PMC twenty 5.21i Listino ufficiale €. 1.295,00 Sebbene il Twenty5.21i sia il modello più compatto della nuova gamma, non c'è nulla di piccolo nel suono, che ha l'impatto che ti aspetteresti da un cabinet molto più grande, grazie alla tecnologia Advanced Transmission Line di PMC. L'altoparlante è ideale per l'uso in ambienti di ascolto medio-piccoli in cui lo spazio è prezioso, ma dove desideri comunque bassi dettagliati, medi ultra realistici e alti delicati con la massima musicalità. Altrettanto felice montato su un supporto o una libreria, il Twenty5.21i offre la massima flessibilità per il posizionamento e rappresenta anche una scelta eccellente per altoparlanti per effetti in un sistema audio coinvolgente. Dimensioni: A 340 mm x L 162 mm x P 284 mm 11 incl. morsetti (+ griglia da 9 mm) Unità di trasmissione: LF PMC 5,5 "/ 140 mm cono g-weave ™ a gittata lunga con telaio in lega pressofusa + HF PMC / SEAS®, serie Twenty5i da 19 mm, cupola morbida in tessuto SONOMEX ™, raffreddamento con ferrofluido, con 34 mm surround e griglia di dispersione Frequenza di crossover: 1,7 kHz Risposta in frequenza: 46 Hz - 25 kHz Impedenza: 8 Ohm Sensibilità: 86,5 dB 1 W 1 m Connettori di ingresso: Una coppia di morsetti da 4 mm Finiture disponibili: Noce, Diamond Black, Quercia, White Silk N-Optional: Stand 229,00 euro cadauno
PMC twenty 5.22i Listino ufficiale €. 1.990,00 La 20th5.22i è progettato per l'utilizzo in spazi più ampi rispetto al 21, ed è ugualmente a suo agio sui suoi supporti dedicati, sui mobili delle consolle o su altre superfici piane. Le sue dimensioni ancora ridotte smentiscono il lungo ATL ™ nascosto all'interno, che, insieme al potente driver dei bassi g-weave da 6,5 pollici e lo sfiato Laminair ™, gli consentono di offrire una fascia bassa pulita, ordinata e potente, insieme ad alti dettagliati dall'unità acuti a cupola morbida di nuova concezione. Nonostante le sue dimensioni maggiori, le sue prestazioni sono agili e piene di dinamismo Dimensioni: A 410 mm x L 192 mm x P 373 mm incl. morsetti (+ griglia da 9 mm) Unità di trasmissione: LF PMC 6,5 "/ 170 mm cono g-weave ™ a lunga gittata con telaio in lega pressofusa + HF PMC / SEAS®, serie Twenty5i da 19 mm, cupola morbida in tessuto SONOMEX ™, raffreddamento con ferrofluido, con 34 mm surround e griglia di dispersione Frequenza di crossover: 1,7 kHz Risposta in frequenza: 39 Hz - 25 kHz Impedenza: 8 Ohm Sensibilità: 89 dB 1 W 1 m Connettori di ingresso: Una coppia di morsetti da 4 mm Finiture disponibili: Noce, Diamond Black, Quercia, White Silk-Optional :Stand 219 ,00 euro cadauno
PMC twenty 2.23 Listino ufficiale €. 1.647,00
PMC twenty 5.23i Listino ufficiale €. 2.295,00 La 23 ha dimostrato di essere il modello più popolare nella nostra gamma di altoparlanti venti e venticinque, e il venti5.23i sembra destinato a seguire il loro successo. La sua forma a pavimento discreta ed elegante è perfetta per riempire stanze di medie dimensioni con dinamiche trasparenti e autentiche e bassi estesi senza sforzo, e si fonderà discretamente in qualsiasi stanza, sia che l'arredamento scelto sia moderno o tradizionale. Come con tutta la gamma Twenty5i, produrrà il meglio dell'elettronica sorgente anche a prezzi accessibili e, accoppiato con un'amplificazione di fascia alta, eccellerà davvero Dimensioni: H 907 mm x L 162 mm (238 mm incl. Barre zoccolo) x P 330 mm (+ Griglia da 9 mm) Unità di trasmissione: LF PMC da 5,5 "/ 140 mm a gittata lunga cono g-weave ™ con telaio in lega pressofusa + HF PMC / SEAS®, serie Twenty5i da 19 mm, cupola morbida in tessuto SONOMEX ™, raffreddamento con ferrofluido, con cornice da 34 mm e griglia di dispersione Frequenza di crossover: 1,7 kHz Risposta in frequenza: 28 Hz - 25 kHz Impedenza: 8 Ohm sensibilità: 86,5 dB 1 W 1 m Connettori di ingresso: Una coppia di morsetti da 4 mm Finiture disponibili: Noce, Diamond Black, Quercia, White Silk
