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WILSON AUDIO SHOPIA 3                         Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Ancora una volta la dimostrazione che ciò che sembrava non migliorabile (all’interno della propria fascia di prezzo) si rivela invece modificabile in meglio, grazie all’incessante lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo cui si sottopongono i tecnici all’interno dei laboratori della Wilson: i miglioramenti implementati in questo diffusore che ha goduto di un largo consenso di critica e di mercato, piccoli, ma sostanziali, hanno riaffermato la supremazia delle Sophia nella loro categoria di prezzo; in realtà questo modello costituisce non solo il sistema “entry-level” dei diffusori da pavimento Wilson, ma possiede già tutte le caratteristiche proprie del suono della Casa che hanno reso questo Marchio apprezzato in tutto il mondo; e grazie alle modificazioni apportate sugli altoparlanti e sul cross-over tali caratteristiche giungono ad essere così esaltate in questa nuova versione destinata, similmente a quelle precedenti, a coinvolgere un gran numero di appassionati; a causa dei sostanziali miglioramenti introdotti nel cabinet di questa versione, in questo caso non è possibile l’upgrade delle precedenti versioni a quella attuale. SOPHIA SERIES 3 Da quando i diffusori Sophia sono stati realizzati, hanno cambiato il modo di pensare di molta gente sui diffusori high end. La Wilson Audio ha provato che qualità una volta considerata contraddittoria – alta risoluzione e musicalità, bassi prodigiosi in diffusori da pavimento compatti, spinta dinamica ed esperienza musicale straordinaria con elettroniche economiche – possono convivere in un elegante diffusore. In due parole, i Sophia sono diventati dei veri classici, amati per la loro bellezza musicale. Probabilmente perchè questa inusuale miscela di virtù contenuta in entrambe le Serie 1 & 2, le ha fatte diventare quasi un culto fin dalla sua introduzione nel 2003. Quando fu presa la decisione di aggiornare la Sophia alla versione Series 3, l'obiettivo primario degli ingegneri era quello di preservare la qualità tanto cara agli amanti della musica. Il team di progettazione aveva sviluppato e migliorato l'arte della riproduzione musicale della serie Alessandria 2, MAXX Series 3, e nel nuovissimo Sasha W / P con una varietà di nuove tecnologie create per questi progetti. Al fine di impiegare gli stessi miglioramenti tecnici nelle Sophia, è stato chiaro sin da subito che sarebbe necessario progettare un diffusore tutto nuovo. Allo stesso tempo, è stato difficile per Dave che aveva l'obbligo di mantenere, e (idealmente) sviluppare quelle qualità che definiscono chiaramente il carattere delle Sophia. Il risultato di questi sforzi è la serie 3 di Sophia. Nuova estetica e nuova cornice di diffrazione Midrange Quando si tratta di progettazione architettonica di un altoparlante, la filosofia di Wilson è guidata dal concetto che la forma di un altoparlante è indissolubilmente legato alla sua funzione. Le caratteristiche fisiche uniche del corretto ritardo della propagazione e l'abbassamento delle risonanze delle cornici di diffrazione hanno da decenni ormai identificato il look dei diffusori Wilson. Grazie alla combinazione di tecnologia e design le Sophia raggiungono una forma di singolare bellezza. Con Sophia, l'obiettivo primario era degli ingegneria per ridurre ulteriormente la risonanza di diffrazione già molto bassa. A tal fine, i pannelli di diffrazione X-material dei moduli inferiori e superiori sono più spessi. Una nuova strategia dei rinforzi interni, che ora include X-material, contribuisce anche alla migliore performance delle Sophia con la riduzione delle colorazioni e delle risonanza grazie a questi pannelli di ultima generazione. Inoltre, la Sophia Serie 3 condivide con le Sasha W/P l'utilizzo del più recente materiale composito brevettato Wilson - S-material. Utilizzato nel deflettore medio / tweeter della Serie Sophia 3, S-Materiale riduce drasticamente il rumore udibile e misurabile. Questo S-material accoppiato con l' X-materiale riesce a formare una struttura estremamente inerte e a bassa risonanza. Crossover Rivisto David Wilson, e con lui lo staff tecnico, sono sempre alla ricerca delle cause che producono distorsione. Durante le fasi di sviluppo dell’Alexandria, David scoprì che l’interazione tra i filtri passa alto e passa basso del crossover creava del rumore che si traduceva in crossover jitter. David ideò allora nuove strategie che ridussero il problema, ottenendo un livello di rumore più basso che permise di “sentire” ulteriormente nel diffusore, in modo da rivelare ed analizzare inconvenienti che in precedenza venivano oscurati. Questa intuizione, non solo ha migliorato la qualità sonora in relazione alla tecnologia antijitter, ma ha anche permesso di migliorare altri aspetti. L'ultimo beneficiario di questo approccio progettuale complessivo è ora la serie di Sophia 3. Abbassando il rumore di jitter e la distorsione nella Sophia 3 ha permesso a Dave, a sua volta, di sentire più in profondità l'altoparlante. Problemi precedentemente nascosti dal rumore ora erano chiaramente udibili. Così, riducendo il jitter di crossover non solo si è migliorato nelle aree previste (minore rumore di fondo e minore granosità), ma ha anche facilitato miglioramenti in altre categorie di performance. Gamma media eccellente e e musicalità, già sono punti di forza delle Sophia, e adesso sono notevolmente migliorate nelle Serie 3. Questi punti di forza tradizionali sono stati ulteriormente rafforzati da una maggiore trasparenza, una definizione spaziale, linearità e dinamica dei bassi, e liquidità della gamma media. Consistenza dello strumento e il timbro sono resi in modo più convincente e completa. Dettagli prima mascherati dal rumore di basso livello nelle precedenti versioni adesso emergono senza alcuno sforzo in superficie da uno sfondo nero. Crossover e Accesso al Panello delle Resistenze Il pannello di accesso del crossover che si trovava sul fondo della Sophia è stato adesso spostato verso la parte posteriore del diffusore. Ciò consente di accedere più facilmente alla sostituzione del valore delle resistenze. New Driver Midrange Quando si trattò di scegliere un driver midrange, Dave e gli ingegneri si sono concentrati sull'utilizzo degli strumenti provati. Sophia Serie 3 dispone di una versione semplificata del notevole midrange Wilson Audio / in composito pasta/carta composito sviluppato prima all'interno delle Alessandria X-2 Series 2, nelle MAXX Series 3 e Sasha W / P. Nuovo tweeter Sul mercato c’è un po’ di confusione su quali siano gli aspetti tecnici importanti per un comportamento corretto alle alte frequenze. Mentre altri produttori ricorrono a parametri dubbi come l’ampiezza di banda ultra-elevata od a materiali inutilmente esotici, noi continuiamo a focalizzarci su quelle tecniche che contribuiscono effettivamente a migliorare il comportamento musicale dei nostri prodotti. Le Sophia 3 utilizza adesso lo stesso tweeter delle Maxx 3 e delle Sasha W/P a tecnologia proprietaria che riduce significativamente il rumore spurio generato sulla parte posteriore, riducendo radicalmente la granosità ed il rumore alle frequenze elevate e migliorando i dettagli a basso livello e la trasparenza. Alti dolci e delicati erano già una prerogativa di questo diffusore, ma adesso il tweeter esprime maggiore ariosità, dolcezza, risoluzione ed un senso di purezza del tutto privo di granosità, come se gli alti emergessero da uno sfondo di velluto nero.Inoltre, gli aspetti della diffrazione e rumore sono migliorate in modo più efficace in questo tweeter. Nuovo Woofer Il woofer brevettato per la Sophia, che ha debuttato nella Serie 1, è stato costruito con particolare attenzione alla struttura e al motore. Il woofer delle Sophia Serie 3 presenta una smagnete due volte le dimensioni del woofer anteriore. L'obiettivo era di mantenere l'accordatura del progetto originale, e aumentare l'impatto globale, velocità, agilità, e la linearità dei bassi. Il nuovo woofer ha anche molto maggiore articolazione tonale e ricco di dettaglio. Specifiche Woofer: 1 da 25,40 cm cono in Alluminio Midrange: 1 da 7,78 cm in carta Tweeter: 1 da 2.54 cm cupola rovesciata in titanio Sensibilità: 87 dB @ 1 watt @ 1 metro @ 1 kHz Impedenza nominale: 4 ohms, 3.1 ohms minima @ 98 Hz Risposta in Frequenza: +/-3 dB 20 Hz - 22.5 kHz Amplificazione minima: 25 watts per canale Dimensioni: Altezza - 104,45 cm con le punte Larghezza - 34,61 cm Profondità - 48,12 cm Peso: 74,84 kg


MARTIN LOGAN MONOLITHIII         Telefona/ invia un e-mail


The Martin Logan MONOLITH III represents the culmination of an intensive, dedicated group research program directed toward establishing a world class reference monitor utilising leading edge technology. This was without compromising durability, reliability, craftsmanship, or aesthetic design.The original Monolith made its official debut in June of 1982 at the International Consumer Electronics Show. it was selected for the prestigious Design and Engineering Exhibition as one of the most innovative consumer electronics products of that year. Since then, the Monolith has become the speaker of choice by the most demanding musicians, electronics manufacturers, and recording studios, as well as the most discerning critical listeners.As a result of the continuous research and development program at Martin Logan, they decided that it was time to incorporate some of their latest technologies into the already outstanding Monolith. So, in January of 1990, the MONOLITH III was introduced to the marketplace. With the MONOLITH III, Martin Logan have advanced the current state of the art in many areas of loudspeaker design. Bass response has better extension, superior impact and improved definition. High frequency response also has better extension and is much more natural in character. Much effort was spent on minimising all diffractive or reflective surfaces. This has improved over all transparency and image quality.In addition, a great amount of energy was spent on the interface between the electrostatic element and the woofer, with astonishing results. The fruit of this labor was the passive IIIp INTERFACE and the superior electronic IIIx CROSSOVER. With either of these two devices, the transition from the electro-static element to the woofer becomes invisible and an unbelievable continuity of sound prevails. With the IIIx CROSSOVER another veil is lifted and you are brought even closer to the musical truth. Dynamic information suddenly becomes frightening. Power handling and system efficiency are enhanced as well.Like the original Monoliths, all materials in the MONOLITH III speakers are of the highest quality to provide years of enduring enjoyment and deepening respect. All trim pieces are constructed from selected hard woods. They are then grain and colour matched and finally hand finished. The cabinetry is constructed from a special high density hardwood powder board for structural integrity and is finished with a durable and attractive leatherette.Through rigorous testing, the curvilinear electrostatic panel manufactured and used by Martin-Logan has proven itself to be one of the most durable and reliable transducers available today. Fabricated from a specially tooled, high-grade steel, the panel is then coated with a special high dielectric nylon delrin based polymer that is applied via a proprietary electrostatic deposition process. This panel assembly houses a membrane 0.0005 of an inch thick! Ruggedly constructed and insulated, as much as 200 watts of continuous power has driven the MONOLITH III’s energised diaphragm into massive excursions with no deleterious effects. Specifications Frequency Response: 28–24,000 Hz ±3dBRecommended Amplifier Power: 20‒500 watts per channelHorizontal Dispersion: 30°Vertical Dispersion: 48″ (121.92cm) line sourceSensitivity: 89 dB/2.83 volts/meterImpedance: IIIp High pass – 4 Ohms, 1 at 20kHz, IIIp Low pass – 4 Ohms, IIIx (Exos) High pass –47,000 Ohms, IIIx (Exos) Low pass – 100 Ohms . Compatible with 4, 6, or 8 Ohm rated amplifiersCrossover Frequency: IIIp: 125 Hz. IIIx 125Hz 12dB/octave low-pass, 18db/octave high-passHigh Frequency Transducer: 48″ (121.92cm) CLS™ electrostatic transducerLow Frequency Transducer: 12″ (30.5cm) high excursion, super light, high rigidity cone with extendedthrow driver assembly. Non-resonance chamber.Components: Monolith III – Glass epoxy boards, Custom wound audio transformer, polypropylenecapacitors, air core coils. IIIp Passive Crossover – Glass epoxy boards, polypropylene capacitors, 100%oxygen free copper coils, wir

INFINITY EPSILON                                          Telefona/ invia un e-mail

 Caratteristiche funzionali :Emissione dipolare controllata Livello di emissione dei trasduttori regolabile individualmente Componenti passivi selezionati Connettori massicci placcati in oro Possibilità di collegamento normale, bi-wiring e bi-amping Mobile in legno HDF con rinforzi interni Pannello frontale antirisonanza con spessore 60 mm. Finitura artigianale con lucidatura manuale Colore noce Supporti per disaccoppiamento da terraAltoparlanti perfetti Misure:151.8cmx47cmx 41.3

The Epsilon was the last of the truly top-of-the-line speakers produced by Infinity. Designed by John Miller and Cary Christie after Arnie Nudell had left Infinity, it was designed to be the heir to the IRS Betas, but in a more compact package that was easier to place in a room. The Epsilon was a departure for Infinity, in that, after many years of dipole speakers, it was sealed in the back and was (primarily) monopole. The Epsilon may be the most neutral speaker I’ve ever heard - no coloration of the music at all, just very clean, detailed sound. Its only shortcoming may be a lack of deep bass response, the result of trying to fit everything into a single cabinet.

