Sin dalla prima apparizione nel 1991 i tavolini audio Solidsteel hanno rappresentato un punto di riferimento nel mercato degli accessori audio, capaci di armonizzare le più sofisticate scelte tecniche con il migliore design possibile. Oggi, a pochi anni di distanza, Solidsteel è uno dei prodotti italiani più apprezzati anche all’estero, con distribuzione in Europa, Asia, Nord e Sud America, per un totale di oltre 30 nazioni. La stampa audio italiana ed internazionale si é molte volte occupata dei nostri prodotti con giudizi estremamente lusinghieri, ed in alcuni casi premiando dei modelli Solidsteel come i migliori nella categoria di appartenenza: - "Il tavolino Solidsteel 410 si può definire sonicamente splendido ed anche esteticamente molto piacevole-una combinazione inusuale in questo tipo di prodotto. Molto raccomandato" Jack English - Stereophile Vol. 17 n. 2 (USA) - "Il modello SS-7 é il miqlior supporto per diffusori di piccole e medie dimensioni disponibile sul mercato mondiale. Senza dubbio alcuno. Aggiungeteci che è bellissimo. Bebo Moroni - Suono n. 281 (Italia) - Accessorio hi-fi dell'anno 1997: Stand per diffusori Solidsteel, Serie SS: Audio Land (Hong Kong) - Reccomended components 1997, the best: Solidsteel SS-6 Modern Audio (Taiwan) Le componenti di questo successo sono sempre quelle che hanno caratterizzato i nostri inizi: scelte innovative, cura dei particolari ed una grande capacità artigianale nella lavorazione del metallo, grazie all’esperienza accumulata in anni di collaborazione con una firma prestigiosa in campo motoristico come Ducati. La linea Solidsteel comprende oggi una vasta scelta di tavolini audio, tavolini orizzontali per impiego A/V, stand per diffusori bookshelf e surround, supporti per amplificatori di potenza ed i nostri famosi coni in duralluminio disponibili come accessori separati. I punti distintivi della nostra produzione investono tutte le aree di qualità tipiche di un tavolino o di uno stand audio:- Le strutture tubolari impiegate nei tavolini, negli stand e nelle basi sono in acciaio, rifinite con speciali vernici antirisonanti. - Tutte le parti finali dei tubolari sono terminate con una bussola in acciaio “crimpata” per migliorare la rigidità del sistema.- Lo scarico dell’energia al pavimento avviene tramite punte regolabili in altezza. Le punte sono in acciaio inox e sono inserite direttamente in terminazioni ricavate dal pieno. Questo aggiunge ulteriore “saldezza” al suono.- Le punte sono rimovibili per consentire l’eventuale inserimento di materiale smorzante (sabbia, piombo, ecc.) all’interno della struttura tubolare.- L’assemblaggio finale tra i vari elementi è effettuato con cura artigianale, impiegando una tecnica di saldo-brasatura che fa uso, come materiale d’apporto, di uno speciale ottone ad alto contenuto di nickel legante. Questo metodo garantisce una eccellente rigidità strutturale ed il risultato finale in termini di rifinitura è notevolmente migliore di qualsiasi prodotto concorrente. - I vantaggi in termini di prestazioni acustiche, rispetto al tradizionale sistema d’isolamento con punte, sono nettissimi ed in più aumenta notevolmente anche la flessibilità d’uso. Il consumatore finale infatti, a seconda delle proprie necessità, ha la possibilità di impiegare olii al silicone di diversa densità nella gola in cui appoggiano i coni, modificando così la risposta del tavolino/sistema. - La forma dei coni non è solo esteticamente piacevole, è stata specificamente disegnata per garantire i migliori risultati acustici. I nostri coni sono disponibili anche come accessori separati per migliorare sistemi di supporto già esistenti. - L’altezza di ciascun tavolino e la distanza tra ogni ripiano sono state attentamente valutate per ottenere il miglior equilibrio tra esigenze acustiche e funzionali. Ma nella scelta finale le prestazioni hanno sempre avuto la


SOLIDSTEEL ZENITH                                                                                                            €.   60,00

Solidsteel Zenith è un innovativo stand per cuffie realizza-to combinando tecniche di produzione moderne - come la stampa 3D - e plastiche PLA 100% riciclabili, interamente ecologiche.Il prodotto possiede tratti eleganti fusi in un design contemporaneo in grado di assicurare perfetta stabilità, bilanciamento ed una leggerezza sorprendente. Lo stand consente il posizionamento delle cuffie all’inte-rno di qualsiasi contesto, indipendentemente dallo stile di utilizzo o dall’ambiente in cui andrebbe collocato, grazie anche ai raffinati piedini siliconati antiscivolo.Solidsteel Zenith è un prezioso accessorio concepito sia per un uso home (gaming incluso) che per postazioni da professional studio recording. Professional Headphones Stand  80x155x200,270 g, colore silver

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 2                                                                                                             €.    679,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 26 Kg | 57,3 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 464 (18,2) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325 (12,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: Walnut Wood


SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 4                                                                                                           €.    949,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 37 Kg | 81,5 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 711 (28) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325/225 (12,8/8,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: •Walnut Wood


SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 4                                                                                                        €.  1.199,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 51 Kg | 112,4 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 958 (37,7) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325/225/225 (12,8/8,8/8,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: Walnut Wood

SOLIDSTEEL WS-5                                                                         €.    450,00

The WS-5 is a rock-solid platform delivering reference-level isolation at an attainable price, weighing in at a massive 13 Kg (28 lbs). Form follows function, the WS-5 supports even the heaviest of turntables. Heavy gauge steel for the perimeter and the massive wall plate are complemented by graceful ouches adding air and life to what might otherwise have been a monolithic design. Solidsteel's WS-5 puts an immediate end to any doubts about the practicality and performance abilities of a turntable wall shelf. Weighing a mighty 13,0 Kg (28 lbs), WS-5 supports even the heftiest ‘tables while providing the reference-caliber isolation crucial to superlative analog performance. Rated to handle up to 60 Kg (130 lbs) with a large shelf (500 x 410 x 19 mm | 19.5" x 16.25" x 0.74”), the WS-5 works with almost any 'table made. Ridiculously sturdy, WS-5 touts a massive (50 mm | 2") tall by (25 mm | 1") thick steel outer frame welded to an extremely thick (150 mm | 6" tall) back plate. Its (25 mm | 1") square crossbars are taken directly from Solidsteel's own audio racks. Ditto the proprietary Duraluminum isolation cones. Leveling of the MDF shelf (laminate black finish) may be fine-tuned via the four cone cups using an Allen key (always included). The Italian-made WS-5 can even be mounted on brick and concrete provided you employ the proper connectors. Give your turntable the support it needs with WS-5. Installation Notes: WS-5 is capable of truly staggering weight handling capability only when mounted to a proper structure and with proper hardware. Designed to be mounted on (40 mm | 16") studs, the WS-5 can also be mounted on virtually any other load bearing structure (brick, concrete, etc) as long as the appropriate connectors are used.Frame: stainless steel only; laser cut on three different metal parts and hand-welded process for the assembly; black powder coating. Contents: One set of n. 4 aluminium cones; Allen Key (3 mm); One set of n. 3 Concrete Anchor Bolts (45 x 50 mm | 1/8″ x 2″); Drilling Jig/Template. Shelf: (500 x 410 x 19 mm | 19.5″ x 16.25″ x 0.74”) MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability: 60 Kg | 130 lbs tested. Weight: 13 Kg | 28.66 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 550 (21,7) H 160/50 (6,3/2) D 470 (18,5) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 550 (21,7) H 160/50 (6,3/2) D 470 (18,5) Colour: Blac

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La nuova Serie NS è predisposta per il sostegno dei diffusori. In essa si incontrano solidità dei materiali ed esperienza nella funzionalità. L’unione dei tubi con le lamiere garantisce stabilità al prodotto e offre prestazioni di qualità per i diffusori. Il design non è mai un optional.



SOLIDSTEEL NS-4                                                                                              €.    275,00

Paio di Stand per Diffusori BookshelfTop Plates of 160x160 mm misure 230x280x4258 Kg

This range of stands is our basic Series designed for the largest number of loudspeakers, ideal for any kind of space and room, perfect also for being selected to support central speakers or loudspeakers used as satellites for surround systems in home cinemas and home theaters. Each stand is made of 5 iron pipes finely painted in black, screwed between a wooden (and painted) top plate of 160x160 mm and a bottom steel plate. The bottom metal cones are threaded to support our traditional height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes. The iron pipes also have screws which are evetually removable to allow them to be filled with damping material. The NS are available in three different configurations: 60 cm, 70 cm and 100 cm. The NS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speakers to the top plate. ive-iron-pipes in Flat Black finish; MDF top plate of 160×160 mm (6,3 in) painted in Flat Black finish; Heavy stainless steel bottom plate; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black only  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 230 (9,1) H 425 (24,6) D 280 (11) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black  Optional  NS SERIES  PAD 60,00  euro


SOLIDSTEEL NS-6                                                                                              €.    290,00

Stand per diffusori. 5 supporti centrali in alluminio di forma circolare riempibili. Spikes in dotazione regolabili dalla base. Top plate cm. 16x16. Altezza cm. 62. Finitura nera

This range of stands is our basic Series designed for the largest number of loudspeakers, ideal for any kind of space and room, perfect also for being selected to support central speakers or loudspeakers used as satellites for surround systems in home cinemas and home theaters. Each stand is made of 5 iron pipes finely painted in black, screwed between a wooden (and painted) top plate of 160x160 mm and a bottom steel plate. The bottom metal cones are threaded to support our traditional height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes. The iron pipes also have screws which are evetually removable to allow them to be filled with damping material. The NS are available in three different configurations: 60 cm, 70 cm and 100 cm. The NS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speakers to the top plate. ive-iron-pipes in Flat Black finish; MDF top plate of 160×160 mm (6,3 in) painted in Flat Black finish; Heavy stainless steel bottom plate; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black only  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 230 (9,1) H 625 (24,6) D 280 (11) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black  Optional  NS SERIES  PAD 60,00  euro

SOLIDSTEEL NS-7                                                                                              €.    310,00

Stand per diffusori. 5 supporti centrali in alluminio di forma circolare riempibili. Spikes in dotazione regolabili dalla base. Top plate cm. 16x16. Altezza cm. 72. Finitura nera.