PMC twenty 5.24i Listino ufficiale €. 3.295,00 Il più grande diffusorea due vie della gamma, il Twenty5.24i offre prestazioni realistiche convincenti con realismo, precisione, mordente e potenza. Anche nelle stanze di ascolto medio-grandi, i suoi driver perfettamente integrati e ATL ™ saturano lo spazio con la musica, offrendoti un'esperienza ad alta fedeltà come nessun altro in un design del cabinet sottile e aggraziato che delizierà i tuoi sensi senza dominare la tua stanza. Con le griglie in posizione, il Twenty5.24i produce un suono che molti potrebbero scambiare per quello di un altoparlante a tre vie Dimensioni: A 1015 mm (punte + 20 mm) x L 192 mm (275 mm incl. Barre dello zoccolo) x P 419 mm (griglia + 9 mm ) Unità di trasmissione: cono g-weave ™ a lunga gittata LF PMC da 6,5 "/ 170 mm con telaio in lega pressofusa + HF PMC / SEAS®, serie Twenty5i da 19 mm, cupola morbida in tessuto SONOMEX ™, raffreddamento con ferrofluido, con cornice da 34 mm e griglia di dispersione Frequenza di crossover : 1,7 kHz Risposta in frequenza: 27 Hz - 25 kHz Impedenza: 8 Ohm Sensibilità: 89 dB 1 W 1 m Connettori di ingresso: Una coppia di morsetti da 4 mm n Finiture disponibili: Noce, Diamond Black, Rovere, White Silk
PMC twenty 5.26i Listino ufficiale €. 5.245,00 PMC è rispettato in tutto il mondo per i suoi driver di gamma media a cupola morbida e l'ammiraglia venti5.26i, il più grande della gamma, dispone di un terzo driver dedicato alle frequenze medie più importanti, dove il dettaglio critico si trova nella voce registrazioni. Il design a tre vie assicura che ogni importante gamma di frequenze abbia il proprio driver dedicato, in modo che l'altoparlante possa riempire anche gli spazi più grandi con assoluta trasparenza e chiarezza. Questo è un altoparlante sublime che può espandersi con te mentre aggiorni il tuo sistema e tirare fuori il meglio da qualsiasi apparecchiatura a cui lo colleghi. Dimensioni: H 1040 mm (punte + 20 mm) x L 192 mm (275 mm incl. Barre dello zoccolo) x P 439 mm (+ griglia 15 mm) nm Unità motrici: LF PMC 6,5 "/ 170 mm cono g-weave ™ a lunga gittata con telaio in lega pressofusa + MF PMC a cupola morbida camerata da 50 mm di fascia media + HF PMC / SEAS®, 19 mm serie Twenty5i, SONOMEX ™ cupola morbida in tessuto, raffreddamento con ferrofluido, con cornice da 34 mm e griglia di dispersione Frequenza di crossover: 400 Hz, 4kHz Risposta in frequenza: 27 Hz - 25 kHz Impedenza: 8 Ohm Sensibilità: 86 dB 1 W 1 m Connettori di ingresso: Una coppia di morsetti da 4 mm Finiture disponibili: Noce, Diamond Black, Rovere, White Silk
PMC FACT 8 SIGNATURE Listino ufficiale €. 4.995,00
PMC FACT 12 SIGNATURE Listino ufficiale €. 8.695,00
PMC FENESTRIA SIGNATURE Listino ufficiale €. 31.950,00
PMC 5.Ci Listino ufficiale €. 2.590,00 twenty5.C Designed for Cabinet or standmount. The twenty5.C will astound listeners by its shear bass extension and clarity , essential for surround movie or music playbackPower range 50-020w, Drivers 27mm SOLONEX softdome , 2 x LF g-weave 140mm (5 1/2"). Finiture disponibili: Amarone/Oak/Walnut/Diamond Black
PMC FACT 5c Listino ufficiale €. 2.915,80
The fact.5c is the more compact of the two fact
centre channel speakers and features all the traits of refinement and ultimate
clarity of world renowned fact range. It is ideal complement to the fact.3 or
fact.8 to create a multichannel system that is truly immersive and spellbinding.