 MONITOR  AUDIO PL 200                                Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Platinum is our award-winning flagship range involving radical new materials, processes and designs for driver and cabinet construction. It introduces genuinely esoteric yet affordable performance and quality to the loudspeaker market. Platinum's innovatively shaped and braced cabinets are finished in a choice of lustrous black piano lacquer, exotic Santos Rosewood and Ebony natural wood veneers. The front baffles are upholstered in leather and loaded with custom-developed drive units including our now famous C-CAM® ribbon high frequency transducer. Our ambition for Platinum demanded an utterly purist mentality, the development of new materials and proprietary structures, exhaustive anechoic testing and plenty of good old-fashioned listening. Every component part for each of the seven Platinum models is produced to exacting standards and carefully assembled by a small team of technicians. The Platinum series represents the epitome of British craftsmanship and quality, and demonstrates Monitor Audio's devotion to music and film sound reproduction.Flagship 3-Way floorstander speaker with twin 2 x 6 1/2” long-throw RDT bass drivers, 4” C-CAM midrange driver and high frequency ribbon transducer. Finished with hand-upholstered leather baffles and luxurious piano gloss.Technology Single Ported HiVe II technology Sealed Mid-range TLE (Tapered Line Enclosure)2 x 6 1/2” long-throw C-CAM (Ceramic-Coated Aluminium/Magnesium) bass drivers with RDT (Rigid Diaphragm Technology)1 x 4” RDT mid-range driver1 x C-CAM high frequency ribbon transducerARC (Anti-Resonance Composite) baffles, plinths and mid-range driver housing All cabinet finishes have hand-upholstered front baffles in black Ingleston premium grade leather. Finish options: Santos Rosewood veneer with clear gloss piano lacquer, Ebony veneer with clear gloss piano lacquer, Piano black gloss.Frequency Response 35 Hz - 100 KHz Sensitivity (1W@1M) 90 dB Nominal Impedance 4 Ohms Maximum SPL  117.8 dBA Power Handling (RMS) 250 W Recommended Amplifier Requirements 100 - 250 W Bass Alignment Rear Ported HiVe®II technology Sealed Mid-range TLE® Mid / H.F Crossover Frequency 3600 Hz Bass Low Pass Crossover Frequency 600 Hz Drive Unit Complement 2 x 61/2 long-throw RDT® bass drivers 1 x 4" RDT® mid-range driver 1 x C-CAM® high frequency ribbon transducer External Dimensions (Including Plinth (H x W x D)) 998 x 360 x 375 mm (395/16 x 143/16 x 143/4 inches) Weight (each) 33Kg (72.7 lbs)

PMC 2.23(NUOVA EX DEMO)                                                                                              Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Certainly the first and overwhelming impression of the twenty•23 is an open, engaging and communicative loudspeaker. Its size defies both the depth of bass and scale of presentation by taking any music or film material in its stride. The sound is vivid and dynamic and delivered with authoritative bass. Close your eyes and their location dissolves.Twenty.23 is the most compact of the twenty series floor standing range. The twenty.23 offers astounding room filling sound with accurate imaging. At only 923mm hight the twenty.23 blends effortlesly into compact environments Power range 60-250w. Drivers 27 mm SONOLEX HF, PMC M13 140mm (5/1/4")LF matt lightweight. doped. Weight 13.2 Kgs. H923mm x W152mm x D330mm. Available finish: Amarone/Oak/Walnut/Diamond Black



AMPHION PRIO 520 (NUOVA EX DEMO)                                                              Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Specifications Type: 2 way, 3 driver loudspeaker systemFrequency Response: 50Hz to 30kHz Recommended Amplifier: 10 to 150W Crossover Frequency: 1600Hz Impedance: 4Ω Sensitivity: 91dB Bass: 2 x 5.25" nomex cone Tweeter: 1 x 1" titanium dome Enclosure: vented Finish: graphite black, white, natural birch Dimensions: 1040 x 215 x 158mm Weight: 17kg

AMPHION HELIUM 520 (NUOVA EX DEMO)                                                     Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Helium 520 is liked by people, who like they sound natural and open with a little bit warmth. Helium 520 provides immerse musical enjoyment without spending a fortune on the total system - also with less-than-perfect source material. Slim, elegant and easy to place Helium 520 adapts to your requirements – also aesthetically. I maybe be poise and pretty, but packs a mighty punch. Technical specifications Operating principle: 2-way, vented weeter: 1" titanium Mid / woofer: 2 x 5,25" paper Crossover point: 1600 Hz Impedance: 4 ohm Sensitivity: 90 dB Frequency response: 40 - 30 000 Hz Power recommendation: 10 - 150 W Measurements (h x w x d): 1040 x 160 x 215 mm Weight: 16 Kg Colours: black, white, full white and veneer wood cherry, birch and walnut -

KLIPSCH  RF3 II                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Sistema da pavimento, caricamento bass reflex, 2 vie, potenza 100 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 98 db. Altoparlanti: 2 Wf con membrana in alluminio-ceramica 20 cm, Tw a tromba tractix; la cassa è predisposta per bi amping/bi wiring, cablaggio Monster Cable serie Z. Finitura ciliegio,

ALIANTE  CVM TOWER                                                                             Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Le CNM Tower presentano, come si vede dalla foto a destra, una configurazione piuttosto particolare, col secondo woofer montato sulla faccia superiore della cassa (guarda, cioè, verso il soffitto). Tale soluzione offre alcuni vantaggi: riduce l'impatto visivo causato da 3 altoparlanti incolonnati lungo lo stretto frontale ed aumenta la quantità di suono riflesso verso le altre pareti, migliorando la spazialità e l'immagine sonora creata. Non si tratta di una soluzione nuova (già vista, ad esempio, su alcuni modelli analoghi Indiana Line) ma mi trova estremamente favorevole.Esteticamente alleggerito da questa insolita configurazione, il frontale delle CNM Tower è snello ed elegante, rifinito in (finto) ciliegio, come il retro della cassa. La finitura è fatta così bene che a prima vista trae in inganno e fa pensare a legno massello. I fianchi della cassa invece sono ingentiliti da un rivestimento in pelle sintetica nera opaca, molto elegante. Lo sbocco del reflex è anteriore, per evitare interazioni con la parete posteriore, i morsetti sono di buona qualità e consentono il biwiring, nella base sono presenti 4 punte regolabili. Il cabinet appare molto robusto e sordo, merito delle dimensioni contenute ma anche della qualità della costruzione. Un particolare che farà felici molte mogli: la morsettiera per i cavi è posizionata quasi a ridosso del pavimento, quindi i cavi di collegamento non penzoleranno come dei tristissimi stenditoi da salotto, pronti ad essere strappati via dal primo bambino o cucciolo in vena di esplorazioni :-) Nelle CNM Tower i cavi corrono praticamente ad altezza di pavimento. Questi i dati tecnici dichiarati: Due vie, doppio reflex, da pavimento Woofer: 2 x 130 mm., membrana in carta trattata, doppio magnete da 75 mm., sospensione in gomma Tweeter: 26 mm. a cupola morbida, in tessuto Impedenza nominale: 8 ohm Frequenza di crossover: 2,5 KHz Efficienza: 90 dB/W/1m Finitura: vinile leather e ciliegio Dimensioni: cm 17 (l) x 103 (h) x 22 (p) Peso: 16 Kg


NFINITY   KAPPA 600                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Tutti gli altoparlanti impiegati nella nuova serie Kappa sonorealizzati col composito ceramico C.M.M.D. (Ceramica MetalMatrix Diaphgram), che consiste in una struttura a sandwichNcomposta da due strati di alumina e uno di alluminio per i conidegli altoparlanti. I principali vantaggi sono una sensibileNriduzione delle distorsioni, una maggiore escursione dei coniuna timbrica particolarmente definita.NIl Subwoofer Kappa Sub utilizza invece il sistema di equalizzazione parametrica R.A.B.O.S. (Room Adaptive BassNOptimization System) che permette di ridurre in maniera consistente le risonanze relative all'emissione delle frequenzeN basse e ultrabasse all'interno di una grande varietà di ambienti d'ascolto.


INFINITY     DELTA 60                                            Telefona/ invia un e-mail

sensitivity dB @ 1m/2.83V 90dB Impedance (ohms) 6Bass Driver 2 X 210mm Midrange Driver 110mm High Frequency Driver EMIT-R Power Rating 25 - 200 watts Frequency Response 30 - 35kHz Dimensions 1121mm x 384mm x 420mm deep  .Kg 26kg each


MISSION   733                                                                                                                        Telefona/ invia un e-mail

I sistemi di altoparlanti da pavimento - 733 dovrebbero essere una buona alternativa per quegli amanti di Mission, che sono soddisfatti del suono del tipo di monitor 732 in generale, ma non vogliono sopportare la necessità di acquistare anche stand. Come bonus l'azienda garantisce l'estensione di una gamma operativa nell'area dei bassi fino a 10 Hz. Questi due modelli hanno davvero molto in comune come, del resto, tutti i sistemi di altoparlanti della 73a serie. Nonostante il peso ridotto, il corpo del Mission 733i si differenzia per l'elevata rigidità e inerzia. La posizione dell'ingresso bass reflex sul pannello frontale consente una libertà pressoché totale nella scelta del posizionamento dei sistemi di altoparlanti. Gli sviluppatori affermano che la distanza minima può essere solo di 10 cm. Qualsiasi cavo qualitativo è adatto per il collegamento a un amplificatore, ma, secondo l'opinione del produttore, Mission o Cyrus saranno la variante migliore. Quattro terminali non sono dorati ma "onnivori". La missione 733 stende grandi e audaci tocchi di vernice su una tela sonora. La gradazione del colore è virata verso toni scuri, un po' solenni. In altre parole, il loro suono è caratterizzato da una certa pesantezza, causata dallo spostamento del bilanciamento del tono nell'area delle basse frequenze. Stanno fortemente sulle punte e si adattano perfettamente a qualsiasi brano musicale. Tuttavia, più spesso non danneggia il resto delle ottave, e dove l'idea è enfatizzata dall'amplificazione della batteria, il suo suono è semplicemente fantastico. Ad esempio, "Luv Unconditional" dei Bluezeum ti tocca il cuore con il basso profondo e allo stesso tempo nettamente definito, la voce con una roca caratteristica blues e, stranamente, con sezioni di armoniche a bocca. E ancora ci sono rivendicazioni ai vertici. Forse è l'unica caratteristica comune a tutti i sistemi di altoparlanti da cinquecento dollari. Hanno estremamente bisogno della risoluzione in questo intervallo. I fili metallici finissimi di piatti e pennello jazz non vogliono dividersi, confondendosi in ciocche informi di "rumore rosa". È anche molto difficile scoprire il contributo all'impressione generale dei sistemi di altoparlanti. La ditta inglese "Celestion" non ha bisogno di presentazioni speciali. Per quasi 75 anni della sua esistenza il nome dell'azienda è diventato uno dei sinonimi della scuola inglese del suono. Oggi lo spettro dei prodotti Celestion comprende tutte le applicazioni, che comunque si associano ai sistemi di diffusione sonora.