This range of stands is our basic Series designed for the largest number of loudspeakers, ideal for any kind of space and room, perfect also for being selected to support central speakers or loudspeakers used as satellites for surround systems in home cinemas and home theaters. Each stand is made of 5 iron pipes finely painted in black, screwed between a wooden (and painted) top plate of 160x160 mm and a bottom steel plate. The bottom metal cones are threaded to support our traditional height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes. The iron pipes also have screws which are evetually removable to allow them to be filled with damping material. The NS are available in three different configurations: 60 cm, 70 cm and 100 cm. The NS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speakers to the top plate. ive-iron-pipes in Flat Black finish; MDF top plate of 160×160 mm (6,3 in) painted in Flat Black finish; Heavy stainless steel bottom plate; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black only  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 230 (9,1) H 725 (28,5) D 280 (11) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black   Optional  NS SERIES  PAD 60,00  euro

SOLIDSTEEL NS-10                                                                                          €.    390,00

Stand per diffusori. 5 supporti centrali in alluminio di forma circolare riempibili. Spikes in dotazione regolabili dalla base. Top plate cm. 16x16. Altezza cm. 102. Finitura Mnera. La coppia.

This range of stands is our basic Series designed for the largest number of loudspeakers, ideal for any kind of space and room, perfect also for being selected to support central speakers or loudspeakers used as satellites for surround systems in home cinemas and home theaters. Each stand is made of 5 iron pipes finely painted in black, screwed between a wooden (and painted) top plate of 160x160 mm and a bottom steel plate. The bottom metal cones are threaded to support our traditional height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes. The iron pipes also have screws which are evetually removable to allow them to be filled with damping material. The NS are available in three different configurations: 60 cm, 70 cm and 100 cm. The NS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speakers to the top plate. ive-iron-pipes in Flat Black finish; MDF top plate of 160×160 mm (6,3 in) painted in Flat Black finish; Heavy stainless steel bottom plate; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black only  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 230 (9,1) H 1020 (40,1) D 280 (11) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black Optional  NS SERIES  PAD 60,00  euro

Gli stand della Serie ZR sono stati studiati per esaltare le qualità timbriche dei mini-diffusori e sono costruiti secondo rigidi vincoli qualitativi.I supporti per diffusori della Serie ZR sono studiati per diffusori bookshelf, e sono costruiti secondo stringenti vincoli qualitativi. I gambi ellittici in alluminio sono di grande spessore e riempibili con materiale inerte di vario tipo per aumentare la rigidità della struttura. Disponibili in tre diverse altezze, compresa quella da un metro per surround posteriori (ZR10), sono dotati di spikes in acciaio regolabili sulla base, e rappresentano il miglior compromesso prezzo/prestazioni.

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SOLIDSTEEL ZR-10                                                                       €.    495,00

Stand per diffusori. Supporti centrali in alluminio di forma ellittica 60x30mm, riempibili. Spikes in dotazione regolabili dalla base. Top plate cm. 16x16. Altezza cm. 102.Finitura colore nero (supporti e piastre verniciati in nero) o silver (supporti in silver e piastre nere). La coppia.

Se desiderate per i vostri diffusori bookshelf il supporto acusticamente più neutro e tecnicamente più corretto, la vostra ricerca finisce qui.È ormai noto a tutti il ruolo fondamentale giocato dai piedistalli o supporti per diffusori, nella resa finale di un impianto Hi-Fi.La corretta altezza d'ascolto, la rigidità ed il peso dello stand, la sua capacità di scaricare a terra le vibrazioni senza interagire con l'emissione musicale, sono fattori importanti quasi quanto la qualità stessa delle casse acustiche. Per questi motivi Solidsteel ha realizzato la serie di stand SS, utilizzando gli stessi criteri di qualità ed accuratezza tipici dei suoi tavolini. Tutti i modelli SS, che differiscono solo nell'altezza, sono costruiti con le sezioni tubolari impiegate nella Serie 6. I tubolari sono terminati con bussole d'acciaio crimpate, e dotati di punte regolabili in acciaio inox e sono riempibili per consentire, se necessario, un ulteriore aumento della massa. I top-plate sono in MDF rifiniti con laccatura opaca, ed intercambiabili, per garantire il maggior grado possibile di ottimizzazione con numerosi diffusori.Il disaccoppiamento tra il telaio ed il ripiano è ottenuto con tre sfere in acciaio di altissima precisione. Tutti gli stand sono forniti di serie con blue-tak per il corretto appoggio dei diffusori.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

SOLIDSTEEL SS-5                                                                          €.    470,00

Stand per diffusori. Struttura tubolare a 3 gambe, riempibile. Disaccoppiamento tra struttura e top plate realizzato tramite 3 sfere ad alta precisione. Top plate intercambiabile. Standard top plate in dotazione: cm. 19x19. Altezza cm. 50. Colori  nera, bianco trasparente opaco Optional : ss SERIES  PAD 50,00  euro  -SS Top Plates190x190 mm 50,00 EURO

It is of critical importance for the performace of monitor-type loudspeakers to have them positioned at the correct height. Additionally, since this type of speaker is often relatively light in weight compared to floor-standing units, it is essential to maintain high stability and rigidity. And, as with all components, proper decoupling must be considered. The Solidsteel SS Series fulfils a longstanding need regarding the proper setup and anjoyment of monitor speakers, and must in many ways be considered as important as the units they support. The three tubolar supports end with a crimped steel bar. The stainless steel spikes are removable to allow the frame to be filled with damping material. The top plate in MDF is interchangeable, ensuring a high degree of optimization with the largest number of loudspeakers. Decoupling between the chassis and the shelf is achieved through three high precision ball bearings. The SS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speaker to the top plate.hree-leg plate in Flat Black and White finish; MDF top plate in Flat Black finish; Stainless steel vertical tubular supports with anti-resonant finish; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black or White Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 330 (13) H 525 (20,7) D 310 (12,2) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 190 (7,5) D 190 (7,5) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL SS-6                                                                          €.    480,00

Stand per diffusori. Struttura tubolare a 3 gambe, riempibile. Disaccoppiamento tra struttura e top plate realizzato tramite 3 sfere ad alta precisione. Top plate intercambiabile. Standard top plate in dotazione: cm. 19x19. Altezza cm. 60.  Colori  nera, bianco trasparente opaco Optional : ss SERIES  PAD 50,00  euro  -SS Top Plates190x190 mm 50,00 EURO

It is of critical importance for the performace of monitor-type loudspeakers to have them positioned at the correct height. Additionally, since this type of speaker is often relatively light in weight compared to floor-standing units, it is essential to maintain high stability and rigidity. And, as with all components, proper decoupling must be considered. The Solidsteel SS Series fulfils a longstanding need regarding the proper setup and anjoyment of monitor speakers, and must in many ways be considered as important as the units they support. The three tubolar supports end with a crimped steel bar. The stainless steel spikes are removable to allow the frame to be filled with damping material. The top plate in MDF is interchangeable, ensuring a high degree of optimization with the largest number of loudspeakers. Decoupling between the chassis and the shelf is achieved through three high precision ball bearings. The SS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speaker to the top plate.hree-leg plate in Flat Black and White finish; MDF top plate in Flat Black finish; Stainless steel vertical tubular supports with anti-resonant finish; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black or White Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 330 (13) H 625 (24,6) D 310 (12,2) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL SS-7                                                                          €.    499,00

Stand per diffusori. Struttura tubolare a 3 gambe, riempibile. Disaccoppiamento tra struttura e top plate realizzato tramite 3 sfere ad alta precisione. Top plate intercambiabile. Standard top plate in dotazione: cm. 19x19. Altezza cm.  70.  Colori  nera, bianco trasparente opaco  Optional : ss SERIES  PAD 50,00  euro  -SS Top Plates190x190 mm 50,00 EURO

It is of critical importance for the performace of monitor-type loudspeakers to have them positioned at the correct height. Additionally, since this type of speaker is often relatively light in weight compared to floor-standing units, it is essential to maintain high stability and rigidity. And, as with all components, proper decoupling must be considered. The Solidsteel SS Series fulfils a longstanding need regarding the proper setup and anjoyment of monitor speakers, and must in many ways be considered as important as the units they support. The three tubolar supports end with a crimped steel bar. The stainless steel spikes are removable to allow the frame to be filled with damping material. The top plate in MDF is interchangeable, ensuring a high degree of optimization with the largest number of loudspeakers. Decoupling between the chassis and the shelf is achieved through three high precision ball bearings. The SS stands are also supplied with “Pata-fix” to properly fix the speaker to the top plate.hree-leg plate in Flat Black and White finish; MDF top plate in Flat Black finish; Stainless steel vertical tubular supports with anti-resonant finish; Height-adjustable, stainless steel spikes; Finish: Black or White Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 330 (13) H 725 (28,5) D 310 (12,2) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 160 (6,3) D 160 (6,3) Colour: Black ,White