Drive units, precision tuning facilities and terminals all mimic the fact.3 and
fact.8 two-way designs with the added advantage of an extremely slim line
profile and twin, front firing ATL bass vents 2-way reference center channel
speaker. LF 2 x fact 140mm precision drivers,
PMC FACT 10c Listino ufficiale €. 7.795,80 The 3-way fact.10c has been produced for those who are fortunate enough to have fact.12s and want to create an unparalleled multichannel system. The addition of fact.10c will not only provide staggeringly clear natural vocals but an audio vista that is seamless. Every element of its design from the hand built soft dome midrange to the highly sophisticatedcrossover and ATL have been engineered for performance, whether it be whisper quiet dialogue or heart stopping dynamics. The drive unit complement and invaluable precision tuning facilities are identical to that of the fact.12 and the twin front firing ATL bass vents offer greater flexibility during installation .3 way reference center channel speaker, 2 x fact 140mm (5.5") super long throw, MF 1 x fact 50mm super clarity sof dome, HF 1 x compact fact 19mm high-res Height 180 mm weight 23 Kg
PMC 5.SUB Listino ufficiale €. 4.790,00 Whether you’re savouring your favourite music or movie, the slender twenty5.sub, with its elegant Diamond Black finish, fits discreetly into any room and completes the audiophile experience. This combination of active electronics from PMC’s renowned professional systems, our 400W Class-D ultra-low-distortion amplifiers, proprietary ATL™ and new Laminair™ technologies, and potent 6.5-inch high-excursion bass units, can faithfully reproduce frequencies down to 22Hz, and handle dynamic contrasts from the sonic complexity of a Hollywood blockbuster soundtrack to the filigree detail in a chamber music solo, with maximum resolution and precision-timed bass. For the finishing touches, intuitive user control over EQ and filters allows for perfect integration of the sub with its listening environment — and with accompanying loudspeakers, because the twenty5.sub also makes an excellent addition to stereo setups.Dimensions: H 587mm (+20mm spikes), W 200mm (238mm inc plinth bars), D 516mm (+9mm grille) Drive Units: LF 2 x PMC twenty5 series 6.5”/170mm long-throw g-weave cone with cast alloy chassis Frequency Response: 30Hz - 600Hz Impedance: 20k BAL sensitivity: 100dB SPL @ 1m (20k Ω BAL default input sensitivity @0dB - input level -10dBu) Input Connectors: 2 x balanced analogue (left/right XLR female) (RCA unbalanced adapter provided) Amplifier Power per Channel: 600 Wrms Available Finishes: Diamond Black
SE The BB5 is the largest in the range and sports and striking 15" Radial bass unit that complements PMC's ATL (Advanced Transmission Line) bass‐loading principle, allowing the speaker to handle music with the widest dynamic range with absolute ease and confidence. Yet the BB5 isn't just designed for the loudest works; subtle acoustic material is reproduced with all the dexterity and delicacy of a compact design. No other passive loudspeaker offers this level of resolution and feeling of inexhaustible headroom. power range 250‐1000w, drivers 22mm HF, 70mm (3") pmc Hand built midrange 380mm (15") External radial chassis LF weight 73 Kgs. Height 1040mm. Including matching stand. Available finish Rose Macassar/Rich Macassar Versione canale centrale 18.278,00 euro