The floor speaker systems - 733 should be a good alternative for those Mission lovers, who are satisfied with the sound of 732 monitor type in general, but don't want to put up with a need to buy also stands. As a bonus the company guarantees the extension of an operating range in bass area up to 10 Hz. These two models really have much in common as, indeed, all speaker systems of 73th series. Despite of little weight the body of Mission 733i differs by high rigidity and inertia. The location of the bass reflex input on the front panel causes almost complete freedom in the choice of placement for the speaker systems. The developers claim that the minimal distance can be only 10 cm. Any qualitative wires suit for the connection to an amplifier, but, according to manufacturer's opinion, Mission or Cyrus will be the best variant. Four terminals are not gilt but "omnivorous". Mission 733 lays large, bold dabs of paint on sound canvas. Color-grade is shifted towards dark, a bit solemn tones. In other words, their sound is characterized by somewhat of heaviness, caused by shifting of tone balance in the area of low frequencies. They strongly stand on the spikes and also thoroughly fit to any piece of music. However, more often it doesn't damage the rest of octaves, and where the idea is emphasized by the amplifying of drums, its sound is just amazing. For example, "Luv Unconditional" by Bluezeum touches you to the heart by the deep and at the same time sharply defined bass, vocal with a distinctive blues huskiness and, oddly to say, by sections of mouth harmonicas. And again there are claim to the tops. Perhaps, it's the only common feature of all five hundred dollars speaker systems. They extremely need the resolution in this range. The finest metallic threads of plates and jazz brush don't want to divide, confusing into shapeless locks of "pink noise". It is also very difficult to find out the contribution to the overall impression of the speaker systems. The English firm "Celestion" has no need in a special introduction. For almost 75 years of its existence the name of the company became one of the synonymous of English school of sound. Today the specter of Celestion products includes all applications, which anyhow associate with speaker systems.


WILSON AUDIO   WATT PUPPY3                                                                   Telefona/ invia un e-mail

WATT 3: Two-way, stand-mounted loudspeaker with reflex bass loading (QB3, quasi third-order Butterworth alignment fitted with 1"-diameter, 1.75"-deep port suitable for amplifiers with damping factors (DF) of 100 to 400; alternative port supplied for amplifiers with DF between 20 and 80). Drive-units: 1" inverted-dome tweeter, 6.5" doped-pulp–cone midrange/woofer unit. Estimated crossover frequency: 3.7kHz. Frequency response: 58Hz–18kHz +1, –3dB. Nominal impedance: 4 ohms (measured minimum 1.7 ohms at 2.4kHz). Sensitivity: 91dBA/W/m. Amplifier requirements: 30W minimum. Subjective performance Q: 1 (–6gb points). Dimensions: 13.625" H by 11.1" (11.9" wood-paneled) W by 16.5" D. Enclosure volume: 12 liters. Weight: 120 lbs/pair (166 lbs shipping weight).Puppy: floorstanding subwoofer with integral high-pass crossover for WATT 2 and 3 and reflex bass loading. Drive-units: two 7.5" plastic-cone woofers. Estimated frequency response (–3dB) when driven by integral low-pass crossover: 30Hz–130Hz. Nominal impedance: 4 ohms.Dimensions: 24" H by 11.3" W by 16.5" D.

MARTIN LOGAN   SEQUEL II                                                        Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Beyond our vigilant attention to aesthetic design. Beyond our unswerving commitment to technology that fills your home with harmonic purity, lies the concept of limitlesss horizons. Now you have the freedom to move from the ordinary to the sublime. The Sequel II is designed to reveal everything your present and future amplification systems can deliver. Pure sound that grows as you grow Sequel II Specifications Specifications are subject to change without notice Frequency Response 28–24,000 Hz ±2dB Recommended Amplifier Power 20‒400 watts per channelHorizontal Dispersion 30°Vertical Dispersion 48" (121.92cm) line source Sensitivity 89 dB/2.83 volts/meterImpedance Nominal: 6 Ohms Minimum: 2 Ohms. Compatible with 4, 6, or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers.Crossover Frequency250 Hz at 12dB per octave High Frequency Transducer 48" (121.92cm) CLS™ electrostatic transducer Low Frequency Transducer 10" (25.4cm) high excursion, high rigidity cone with extended throw drive assembly; sealed cabinet Components Custom-wound audio transformers polypropylene bypass capacitors, 100% oxygen free copper coils. Audio Controls Bass Control Switch: +2dB from 40-160 Hz Inputs 5-way bi-wire binding posts Weight 110 lbs. (50 kg) Dimensions 72" × 14" × 13" (182.9cm × 35.6cm × 33cm


PSB  SINCRONY  TWO                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

The Synchrony TwoTower Speakeris a full-range reproducer capable of delivering the most technically refined and demanding music and film recordings available with unexcelled realism and tonal, spatial, and dynamic accuracy. The Synchrony Two is similar in its overall design to theSynchrony One Tower Loudspeakerhowever its narrower, smaller footprint is ideal for more intimate settings, with performance very nearly matching the Synchrony One.Features & specs General  Enclosure Bass Reflex Finish Wood veneer Color Dark Cherry Tweeter Dome Tweeter Size (inches) 1 Midrange Size (inches) --- Woofer Size (inches) 5.25 Woofer Composition Fiberglass Woofer Surround Rubber Built-in Powered Sub No Dolby Atmos Drivers  Connector Type Posts Bi-amp Inputs Yes Parts Warranty 5 Years Labor Warranty 5 Years Specifications Power Range 20-300 Frequency Response 36-23k Hz Sensitivity 90 dB Impedance (Ohms) 4 Subwoofer Amp Power --- Height (inches) 39-1/8 Width (inches) 7-5/8 Depth (inches) 11-1/8 Weight 45 lbs

CANTON   GLE409                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Type Floorstanding speaker Nom. /Music power handling 150 / 320 watts SPL (1 watt/1m) 90.5 db Frequency response 20...30.000 Hz Crossover frequency 300 / 3.200 Hz Woofer 2 x 200 mm (8''), aluminum Midrange 1 x 180 mm (7''), aluminum Tweete1 x 25 mm (1''), Fabric Nominal Impedance 4...8 ohms Dimensions (WxHxD) 21 x 105 x 30 cm (8.3'' x 41.3'' x 11.8'') Weight 19.2 kg

B&W  CM9 S2                                                                              Telefona/ invia un e-mail


CELESTION    DITTON 4                                                                                            Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Tipologia di diffusore : sospensione a bass reflex posteriore.Numero delle vie : 3 con 4 altoparlanti. Altoparlanti istallati : 2 woofer da 21 Cm con sospensioni rovesciate in gomma, 1 midrange a cono da 11 Cm, 1 tweeter domme da 3,5 Cm. Frequenza di taglio del crossover : 530 e 3.800 Hz. Risposta in frequenza : 45 - 20.000 Hz. Potenza nominale (RMS) : 150 Watt.  Potenza di utilizzo consigliata : dai 10 ai 150 Watt RMS Impedenza nominale : 8 ohm. Sensibilità : 92,5 dB.(1 watt/1 metro) Griglia : in tessuto nero asportabile.  Rifinitura del mobile : vinile noce. Dimensione (L x H x P) : 35 x 70 x 30,5 Cm. Peso : 16 Kg. (cadauna) IMBALLI

INDIANA LINE  561 (NUOVE DEMO)                                                                                 Telefonare/E-mail


TESI 561 Diffusore acustico da pavimento caratterizzato dalla membrana in polpa di cellulosa del woofer da sei pollici e dal mid-woofer con cono in polipropilene rinforzato mica e rifasatore centrale; il sistema è completato dal tweeter con cupola da un pollice in leggerissima seta trattata, magnete al neodimio e camera di risonanza posteriore a ventilazione radiale. Sono notevoli la capacità dinamica e la quantità di basse frequenze. Disponibile con finitura in vinile noce chiaro o rovere nero.DATA 3-way, bass-reflex30 ÷ 150 watt suggested amplifier4 ÷ 8 ohm amplifier loading impedance35 ÷ 22000 hertz response92 dB (2.83 V / 1 m) sensitivity 160mm woofer 160 mm mid-woofer 26 mm dome tweeter180/2800 hertz crossover 180 x 890 x 300 mm – 13.7 kg bi-wiring / bi-amping terminals



FOCAL CHORUS  714                                                                                 Telefona/ invia un e-mail


QUAD  L22                                                                                                                  Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Chorus 714 V Floorstanding loudspeakers Focal Description The smallest of the Chorus V floorstanders exhibits a fine form with a minimal footprint. Elaborate yet balanced, the Chorus 714 V benefits from two 5" (14cm) woofers in a 2-and-a-half way configuration to deliver solid bass. Ideal for rooms of 15 to 25m2. Type: 2 1/2 way bass-reflex floor standing speaker. Technical specifications Type 2-1/2 way bass-reflex floorstanding speaker  Finish Light Walnut, Wengé, Black Ash, Havana  Drivers 5" (14cm) Polyglass woofer 5" (14cm) Polyglass mid-bass 1" (25mm) TNV Al/Mg inverted dome tweeter  Frequency response (+or-3dB) 52Hz - 28kHz  Low frequency point 43Hz  Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) 91dB  Nominal impedance 8 Ohms  Minimum impedance 4.2 Ohms  Crossover frequency 300Hz / 3 000Hz  Recommended amplifier power 25 - 150W  Dimensions (HxWxD) 35-7/16 x 8 x 11-5/8"  Net weight 35.6Ibs (16kg)

MONITOR  AUDIO MR4                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail


PIONEER    PROLOGUE 9                                                                                                      Telefona/ invia un e-mail

SONUS  FABER CAMELON                                                                                                             Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Con la collezione di diffusori Chameleon, Sonus faber intende offrire ad un pubblico più ampio, moderno e contemporaneo, tutti i propri elementi iconici che ne hanno fatto la storia: stile e design innovativi, qualità del suono e approccio artigianale nella costruzione, rigorosamente Made in Italy e “fatta a mano”. In Chameleon i tratti caratteristici di Sonus faber si uniscono ad un livello di personalizzazione del prodotto irraggiungibile prima d'ora: la struttura del cabinet è ricoperta in pelle, la flangia dei driver è impreziosita con inserti in alluminio e le pareti laterali hanno una struttura che accoglie gli innovativi fianchetti intercambiabili. In questo modo la scelta della finitura non è più definitiva e immutabile ma diventa qualcosa di identificativo per il singolo diffusore che può evolvere insieme ai gusti e ai desideri: in qualsiasi momento il possessore di Sonus faber Chameleon avrà la libertà di scegliere l’”abito” più adatto del proprio diffusore, rendendolo perfetto in ogni contesto e per ogni stile d’arredamento. Sonus faber Chameleon rappresenta una soluzione ottimale anche per chi è alla ricerca di una risposta immediata ed accessibile alle proprie necessità d’ascolto. SONUS FABER CHAMELEON B DIFFUSORE DA SUPPORTO BASS RELFEX A 2 VIE CON INNOVATIVO SISTEMA A PANNELLI LATERALI INTERCAMBIABILI - STRUTTURA SENZA FIANCHETTI, SET DI 4 PANNELLI (ADATTI PER COMPLETARE UNA COPPIA DI CHAMELEON B), DISPONIBILE IN DIVERSI COLORI, DA ACQUISTARE SEPARATAMENTE - TWEETER A CUPOLA MORBIDA SENZA FERROFLUIDO DA 29 MM - 1 MID-WOOFER CON CONO IN POLIPROPILENE DA 150 MM - RISPOSTA IN FREQUENZA 50 HZ - 25 KHZ - EFFICIENZA 87 DB - TAGLIO CROSSOVER 2500 HZ - STRUTTURA TRAPEZOIDALE CON CABINET RIVESTITO IN PELLE E FLANGIA ALTOPARLANTI CON INSERTI IN ALLUMINIO - PREDISPOSIZIONE PER BI-WIRING E BI-AMPING - STAND DEDICATO OPZIONALE - PROGETTO E COSTRUZIONE ARTIGIANALE FATTA A MANO RIGOROSAMENTE MADE IN ITALY - ALTEZZA (IN MM) 316 LARGHEZZA (IN MM) 185 PROFONDITA' (IN MM) 283 PESO (IN KG) 6.7 OPTIONAL Set di fianchetti intercambiabili

