
10 Listino ufficiale
€. 960,00

integrato con valvole EL84 e driver 6N3, Mpotenza 10W per canale in pura Classe
"A", sistema di Auto MBias, 2 ingressi linea RCA, peso Kg. 11, dimensioni (LxAxP)
The A10 is a new, small line
integrated amplifier from puresound. Operating in Class A and delivering 10
Watts per channel it is intended for users of high sensitivity loudspeakers or
for those seeking high performance with small speakers perhaps in a bedroom or
study. The A10 accepts two line level inputs and may be switched to drive 4 or 8
ohm loudspeakers. The circuit is based around the sweet sounding 6P14 a modern
equivalent to the EL84/6BQ5 family.The A10 has earned Best Buy awards in the UK
and Russia and has just won a 'Golden Ear' award for best amplifier in Germany's
'Audio' magazine

10LE Listino ufficiale
€. 1.465,00

A10 LE
Amplificatore integrato con valvole EL84 e driver 6H3N-EB al "Top", modifica sul
circuito con miglioramento componentistica sul segnale e maggiorata ove
servisse, sostituzione potenziomentre con Alps Blu. Potenza 10W per canale in
pura Classe "A", sistema di Auto Bias, 2 ingressi linea RCA, peso Kg. 11,
dimensioni (LxAxP)

30 Listino ufficiale
€. 2.100,00

A30 Amplificatore integrato con
valvole 6550 EH con potenza di 18 W in classe ³A´ a triodo e 30 W ultralineare a
pentodo per canale, alimentazione raddrizzata con 2 valvole 5z3P, con 2 driver
6N8P e 2 6N9P, sistema di Auto Bias, 3 ingressi linea RCA, selettore 4/8 ohms,
peso kg. 22, dimensioni (LxAxP) 435x210x380mm
The puresound A30 amplifier was developed to meet the demand for an affordable
Class A amplifier that would be compatible with all types of loudspeakers. The
A30 is a line level integrated design that allows for the selection of up to 3
different source components and control of the volume by a high quality ALPS
Blue Velvet potentiometer. Class A operation was chosen because it gives lower
distortion and a more relaxing, natural sound

30 R Listino ufficiale
€. 2.500,00

Amplificatore integrato con
telecomando per il controllo del volume. Trasformatori di uscita e di
alimentazione potenziati, Valvole 6550 EH con poten]a di 18 W in classe ³A´ a
triodo e 30 W ultralineare a pentodo per canale, alimentazione raddrizzata con 2
valvole 5z3P, con 2 driver 6N8P e 2 6N9P, sistema di Auto Bias, 4 ingressi linea
RCA, selettore 4/8 ohms, peso kg. 23, dimensioni (LxAxP) 435x210x380mm

PURE SOUND 2A3 Listino ufficiale
€. 3.200,00

Amplificatore integrato con 4
valvole 2A3 con potenza di 18 W in classe ³A´ a triodo, 4 driver 6SN7,
alimenta]ione raddrizzata a valvole, 3 ingressi di linea, Selettore 4/8 ohms,
peso kg. 28, dimensioni (LxAxP) 436x190x350mm
The earliest audio amplifiers
made use of small, 3 element valves known as directly heated triodes. For many,
the simple circuits that can be built around such devices better preserve the
structure, colour and feeling within the music than any other circuit topology.
One of the best sounding triodes, the 2A3, is in production again and its
characteristic linearity has been employed in a novel configuration to create a
particularly charming amplifier. The puresound 2A3 is an 18 Watt per channel
line level integrated design that allows for the selection of up to 3 different
source components and control of the volume by a high quality ALPS Blue Velvet
potentiometer. There are many amplifiers now making use of directly heated
triodes but few which adequately address the particularly awkward issues
involved in driving these devices properly. The puresound 2A3 amplifier features
an unusual choke loaded driver stage which allows the 6SN7 driver valves to
deliver the full measure of signal to the push/pull output valves. This rather
exotic configuration usually results in a tremendous depth to the tone of
instruments and the puresound 2A3 is no exception in this regard. Very high
quality components are used throughout including selected carbon film resistors
and SCR polypropylene capacitors. The power supply makes use of twin valve
rectifiers and choke smoothing. The output can be configured for use with 4 or 8
ohm loudspeakers.

PURE SOUND T10 Listino ufficiale
€. 490,00

Trasformatore per testine MC a
bassa uscita. Il T10 contiene due trasformatori personalizzati con larghezza di
banda, realizzati su misura con nuclei MuMetal. I trasformatori hanno un
rapporto di incremento di 1:36 commutabile a 1:18 e quindi consentono la
regolazione del caricamento della cartuccia tra 36 e 144 ohm.