PMC WAFER 1 €. 1.096,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONA / E-MAIL The wafer 1™ is the more compact of the two models in the range, best suited to installations where a discreet and elegant look is all‐important, but quality of audio reproduction remains paramount. The wafer1 is an ideal accompaniment to latest in high‐resolution visual displays to create a supreme cinema experience, or a compact yet high performance stereo systemThe proof of the wafer 1's ability to relay the true essence of the music is found not only in its reviews but also in its various professional guises, where it is relied upon by leading studios and broadcasters such as BBC Broadcasting House, three of BBC Cardiff’s main post production 5.1 dubbing suites, BBC Mailbox 5.1 Dubbing Suite.wafer-art™ allows you to customize the grilles of wafer™ series of on wall loudspeakers with either images from our extensive library, solid colour or one of your own. You can also find PMC's wafer™ series in record store Rough Trade East - London and in Lobsterdock - a famous seafood resturant in Vienna. Whereas Peter Andre and Katie Price and Paul Merton prefer to use the discreet on wall speakers in thier homes wafer 1™ On Wall 5.5" LF, twin tweeter (TT™) available finish Black/White
PMC WAFER 2 €. 1.584,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONA / E-MAIL The proof of the wafer2’s ability to relay the true essence of the music is found not only in its reviews but also in its various professional guises, where it is relied upon by leading studios and broadcasters such as BBC Broadcasting House, three of BBC Cardiff’s main post production 5.1 dubbing suites, BBC Mailbox 5.1 Dubbing Suite.wafer-art™ allows you to customize the grilles of wafer™ series of on wall loudspeakers with either images from our extensive library, solid colour or one of your own. You can also find PMC's wafer™ series in record store Rough Trade East - London and in Lobsterdock - a famous seafood resturant in Vienna. Whereas Peter Andre and Katie Price and Paul Merton prefer to use the discreet on wall speakers in thier homes. The wafer 2™ follows the identical design cues and contains the same intelligent innovations of the wafer 1™The depth of the cabinet remains ultra slim line with small increases to the height and width. This allows for a larger and more robust bass unit giving the wafer 2 greater low frequency extension and the ability to achieve higher volume levels. The attributes of wafer 2 lend themselves perfectly to both surround sound and stereo configurations in a vast range of listening environments.wafer 2™ On Wall 6.5" LF, twin tweeter (TT™) Dimensions H 575 W 355 D 100mm available finish Black/White
PMC WAFER 1inwall €. 1.218,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONA / E-MAIL The new wafer-iw™ series of in-wall loudspeakers, expands their ground-breaking and award-winning ATL™ technology to a range of cutting-edge products ideally suited to the discerning listener and the perfect match for all contemporary installations. The wafer-iw series is comprised of two models, available in a dedicated in-wall form to compliment the previously launched wafer™ on-wall models. The two models sport identical technologies only differing in bass unit size and the consequential low frequency response and maximum SPL the wafer1-iw contains a 5½ inch bass unit. The fidelity of in-wall loudspeakers has suffered due to unavoidable design flaws until now. The wafer-iw installation series addresses these issues by way of numerous innovations unique to the brand with sleek unassuming style that blends perfectly into any décor. The highly sophisticated and unique internal structure implements PMC’s ATL technologytechnology, a direct descendant from the company’s professional studio range of loudspeakers. The ultra-shallow H-Line™ interior of each wafer series cabinet is divided to create a long chamber, which is in turn lined with carefully chosen acoustic treatments. The result is a far louder, deeper and more clearly-defined bass extension than from any conventional design, the listener is presented with a huge, expansive sound from a modest-sized box. Sound leakage from the rear of this type of design is extremely minimal and needs no back box or treatment to the cavity. Another unique feature is PMC’s TT Technology™ - Twin Tweeter technology, which by way of Steerable Image techniques, makes horizontal and vertical placement possible – both higher and lower than the listener – without limiting