MONITOR AUDIO   SILVER RX 1 (DEMO)                                                                                     Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Silver RX is Monitor Audio's stunning mid-market speaker range. Classically configured and crafted using our finest proven technologies, Silver RX offers the widest appeal by providing a truly affordable audiophile performance from a slender décor-friendly design. Techniques and materials refined for our flagship models are deployed comprehensively throughout each of the seven RX designs, which combine in matching stereo and multi-channel systems to provide a dynamic blend of audio accuracy, exceptional build quality and design excellence. Resplendent in a choice of premium quality real wood veneers: Rosenut, Natural Oak, Walnut, Black Oak, and high-gloss black or white piano finishes, the ravishing RX series relies on Monitor Audio's most prestigious science for its proven class-leading sound quality. The RX cabinets are constructed from 19mm MDF throughout (25mm for RXW12 subwoofer), and in conjunction with bolt-through driver bracing, employ additional radial and cross-bracing for high box rigidity and low cabinet colouration. Magnetic grille fixing makes attaching and removing the grille easier and provides a cleaner look when the grille is removed. Using FEA (Finite Elemental Analysis) we have developed new ways to shape our C-CAM® driver material in the cause of even greater fidelity. We've precision-tuned the RX tweeter design, bringing higher sensitivity and a wider bandwidth for finer high frequency resolution. Advanced computer simulations and intensive listening sessions have optimised the performance of the RST® (Rigid Surface Technology) mid-range/bass drivers as well. Their super-stiff dimpled profiles are more resistant to break-up under high drive conditions and so produce a wider range of purer frequencies. In developing the finest traditions of the brand, the Silver RX range offers a performance that will satisfy and endure. For music or home theatre applications, Monitor Audio’s Silver RX has the perfect mix of virtues for 21st Century living.Standing at just 312mm tall, the RX1 will deliver faithful crystal-clear definition and power from just about anywhere. Perfect for music and film sound where space is at a premium, the RX1 provides elite Monitor Audio quality to refresh and enliven your system. Technology C-CAM® tweeter with damped rear chamber, providing improved clarity and wider operating range for HD audio formatsCast polymer bass chassis design for better rigidity and lower reflection propertiesHiVe®II port technology for better transient response and tighter bassSingle bolt through driver system, for increased overall bracing and rigidity Selected premium quality wood veneers or high gloss piano finishes Rigid 19mm MDF construction throughout, employing radial and cross-bracing techniques for high rigidity resulting in low cabinet colouration Invisible magnetic grille fixing provides clean visual styling when used with the grille off.System Format 2 Way Frequency Response 45Hz - 35kHz Sensitivity (1W@1M) 89dB Nominal Impedance 6 Ohms Maximum SPL 111.8 Power Handling (RMS) 80W Recommended Amplifier Requirements 25-80W Bass Alignment Bass reflex - rear ported. HiVe®II port System Crossover Frequency 3.0kH Drive Unit Complement 1 x 6" RST® Bass/Mid driver. 1 x 1" (25mm) C-CAM® gold dome tweeter External Dimensions (H x W x D) 312 x 185 x 240 mm (12 5/16 x 7 5/16 x 9 7/16 inch) Weight (each) 6.8 Kg (15 lb)

B&W  686 S2                                                                              Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Serie 600 S2 Diffusore bookshelf a 2 vie, bass reflex frontale Flowport, woofer/midrange in Kevlar da 130mm, tweeter a doppia cupola in alluminio da 25mm con caricamento a condotto Nautilus, disaccoppiato dal cabinet da un anello in gel. Potenza 25-100W. Predisposta per bi-wiring. Possibilità di fissaggio a muro tramite staffe integrate posteriori. Piccolo è bello. Il 686 è il modello più compatto di questa nuova gamma, ma non sono da sottovalutare la sua potenza e la precisione. Questo in virtù del nuovo tweeter disaccoppiato a doppia cupola e del suo progetto largamente migliorato. Come diffusore da libreria o appeso ad una parete, il 686 è progettato per adattarsi a qualsiasi spazio mantenendo un suono perfetto. Il suo principale trasduttore è un woofer/midrange da 13 cm che beneficia di una nuova bobina mobile da 25 mm così da renderlo più efficiente con una gamma bassa adatta al funzionamento in prossimità di una parete.Le prestazioni in gamma bassa sono di vitale importanza, ma spesso possono risultare carenti nei diffusori più piccoli. Non è il caso del 686. Ciò grazie anche al condotto Flowport ricoperto da minuscole fossette, simili a quelle che nelle palline da golf migliorano l’aerodinamica, che regolano il flusso d'aria evitando turbolenze ed offrendo bassi potenti senza fastidiosi rumori. E la sua collocazione frontale ha consentito di assottigliare il mobile così da poterlo installare a parete. Come il resto della gamma, e nonostante le piccole dimensioni, il 686 dispone di un tweeter disaccoppiato a doppia cupola in alluminio per prestazioni ideali sugli acuti. Questo modello è anche dotato di una staffa integrata per il montaggio a parete, anche se questo piccolo e versatile diffusore suona bene praticamente ovunque.

KEF  REFERENCE102                                                                                                     Telefona/ invia un e-mail

 Since the earliest days of high quality sound reproduction, there has existed, in professional and domestic fields, the need for compact speaker systems capable of very high quality sound. Many such speakers exist but, until now, these have generally invoived unacceptable restrictions either of sensitivity, bass extension or maximum loudness capability. The new KEF Model 102, with KUBE active low-level equaliser has changed all that. For Model 102 is an ultra compact speaker system that is efficient, easy to drive, and has bass extension to 40 Hz (-6 dB, Q=0.5) with a maximum spl of 107 dB. It is the ideal model for locations where space is at a premium. Physically very compact it may be, but KEF's advanced "hybrid" dividing network technique comos into its own, creating the character of a full size design, with little compromise in power handlong, sensitivity or loudness capabililty. Model 102 is the smallest of the new Reference Series loudspeakers.Specifications Model 102 Frequency Response: 65 - 20,000 Hz, ±2 dB at 2 m ref axis (-6 dB at 40 Hz, Q=0.5) Directional Characteristics: Within 2 dB of response on axis up to 15 kHz for ± 10° vertically, up to 10 kHz ±30° horizontally. Maximum Output: 107 dB spl on programme peeks under typical listening conditions. Enclosure Volume: 10,5 litres Amplifier Requirements: Suitable for use with amplifiers capable of providing between 50 and 200 W into 4 Ω resistive load. Nominal Impedance: 4 Ω, resistive 200 Hz - 20 kHz Characteristic Sensitivity Level: 92 dB spl at 1m on reference axis for pink noise input of 2,83 Vrms band limited 50 Hz - 20 kHz (anechoic conditions) Angle of Reference: 0° from horizontal Height of Origin of Reference Axis: 200 mm (7.9") above base of cabinet (not including feet) Dimensions (h x W x d): 330 x 208 x 263 mm (13" x 8,2" x 10,3") Weight: 6,8 kg (15 lbs)

ROKSAN  K2TR5                                                                                                                                   Telefona/ invia un e-mail

esb  75LM                                                                                                                                              €.   450,00

ESB 75LM tre vie, unità medio alta regolabile, woofer da 25 cm potenza 100 watt, impedenza 8 ohms. altezza 60 cm larghezza 34 cm profondità 28,5 cm

B&W   DM620                                                                                                                                    €.   690,00

 Floor standing, two way passive loudspeaker, designed for domestic hi-fi systems. Bi-wiring / bi-amplification facility. Drive units: One 200mm (8") bass/mid with rigid diecast chassis, reinforced polypropylene diaphragm and 31mm (½") high temperature voice coil on Kapton former. One 26mm (1") high frequency with metal dome, high temperature voice coil and magnetic fluid cooling. One passive bass radiator with long throw capability. Frequency range: -6dB at 44Hz and 30kHz Frequency response: 58kHz - 20kHz (± 2dB) Reference Axis: Horizontal 605mm from bottom of cabinet. Dispersion: within ±2dB of response on reference axis 20Hz - 15kHz Horizontal over 40° arc, Vertical over 10° arc Sensitivity: 90dB (2.83V, 1 metre) Impedance: Nominal 8 Ohms Crossover frequency: 3kHz Internal volume: 30. litres Power handling: suitable for amplifiers 25 - 100 Watts Dimensions: 742 (H) x 236 (W) x 302 (D) mm Weight:: 14.2kg

INFINITY  RS 4000                                                                                                                            €.   450,00


SPECIFICATIONS INFINITY SYSTEMS INC., 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 REV A 7-98 Nominal Impedance: 6 ohms Power Rating: 25-125 watts RMS Sensitivity: 89dB @ 1 watt, 1 meter Crossover Frequencies: 800Hz and 3,500Hz Frequency Response: 45Hz-45kHz +/-3dB ACOUSTIC & ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1x - EMIT Tweeter 1x - 3.5" (6.5cm) Midrange m1x - 8" (20.3cm) Polypropylene Woofe Dimensions: 22.5"H x 12.5"W" x 10.25"D mPolypropylene  57cm(H) x 31.75cm(W) x 26cm(D)

CHARIO Hyper 3                                                                                                     Telefonare/E-mail         


RCF   BR1037                                                                                                                   Telefonare/E-mail     


potenza 100W impedenza 8 hom

AR   MST                                                                                                                           Telefonare/E-mail     



INFINITY  QUANTUM                                                                                                                           Telefonare/E-mail     


Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


B&W HTM3S       (Nuovo  esposto)                                                                                                                                          Telefonare/E-mail

 3 vie, bass reflex, 2 woofer/midrange in Rohacell, midrange FST (Fixed Suspension Transducer) in Kevlar, tweeter Nautilus a cupola metallica. Struttura interna Matrix. Potenza 50-200W. Con tecnologia “Flow Port System”. Canale centrale con altoparlanti schermati.Legno  palissandro (ROSENUT).(Stand opzionale)

The HTM3S is the larger of the two centre speakers that feature our improved aluminium dome tweeter. The HTM3S also features two 165mm (6.5 in) Rohacell® cone bass drivers in a symmetrical arrangement with a central Kevlar® cone FST™ midrange driver. Centre speakers are of huge importance in home theatre installations. They should be well voice matched to the left and right speakers to ensure consistency of sounds panning across the stage and should exhibit great clarity and detail for that crucial task of reproducing speech. The HTM3S amply fulfils these requirements when partnered with either the 803S or 804S at front left and right, by using a similar complement of drive units and the same quality approach to crossover design.The HTM3S can be mounted on a shelf or the purpose designed FS-HTM floor stan



MONITOR AUDIO  SILVER CENTRE                                                                                         Telefona/ invia un e-mail

The role of a centre-channel speaker is to reproduce up to 60% of a movie soundtrack, including the critical dialogue content, yet by the sound of some rival systems, surprisingly little time is devoted to its de The exceptional RX Centre proves the old adage that you get out what you put in. It’s been very finely calibrated to match the dynamics and timbre of other RX speakers for a wonderfully open, detailed and seamless front sound stage in any RX system configuration. We’ve tuned the RX Centre’s multi-driver components to deliver the optimal combination of sonic virtue and size, so that the velvet subtlety of whispers and the explosive force of action scenes are conveyed with equal priority by a compact design that’s perfect for the role.Technology C-CAM® tweeter design with damped rear chamber, providing improved clarity and wider operating range to make better use of HD audio formats6” C-CAM® bass and bass/ mid-range drivers incorporate RST® technology Sealed cabinet configuration for accurate performance when installed in cabinet, restricted voids or close to a wall Selected premium quality wood veneers or high gloss piano finishes.Acoustically matched with all other Rx speakers for excellent imaging and consistency of timbre in surround applications. System Format 2 1/2 Way Frequency Response 45Hz - 35kHz Sensitivity (1W@1M) 90dB Nominal Impedance 6 Ohms Maximum SPL 114.8 Power Handling (RMS) 125W Recommended Amplifier Requirements 40-125W Bass Alignment Sealed Cabinet Crossover Frequency LF: 500Hz MF/HF: 3.0kHz Drive Unit Complement 1 x 6" RST® Bass driver. 1 x 6" RST® Bass/Mid driver. 1 x 1" (25mm) C-CAM® gold dome tweeter External Dimensions (H x W x D) 185 x 500 x 200 mm (7 5/16 x 19 11/16 x 7 7/8 inch) Weight (each) 9.62 Kg (21.13 lb)