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


SOLIDSTEEL S2-3                                                                                         €.    339,99

The S2 Series is our entry level range of products created to satisfy the very essential needs of those who have necessity of placing components on a basilar vertical structure made of italian quality materials with a considerable convenience of prices. These modular products are designed for the most common components dimensions and are available only in two configurations: with 4 or 5 shelves. Solidsteel S2 Series audio racks provide incredible isolation, increased audio performance, and rock-solid stability in an elegant design. Form follows function on S2, as the line's clean looks blend in with any aesthetic. Boasting technological advancements that make for an even better-sounding and non-resonant structure, the Italian-made S2 Series takes equipment racks – and your components and music – to new levels of audiophile fulfillment. Solid Shelving and Aluminum Poles for a Smarter Design S2 Series racks utilize MDF shelves and new, non-welded aluminum poles. Aluminum is lighter than steel, ridiculously strong, non-magnetic, and an excellent damping material. By eliminating welding from the equation, S2 racks eliminate resonances that develop in hollow welded posts. Unwanted energy and vibrations cannot seep into your rack. The aluminum poles also result in improved weight handling, vastly greater stability, and, since the shelves cannot resonate the poles, enhanced isolation for each component. In addition, S2 Series' massive shelf design further keep resonance to a minimum. S2 Series Is a Tremendous Value Priced like the 3-Series it replaced, S2 Series actually performs like the older elite 6 Series, which makes it an extreme value. In addition, due to the solid poles and the rigid coupling of the shelves to the posts, cones aren't needed to compensate for resonances within the rack framework. Advantages of the S2 Series even extend to shipping and initial playback. The lighter, modular poles can be placed into smaller and tighter boxes, which are easier to pack and ship, and ensure your rack arrives safely. With S2 Series, Your Music Will Sound Better With S2 Series, Solidsteel has hit upon a genius design. Your components and, most importantly, your music will sound better because of it. Say goodbye to vibration and distortion, and "ciao" to unstinting stability and precise imaging with the S2 Series. Remember: A good equipment rack is as essential as good cables, powerful amplifiers, and revealing turntables. Because no matter how much you spend on your gear, you're wasting your money if it isn't resting on a support mechanism that provides terrific isolation, rock-solid stability, and vibration-free performance. All the shelves are made of MDF wood (22 mm or 0,86 inch of thickness). The poles are made in anodized aluminium and the hardware parts are of AVP iron (galvanized to prevent rust). Our traditional and adjustable stainless steel spikes are included to finely regulate the frame on the ground. The steel discs (PADS) for the spikes are not included but available as separate accessories. The S2 products are only available in the black finish.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized); Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 50 kg tested. Weight: 17 Kg | 37,4 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 591 (23,2) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 220/220 (8,6/8,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black

SOLIDSTEEL S2-4                                                                                                €.    399,99

The S2 Series is our entry level range of products created to satisfy the very essential needs of those who have necessity of placing components on a basilar vertical structure made of italian quality materials with a considerable convenience of prices. These modular products are designed for the most common components dimensions and are available only in two configurations: with 4 or 5 shelves. Solidsteel S2 Series audio racks provide incredible isolation, increased audio performance, and rock-solid stability in an elegant design. Form follows function on S2, as the line's clean looks blend in with any aesthetic. Boasting technological advancements that make for an even better-sounding and non-resonant structure, the Italian-made S2 Series takes equipment racks – and your components and music – to new levels of audiophile fulfillment. Solid Shelving and Aluminum Poles for a Smarter Design S2 Series racks utilize MDF shelves and new, non-welded aluminum poles. Aluminum is lighter than steel, ridiculously strong, non-magnetic, and an excellent damping material. By eliminating welding from the equation, S2 racks eliminate resonances that develop in hollow welded posts. Unwanted energy and vibrations cannot seep into your rack. The aluminum poles also result in improved weight handling, vastly greater stability, and, since the shelves cannot resonate the poles, enhanced isolation for each component. In addition, S2 Series' massive shelf design further keep resonance to a minimum. S2 Series Is a Tremendous Value Priced like the 3-Series it replaced, S2 Series actually performs like the older elite 6 Series, which makes it an extreme value. In addition, due to the solid poles and the rigid coupling of the shelves to the posts, cones aren't needed to compensate for resonances within the rack framework. Advantages of the S2 Series even extend to shipping and initial playback. The lighter, modular poles can be placed into smaller and tighter boxes, which are easier to pack and ship, and ensure your rack arrives safely. With S2 Series, Your Music Will Sound Better With S2 Series, Solidsteel has hit upon a genius design. Your components and, most importantly, your music will sound better because of it. Say goodbye to vibration and distortion, and "ciao" to unstinting stability and precise imaging with the S2 Series. Remember: A good equipment rack is as essential as good cables, powerful amplifiers, and revealing turntables. Because no matter how much you spend on your gear, you're wasting your money if it isn't resting on a support mechanism that provides terrific isolation, rock-solid stability, and vibration-free performance. All the shelves are made of MDF wood (22 mm or 0,86 inch of thickness). The poles are made in anodized aluminium and the hardware parts are of AVP iron (galvanized to prevent rust). Our traditional and adjustable stainless steel spikes are included to finely regulate the frame on the ground. The steel discs (PADS) for the spikes are not included but available as separate accessories. The S2 products are only available in the black finish.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized); Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 50 kg tested. Weight: 23 Kg | 50 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 828 (32,6) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 220/220/220 (8,6/8,6/8,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black

SOLIDSTEEL S2-5                                                                                                €.    459,99

The S2 Series is our entry level range of products created to satisfy the very essential needs of those who have necessity of placing components on a basilar vertical structure made of italian quality materials with a considerable convenience of prices. These modular products are designed for the most common components dimensions and are available only in two configurations: with 4 or 5 shelves. Solidsteel S2 Series audio racks provide incredible isolation, increased audio performance, and rock-solid stability in an elegant design. Form follows function on S2, as the line's clean looks blend in with any aesthetic. Boasting technological advancements that make for an even better-sounding and non-resonant structure, the Italian-made S2 Series takes equipment racks – and your components and music – to new levels of audiophile fulfillment. Solid Shelving and Aluminum Poles for a Smarter Design S2 Series racks utilize MDF shelves and new, non-welded aluminum poles. Aluminum is lighter than steel, ridiculously strong, non-magnetic, and an excellent damping material. By eliminating welding from the equation, S2 racks eliminate resonances that develop in hollow welded posts. Unwanted energy and vibrations cannot seep into your rack. The aluminum poles also result in improved weight handling, vastly greater stability, and, since the shelves cannot resonate the poles, enhanced isolation for each component. In addition, S2 Series' massive shelf design further keep resonance to a minimum. S2 Series Is a Tremendous Value Priced like the 3-Series it replaced, S2 Series actually performs like the older elite 6 Series, which makes it an extreme value. In addition, due to the solid poles and the rigid coupling of the shelves to the posts, cones aren't needed to compensate for resonances within the rack framework. Advantages of the S2 Series even extend to shipping and initial playback. The lighter, modular poles can be placed into smaller and tighter boxes, which are easier to pack and ship, and ensure your rack arrives safely. With S2 Series, Your Music Will Sound Better With S2 Series, Solidsteel has hit upon a genius design. Your components and, most importantly, your music will sound better because of it. Say goodbye to vibration and distortion, and "ciao" to unstinting stability and precise imaging with the S2 Series. Remember: A good equipment rack is as essential as good cables, powerful amplifiers, and revealing turntables. Because no matter how much you spend on your gear, you're wasting your money if it isn't resting on a support mechanism that provides terrific isolation, rock-solid stability, and vibration-free performance. All the shelves are made of MDF wood (22 mm or 0,86 inch of thickness). The poles are made in anodized aluminium and the hardware parts are of AVP iron (galvanized to prevent rust). Our traditional and adjustable stainless steel spikes are included to finely regulate the frame on the ground. The steel discs (PADS) for the spikes are not included but available as separate accessories. The S2 products are only available in the black finish. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized); Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 50 kg tested. Weight: 28 Kg | 61.72 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 1070 (42,12) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 220/220/220/220 (8,6/8,6/8,6/8,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: •Black

 Attingendo dalla prestigiosa e affermata tecnologia HyperSpike, abbiamo creato questa nuova Serie S3. La struttura solida ed essenziale fornisce eccellenti prestazioni audio e la sua modularità consente di incrementare e personalizzare lo spazio tra i ripiani. Le linee semplici del suo design comportano un piacevole risultato estetico, evolutivo rispetto ai precedenti modelli e ideale per qualunque tipo di esigenza.Gambi realizzati in alluminio pregiato e verniciato, riempito al suo interno con uno speciale materiale smorzante per una buona sintonia con i ripiani. Il legno MDF e ha 30mm (1,18 inch) di spessore. Fondelli inclusi.

SOLIDSTEEL S3-A/B                                                                             €.    229,00

Base con struttura a 4 gambe, piano in MDF da 30mm. Altezza 12 cm. Capienza 43x58 cm. Finitura nera.