performance. Standard in-wall designs are compromised by the large surface area of the wall or ceiling around them, but PMC’s acoustic specialists have developed a unique, structured and absorbent surface aptly named StealthBaffle™ that prevents unwanted reflections from the front baffle and the surrounding wall or ceiling, instead concentrates pure, untainted audio directly into the listening space. The two in-wall models are equally at home in a ceiling and fit virtually flush to the surface. The slim line grille and frame can be painted to blend into the chosen décor so the loudspeakers are heard but not seen.The following special features of the wafer-1w™ series ensure the PMC signature of high resolution and The new wafer‐iw™ series of in‐wall loudspeakers, expands their ground‐breaking and award‐winning ATL™ technology to a range of cutting‐edge products ideally suited to the discerning listener and the perfect match for all contemporary installations. wafer 1‐in wall ™PAINT In Wall/Ceiling 5.5" LF, twin tweeter (TT™), ATL HLine ™ available finish Black/White
PMC WAFER 2inwall €. 1.645,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONA / E-MAIL The new wafer-iw™ series of in-wall loudspeakers, expands their ground-breaking and award-winning ATL™ technology to a range of cutting-edge products ideally suited to the discerning listener and the perfect match for all contemporary installations. The wafer-iw series is comprised of two models, available in a dedicated in-wall form to compliment the previously launched wafer™ on-wall models. The two models sport identical technologies only differing in bass unit size and the consequential low frequency response and maximum SPL the wafer2-iwcontains a 5½ inch bass unit. The fidelity of in-wall loudspeakers has suffered due to unavoidable design flaws until now. The wafer-iw installation series addresses these issues by way of numerous innovations unique to the brand with sleek unassuming style that blends perfectly into any décor. The highly sophisticated and unique internal structure implements PMC’s ATL technology, a direct descendant from the company’s professional studio range of loudspeakers. The ultra-shallow H-Line™ interior of each wafer series cabinet is divided to create a long chamber, which is in turn lined with carefully chosen acoustic treatments. The result is a far louder, deeper and more clearly-defined bass extension than from any conventional design, the listener is presented with a huge, expansive sound from a modest-sized box. Sound leakage from the rear of this type of design is extremely minimal and needs no back box or treatment to the cavity. Another unique feature is PMC’s TT Technology™ - Twin Tweeter technology, which by way of Steerable Image techniques, makes horizontal and vertical placement possible – both higher and lower than the listener – without limiting performance. Standard in-wall designs are compromised by the large surface area of the wall or ceiling around them, but PMC’s acoustic specialists have developed a unique, structured and absorbent surface aptly named StealthBaffle™ that prevents unwanted reflections from the front baffle and the surrounding wall or ceiling, instead concentrates pure, untainted audio directly into the listening space. The two in-wall models are equally at home in a ceiling and fit virtually flush to the surface. The slim line grille and frame can be painted to blend into the chosen décor so the loudspeakers are heard but not seen. The fidelity of in‐wall loudspeakers has suffered due to unavoidable design flaws until now. The wafer‐iw installation series addresses these issues by way of numerous innovations unique to the brand with sleek unassuming style that blends perfectly into any décor.wafer 2‐in wall™PAINT In Wall/Ceiling 5.5" LF, twin tweeter (TT™), ATL HLine ™ Dimensions H 575 W 355 D 100mm available finish Black/White
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