loads, yet are refined to
offer the highest audio fidelity to the most discerning listener. Are you
interested in listening to Prisma, find your nearest dealer to experience the
Prisma range of hi fi audio products for yourself.The Prisma 350 is a 350W
per-channel stereo power amplifier. The high power output allows
the 350 to effortlessly drive any loudspeakers with the
precision, detail and authority that Perreaux products are
renowned for.The ability to extend deep into the lower octaves
with control and finesse delivers instruments and voices with
lifelike heft, body and scale. Sonic transparency is deep at the
heart of the 350, allowing the musicians artistic prowess to be
realised in its entirety and as intended by the mastering
engineer. As with all Perreaux products, the design is
completely solid state, featuring the finest audiophile grade
componentry throughout. 350 Stereo Power Amplifier Continuous
Power Ouput (per channel): 350Wrms into 8Ω 600Wrms into 4Ω Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD+N): Typically 0.004% @ 1kHz into 8Ω
20Hz to 20kHz <0.02% into 8Ω Frequency Response: 20Hz-25kHz,
±0.25dB Hum & Noise (unweighted): -100dB, ref. rated output
Dynamic Headroom (rated with music): >1.1dB Maximum Current
Output: 80A per channel Damping Factor: >700 @ 1kHz into 8Ω Gain
30.7dB Input Impedance: Unbalanced 22kΩ Balanced 3.3kΩ Input
Sensitivity: Unbalanced 1.5Vrms Balanced ±0.78Vrms Dimensions:
Width Height Depth 482mm (19.0") 176mm (6.9") 460mm (18.1")
Weight: 30.0kg (66.1lb)

Listino ufficiale
€. 8.000,00

Prisma Series Conceived as a range of
high end hi fi audio products for the audiophile, the team at Perreaux designed
the Prisma series from their famous professional audio products to bring the era
of professional quality products into your living room. The Prisma series
carries many of the hallmarks of the professional products, such as rugged build
quality, highly specified toroid transformers, smoothing capacitors and
rectifiers. Balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) inputs, high quality speaker
terminals and earth lift switch feature on each unit. Amplifiers in the range
feature abundant power to drive the most difficult of loads, yet are refined to
offer the highest audio fidelity to the most discerning listener. Are you
interested in listening to Prisma, find your nearest dealer to experience the
Prisma range of hi fi audio products for yourself.
The Prisma Series 750 is a high quality,
reference, 750W monoblock hi fi audio power amplifier, incorporating
true-balanced circuit topology and custom designed toroid power
supply.Continuous Power Ouput: 750Wrms into 8Ω 1300Wrms into 4Ω Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD+N): Typically 0.008% @ 1kHz into 8Ω 20Hz to 20kHz
<0.04% into 8Ω Frequency Response: 20Hz to 25kHz, ±0.25dB Signal to Noise Ratio
Rated Output (unweighted): 100dB Dynamic Headroom (rated with music): >1.1dB
Maximum Current Output: 160A Damping Factor: >700 @ 1kHz into 8Ω Input Impedance:
Unbalanced 22kΩ Balanced 3.3kΩ Input Sensitivity: Unbalanced 1.50Vrms Balanced
±0.77Vrms Dimensions: Width Height Depth 482mm (19.0") 176mm (6.9") 460mm
(18.1") Weight: 31.0kg (68.3lb)

Listino ufficiale
€. 2.700,00
phono mm-mc
The VP3 is a highly flexible customisable vinyl
preamplifier capable of connecting both Moving Magnet and Moving Coil cartridges
to your audio system, providing low distortion, high dynamic range and a sound
which is open, detailed and transparent. The VP3 includes separate low noise
input stages for Moving Magnet and Moving Coil cartridges with dip switches for
both resistive and capacitive loading on each input allowing for a clean, direct
customisable signal path from the cartridge output. The separate direct
connections and switches ensure minimal noise and maximum channel separation,
with the added ability of connecting two cartridges simultaneously and
conveniently selecting between the two from the front panel. Four different gain
settings, the ability to switch between the normal RIAA and IEC RIAA
equalisation curves and the selectable Mono input ensure the highly flexible VP3
is compatible with any cartridge and audio system through the high rated
balanced (XLR) and unbalanced output connections. The highest quality internal
power supply features a custom designed, fully shielded toroidal transformer
with shunt voltage regulation and filtering ensuring a low noise supply
providing high levels of transparency, detail and dynamics. The internal layout
ensures that the power supply is separated from the preamplifier stage to reduce
noise while the mirrored layout of the preamplifier design about the output
ensures maximum channel separation. Whether as part of a complete Audiant system
or as the vinyl preamplifier in your existing system, the VP3 will reconnect you
with your MUSIC.Inputs Audio Inputs: 2 Unbalanced (RCA) (selectable)Input
Sensitivity:'MM' input 'MC' input 3.0mV to 11.9mV (selectable) 0.3mV to 1.2mV (selectable)Gain:
'MM' input'MC' input 36dB to 48dB (selectable)56dB to 68dB (selectable)Input
Impedance: 'MM' input 'MC' input 1kΩ to 47kΩ (selectable)10Ω to 47kΩ
(selectable) Input Capacitance: 'MM' input 'MC' input 22pF to 470pF (selectable)
47pF (selectable) Input Overload Margin: 22dB Trigger Input: OFF voltage ON
voltage 1 mono 3.5mm (⅛") jack 0VDC 3-12VDC Outputs Audio Outputs: 1 Unbalanced
(RCA) 1 Balanced (XLR) Output Impedance: Balanced Unbalanced 30Ω 100Ω
Rated Output: 0.75Vrms Maximum Output: 10.3Vrms (14.5Vp-p) Preamplifier Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD+N): Typically 20Hz to 20kHz 0.002%, 1kHz @ rated
output <0.05% @ rated output RIAA Accuracy: ±0.5dB, 50Hz to 20kHz Signal to
Noise Ratio (un-weighted): 87dB General Mains Fuse Rating: 0.5A (slow blow)
Dimensions: Width Depth Height 431mm (17.0") 277mm 10.9") 67mm (2.6")
Weight: 7.5kg (16.5lb)

Legenda istruzioni
per qui per vedere : FOTO PRODOTTO
per qui per vedere : ISTRUZIONI PRODOTTO
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