B   Base con struttura a 4 gambe, piano in MDF da 30mm. Altezza 12 cm. Capienza 53x58 cm. Finitura nera.-

The S3 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by the historical Series 3, 5 and 6. The technical experience gained through the study and the development of individual models marked the history of the brand Solidsteel from more of twenty years. Thanks to the priority given on the quality research for the materials used, all the main characteristics of the previous technical products - made by welding - merge with the technical properties developed over the years from the Hyperspike line and gives life to a range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, the quality and the simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued Series is unmistakably present in the new S3 Series, which is always the result of a passion for listening, for the audiophile and, above all, for music. In particular, the use of structural materials finely processed - carefully selected and of absolute Italian origin - allows the realization of a variety of supports with excellent functional properties, able to meet any type of need, both for a common Hi-Fi system that for a more complex setting. This line marks ultimately an important evolution within our product range thanks to its technical properties and offers to the listeners, like never before for what may concern our old welded products, as well an aesthetic improvement for this category of racks and bases, able in this way to be a point of reference for a wide variety of spaces and locations  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 430 (16,9) H 125 (4,9) D 583 (23) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 430 (16,9) H 125 (4,9) D 583 (23) Colour: mBlack mWhite VERSIONE  COLORE  NOCE 260,00  EURO

SOLIDSTEEL S3-2                                                                                    €.    350,00

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 2 piani. Top e singolo piano in MDF da 30mm. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 46 x 43 cm. Finitura nera/bianco . VERSIONE  COLORE noce  380,00  euro

The S3 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by the historical Series 3, 5 and 6. The technical experience gained through the study and the development of individual models marked the history of the brand Solidsteel from more of twenty years. Thanks to the priority given on the quality research for the materials used, all the main characteristics of the previous technical products - made by welding - merge with the technical properties developed over the years from the Hyperspike line and gives life to a range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, the quality and the simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued Series is unmistakably present in the new S3 Series, which is always the result of a passion for listening, for the audiophile and, above all, for music. In particular, the use of structural materials finely processed - carefully selected and of absolute Italian origin - allows the realization of a variety of supports with excellent functional properties, able to meet any type of need, both for a common Hi-Fi system that for a more complex setting. This line marks ultimately an important evolution within our product range thanks to its technical properties and offers to the listeners, like never before for what may concern our old welded products, as well an aesthetic improvement for this category of racks and bases, able in this way to be a point of reference for a wide variety of spaces and locations.Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 475 (18,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 325 (12,8) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black mWhite

SOLIDSTEEL S3-3                                                                                    €.    495,00

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 3 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 65 x 43cm. Finitura nera / bianco  VERSIONE  COLORE noce  550,00  euro

The S3 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by the historical Series 3, 5 and 6. The technical experience gained through the study and the development of individual models marked the history of the brand Solidsteel from more of twenty years. Thanks to the priority given on the quality research for the materials used, all the main characteristics of the previous technical products - made by welding - merge with the technical properties developed over the years from the Hyperspike line and gives life to a range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, the quality and the simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued Series is unmistakably present in the new S3 Series, which is always the result of a passion for listening, for the audiophile and, above all, for music. In particular, the use of structural materials finely processed - carefully selected and of absolute Italian origin - allows the realization of a variety of supports with excellent functional properties, able to meet any type of need, both for a common Hi-Fi system that for a more complex setting. This line marks ultimately an important evolution within our product range thanks to its technical properties and offers to the listeners, like never before for what may concern our old welded products, as well an aesthetic improvement for this category of racks and bases, able in this way to be a point of reference for a wide variety of spaces and locations.Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 670 (16,9) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 245/245 (9,6/9,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL S3-4                                                                                    €.    650,00

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 4 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 88 x 43cm. Finitura nera/ bianco  VERSIONE  COLORE noce  730,00  euro

The S3 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by the historical Series 3, 5 and 6. The technical experience gained through the study and the development of individual models marked the history of the brand Solidsteel from more of twenty years. Thanks to the priority given on the quality research for the materials used, all the main characteristics of the previous technical products - made by welding - merge with the technical properties developed over the years from the Hyperspike line and gives life to a range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, the quality and the simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued Series is unmistakably present in the new S3 Series, which is always the result of a passion for listening, for the audiophile and, above all, for music. In particular, the use of structural materials finely processed - carefully selected and of absolute Italian origin - allows the realization of a variety of supports with excellent functional properties, able to meet any type of need, both for a common Hi-Fi system that for a more complex setting. This line marks ultimately an important evolution within our product range thanks to its technical properties and offers to the listeners, like never before for what may concern our old welded products, as well an aesthetic improvement for this category of racks and bases, able in this way to be a point of reference for a wide variety of spaces and locations. Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 905 (15,6) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 225/225/245 (8,9/8,9/9,6) D 430 (16,9)

SOLIDSTEEL S3-5                                                                                    €.    799,00

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 5 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 103 x 43 cm. Finitura nera/ bianco  VERSIONE  COLORE noce  899,00  euro

The S3 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by the historical Series 3, 5 and 6. The technical experience gained through the study and the development of individual models marked the history of the brand Solidsteel from more of twenty years. Thanks to the priority given on the quality research for the materials used, all the main characteristics of the previous technical products - made by welding - merge with the technical properties developed over the years from the Hyperspike line and gives life to a range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, the quality and the simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued Series is unmistakably present in the new S3 Series, which is always the result of a passion for listening, for the audiophile and, above all, for music. In particular, the use of structural materials finely processed - carefully selected and of absolute Italian origin - allows the realization of a variety of supports with excellent functional properties, able to meet any type of need, both for a common Hi-Fi system that for a more complex setting. This line marks ultimately an important evolution within our product range thanks to its technical properties and offers to the listeners, like never before for what may concern our old welded products, as well an aesthetic improvement for this category of racks and bases, able in this way to be a point of reference for a wide variety of spaces and locations. Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 1060 (41,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 205/205/205/205 (8,0/8,0/8,0/8,0) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


SOLIDSTEEL S4-2                                                                                    €.    620,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero Dimensioni (lxaxp): 111.4 x 47.5 x 43 cm.

  The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 475 (18,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 325 (12,8) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL S4-3                                                                                    €.    890,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero Dimensioni (l x a x p): 111.4x 67 x 43 cm.

The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 670 (26,37) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 245/245 (9,6/9,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White0

SOLIDSTEEL S4-4                                                                                    €. 1.150,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero  Dimensioni (lxaxp): 111.4 x 90.5 x 43 cm.

The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 905 (35,6) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 225/225/245 (8,9/8,9/9,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

 Attingendo dalla prestigiosa e affermata tecnologia HyperSpike, abbiamo creato questa nuova Serie S5. La struttura solida ed essenziale fornisce eccellenti prestazioni audio e la sua modularità consente di incrementare e personalizzare lo spazio tra i ripiani. Per un’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, è qui presente uno speciale sistema anti-vibrazioni: il particolare ripiano strutturato ne sostiene un altro, il quale soggiace su quattro regolabili coni Solidsteel garantendo una straordinaria funzionalità e solidità. Gambi realizzati in alluminio pregiato e verniciato, riempito al suo interno con uno speciale materiale smorzante per una buona sintonia con i ripiani. Il legno MDF e ha 30mm (1,18 inch) di spessore. Fondelli inclusi.

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SOLIDSTEEL S5-2                                      €.   499,99

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 2 piani. Top e singolo piano in MDF da 30mm forati al centro. Struttura a doppio ripiano anti-vibrazioni, sospesa su quattro coni regolabili. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 50 x43cm. Finitura nera/  bianca .

The S5 Series is the actual expression of our essential philosophy. It is fruit of the union between the technical research dedicated on the functionality of our products and on the absolute care of the aesthetic sense that has always been accorded. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The S5 Series products are distinguished by shelves designed and decoupled on two levels. The main shelves, perforated in their central areas, are processed with embedded particulars made of steel. The secondaries shelves, instead, via their placement on our new steel cones, generate the decoupling designed for our innovative system studied for the contrast of component’s vibrations. In particular, when placed on their relative steel discs (S Series PADS), our traditional steel spikes download toward the ground the set of accumulated vibrations from the whole structure during the normal use. This works finely to provide high levels of functionality. The aluminum tubes, as well as for the S3 Series, are filled with damping material (not grainy) and through their secure fastening system allow anyone to adjust the rack with preferred heights. Ultimately, the customization is combined with the product technology described above, where the users can always adjust the heights of the plates on the shelves in order to enjoy a valid technical equipment at the service of their facilities or systems.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 60 kg tested. Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 500 (16,9) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 305 (12) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black mWhite

SOLIDSTEEL S5-3                                      €.   729,99

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 3 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm forati al centro. Struttura a doppio ripiano anti-vibrazioni, sospesa su quattro coni regolabili. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 75 x 43cm. Finitura nera/  bianca .

The S5 Series is the actual expression of our essential philosophy. It is fruit of the union between the technical research dedicated on the functionality of our products and on the absolute care of the aesthetic sense that has always been accorded. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The S5 Series products are distinguished by shelves designed and decoupled on two levels. The main shelves, perforated in their central areas, are processed with embedded particulars made of steel. The secondaries shelves, instead, via their placement on our new steel cones, generate the decoupling designed for our innovative system studied for the contrast of component’s vibrations. In particular, when placed on their relative steel discs (S Series PADS), our traditional steel spikes download toward the ground the set of accumulated vibrations from the whole structure during the normal use. This works finely to provide high levels of functionality. The aluminum tubes, as well as for the S3 Series, are filled with damping material (not grainy) and through their secure fastening system allow anyone to adjust the rack with preferred heights. Ultimately, the customization is combined with the product technology described above, where the users can always adjust the heights of the plates on the shelves in order to enjoy a valid technical equipment at the service of their facilities or systems.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 60 kg tested.Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 755 (29,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 205/305 (8/12) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL S5-4                                      €.   949,99

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 4 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm forati al centro. Struttura a doppio ripiano anti-vibrazioni, sospesa su quattro coni regolabili. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x101 x 43cm. Finitura nera/  bianca .