INFINITY  PRIMUS   CENTER                                                                                           Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

2 vie altoparlante Tutte le membrane in all' esclusiva tecnologia MMD di infinity Alta efficienza energetica per resa ottimale dal vostro amplificatore magneticamente schermati, può essere sistemato anche nei pressi di TV dispositivi

Infinity's speakers have always been known for their crisp, clear sound, and the Primus PC250 center channel speaker is no exception. It accurately reproduces the human voice for clean movie dialogue, and provides plenty of impact for exciting home theater sound. The PC250 does a fantastic job of focusing your attention on the screen and pulling you into the action with all your movies and video games  video-shielded frequency response 80-20,000 Hz (±3dB) 8-ohm impedance sensitivity 90 dB handles up to 150 watts 3/4" MMD™ tweeter dual 5-1/4" MMD woofers acoustic suspension (sealed) design black woodgrain vinyl finish 5-way binding posts 18-1/8"W x 7-3/8"H x 9-3/4"D

CHARIO  PHOENIX  CENTER  NUOVO                               Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Phoenix  Il sistema Phoenix nato come canale centrale per un sistema multicanale, deve possedere particolari doti di trasparenza nella delicata gamma di frequenze del parlato. Niente di meglio di una Lynx a sviluppo orizzontale, con l'aggiunta di un secondo woofer per rendere omogenea l'emissione in presenza di più persone che fruiscono del programma A/V. Phoenix può essere posizionato sia sopra sia sotto il monitor TV.  Il sistema Phoenix nato come canale centrale per un sistema multicanale, deve possedere particolari doti di trasparenza nella delicata gamma di frequenze del parlato. Niente di meglio di una Lynx a sviluppo orizzontale, con l'aggiunta di un secondo woofer per rendere omogenea l'emissione in presenza di più persone che fruiscono del programma A/V.  Low Frequency Load Vented back firing – TV screen 2π sr  Configuration 2way Symmetrical Cosine Shaped radiation  Drivers 1 Tweeter 38mm soft dome T38 WaveGuide 2 Woofer 130mm Paper Compound  Sensitivity 90 dB SPL normalized to 1m with 2.83Vrms pink noise within IEC 268-13 compliant listening room   Low Frequency Cut Off 80Hz @ -3dB referred to C4 WETS Xover Frequency 1,500Hz  Alignment 4th Order All Pass  Rated Impedance 8Ω  Suggested amplifiers Rated for 120W/8Ω max Average Power  Size 215x490x260mm (HxWxD)  Weight 11kg  Cabinet Finishing Solid walnut or solid cherry and HDF COLORE   NERO   NUOVO IMBALLATO  

Phoenix  The Phoenix system is a multi-channel stereophony dedicated central speaker. Because its primary job is to deliver a full intelligible message, both transparency and detail were assumed as absolute design target. Nothing is better than a small speaker for reproducing sound nuances. So we decided for a symmetrical horizontal array of Lynx drivers. This solution let the viewers at both sides of the “sweet spot” to wholly perceive dialogue information or centre-line musical sources without altered timbre or fuzzy localization cues. Either of top or under TV screen positioning is allowed, preferably at the same height of front speakers.  Low Frequency Load Vented back firing – TV screen 2π sr  Configuration 2way Symmetrical Cosine Shaped radiation  Drivers 1 Tweeter 38mm soft dome T38 WaveGuide 2 Woofer 130mm Paper Compound  Sensitivity 90 dB SPL normalized to 1m with 2.83Vrms pink noise within IEC 268-13 compliant listening room  Low Frequency Cut Off 8



INFINITY  KAPPA CENTER B                                                                                                                                              €. 790,00

Altoparlanti 2x13cm woofer 8 cm  midrange  tweeter  emit-b- risposta  in  frequenza 70hz -45khz 2db  - Frequenza  di taglio 600hz ,4khz- efficenza 88db/2.8v/1m- impedenza 6 ohm- Misure  509x230x270 mm- Potenza  10w-150w - Peso 12.5 kg.


B&W 805 S                                                                                                                                                                                €. 750,00

SOLO  1  Diffusore  adoperabile  per  esempio  canale  centrale

B&W  SCM1                                                                                                                                                                           €. 700,00

MISURE 44 x 37 x 16 cm  1  SOLO  1  Diffusore  adoperabile  per  esempio  canale  centrale.


Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

McIntosh   MA 6700                                                                                             Telefonare/e-mail

Amplificatore integrato a stato solido da 2 x 200 w/2/4/8 w con trasformatori d' uscita e convertitore d/a - sezione preamplificatrice di nuova concezione derivata dal c-48 - 6 ingressi linea (1 bilanciat0) sezione ingresso phono mm e mc completamente separate a partire dall' ingresso sdoppiato - un ingresso usb, uno ottico e uno coassiale - accetta segnali digitali fino a 32 bit 192 khz - selettore registrazione indipendente - bypass per home theatre - separazione pre/finale + uscita pre - vu meter con retroilluminazione a fibre ottiche - controlli di tono alti e bassi escludibili - power guard - predisposizione modulo tuner opzionale - uscita cuffia - telecomando multifunzionale - dimensioni 445 x 193 x 559 - peso 34,1 kg.




Specifications: Power Output: 100W x 2 with 24,000uF of capacitance using 200W SMPS 325W peak power at 8 ohms. Freq. Response: 20 Hz -0.3dB to 120 kHz -3dB THD+N = 0.1%, 1kHz, 10W, 4 ohm load Remote input selection and volume control with memory (last selection, volume level) Digitally-controlled switched attenuator. Volume Range: +30dB to –70dB with 0.5dB steps Audio Inputs: 4 sets of RCA inputs (1 set can be configured as pre-out) Audio Outputs: 1 set of RCA preamp output jacks (only 3 sets of RCA inputs are available if this is configured) Speaker Binding Posts accept spade lugs or banana plugs Chassis is 100% high-grade, brushed and anodized aluminum to reduce audio resonance Dimensions: 1.75”H x 8.5”W x 16”D Weight: 8.5 lbs. Power Requirements: Worldwide 90-240VAC, auto select IA-7 V3 has one (1) year full warranty and two (2) year parts warranty NuForce IA-7 V3 ,100Wx2 The NuForce IA-7 V3 is an integrated stereo amplifier with remote control. Because the IA-7 V3 shares the same circuit board as our Reference Series amplifiers, it offers exemplary performance at a most attractive price. The unit is housed in a black or silver sand-blasted anodized aluminum case. We provide control knobs in black and silver for user mixing-and-matching.Heat Dissipation: In order to achieve superior heat dissipation, the IA-7 V3’s internal amplifier board has been designed to conduct heat directly to the top cover instead of the bottom chassis, which is why the IA-7 V3’s top cover will be hotter to the touch than other parts of the chassis. After prolonged use, the IA-7 V3 top cover's temperature can reach 54 degree C. This is not a problem. To the contrary, the design provides the internal components with longer-term reliability.

DENON   PMA-1500SE                                                                                                        Telefonare/e-mail

Specifications Power output: 70 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.07% Input sensitivity: 0.2mV (MC), 2.5mV (MM), 125mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 74dB (MC), 89dB (MM), 108dB (line) Dimensions: 434 x 134 x 410mm Weight: 14.6kg Accessories: remote control  VERSIONE  110V


TECHNICS  SU-MA 10                                                                                                                                    €.    850,00

Massive integrated audio amplifier with built-in 1-bit MASH digirtal stages and monitoring loop - plus bombastic reservoirs of caps, heatsinks and transformers. Each X-Pro capacitor is in fact two-in-one: one for positive phase and one for negative. Besides this, these beer cans are copper topped and plotted into composite materials for less vibrations and even less magnetic leakage. The two 300VA transformers are of the EI kind and wound with OFC copper. The dual-mono structure is followed through the back with the input terminals centered vertically and the output posts being, previsibly, spread over the left and right sections.The MASH d/a section, running the entire depth near the bottom plate, is typical of MASH sections: multi-stage noise shaping with several PLL loops to output every digital bit in good order and amplitude. This MASH section is connected directly to the power output section. Added to it is "Class AA": stabilizing input and output voltages for a 140dB digital s/n ratio...Part of the penultimate high-end Technics full lineup, at 107,000¥, loaded as it was, the 25kg SU-MA10 was quite a bargain. It still is but it's pretty rare anywhere. Specifications Power output: 100 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% Damping factor: 110 Input sensitivity: 0.25mV (MC), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 70dB (MC), 79dB (MM), 92dB (line) Channel separation: 55dB (line) Output: 150mV (line) Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 430 x 186 x 433mm Weight: 25kg

Pioneer  A8                                                                                                            Telefonare/e-mail

Description The power amplifier section of the Pioneer A-8 adopts a non-switching amplifier system which combines the merits of the class A amplifier's high quality and the class B amplifier's high efficiency for a continuous power output of 90 watts per channel, min at 8 ohms from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.005% total harmonic distortion.The voltage amplification stage features two current detector circuits to control the bias circuit voltage and prevent the current flowing to the power transistors from being cut off.As a result of these innovations, the distortion generated when the transistors are switched is suppressed, the dynamic distortion is improved and the sound takes on an extra dimension in clarity extended to the high-frequency range.The power amplifier features a DC servo circuit employing an operational amplifier. By adopting a DC servo circuit and incorporating an lET differential input circuit in the first stage, it has become possible to cut out the coupling capacitors, which cause colouration in the sound quality, and provide a direct coupled circuitry configuration from the AUX, TUNER and TAPE terminals through the outputs.As a result, virtually distortion-free sound reproduction is ensured across a wide frequency spectrum from the ultra-low range to the ultra-high range.This unit comes with a unique line straight switch which can be flipped to allow the signals to bypass the tone control circuit, balance volume and mode switch.It is thus easy to provide a simple circuit configuration - something which is extremely important as far as the purity of the sound heard is concerned, MM/MC Equalizer With High S/N Ratio.By using pictographs for the function position and speaker output display, operational ease is enhanced.As soon as the A-8 protection circuit is actuated to protect the amplifier from damage when the speaker terminals have been short circuited in error or as soon as the muting circuit, which functions to prevent the unpleasant noise heard when the power is switched on and off, is made operational, the speaker output is cut off and indication is made by this red protection indicator lamp. The lamp changes over to green once the amplifier is operating normally again. All the function switches and volume control which are used regularly are positioned on the right while all the sub-controls which are usually set up and then left without further adjustment are housed behind a movable panel at the left. All the indicators that show the signal flow, output level and other modes of operation at a glance are housed on a panel in the center of the unit.Specifications Power output: 90 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 100kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% Damping factor: 60 Input sensitivity: 0.25mV (MC), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 72dB (MC), 90dB (MM), 110dB (line) Output: 150mV (line) Speaker load impedance: 6Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 420 x 132 x 423mm  Weight: 13.8kg

ELETTROCPMANIET EC I3                                                                                                             Telefonare/e-mail

ARCA  A29                                                                                                                                   Telefonare/e-mail

HK 980                                                                                                                              Telefonare/e-mail

Power output: 80 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 150kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.09% Damping factor: 125 Input sensitivity: 4mV (MM), 270mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 75dB (MM), 95dB (line) Dimensions: 440 x 117 x 358mm Weight: 10.35kg