PURE SOUND P10 Listino ufficiale
€. 960,00

Amplificatore Phono a valvole
per testine MM o MC ad alta uscita. Per testine MC a bassa uscita aggiungere
trasformatore T10. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 215mm x 88mm x 360mm, Peso: 4 Kg

PURE SOUND L10 Listino ufficiale
€. 1.300,00

L10 Preamplificatore stereo
linea a valvole, 4 ingressi linea RCA + 1 Tape In RCA, 2 uscite RCA + 1 Tape Out
RCA; Dimensioni (LxAxP): 420mm x 180mm x 380mm, Peso: 17 Kg.
Following the positive response
to our flagship L300 pre-amplifier, puresound has developed the L10, a new, more
affordable design which incorporates much of the thinking that makes the L300 so
highly regarded. The L10 has 4 inputs, a separate passive Record In Record Out
loop and two pairs of single ended outputs. The circuit uses output transformers
and a sophisticated full valve rectified, twin choke smoothed power supply. It
also offers remote control of the volume via a separate handset. In the L10,
source selection is via a high quality switch located near to the input sockets.
The chosen source is routed to a high quality motorized, film potentiometer and
from there on to the audio circuit. This consists of a single ended triode stage
loaded by a custom wound wideband output transformer which steps down the
amplified signal allowing it to be coupled to the power amplifier at a
manageable level and as a low impedance source. The output stage of the L10 is
impervious to long interconnecting cables or lower impedance power amplifier
input stages. The L10 also incorporates an extremely sophisticated power supply
to maintain constant operating conditions for the audio circuitry. It includes a
valve rectifier, and a twin choke filtered LCLC stage which provides a stiff,
voltage rail allowing the audio circuit to operate in a calm and orderly way
regardless of the demands the music makes on the amplifying stage. Filament
supplies are fully regulated to further reduce the potential for noise.

PURE SOUND L300 Listino ufficiale
€. 3.800,00

L300 Preamplificatore stereo a
valvole, 5 ingressi linea RCA; 2 uscite RCA, 2 uscite XLR. Dimensioni (LxAxP):
480mm x 180mm x 420mm
L300 has 5 inputs and twin outputs (2 pairs single ended and 2 pairs balanced
via XLR). The circuit uses output transformers and a sophisticated full valve
rectified, choke smoothed, regulated power supply including a 300B triode as the
series element. A Line Stage pre-amplifier needs to offer the facility to
select between different sources, to provide some means of attenuating the
chosen source and then deliver it in an uncorrupted form to the power amplifier.
Controlling the Volume In recent times, with the prevalence of digital source
components, many audio enthusiasts have adopted the use of passive volume
controls incorporating resistive potential dividers and even transformer based
attenuators. These are volume controls where attenuation is achieved through the
use of tapped transformer windings. On the face of it either of these might
appear to offer the purest approach. However, it’s not so simple. Resistive
attenuators are generally of quite a high impedance so as not to load the source
driving them but in turn confer little drive capability themselves. In some
circumstances they can sound quite transparent but it’s a commonly experienced
subjective impression, that such attenuators leave the music with a lack of
purpose and grip. Long connecting cables may also blunt the high frequency
response, a situation which may be worsened by using a following amplifier with
low input impedance. Transformer volume controls seem to address the issue of
drive capability to some extent, but they have their own problems. A wide
bandwidth transformer can be made such that, when using both windings in full,
i.e. with no attenuation, it transfers a pretty good facsimile of the source
signal. However, as attenuation is applied and the transformer has to transform
more and more, difficulties start to arise. By the time significant attenuation
is applied, the performance of the transformer no longer looks quite as
impressive with differing patterns of resonance being visible at each step. The
reproduction of timbre suffers and the sound quality realized alters slightly
with each change in level. Auto-formers which attenuate by tapping off a single
sided winding have actually proved to be the most transparent passive controls
we have tested and yet even they seem to lack a certain something.

PURE SOUND M845 Listino ufficiale
€. 3.800,00

Finali mono da 27W in classe A
a Triodo valvole, Dimensioni (LxAxP): 260mm x 240mm x 470mm, Peso: 22 Kg
ciascuno. La coppia
The M845 mono power amplifier
is a single ended design based around the 845 power triode. Operating in Class A
and giving 27 Watts of output power, it will complement a wide range of medium
to high efficiency loudspeakers. The 845 triode was originally developed by RCA
in 1931 as a radio transmitting and audio amplification valve. The anode is
machined from solid graphite to allow high power dissipation. It has an
extremely linear transfer characteristic. In recent years, a renewed interest in
this kind of valve has resulted in them being manufactured again by various
factories in China. Implementing the 845 in a sympathetic circuit which takes
full advantage of its capabilities is not straightforward. The filament draws a
significant amount of power and also forms a part of the signal path so
energising it correctly is a critical part of the design. The valve also
operates with very high voltages across it so again, a careful choice of
filtering components for that high voltage supply is essential such that
adequate current is available to the valve at all audio frequencies
instantaneously. In the M845 this supply includes a hybrid Graetz bridge for the
initial rectification and a substantial smoothing choke as part of its CLC type
filter. Although all of the elements; power supply, circuit topology &
component choice have a profound effect on the overall performance of a valve
amplifier, one of the most important aspects is the design & construction of the
output transformer. A high primary impedance, the resultant large step down
ratio and the need to maintain a high level of insulation between the windings
all conspire against the transformer designer and the quest for extended
bandwidth with efficient power transmission. The M845 utilises an in house
designed output transformer that underwent extensive trials using a variety of
core materials and winding techniques before the final configuration was chosen.The
other difficulty in using the 845 is in the design of a stage capable of cleanly
delivering the voltage swing necessary at its grid to take it to full output.
The M845 incorporates a driver stage based on the 6SN7 triode coupled via a
custom wound, wideband, interstage transformer. The amplifier’s input stage is
directly coupled to this driver meaning that there are no coupling capacitors
used in the circuit at all.

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