The S5 Series is the actual expression of our essential philosophy. It is fruit of the union between the technical research dedicated on the functionality of our products and on the absolute care of the aesthetic sense that has always been accorded. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The S5 Series products are distinguished by shelves designed and decoupled on two levels. The main shelves, perforated in their central areas, are processed with embedded particulars made of steel. The secondaries shelves, instead, via their placement on our new steel cones, generate the decoupling designed for our innovative system studied for the contrast of component’s vibrations. In particular, when placed on their relative steel discs (S Series PADS), our traditional steel spikes download toward the ground the set of accumulated vibrations from the whole structure during the normal use. This works finely to provide high levels of functionality. The aluminum tubes, as well as for the S3 Series, are filled with damping material (not grainy) and through their secure fastening system allow anyone to adjust the rack with preferred heights. Ultimately, the customization is combined with the product technology described above, where the users can always adjust the heights of the plates on the shelves in order to enjoy a valid technical equipment at the service of their facilities or systems.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 60 kg tested.Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 1010 (39,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 205/205/305 (8/8/12) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL S5-5                                    €. 1.180,00

Tavolino componibile con struttura a 4 gambe, 5 piani. Top e singoli piani in MDF da 30mm forati al centro. Struttura a doppio ripiano anti-vibrazioni, sospesa su quattro coni regolabili. Gambi in alluminio riempito di materiale smorzante speciale. Design arrotondato ed uniforme per i quattro lati. Dimensioni (l x a x p): 58 x 108 x43 cm. Finitura nera/  bianca .
The S5 Series is the actual expression of our essential philosophy. It is fruit of the union between the technical research dedicated on the functionality of our products and on the absolute care of the aesthetic sense that has always been accorded. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The S5 Series products are distinguished by shelves designed and decoupled on two levels. The main shelves, perforated in their central areas, are processed with embedded particulars made of steel. The secondaries shelves, instead, via their placement on our new steel cones, generate the decoupling designed for our innovative system studied for the contrast of component’s vibrations. In particular, when placed on their relative steel discs (S Series PADS), our traditional steel spikes download toward the ground the set of accumulated vibrations from the whole structure during the normal use. This works finely to provide high levels of functionality. The aluminum tubes, as well as for the S3 Series, are filled with damping material (not grainy) and through their secure fastening system allow anyone to adjust the rack with preferred heights. Ultimately, the customization is combined with the product technology described above, where the users can always adjust the heights of the plates on the shelves in order to enjoy a valid technical equipment at the service of their facilities or systems.Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 60 kg tested.Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 584 (23) H 1085 (42,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 185/185/185/185 (7,3/7,3/7,3/7,3) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

La “HY Series” è la nostra gamma Hyperspike Junior con telaio a quattro pilastri in acciaio Inox tornito dal pieno.Questi mobili per componenti High-End sono la scelta perfetta per chi intenda dotarsi di supporti di alto pregio con ripiani capienti, parti strut-turali massicce e finiture stupende senza dover esagerare nelle spese.Il telaio si compone esclusivamente di parti in acciaio Inox (diametro 40 mm) tornito dal pieno. I terminali inferiori sono inoltre dotati delle nostre tradizionali punte regolabili in acciaio Inox (passo M8). I ripiani (di dimensioni 600x500 mm per la versione “Standard” e di 780x500 per la versione “Large”, con 30 mm di spessore) sono in MDF nobilitato e vengono rifiniti con laccature nere di altissima qualità.Trattandosi di rack modulari, le altezze tra i livelli possono essere perso-nalizzate (min 145 mm e max 345 mm) ed è possibile incrementare il numero dei ripiani successivamente all’acquisto.Accoppiando lateralmente due mobili è possibile ottenere sino a 120 cm di spazio utile.

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SOLIDSTEEL HY-A/B                                                                            €.    440,00

VERSIONE HY-A DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)404x600x130 -DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 404x600x0008 Kg.Colore  ner opaco 

VERSIONE  HY-B DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)404x480x130  -DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 404x480x0007 Kg.Colore  nero opaco

HY-A In Short: High-End amp stand with a four-pillar Hyperspike Junior design. Hardware: Full Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF ennobled (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg (264 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 130 (5,1) D 600 (23,6) Colours: Flat Black    HY-B  In Short: High-End amp stand with a four-pillar Hyperspike Junior design. Hardware: Full Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF ennobled (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg (242 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 130 (5,1) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Flat Black

SOLIDSTEEL HY-2                                                                                            €. 1.099,00

DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)600x500x445 -DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso  600x500x28528 Kg.Colore  nero opaco 

Versione HY-2L  1.350,00  euro DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)780x500x445-DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 780x500x28533 Kg

In Short: Two-shelf modular audio table with a solid steel, four-pillar Hyperspike Junior design. It is ideal for accommodating a minimal audio system: (analog or digital) source and amplifier.
Perfect if coupled to suite more components. Hardware: Full Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF ennobled (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 70 kg (155 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 445 (17,5) D 500 (19,7) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 285 (11,2) D 500 (19,7) Colour: Flat Black

SOLIDSTEEL HY-3                                                                                            €. 1.675,00

DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)600x500x660 -DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 600x500x285/18542 Kg.Colore  ner opaco

Versione HY-3L  2.050,00  euro DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)780x500x660-DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 780x500x285/18550 Kg

In Short: Three-shelf modular audio table with a solid steel, four-pillar Hyperspike Junior design. It is ideal for accommodating an essential audio system: (analog or digital) source, cd players and amplifiers. Perfect if coupled to suite more components. Hardware: Full Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF ennobled (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 70 kg (155 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 660 (26) D 500 (19,7) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 285/185 (11,2/7,3) D 500 (19,7) Colour: Flat Black

SOLIDSTEEL HY-4                                                                                              €. 2.175,00

DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)600x500x875  -DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 600x500x285/185/18560 Kg  .Colore  ner opaco

Versione HY-4L  2.650,00  euro DIMENSIONI Est.(LxPxA mm)780x500x875-DIMENSIONI Int.(LxPxA mm) & Peso 780x500x285/185/18567 Kg

In Short: Four-shelf modular audio table with a solid steel, four-pillar Hyperspike design. It is ideal for accommodating a complete audio system: (analog or digital) source, cd players and amplifiers. Able to be coupled to suite more components. Hardware: Full Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF ennobled (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 70 kg (155 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 875 (34,4) D 500 (19,7) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 600 (23,6) H 285/185/185 (11,2/7,3/7,3) D 500 (19,7) Colour: Flat Black

  La nuova Serie Hyperspike di Solidsteel trasmette una rassicurante percezione di autorevolezza ed affidabilità, come gli oggetti che si prepara ad accogliere.  E’ una serie “tecnica”, quindi l’estetica deriva dalle scelte funzionali, come l’armonia dei rapporti geometrici, il contrasto cromatico tra le superfici, le finiture delle parti. Tutti i materiali selezionati sono di eccellente qualità, lavorati con la massima cura, con le macchine più sofisticate.  Il concetto strutturale della Serie Hyperspike è, funzionalmente, il più semplice ed efficace possibile. Esso consiste in un ripiano in MDF Light (particolare tipo di Medium Density Fibreboard, molto solido dal punto di vista meccanico e il più valido sonicamente), finemente rifinito da uno spesso strato gommato con funzione smorzante. Il ripiano ha una pianta quadrangolare, fortemente arrotondata, per formare un profilo filante senza soluzione di continuità, di indubbia valenza estetica e pratica. Lo spessore del ripiano è di 30mm, la profondità, nel punto massimo, è di 550mm, mentre la larghezza è di 650mm, misure in grado di accogliere la quasi totalità dei componenti Audio o A/V, compresi quelli di classe High-End, che spesso non sono di dimensioni standard. Gli elementi di sostegno del ripiano sono quattro, per avere lo spazio posteriore totalmente libero per cavi o apparecchi di profondità fuori standard. I gambi sono realizzati in acciaio inox ricavato dal pieno, tramite lavorazione ad alta precisione ed utilizzando le più evolute macchine a controllo numerico, in grado di restituire particolari levigati e lucidati allo stato dell’arte.  Ogni elemento è composto da un segmento centrale di lunghezza variabile - in funzione dell’altezza dell’apparecchio - completato da punte coniche d’isolamento per ogni piano.  Tra le varie parti in acciaio vengono inseriti degli O-Ring (anelli in gomma), simili alle fasce elastiche presenti sui pistoni, con l’intento di migliorare il serraggio e limitare la trasmissione dell’energia meccanica. Le terminazioni finali verso il pavimento sono costituite da un elemento in acciaio pieno magnificamente lavorato e regolabile in altezza con un sofisticato sistema di serraggio. La Serie Hyperspike si distingue anche per il suo esclusivo concetto di modularità, infatti è sempre possibile modificare un tavolino, aumentando il numero dei ripiani, modificandone l’altezza o addirittura componendolo su misura sin dall’inizio

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SOLIDSTEEL  HF-A/HF-B                                                                            €.    590,00

Versione HF-A  W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

Versione HF-B  W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

  HF-A Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 80 kg (176 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Flat Black Glossy White Glossy Black HF-B  Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 80 kg (176 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 404 (15,9) H 175 (6,9) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Flat Black Glossy White Glossy Black

SOLIDSTEEL HF-2                                                                €. 1.490,00

SOLIDSTEEL HF-2 ELITE'                                                                                               €. 1.999,99

Tavolino a due ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a quattro gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light, con sistema antivibrazione tra i ripiani e speciali terminazioni regolabili, in acciaio pieno. Dischi sottopunta in dotazione. HF-2 ben si adatta a sistemi minimalisti: sorgente + amplificatore di alto livello o all’impiego con elettroniche High-End anche di notevoli dimensioni  Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

La HF Élite Series è un ampliamento della gamma premium Hyperspike progettato per arricchire i sistemi audio di fascia alta.Un mobile di grande valore con ripiani in legno impiallacciato in tre splendide finiture: Noce Naturale Americano,Palissandro Indiano Natu-rale ed Ebano Macassar Indonesiano (con una laccatura trasparente lucida per un effetto extra lusso).Le parti del telaio di questi supporti sono le stesse adottate per i modelli della Hyperspike HF Series.Il legno è un materiale tradizionale in grado di essere collocato in ogni ambiente, qualunque sia il soggiorno, la musica o la sala studio che si scelga come spazio di ascolto.Il nostro obiettivo primario è sempre quello di rendere i prodotti in grado di perdurare nel tempo, anche nel loro aspetto e design.