ONKYO  A8500                                                                                                                    Telefonare/e-mail

Specifications Power output: 50 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 2Hz to 50kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.008% Damping factor: 150 Input sensitivity: 0.16mV (MC), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 74dB (MC), 93dB (MM), 107dB (line) Output: 150mV (line) Dimensions: 435 x 157 x 391mm Weight: 12.5kg

LUXMAN  A311                                                                                                                                           €.    350,00


ARCAM  ALPHA 9                                                                                                                                             €.   450,00

Description The Arcam Alpha 9 integrated amplifier has 6 line level inputs and an optional phono input Specifications Power output: 70 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Total harmonic distortion: 0.02% Input sensitivity: 0.26mV (MC), 2.6mV (MM), 160mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 73dB (MC), 79dB (MM), 90dB (line) Output: 0.8V (Pre out) Dimensions: 430 x 330 x 110m Weight: 6.1kg


NAKAMICHI AMPLIFIER 2                                                                                                                          €.   550,00

Merkmale / Funktionen / Ausstattung: Harmonic Time Alignment Prinzip - Minimum an Verzerrung für bessere Tonqualität  Hochpegelstufe mit diskreten Bauelementen  großzügig dimensionierte Leistungstrafos für enorme Stromkapazität  niederohmige Aussteuerung für besseren Klang  Netzteil in "Multi-Regulated"-Technik - separate Transformatorwicklungen "Isolated Group"-Prinzip - Referenzpotential bleibt immer konstant, was stabiles Arbeiten aller Schaltungen garantiert  Phono: MM/MC - Schalter hinten  Tone Schalter- der Klang kann mit den entsprechenden Reglern eingestellt werden  Systemsteuerung RI - zur Steuerung weiteren RI- fähigen Nakamichi-Geräte  Muting Funktion  Bass, Treble, Balance Regler  Rec Selector  Input Selector: Tape2, Tape1, Phono, Tuner, CD, AUX  Lautsprecherwahlschalter: A/B, A+B  Anschlüsse s. Bilder  Technische Daten: (alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) DIN Ausgangsleistung an 4 Ohm: 2 x 80 W  RMS Ausgangsleistung an 8 Ohm: 2 x 50 W  Musikleistung an 2 /4 Ohm: 2 x 140 W / 2 x 90 W  Gesamtklirrfaktor: 0,01%  Aufnahmeleistung: 370 W  Abmessungen ca. (B x H x T): 430 x 125 x 360 mm  Gewicht: ca. 12,5 kg

EXPOSURE  1010                                                                                                                     Telefonare/e-mail

amplificatore integrato 50W / canale - Trasformatore toroidale customizzato 120VA ad elevata capacità - Ingresso AV dedicato a guadagno fisso - Circuitazione Cascode per migliorare l’immunità dell’alimentazione

High capacity 120VA custom made toroidal transformer Anodised aluminium faceplate  High quality capacitors used in signal path  Short signal path PCB MRelay switching of input signals MDedicated fixed gain AV input Cascode circuitry used for improved power supply immunity MHigh quality remote control MThree year guarantee • Power Output (1KHz): 50W per channel RMS 8ohms • Input sensitivity: 250mV • Input Impedance: >14K Ohms • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20KHz ± 0.7dB • Total Harmonic Distortion: <0.05% at rated power • Signal to Noise Ration: >95dB, A Weighted, ref rated power • Channel Separation: >60dB • Mains Supply: 110/120V or 220/240V, 50/60Hz (factory set) • Power Consumption: <120W • Dimensions - H x W x D: 90mm x 420mm x 300mm • Nett weight (unpacked): 5Kg • Gross Weight (packed): 7Kg

REGA    LUNA                                                                                                                   Telefonare/e-mail

2 (Stereo)  RMS Power (Watts Per Channel) 40 x 2 @ 8

ROTEL      980 BX                                                                                                            Telefonare/e-mail

A 2 x 100 watt Hi-Fi stereo integrated amplifier. Rotary controls for Bass, Treble and Volume/Balance. Rotary switches for Tone (On, Off), Mode (Mute, Stereo, Mono), Recording (Phono, Tuner, Off, CD, Aux, Tape 1) and Listening (Phono, Tuner, CD, Aux, Tape 1, Tape2). Press buttons for Power and Speaker Remote. Jack for Headphones. Push button to select MM or MC on the back. Connections for two pairs of loudspeaker. Continuous Power Output : 100 watts per channel, min. RMS both channels driven into 8Ω from 20Hz to 20kHz with no more than 0.03% Total Harmonic Distortion Speaker load impedance : 4Ω minimum Headphones load impedance : 8- 2kΩ Versions/Power Requirements 220 V AC 50Hz 240 V AC 50Hz Dimensioni (LxAxP) 440 x 121 x 347 mm / 17.3 x 4.8 x 13.7 inch Peso netto 10.1 kg

LUXMAN LV100                                                                                                               Telefonare/e-mail

TECHNICS  SU- 460                                                        Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Specifications Power output: 45 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 3Hz to 100kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% Damping factor: 60 Input sensitivity: 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 76dB (MM), 97dB (line) Channel separation: 50dB (line) Output: 150mV (line) Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 430 x 125 x 320mm Weight: 8kg Finish: black

DENON PMA720                                                                                                                                       €.   250,00

Beautiful amplifier of 2 x 80 watts in 8 ohms. Very good sound, one of the best in its class. 7 inputs Phono MM and MC. Pre and power amplifier can be disconnected. Dimensions: 434x142x343 mm Weight 8.2 kg Colour: black


YAMAHA   AX550                                                                                                                                        €.   250,00

JVC  AX372                                                                                                                            Telefonare/e-mail         

Specifications Power output: 40 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 100kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.007% Damping factor: 70 Input sensitivity: 2.5mV (MM), 200mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 75dB (MM), 106dB (line) Output: 200mV (line) Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 435 x 127 x 308.5mm Weight: 6.9kg

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

PATOS  IMPOL2                                                                                                                       Telefonare/e-mail       

INPOL® è l'ultima creazione della Pathos, così chiamata perchè nel progetto Pathos presenta la seconda generazione della tecnologia INPOL® di sua proprietà. E' anche una configurazione completamente bilanciata doppia-mono facilmente riconoscibile dallo stile. INPOL® che porta un brevetto mondiale e che ha dato vita a dei prodotti plurivincenti come il TT e l'InPower ha subito una evoluzione avanzata. L'INPOL® è un amplificatore unico per molti aspetti e la sua qualità sonora sorprenderà. In base ai principi della tecnologia INPOL, l'INPOL® è costruito come un ibrido con amplificazione in classe A (45W) e con una ampiezza di gamma impressionante in un layout libero da feedback. Il preamplificatore è interamente basato sulle valvole, bilanciato e ottimizzato per alimentare lo stadio di uscita mosfet al massimo effetto. Le valvole sono ancora i componenti migliori per amplificare il segnale di voltaggio per preservare l'integrità armonica del segnale di uscita. Uno stadio di stato solito è utilizzato per fornire alta corrente a bassa impedenza per pilotare qualsiasi cassa accuratamente. Lo stadio di potenza è interamente bilanciato con l'uso di circuiti INPOL che sono pilotati in fase opposta all'altro per ottenere una cancellazione virtuale della distorsione senza usare nessun feedback. Sono usate ampie bobine come riserve di energia per distribuire la corrente in una maniera veloce, effettiva e precisa. Gli ingegneri della Pathos hanno scelto ancora un "unorthodox approach" (approccio non ortodosso) nell'alimentazione PHYSICS™ (Pathos Hybrid Stabilised Independent Current Supply Pathos Alimentazione della corrente indipendente stabilizzata ibrida). La sezione di preamplificazione è operata da un alimentatore, dedicato per le valvole, che necessita di bassa corrente. Lo stadio di uscita è alimentato da un alimentatore switching. Il motivo di questa scelta è l'elevata domanda di corrente dello stadio di uscita a basso carico di impedenza come pure l'alta efficienza e indipendenza delle variazioni sulla rete. Le due alimentazioni sono completamente separate e attentamente schermate. Il suono complessivo dell'INPOL® è nientemeno che sorprendente nei suoi dettagli e coinvolgimento ed è così vicino al top della gamma InPower e InControl. Il suono musicale, ricco e caldo dalle valvole abbinato con il passo e la dinamica dei mosfet risulta in una prestazione eccellente. E' facile discernere che questo è un amplificatore INPOL per l'assenza di fatica di ascolto combinato con trasparenza, presenza, l'enorme soundstage e la capacità di riprodurre tutti gli strumenti realisticamente tutti fattori di vera alta fedeltà. Main specifications: Tipo: Amplificatore stereo integrato basato sulla tecnologia INPOL operante in pura classe A Potenza di uscita: 2 x 45 W @ 8 Ohm Feedback: Assente Frequenza di risposta: 10Hz-80KHz +/- 0.5 dB THD: < 0.05% Rapporto S/N: >90 dB Impedenza di ingresso: 100 K Ohm Ingressi: 7 linee, di cui 5 RCA e 2 XLR bilanciate Uscite: 1 RCA tape out, 1 subwoofer pre-amplificato, 2 uscite x casse per canale


simel     HY20                                                                                                                                                Telefonare/e-mail     

il signor Guillaudeau, crea da oltre 15 anni apparecchi audio di fascia alta, alcuni dei quali sono stati dei successi. Ha iniziato il suo lavoro con Audio Analyze come direttore della ricerca e poi ha fondato la famosa azienda audio DRG. Siemel Industries opera nel campo della subfornitura elettronica avanzata per industrie ad alta tecnologia come quella medica, militare o aeronautica dal 1986. I componenti che utilizziamo, elettronici o meccanici, sono tutti scelti per la loro alta qualità costruttiva e, soprattutto, per il loro impatto sulla restituzione musicale. Per questo motivo, ne abbiamo anche molti su misura. Tutti vengono poi testati, smistati e accoppiati in modo da ottenere la migliore affidabilità possibile e una perfetta separazione dei canali. I nostri prodotti vengono quindi sottoposti a numerosi test meccanici, elettronici e musicali prima di lasciare il nostro stabilimento. Pertanto, offriamo una qualità costruttiva più vicina agli standard militari rispetto a quelli dei beni di consumo! Molti prodotti audiofili suonano bene quando sono nuovi di zecca, ma la loro musicalità diminuisce rapidamente con il passare del tempo. In Siemel, il nostro obiettivo è garantire una durata molto lunga e questo al massimo livello di prestazioni. Pertanto, tutta la nostra elettronica è completamente protetta (ritardato all'accensione, protezione contro i cortocircuiti, surriscaldamento, sovratensioni, suoni infrasuoni e ultrasuoni). Proteggiamo anche gli altoparlanti da qualsiasi problema che potrebbe verificarsi all'interno degli amplificatori!