The four pillar design is geometrically positioned to give maximum support and minimum physical contact with the surrounding environment. The rack stems are made of high quality solid steel rods, polished by a state of the art process giving a smooth and shimmering finish. In order to provide the necessary modular structure, the frames comprise a central segment of variable length to meet diverse requirements, to which are attached the other elements that make up the rest of the support mechanism. Adding to the technical composition are securing screws, insulating spikes (very strong, beautifully secured, adjustable, strong locking withla clamping screw) and decoupling pads, also made of solid steel. Amongst the elements to be assembled are rubber o-rings, similar to a piston ring with the purpose of improving the fit while reducing the transmission of mechanical energy. This is the traditional Hyperspike Vibration Free System, designed by Solidsteel. The shelves dimensions are actually the largest produced in our range of products for vertical racks. It is available both in flat black, glossy black and in glossy white finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 80 Kg (176 lb).ardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 80 kg (176 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 645 (25,4) H 540 (21,3) D 561 (22,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 535 (21) H 305 (12) D 500 (19,6) Colours: Flat Black Glossy White Glossy Black

SOLIDSTEEL HF-3                                                          €.    2.150,00

SOLIDSTEEL HF-3 ELITE'                                                                                             €. 2.899,99

Tavolino a tre ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a quattro gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light, con sistema antivibrazione tra i ripiani e speciali terminazioni regolabili, in acciaio pieno. Dischi sottopunta in dotazione. HF-3 è l’ideale per accogliere sistemi essenziali, ma di alto profilo: sorgente + pre & finale o giradischi + lettore digitale e amplificatore Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

La HF Élite Series è un ampliamento della gamma premium Hyperspike progettato per arricchire i sistemi audio di fascia alta.Un mobile di grande valore con ripiani in legno impiallacciato in tre splendide finiture: Noce Naturale Americano,Palissandro Indiano Natu-rale ed Ebano Macassar Indonesiano (con una laccatura trasparente lucida per un effetto extra lusso).Le parti del telaio di questi supporti sono le stesse adottate per i modelli della Hyperspike HF Series.Il legno è un materiale tradizionale in grado di essere collocato in ogni ambiente, qualunque sia il soggiorno, la musica o la sala studio che si scelga come spazio di ascolto.Il nostro obiettivo primario è sempre quello di rendere i prodotti in grado di perdurare nel tempo, anche nel loro aspetto e design.

The four pillar design is geometrically positioned to give maximum support and minimum physical contact with the surrounding environment. The rack stems are made of high quality solid steel rods, polished by a state of the art process giving a smooth and shimmering finish. In order to provide the necessary modular structure, the frames comprise a central segment of variable length to meet diverse requirements, to which are attached the other elements that make up the rest of the support mechanism. Adding to the technical composition are securing screws, insulating spikes (very strong, beautifully secured, adjustable, strong locking withla clamping screw) and decoupling pads, also made of solid steel. Amongst the elements to be assembled are rubber o-rings, similar to a piston ring with the purpose of improving the fit while reducing the transmission of mechanical energy. This is the traditional Hyperspike Vibration Free System, designed by Solidsteel. The shelves dimensions are actually the largest produced in our range of products for vertical racks. It is available both in flat black, glossy black and in glossy white finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 80 Kg (176 lb).ardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 80 kg Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 645 (25,4) H 775 (30,5) D 561 (22,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 535 (21) H 305/205 (12/8,1) D 500 (19,6) Colours: Flat Black Glossy Whit Glossy Black

SOLIDSTEEL HF-4                                                              €. 2 .900,00

SOLIDSTEEL HF-4 ELITE'                                                                                             €. 3.799,99

Tavolino a quattro ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a quattro gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light, con sistema antivibrazione tra i ripiani e speciali terminazioni regolabili, in acciaio pieno. Dischi sottopunta in dotazione. HF-4 è la soluzione per sistemi di una certa complessità e prestigio: giradischi + lettore digitale + pre & finale Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

La HF Élite Series è un ampliamento della gamma premium Hyperspike progettato per arricchire i sistemi audio di fascia alta.Un mobile di grande valore con ripiani in legno impiallacciato in tre splendide finiture: Noce Naturale Americano,Palissandro Indiano Natu-rale ed Ebano Macassar Indonesiano (con una laccatura trasparente lucida per un effetto extra lusso).Le parti del telaio di questi supporti sono le stesse adottate per i modelli della Hyperspike HF Series.Il legno è un materiale tradizionale in grado di essere collocato in ogni ambiente, qualunque sia il soggiorno, la musica o la sala studio che si scelga come spazio di ascolto.Il nostro obiettivo primario è sempre quello di rendere i prodotti in gr

The four pillar design is geometrically positioned to give maximum support and minimum physical contact with the surrounding environment. The rack stems are made of high quality solid steel rods, polished by a state of the art process giving a smooth and shimmering finish. In order to provide the necessary modular structure, the frames comprise a central segment of variable length to meet diverse requirements, to which are attached the other elements that make up the rest of the support mechanism. Adding to the technical composition are securing screws, insulating spikes (very strong, beautifully secured, adjustable, strong locking withla clamping screw) and decoupling pads, also made of solid steel. Amongst the elements to be assembled are rubber o-rings, similar to a piston ring with the purpose of improving the fit while reducing the transmission of mechanical energy. This is the traditional Hyperspike Vibration Free System, designed by Solidsteel. The shelves dimensions are actually the largest produced in our range of products for vertical racks. It is available both in flat black, glossy black and in glossy white finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 80 Kg (176 lb).ardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 80 kg (176 lb)Outer Dimensions mm | inch:W 645 (25,4) H 1010 (39,8) D 561 (22,1)Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch:W 535 (21) H 305/205/205 (12/8,1/8,1) D 500 (19,6)Colours: Flat Black Glossy White           Glossy Black


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SOLIDSTEEL S4-2                                                                                    €.    620,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero Dimensioni (lxaxp): 111.4 x 47.5 x 43 cm.

  The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 475 (18,7) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 325 (12,8) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

SOLIDSTEEL S4-3                                                                                    €.    890,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero Dimensioni (l x a x p): 111.4x 67 x 43 cm.

The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 670 (26,37) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 245/245 (9,6/9,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White0

SOLIDSTEEL S4-4                                                                                    €. 1.150,00

Solidsteel Tavolino porta  elettroniche  colore  nero  Dimensioni (lxaxp): 111.4 x 90.5 x 43 cm.

The S4 Series draws inspiration from decades of production results achieved by historical Series. Thanks to the priority assigned on the qualitative research dedicated over the years to the ideal materials, all the main characteristics of the previous products - made by welding processes - have merged with the most valuable technical properties improved over the years through the development of Hyperspike line. It born in this way a basilar range of equipments mainly characterized by the excellence, quality and simplicity of its components. The refined and basilar style of the discontinued 7 Series is unmistakably present in the new S4 Series, which is always the result of our passion for music. The need of offering a line of supports further extended in width and with the same dimensional characteristics between the levels of the S3’s shelves, has led to the creation of a superlative and efficient line of products that can be also alternative to the most prestigious HW Hyperspike Series, at very affordable prices. On the wake, then, of the technical properties typical of the S3 Series, the S4 Series presents itself as a congenial solution both in terms of functional efficiency and of space management, without losing any aesthetic care for your ideal spaces. Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 110 kg tested  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1114 (43,85) H 905 (35,6) D 430 (16,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 500 (19,7) H 225/225/245 (8,9/8,9/9,6) D 430 (16,9) Colour: Black White

La Serie Hyperspike Junior si rivolge anche agli appassionati di Audio/Video orientati ad ottenere le migliori prestazioni dalle proprie apparecchiature. Per questo è nata la Serie Hyperspike Wide, con strutture in grado di accogliere e sostenere un apparecchio TV widescreen assieme ad altre elettroniche quali lettori DVD, ampli AV, decoder. I modelli Hyperspike Wide hanno tutti una struttura “a cinque gambe” per la massima capacità di sostegno e con terminazioni piatte al pavimento, regolabili, per una corretta “messa in bolla”. I colori sono nero opaco,nero laccato e bianco laccato I modelli in catalogo sono quattro: HW-2 e HW-3 a due e tre ripiani predisposti per schermi TV da 42” e HW-2L e HW-3L (Large) sempre a due o tre ripiani adatti per display da 50”.

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SOLIDSTEEL HW-2                                                                    €.  1.280,00

 Tavolino a due ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a cinque gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light. Sistema di appoggio regolabile, in acciaio pieno.Finitura laccata nero VERSIONE  COLORE   BIANCO  LACCATO  O  NERA LACCATA 1.280,00  euro

DescriptionThe Hyperspike Junior Series is also aimed at users of audio-video components who want to achieve the best performance possible with their system. The Hyperspike Wide Series was created, with structures capable of accommodating and supporting a wide-screen TV together with other components such as a DVD player, AV amplifier, central speaker and decoder. The Hyperspike Wide models come in a five-fixed pillar structure for maximum support with adtustable flat foot ends for maximum ease of positioning. Three finishes are available: Flat Black, Glossy Black and Glossy White. Two-shelf audio table, with solid steel, five pillar structure. MDF Light shelves. Solid steel adjustable feet. Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 130 kg (286 lb)Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1090 (42,9) H 386 (15,1) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 100 (3,9) H 244 (9,6) D 365 (14,3 Colours: Flat Black Glossy Black Glossy White

SOLIDSTEEL HW-2L                                                                           €.  1.370,00

Il modello HW-2L è la variante “large” che consente di utilizzare display di maggiori dimensioni, tipicamente un 50  Tavolino a due ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a cinque gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light. Sistema di appoggio regolabile, in acciaio pieno.  Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

DescriptionThe Hyperspike Junior Series is also aimed at users of audio-video components who want to achieve the best performance possible with their system. The Hyperspike Wide Series was created, with structures capable of accommodating and supporting a wide-screen TV together with other components such as a DVD player, AV amplifier, central speaker and decoder. The Hyperspike Wide models come in a five-fixed pillar structure for maximum support with adtustable flat foot ends for maximum ease of positioning. Three finishes are available: Flat Black, Glossy Black and Glossy White. Two-shelf audio table, with solid steel, five pillar structure. MDF Light shelves. Solid steel adjustable feet. Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 130 kg (286 lb)  Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 386 (15,1) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 1186 (46,7) H 244 (9,6) D 365 (14,3) Colours: Flat Black Glossy Black Glossy White

SOLIDSTEEL HW-3                                                                               €.  1.930,00

Tavolino a tre ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a cinque gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light. Sistema di appoggio regolabile, in acciaio pieno.- Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

DescriptionThe Hyperspike Junior Series is also aimed at users of audio-video components who want to achieve the best performance possible with their system. The Hyperspike Wide Series was created, with structures capable of accommodating and supporting a wide-screen TV together with other components such as a DVD player, AV amplifier, central speaker and decoder. The Hyperspike Wide models come in a five-fixed pillar structure for maximum support with adtustable flat foot ends for maximum ease of positioning. Three finishes are available: Flat Black, Glossy Black and Glossy White. Two-shelf audio table, with solid steel, five pillar structure. MDF Light shelves. Solid steel adjustable feet. Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 130 kg (286 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1090 (42,9) H 620 (24,4) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 1000 (39,3) H 224/224 (8,8/8,8) D 365 (14,3) Colours: Flat Black Glossy Black Glossy White

SOLIDSTEEL HW-3L                                                                            €.  2.035,00

Tavolino a tre ripiani con struttura in acciaio pieno a cinque gambe. Singoli piani in MDF Light. Sistema di appoggio regolabile, in acciaio pieno.Il modello HW-3L è la variante “large” che consente di utilizzare display di maggiori dimensioni, tipicamente un 50”. Colore  Nero Opaco, Nero Lucido ,Bianco Lucido

DescriptionThe Hyperspike Junior Series is also aimed at users of audio-video components who want to achieve the best performance possible with their system. The Hyperspike Wide Series was created, with structures capable of accommodating and supporting a wide-screen TV together with other components such as a DVD player, AV amplifier, central speaker and decoder. The Hyperspike Wide models come in a five-fixed pillar structure for maximum support with adtustable flat foot ends for maximum ease of positioning. Three finishes are available: Flat Black, Glossy Black and Glossy White. Two-shelf audio table, with solid steel, five pillar structure. MDF Light shelves. Solid steel adjustable feet. Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: MDF (medium-density fibreboard) Sustainability for each shelf: 130 kg (286 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 620 (24,4) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 1186 (46,6) H 224/224 (8,8/8,8) D 365 (14,3) Colours: Flat Black Glossy Black Glossy White

La “HP Series”, letteralmente “Hyperspike Préstige Series” è la nostra assoluta gamma Top di supporti per componenti High-End.Presentata per la prima volta nel 2016, è in breve tempo diventata simbolo della nostra eccellenza nel mondo, essendo peraltro i primi mobili audio con ripiani in ceramica.Questi eccezionali prodotti sono frutto di anni di studi, prove ed innova-zioni tecniche: il telaio è composto da punte Hyperspike regolabili in ogni posizione; i ripiani presentano superfici antigraffio in ceramica ed interni riempiti di schiuma poliuretanica (ad alta densità), con bordi in resina per consentire le forature ed il lato inferiore in laminato ad alto spessore. Tranne laddove presente la ceramica, ciascun ripiano è fine-mente laccato. Trattandosi di rack modulari, le altezze tra i livelli possono essere perso-nalizzate (min 155 mm e max 375 mm) ed è possibile incrementare il numero dei ripiani successivamente all’acquisto.Le parti del telaio giungono in stupendi box di legno

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SOLIDSTEEL HP-2                                                                        €.  3.149,00

La “HP Series”, letteralmente “Hyperspike Préstige Series” è la nostra assoluta gamma Top di supporti per componenti High-End.Presentata per la prima volta nel 2016, è in breve tempo diventata simbolo della nostra eccellenza nel mondo, essendo peraltro i primi mobili audio con ripiani in ceramica.Questi eccezionali prodotti sono frutto di anni di studi, prove ed innova-zioni tecniche: il telaio è composto da punte Hyperspike regolabili in ogni posizione; i ripiani presentano superfici antigraffio in ceramica ed interni riempiti di schiuma poliuretanica (ad alta densità), con bordi in resina per consentire le forature ed il lato inferiore in laminato ad alto spessore. Tranne laddove presente la ceramica, ciascun ripiano è fine-mente laccato. Trattandosi di rack modulari, le altezze tra i livelli possono essere perso-nalizzate (min 155 mm e max 375 mm) ed è possibile incrementare il numero dei ripiani successivamente all’acquisto.Le parti del telaio giungono in stupendi box di legno

To celebrate the 10th year of production of the traditional "Hyperspike Series", officially introduced in the world market in 2006 and still present as the highest technical and qualitative expression of our brand products, comes the new and innovative Hyperspike Prestige Series (HP Series) with the purpose of paying tribute to the universe of high fidelity through a line of élite products having solid stainless steel structures and shelves in ceramic filled with a medium-high density polyurethane foam. The extreme and precise turning of the spikes, combined with the excellent technical characteristics of the special ceramic shelves, merges in a remarkable combination of materials for the highest valorization of the best audio components on the market, allowing also the finest efficiency on the damping of vibrations within our entire product park. The solidity of the ceramic, also strong of its important insulating properties, which already are widely used from years in the building industry, is applied to a frame made with resin edges (to allow the precise drilling) and a homogeneous filling based on a polyurethane foam to increase the degree of efficiency for vibration's damping. The stickiness of the material, in fact, favors the attenuation of tremors or of natural oscillations and lends itself well to support the working of the media structure that, through the prestigious "Hyperspike" stainless steel spikes, tend to discharge toward the ground all the vibrations that create resonance. It is therefore fundamental setting up properly the product spikes before of placing the audio components on the shelves. This is very practical thanks to the easy regulating system of each frame part. For the best audio performances we recommend that every spike is touching its concave spot on the frame. The Hyperspike Prestige consists of decoupled shelves according to the most advanced of our technologies. The quality and combination of materials represents the best that our brand has ever made. It is available both in slate black and in natural travertine finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 100 Kg (220 lb). Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: Ceramic; Resin on the edges; Filled with polyurethane foam in the inside; Painted on the edges and on the below side.  Sustainability for each shelf: 100 kg (220 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 580 (22,83) H 505 (19,88) D 480 (18,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 488 (19,21) H 315 (12,4) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Natural Travertine Slate Black

SOLIDSTEEL HP-3                                                                        €.  4.649,00

La “HP Series”, letteralmente “Hyperspike Préstige Series” è la nostra assoluta gamma Top di supporti per componenti High-End.Presentata per la prima volta nel 2016, è in breve tempo diventata simbolo della nostra eccellenza nel mondo, essendo peraltro i primi mobili audio con ripiani in ceramica.Questi eccezionali prodotti sono frutto di anni di studi, prove ed innova-zioni tecniche: il telaio è composto da punte Hyperspike regolabili in ogni posizione; i ripiani presentano superfici antigraffio in ceramica ed interni riempiti di schiuma poliuretanica (ad alta densità), con bordi in resina per consentire le forature ed il lato inferiore in laminato ad alto spessore. Tranne laddove presente la ceramica, ciascun ripiano è fine-mente laccato. Trattandosi di rack modulari, le altezze tra i livelli possono essere perso-nalizzate (min 155 mm e max 375 mm) ed è possibile incrementare il numero dei ripiani successivamente all’acquisto.Le parti del telaio giungono in stupendi box di legno

To celebrate the 10th year of production of the traditional "Hyperspike Series", officially introduced in the world market in 2006 and still present as the highest technical and qualitative expression of our brand products, comes the new and innovative Hyperspike Prestige Series (HP Series) with the purpose of paying tribute to the universe of high fidelity through a line of élite products having solid stainless steel structures and shelves in ceramic filled with a medium-high density polyurethane foam. The extreme and precise turning of the spikes, combined with the excellent technical characteristics of the special ceramic shelves, merges in a remarkable combination of materials for the highest valorization of the best audio components on the market, allowing also the finest efficiency on the damping of vibrations within our entire product park. The solidity of the ceramic, also strong of its important insulating properties, which already are widely used from years in the building industry, is applied to a frame made with resin edges (to allow the precise drilling) and a homogeneous filling based on a polyurethane foam to increase the degree of efficiency for vibration's damping. The stickiness of the material, in fact, favors the attenuation of tremors or of natural oscillations and lends itself well to support the working of the media structure that, through the prestigious "Hyperspike" stainless steel spikes, tend to discharge toward the ground all the vibrations that create resonance. It is therefore fundamental setting up properly the product spikes before of placing the audio components on the shelves. This is very practical thanks to the easy regulating system of each frame part. For the best audio performances we recommend that every spike is touching its concave spot on the frame. The Hyperspike Prestige consists of decoupled shelves according to the most advanced of our technologies. The quality and combination of materials represents the best that our brand has ever made. It is available both in slate black and in natural travertine finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 100 Kg (220 lb). Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: Ceramic; Resin on the edges; Filled with polyurethane foam in the inside; Painted on the edges and on the below side.  Sustainability for each shelf: 100 kg (220 lb)Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 580 (22,83) H 750 (29,52) D 480 (18,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 488 (19,21) H 315 (12,4)/215(8,46) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Natural Travertine Slate Black

SOLIDSTEEL HP-4                                                                        €.  6.200,00

La “HP Series”, letteralmente “Hyperspike Préstige Series” è la nostra assoluta gamma Top di supporti per componenti High-End.Presentata per la prima volta nel 2016, è in breve tempo diventata simbolo della nostra eccellenza nel mondo, essendo peraltro i primi mobili audio con ripiani in ceramica.Questi eccezionali prodotti sono frutto di anni di studi, prove ed innova-zioni tecniche: il telaio è composto da punte Hyperspike regolabili in ogni posizione; i ripiani presentano superfici antigraffio in ceramica ed interni riempiti di schiuma poliuretanica (ad alta densità), con bordi in resina per consentire le forature ed il lato inferiore in laminato ad alto spessore. Tranne laddove presente la ceramica, ciascun ripiano è fine-mente laccato. Trattandosi di rack modulari, le altezze tra i livelli possono essere perso-nalizzate (min 155 mm e max 375 mm) ed è possibile incrementare il numero dei ripiani successivamente all’acquisto.Le parti del telaio giungono in stupendi box di legno