LINEAR ACOUSTIC  LA TUBE 1                                           Telefonare/e-mail   

Nennleistung/Rated power Triodenmodus/"Triode" mode of operation: Ultralinearmodus/"Ultra-linear" mode of operation: 2x45 W an 4 oder 8 Ω/ 2x45 W at 4Ω or 8Ω 2x80 W an 4 oder 8 Ω/ 2x80 W at 4Ω or 8Ω Eingangsempfindlichkeit für Nennleistung/ Input sensitivity for rated power Cinch: 450 mV XLR: 850 mV Eingangsimpedanz/ Input impedance Cinch: 7 kΩ XLR: 26 kΩ Ausgangsimpedanz/ Output impedance 0.17 Ω (am 4Ω-Anschluß/at the 4Ω-terminal) 0.29 Ω (am 8Ω-Anschluß/at the 8Ω terminal) Signal/Rauschabstand bezogen auf Vollaussteuerung/ Signal/noise ratio(SNR) rel. full modulation better than 98 dB (A) Klirrfaktor/ Distortion factor (THD+N) 1 kHz/10 W 4Ω-Anschluß/4Ω-terminal: 0.03% 8Ω-Anschluß/ 8Ω-terminal: 0.07% Frequenzgang/ Frequency response 20 Hz-20 kHz  Cinch: + 0.1/-1.2 dB XLR: +0.1/-0.4 dB Garantie/ Guarantee 3 Jahre inkl. Röhren/ 3 years including tubes Gewicht/ Weight 45 kg Abmessungen/ Dimensions HxBxT/ H x W x D: 230 mm x 450 mm x 446 m

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


MARK LEVINSON   380 SIGNATURE                                                                                     Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

Preamplificatore di linea a stato solido a due canali con telecomando, stadio phono opzionale, 3 coppie di ingressi bilanciati su XLR, 4 coppie di ingressi single-ended su RCA, 1 coppia di uscite principali bilanciate su XLR, 1 coppia di uscite principali single-ended su RCA , 2 coppie di uscite di registrazione su RCA, connessioni di comunicazione su jack RJ-45 modulari a 8 pin, ingresso IR e uscita trigger su jack phone da 3,5 mm e RS-232 su jack RJ-11 a 6 pin. Guadagno di tensione massimo: 0, 6, 12 o 18 dB, selezionabile individualmente per ciascun ingresso di linea. Intervallo di controllo del volume: 80,0 dB. Risoluzione del guadagno: incrementi di 0,1 dB sopra 23,0 sul display (-57 dB), incrementi di 1,0 dB sotto 23,0 sul display (-57 dB). Risposta in frequenza: 10Hz–40kHz, ±0,2dB. Sovraccarico in ingresso: 1,6 V su XLR, 800 mV su RCA (impostazione guadagno 18 dB); 3,3 V su XLR, 1,6 V su RCA (guadagno 12 dB); 6,6 V su XLR, 3,3 V su RCA (guadagno 6 dB); 13,2 V su XLR, 6,6 V su RCA (guadagno 0 dB). Impedenza di ingresso: 100k ohm. Impedenza di uscita: <50 ohm. THD+N: <0,001%. Separazione dei canali, qualsiasi ingresso su qualsiasi uscita, ingresso terminato: >90dB. Rumore residuo, 20Hz–20kHz, ingresso terminato: <–94dBV. Consumo energetico: 50 W max senza  telecomando

Two-channel, solid-state line preamplifier with remote control, optional phono stage, 3 pairs balanced inputs on XLRs, 4 pairs single-ended inputs on RCAs, 1 pair balanced main outputs on XLRs, 1 pair single-ended main outputs on RCAs, 2 pairs record outputs on RCAs, communication connections on 8-pin modular RJ-45 jacks, IR input and trigger output on 3.5mm phone jacks, and RS-232 on 6-pin RJ-11 jack. Maximum voltage gain: 0, 6, 12, or 18dB, individually selectable for each line input. Volume-control range: 80.0dB. Gain resolution: 0.1dB steps above 23.0 on display (–57dB), 1.0dB steps below 23.0 on display (–57dB). Frequency response: 10Hz–40kHz, ±0.2dB. Input overload: 1.6V on XLR, 800mV on RCA (18dB gain setting); 3.3V on XLR, 1.6V on RCA (12dB gain); 6.6V on XLR, 3.3V on RCA (6dB gain); 13.2V on XLR, 6.6V on RCA (0dB gain). Input impedance: 100k ohms. Output impedance: <50 ohms. THD+N: <0.001%. Channel separation, any input to any output, input terminated: >90dB. Residual noise, 20Hz–20kHz, input terminated: <–94dBV. Power consumption: 50W maximum

MYSTERE CA21                                                                                        Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Il tutto maggiore della somma delle sue parti. Lo sai come uno più uno fa tre. Ma non l'hai mai sentito davvero. Finora. Presentazione del ca21, il nostro preamplificatore di punta. Il suo telaio più grande è progettato per abbinarsi esteticamente con l'amplificatore di potenza stereo pa21. E dal punto di vista sonoro, la combinazione dei due è ultraterrena Il telaio a grandezza naturale del ca21 offre un parco giochi molto più ampio per gli ingegneri europei di Mystère. Offre loro spazio, un enorme vantaggio per progetti meno restrittivi, per alimentatori più numerosi e migliorati e per le posizioni di cablaggio più vantaggiose. Ci vogliono molti tentativi ed errori per trovare il percorso migliore per i cavi; più spazio, più opzioni, ma alla fine, migliore è il risultato. Con questi separati, i risultati sono fenomenali. Come il ca11, il ca21 utilizza un circuito SRPP (Series Regulated Push-Pull) per alto guadagno, bassa distorsione e impedenza di uscita molto bassa utilizzando una variazione del White Cathode Follower. Il circuito non utilizza feedback negativo per una tonalità più naturale. Utilizza un singolo 5AR4 per la rettifica seguito da un'enorme rete pi costituita da un grande induttore, condensatori di canale sinistro e destro separati, circuiti regolatori e alimentatori di filamenti CC. Ulteriori miglioramenti sono realizzati utilizzando un trasformatore di alimentazione più grande e una maggiore filtrazione dell'alimentazione. Aggiungete questo insieme all'attenuatore di volume a 24 fasi di alta qualità, resistente e veloce, condensatori in polipropilene a banda larga, cablaggio punto-punto con filo di rame rigido, isolato in modo lasco con tubi di seta e avrete un preamplificatore linestage secondo a nessuno Larghezza di banda 8Hz ... 200kHz @ 47K carico Rumore 104dB wtd-a ref 1V Guadagno 9x = 19dB Distorsione 0,03% @ 100mV uscita 0,03% @ 1V uscita Ingresso imp. 150kOhm Uscita imp. 592 Ohm max. headroom 25dB rel a uscita 1V = 19V Crosstalk -94dB 20Hz – 20kHz Peso netto 20 kg Dimensioni 430x420x200mm (lxlxh)

The whole greater than the sum of its parts. You know it as one plus one equals three. But you’ve never really heard it. Until now. Introducing the ca21, our flagship preamplifier. It’s larger chassis is designed to match aesthetically with the pa21 stereo power amp. And sonically, the combination off the two is otherworldlyThe ca21’s full-size chassis provides a much larger playground for Mystère’s European engineers. It gives them space, a tremendous advantage for less restrictive designs, for more and improved power supplies, and for the most advantageous wiring positions. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the best route for wires; the more space, the more options—but ultimately, the better the result. With these separates, the results are phenomenal. Like the ca11, the ca21 uses an SRPP (Series Regulated Push-Pull) circuit for high gain, low distortion and very low output impedance by using a variation of the White Cathode Follower. The circuit uses no negative feedback for more natural tonality. It uses a single 5AR4 for rectification followed by a massive pi network consisting of a big inductor, separate left and right channel capacitors, regulator circuits and DC filament supplies. Further improvements are realized by using a larger power transformer and increased power supply filtration. Add this together with high quality, heavy duty, 24-step volume attenuator and fast, wide-band polypropylene caps, point-to-point wiring with rigid copper wire, loosely insulated with silk tubing and you have a linestage preamp second to none Specifications Bandwidth 8Hz ... 200kHz @ 47K load Noise 104dB wtd-a ref 1V Gain 9x = 19dB Distortion 0,03% @ 100mV output 0,03% @ 1V output Input imp. 150kOhm Output imp. 592 Ohm Max. headroom 25dB rel to 1V output = 19V Crosstalk -94dB 20Hz – 20kHz Net weight 20 kg Dimensions 430x420x200mm (lxwxh)


NUFORCE   P8 (NUOVO EX DEMO)                                                                                                                                       €.    980,00

NuForce developed its prescient preamplifier technology from the ground up to reassess and redefine faithful music reproduction. The firstimpressions of listening to NuForce preamplifiersare those of pristine clarity, natural tonality,expansive imaging, and realistic proportions of themusicians and their instruments. Bass notes arewell defined and articulate, with addictive rhythmand drive. P-8 is NuForce's entry level high-endpre-amplifier.Specifications• Audio inputs: 3 sets of RCA inputs and a 3.5mm stereo input jack(for digital media player, PC sound devices).• Audio outputs: 1 set of RCA,1 set of balanced XLR,and a 3.5mm stereo headphone output withcross-feeding to create a natural soundstage.• Remote input selection and volume control with memory (last selection,volume level)• Mute and Sleep functions• Digitally-controlled switched attenuator. Volume Range: +30dB to –70dBwith 0.5dB steps• Dynamic Range: > 100dB• Input Impedance: 4K ohm• Output Impedance: 40 ohm• THD+N at 1kHz: <0.01%, typically 0.003-0.005%• S/N Ratio: > 85dB• Frequency Response:at 20-20kHz = +0dB/-0.2dBat 20-170kHz = +0db/-3dB• Maximum output : 8V RMS• Crosstalk: –130dBFS• Dimensions: 1.75”H x 8.5”W x 16”D• Weight: 6 lbs• 100W SMPS with PFC (Power Factor Correction)• Power Requirements: 90-240VAC, auto select.



THRESHOLD  FET 9/E                                                                                                                                                     €. 1.350,00

Pre stereo in classe A -Risposta in  frequenza: 1.5-125.000-distorsione armonica:0,02% a 3v di uscita-distorsione diintermodulazione:0,02% a 3v di uscita -Sens/imp. ingressi aux-linea:25.000 ohm+20db-RAPPORTO S/N:-80dB a 1mv ingresso,-100dBingressi basso guadagno-Dimensioni 48x8x16.5cm -Peso 2kg -note: alimentazione separata compresa

THRESHOLD  T3                                                                                                                            Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Pre stereo in classe A -Risposta in  frequenza: 1.5-125.000-distorsione armonica:0,02% a 3v di uscita-distorsione diintermodulazione:0,02% a 3v di uscita -Sens/imp. ingressi aux-linea:25.000 ohm+20db-RAPPORTO S/N:-80dB a 1mv ingresso,-100dBingressi basso guadagno-Dimensioni 48x8x16.5cm -Peso 2kg -note: alimentazione separata compresa

MCINTOSH  C27                                                                                                                         Telefona/ invia un e-mail


THRESHOLD T ZERO (NUOVO)                                                                                                                                       €. 2.600,00

Pre stereo in classe A (IMBALLO)

Stereo High Level Preamplifier (FET-9e with Balanced Output)

quad   PRE 34                                                                                                                                           Telefona/ invia un e-mail

NAD  PRE 114                                                                                                                                                                       €.    400,00

6 line inputs incl. 2 Tape in/outputs with dubbing facility •Switchable MM and MC phono input •2 line outputs•Gold plated phono and CD input sockets•Gold plated output sockets•Independent headphone amplifier •Tone defeat switch Based upon the highly praised NAD106, the model 114 is the latest in the range of NAD high quality /low price pre-amplifiers.Following in NAD's usual design brief of ‘sound quality first’ the 114 utilises reliable, uncomplicated circuit topology which allows for investment in high specification, close tolerance components such as a large, low noise transformer, metal film resistors, polypropylene capacitors and a precision volume control.  A carefully re-designed PCB layout contributes further to a noise and distortion free performance. The input selectors are operated by push rods and are located as closely as possible to the input sockets to minimise cross talk. Also featuring Gold plated RCA jacks (to give reliable signal transfer), and two tape loops to offer flexibility for tape dubbing in either direction (or the inclusion of a signal processor). Any input may be monitored whilst recording. A gold plated 1/4’ jack socket permits most non-electrostatic headphones to be connected to the dedicated headphone amplifier.  Still in demand by music lovers (but often disregarded by other manufacturers) is a good quality phono stage. The phono stage in the 114 is a fine example of what can be achieved at a reasonable price. The phono stage is switchable to allow moving coil or moving magnet cartridges to be used. Metal film resistors, polypropylene capacitors and seven discrete transistors provide extremely low noise performance, precise equalisation and a dynamic range of 105dB.