To celebrate the 10th year of production of the traditional "Hyperspike Series", officially introduced in the world market in 2006 and still present as the highest technical and qualitative expression of our brand products, comes the new and innovative Hyperspike Prestige Series (HP Series) with the purpose of paying tribute to the universe of high fidelity through a line of élite products having solid stainless steel structures and shelves in ceramic filled with a medium-high density polyurethane foam. The extreme and precise turning of the spikes, combined with the excellent technical characteristics of the special ceramic shelves, merges in a remarkable combination of materials for the highest valorization of the best audio components on the market, allowing also the finest efficiency on the damping of vibrations within our entire product park. The solidity of the ceramic, also strong of its important insulating properties, which already are widely used from years in the building industry, is applied to a frame made with resin edges (to allow the precise drilling) and a homogeneous filling based on a polyurethane foam to increase the degree of efficiency for vibration's damping. The stickiness of the material, in fact, favors the attenuation of tremors or of natural oscillations and lends itself well to support the working of the media structure that, through the prestigious "Hyperspike" stainless steel spikes, tend to discharge toward the ground all the vibrations that create resonance. It is therefore fundamental setting up properly the product spikes before of placing the audio components on the shelves. This is very practical thanks to the easy regulating system of each frame part. For the best audio performances we recommend that every spike is touching its concave spot on the frame. The Hyperspike Prestige consists of decoupled shelves according to the most advanced of our technologies. The quality and combination of materials represents the best that our brand has ever made. It is available both in slate black and in natural travertine finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 100 Kg (220 lb). Hardware: Stainless Steel (INOX) Shelves: Ceramic; Resin on the edges; Filled with polyurethane foam in the inside; Painted on the edges and on the below side.  Sustainability for each shelf: 100 kg (220 lb) Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 580 (22,83) H 995 (39,17) D 480 (18,9) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 488 (19,21) H 315 (12,4)/215(8,46)/215(8,46) D 480 (18,9) Colours: Natural Travertine Slate Black

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SOLIDSTEEL ZENITH                                                                                                            €.   60,00

Solidsteel Zenith è un innovativo stand per cuffie realizza-to combinando tecniche di produzione moderne - come la stampa 3D - e plastiche PLA 100% riciclabili, interamente ecologiche.Il prodotto possiede tratti eleganti fusi in un design contemporaneo in grado di assicurare perfetta stabilità, bilanciamento ed una leggerezza sorprendente. Lo stand consente il posizionamento delle cuffie all’inte-rno di qualsiasi contesto, indipendentemente dallo stile di utilizzo o dall’ambiente in cui andrebbe collocato, grazie anche ai raffinati piedini siliconati antiscivolo.Solidsteel Zenith è un prezioso accessorio concepito sia per un uso home (gaming incluso) che per postazioni da professional studio recording. Professional Headphones Stand  80x155x200,270 g, colore silver

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SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 2                                                                                                             €.    679,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 26 Kg | 57,3 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 464 (18,2) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325 (12,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: Walnut Wood


SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 3                                                                                                           €.    949,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 37 Kg | 81,5 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 711 (28) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325/225 (12,8/8,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: •Walnut Wood


SOLIDSTEEL VINIL 4                                                                                                        €.  1.199,00

Acknowledged market's need to bring together and enhance both record collections and to properly relocate the audio systems, giving value to everything, our catalog is finally enriched with a new and innovative range of supports designed to meet the most current needs of music lovers. Driven by the desire of supplying a beautiful range of Italian furniture not only designed to meet technical requirements, we are pleased to offer you the VL Series.  What's the VL Series?Whether you already have a large collection of LPs, or you are just enriching it, whether you have a Hi-Fi system, or you are just setting it up step by step, this fantastic new product range is a perfect solution for all music lovers, especially for fans of vinyl records in search of the right place for their audio sessions. Together with the elegance and design that has always distinguished all the products of our brand, the originality of the project represents an absolute novelty to have all your musical world at hand. It is thus possible to transform any environment into a wonderful space dedicated to the enjoyment of music, enriching one's home with a piece of furniture with the typical Solidsteel DNA.  The walnut wood finish is designed precisely to best fit in any environment, allowing also the easy arrangement of one's favorite objects, which often goes to accompany the fans' record collections. The modernity of the design is derived from the perfect fusion of tradition and functionality. The VL Series is characterized by the essentiality of the furniture destined to last over time and, at the same time, functionally meets current and future needs of various audio systems that can be configured with passion and attention.  In recent years the rediscovery of vinyl has re-lit the spotlight on the world of Hi-Fi, the forerunner of modern consumer electronics.  In the last years of work, participating in trade fairs and collecting disparate feedback, we came across many fans who own vinyl record collections without owning Hi-Fi systems, often due to lack of space and ambient conditions. We are therefore proud of having created a solution of this type that can truly represent the key to exploring and rediscovering the pleasure of good listening.  How many placeable Records? By depending on various LP's dimensions you could have, we can assure you can accommodate at least 120 records per each level. If your collection is too big, do not worry. We have Extre-Kits for expanding the available space!  How it's made? All the materials are finely crafted, selected and of Italian origin. The frame is made up of parts of our famous S Series, all its screws are galvanized, frame pillars are made of anodized aluminum, carefully filled with an absorbent phono sponge to dampen vibrations. The various metal particulars, as bottom and top ends, are all galvanized and finished in powder-coated for avoiding any risk of rust over time.  The VL Series is composed of MDF shelves - 1280x410 mm, with a thickness of 22 mm - finished with high quality polymeric laminates in Walnut finish. As we conceived the furniture, the first shelf at the bottom is dedicated to the layout of vinyl collections, while the subsequent shelves offer distances dedicated to hosting your own audio system, although this is our recommended solution, being the modular product, the whole is freely convertible. The S Series Pads (protective floor discs) are always included in the products.  Customizable Heights & Extra Levels Our production consists of furniture with available spaces distributed up to 4 shelves, but it is possible to add to each model further levels to satisfy even the most diverse needs. Do not forget that our racks are all modular. The only available distances between the VL shelves are 325 mm between the first and second shelf, and 225 mm for the subsequent shelves. The VL-3 rack is designed for essentially accommodating a record collection and a regular audio system (for example: a turntable, an integrated amplifier, a digital player, Streamer/DAC, with eventual bookshelf speakers on both sides).  We would therefore have a:  VL-2: [325] VL-3: [325/225] VL-4: [325/225/225]  It is then possible to purchase separately the following kits:  ° VL Extra Kit 225 [Inner Shelf + 225 mm frame Kit for Audio Components]  ° VL Extra Kit 325 [Inner Shelf + 325 mm frame Kit for More Records] Tubes: painted aluminum (anodized) filled with damping material; Hardware: stainless steel; Terminals: Iron AVP treated with zinc to eliminate the risk of rust; Shelves: MDF wood (22 mm of thickness), polymer laminate. Sustainability for each shelf: 120 kg tested. Weight: 51 Kg | 112,4 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 1280 (50,4) H 958 (37,7) D 410 (16,1) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 480 (18,9) H 325/225/225 (12,8/8,8/8,8) D 410 (16,1) Colour: Walnut Wood

SOLIDSTEEL WS-5                                                                         €.    450,00

The WS-5 is a rock-solid platform delivering reference-level isolation at an attainable price, weighing in at a massive 13 Kg (28 lbs). Form follows function, the WS-5 supports even the heaviest of turntables. Heavy gauge steel for the perimeter and the massive wall plate are complemented by graceful ouches adding air and life to what might otherwise have been a monolithic design. Solidsteel's WS-5 puts an immediate end to any doubts about the practicality and performance abilities of a turntable wall shelf. Weighing a mighty 13,0 Kg (28 lbs), WS-5 supports even the heftiest ‘tables while providing the reference-caliber isolation crucial to superlative analog performance. Rated to handle up to 60 Kg (130 lbs) with a large shelf (500 x 410 x 19 mm | 19.5" x 16.25" x 0.74”), the WS-5 works with almost any 'table made. Ridiculously sturdy, WS-5 touts a massive (50 mm | 2") tall by (25 mm | 1") thick steel outer frame welded to an extremely thick (150 mm | 6" tall) back plate. Its (25 mm | 1") square crossbars are taken directly from Solidsteel's own audio racks. Ditto the proprietary Duraluminum isolation cones. Leveling of the MDF shelf (laminate black finish) may be fine-tuned via the four cone cups using an Allen key (always included). The Italian-made WS-5 can even be mounted on brick and concrete provided you employ the proper connectors. Give your turntable the support it needs with WS-5. Installation Notes: WS-5 is capable of truly staggering weight handling capability only when mounted to a proper structure and with proper hardware. Designed to be mounted on (40 mm | 16") studs, the WS-5 can also be mounted on virtually any other load bearing structure (brick, concrete, etc) as long as the appropriate connectors are used.Frame: stainless steel only; laser cut on three different metal parts and hand-welded process for the assembly; black powder coating. Contents: One set of n. 4 aluminium cones; Allen Key (3 mm); One set of n. 3 Concrete Anchor Bolts (45 x 50 mm | 1/8″ x 2″); Drilling Jig/Template. Shelf: (500 x 410 x 19 mm | 19.5″ x 16.25″ x 0.74”) MDF wood, polymer laminate. Sustainability: 60 Kg | 130 lbs tested. Weight: 13 Kg | 28.66 lbs Outer Dimensions mm | inch: W 550 (21,7) H 160/50 (6,3/2) D 470 (18,5) Inner Shelves Dimensions mm | inch: W 550 (21,7) H 160/50 (6,3/2) D 470 (18,5) Colour: Blac

SOLIDSTEEL S SERIES PAD                                                                                            €.    35,00

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SOLIDSTEEL N SERIES PAD                                                                                            €.    60,00



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