NAD  PRE 1000s                                                                                                                                   €.    980,00

Behind its elegant and uncluttered front panel, the circuitry in the NAD 1000 provides performanceequal to pre-amplifiers costing up to twice the price, The 1000 incorporates inputs for CD, tuner tape and video, plus separate phono pre-amp circuitry, using discrete transistors in an optimised circuit. The ‘Tone Defeat’ button provides a ‘straight through’ signal path, by-passing the tone control circuits. NAD’s resourceful engineering has resulted in a high performance control unit for use with single or multiple power amplifiers (bi-amping) and active loudspeakers PRE-AMP SECTION Phono input Input impedance (R and C) 47kΩ / 200pF Input sensitivity, 1kHz MM 1.25mV ref. 0.5V MC 0.08mV Input overload at 20Hz / 1kHz / 20kHz 20 / 200 / 1700mV Signal/Noise ratio (A-weighted with cartridge connected) MM 76dB ref. 5mV MC 76dB ref. 0.5mV THD (20Hz - 20kHz) <0.2% RIAA response accuracy MM ±0.2dB (20Hz - 20kHz) MC ±0.2dB (50Hz - 20kHz) Line level inputs Input impedance (R and C) 20kΩ / 450pF Input sensitivity ref. 0.5V 80mV Maximum input signal >10V Signal/Noise ratio (A-weighted ref 0.5V) 98dB Frequency response ±0.2dB THD 0.01% Line level outputs Output impedance Pre-amp 220Ω Tape Source Z + 2kΩ Phones 120Ω Maximum output level Pre-amp >12V Tape >10V Phones >8V into 600Ω >250mV into 8Ω Tone controls Treble ±7dB at 10kHz Bass ±10dB at 50Hz Remote No NAD Link No PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (W x H x D) 435 x 81 x 263mm Net weight 3.7kg Shipping weight 4.4kg Power consumption (120 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz) 20W

SANSUI    CAF 1                                                                                                                                Telefona/ invia un e-mail      

Preamplifier The spec sheet reads like an engineer’s dream. Frequencyresponse is 5 to 600kHz! THD and 8/ N are better than 0.005% and 90dBrespectively. But while these steady-state specs are remarkable-in them- selves, the transient response of the Sansui CA-Ft is even more impressive. As in our newest DC power amps, we’ve concentrated on improving slew rate, lowering TIM and envelope distortion, and providing the closest thing possible to “real—time” rise/fall characteristics so that pulsive musical signals are reproduced with more natural sound quality. Achieving all this without sacrificing the steady—state specs is a significant triumph in audio engineering for Sansui, and is the result of our “StraightDC” design in which major circuit blocks are DC. The CA—F1 features the Sansui-exclusive “Diamond Differ- ential DC” circuit ( DD/ DC) for its phono equalizer. As you’d expect in a pre— amplifier of this quality, in spite of its moderate price, there is also a built-in MC head amplifier (or “Dre-preamp”) for Moving Coil cartridges. And there’s a lot more.


DENON    DAP2500                                                                                                                       Telefona/ invia un e-mail  

FEATURES: Power Switch with LED Indicator; Digital Direct, Dat Monitor Remote Sensor; Variable Sampling Frequencies; Input Selctor (Phono/CD/Tuner, AUX-1, 2; Digital-1, Digital-2, 3) Source Direct/Indicator; Muting/Standby Indicator; Door-open Button. Variable Tone Controls (Bass/Treble/Tone); Output Selector (PRE OUT/ PHONES); Monitor/Copy 2>1; 1>2 EQUALIZER AMPLIFIER (PHONO IN∼PRE OUT): Source Direct (On/Off), Variable Loudness, Muting Max. Input Level (1 kHz) 13 mV (Phono MC), 160 mV (Phono MM). Max. Output 10 V (max) 150 mV (rated)HIGH LEVEL AMPLIFIER (AUX-IN∼PRE OUT): DIGITAL SECTION (DIGITAL-IN∼REC OUT): Digital audio interface format (16 bits linear). Sampling frequencies 32 kHz/ 44.1 kHz/ 48 kHz. Input Terminals: 1 Optical Line; 2 Coaxial (0.5 Vp-p/75 Ω)Dimensioni mm: 434 x 136 x 386 (largh) x (alt) x (prof) Peso Kg: 8.5 Kg


TECHNICS   A800 MKII                                                                                                                                                     €.    650,00    

Power output: 55 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 70kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.01% Damping factor: 70  Input sensitivity: 1V Signal to noise ratio: 110dB Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 430 x 136 x 348mm  Weight: 8.7kg

SANSUI    C1000                                                                                                                                         Telefona/ invia un e-mail      

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


JADIS  JA30                                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Amplificatore di potenza originale Jadis JA-30 .Due  monoblocchi   in pura classe A. Garanzia  1 anno

MISTERE  PA21                                                                          Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Un'ultima parola sull'importanza dello spazio: lo spazio aggiuntivo all'interno del nostro telaio a grandezza naturale ci ha permesso di ripensare completamente i nostri già superlativi design. Più spazio equivale a meno restrizioni e il risultato è davvero notevole... il pa21, il nostro amplificatore di potenza di punta. Il pa21 massimizza tutti i nostri sforzi con più potenza, più dinamica e maggiore flessibilità. Lo chassis di dimensioni standard ci consente di utilizzare trasformatori più grandi e condensatori e resistori più grandi, offrendo maggiore controllo e dettaglio. Il risultato sono 55 watt di pura uscita pentodo per canale e una migliore stabilità in tutto l'amplificatore. Implementiamo una quantità molto modesta di feedback negativo globale per rendere l'amplificatore solido come una roccia. Con più spazio a loro disposizione, i nostri ingegneri hanno continuato a cercare miglioramenti, come efficienza ottimale, il più basso degrado del segnale e la massima immunità da rumore e ronzio. Hanno ottenuto proprio questo, con schemi di terra del segnale, dell'alimentatore e del telaio accuratamente separati e disposti. Abbiamo anche migliorato la nostra scheda proprietaria Adaptive AutoBias con uno speciale circuito che la ricalibra per EL34 o KT88. Un tocco di un interruttore ti consente di far funzionare entrambi i tubi al suo livello ottimale. E come sempre, la scheda monitora continuamente ogni tubo, regolandolo al suo punto debole. Non c'è polarizzazione, nessuna necessità di valvole abbinate, nessuna preoccupazione. Combina il pa21 con il suo preamplificatore ca21 full-size corrispondente e sperimenta un sistema veramente di qualità di riferimento, senza un tipico cartellino del prezzo di qualità di riferimento @ 1w 9hz-52khz +/- 1db @ 40w Rumore <-90db wtd-a Guadagno 26db (20x) Distorsione 0,09% @ 1w0,2% @ 10w1% @ piena potenza 55w Consumo 230w max Peso netto 27 kg Dimensioni 430x420x200mm ( lxlxh)

A final word on the importance of space: the additional room inside our full-sized chassis allowed us to fully rethink our already superlative designs. More space equals less restrictions and the result is truly remarkable… the pa21, our flagship power amplifier.The pa21 maximizes all our efforts with more power, more dynamics and greater flexibility. The full-sized chassis allows us to use larger transformers and bigger caps and resistors, delivering greater control and detail. The result is 55 watts of pure pentode output per channel, and improved stability throughout the amplifier. We do implement a very modest amount of global negative feedback to make the amp rock solid. With more room at their disposal, our engineers continued to search for improvements, such optimal efficiency, the lowest signal degradation and the greatest immunity from noise and hum. They accomplished just that, with carefully separated and laid-out signal ground, power supply ground and chassis ground schematics. We’ve also advanced our proprietary Adaptive AutoBias board with a special circuit that re-calibrates it for EL34s or KT88s. One flick of a switch allows you to run either tube at its optimal level. And as always, the board continuously monitors each tube, tweaking it to its sweet spot. There’s no biasing, no need for matched tubes, no worries. Combine the pa21 with its matching full-size ca21 preamplfier, and experience a truly reference-quality system, without a typical reference-quality price tag Specifications Power output 55+55w @ 8Ohm 1%thd Bandwidth 4hz-80khz +/-0,3db @ 1w 9hz-52khz +/- 1db @ 40w Noise <-90db wtd-a Gain 26db (20x) Distortion 0,09% @ 1w0,2% @ 10w1% @ full power 55w Consumption 230w max Net weight 27 kg Dimensions 430x420x200mm (lxwxh)

AUDIOLAB  8000P                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

The 8000P stereo power amplifier which is really two amplifiers in one case, for the only other common item is the massive toroidal mains transformer which occupies the central area. This has a single voltage primary, for 240 Volt supplies in the UK, and two secondaries, one for each channel. Each feeds a rectifier bridge and a pair of high quality 10,000 microfarad electrolytic capacitors to give equal plus and minus supplies. These are mounted, together with loudspeaker output relays and a comprehensive protection circuit, on a central high quality glass fibre printed circuit board immediately behind the toroid. The amplifier circuits are quite elaborate, using some 30 discrete transistors each and are also constructed on glass fibre boards. They are skillfully laid out and the standards of manufacture and quality of components are of the highest. Parallel pairs of complementary output transistors a t the rear of these boards are bolted to wings projecting from large area internal heat sinks. Ventilation slots in the base and cover are situated so as to duct air through these and as a result this amplifier stays relatively cool even after a period of heavy driving. The metal-work and its paint finish are of an equally high standard and, although the appearance is low key to the point of modesty, this is a British design which will withstand comparison with the world's finest. Happily it sounded good too.Loudspeaker connections are via terminals with integral 4mm sockets, and power via a three-pin IEC connector incorporating a user replaceable 3.15 amp slow-blow fuse. The left and right input phono sockets are 200mm apart which is something of a problem with some manufactured twin leads (none came with either the pre- or power amplifier s although two-metre, three-core mains leads with moulded IEC sockets were provided). An unusual feature is the provision of a paralleled socket for each input to permit the addition of a load resistor if the normal 50k Ohm is too high in some applications. Connected up to the lab 8 Ohm dummy loudspeaker loads and subjected to the usual tests, it was soon obvious that the performance of the 8000P as quoted in the specification was too modest. With the mains supply standing at 240 Volts exactly and both channels driven at 1kHz, clipping occurred at a fraction below 150 Watts. Below this point, distortion measured around 0.01 % and only rose to 0.03% at 20kHz. All other parameters were met or exceeded. Substituting real loudspeakers for the dummy loads and music instead of the test tones was such an enjoyable exercise that I carried on longer than I should, using both a top-grade CD player and a professional OAT machine as sources. However, as I was later to use these same sources through the matching control unit as well, it was not time wasted. Changing back to my standard Sony Esprit power amplifiers (out of fashion some would say, but so good) produced a result so indentical as to defy identification.

AUDIOLAB  8000X7                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail

BRYSTON          2BSST                                                                                       Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Finale stereofonico, 2x100Wrms/8ohm, 2x200Wrms/4ohm   IMBALLI  PARI AL NUOVO

The 2B SST sits relatively low in a range that extends all the way up to the massive 28B SST monoblocs, which can pump out 1kW of power without breaking a sweat.But while it is a junior model, it's no lightweight: it tips the scales at well over 12kg, and is capable of delivering 100w per channel into an 8ohm load, or 180w into 4 ohm speakers.And that's not the end of the story: upgrade your system with the addition of another 2B SST and, at the flick of a bridging switch, the amp becomes a 350w monobloc, with some serious stump-pulling power.So it's a chunky hunk of Canadian-made metal, with the solidity of the build backed up with a 20-year warranty. And under the skin there's a hefty twin-transformer power supply, output devices specifically developed for the SST series and computer-modelled heatsinks to keep the whole plot on the island even when your driving your speakers hard. The 2B SST sounds effortlessly huge There are selectable RCA phono and XLR inputs, 12V trigger switching for remote start-up/standby, and a choice of silver or black finishes plus Bryston's usual 17in (43.2cm) and 19in (48.2cm) faceplate options. In use, the 2B SST sounds effortlessly huge: it combines refinement, transparency and punch in a way that eludes all but the very best. Carl Orff's Carmina Burana is delivered with immense scale and dynamic reach, with each instrumental strand easy to follow no matter how complex the piece gets. In addition, there's a lovely openness to the presentation that makes speakers like our ATC SCM 50s disappear. Move to the White Stripes, and the Bryston delivers rock solid bass, crisp timing and a truckful of detail. This is a must-hear amp, and a fine partner for Bryston's preamps. 2Bsst SPECIFICATIONS: Power Output: 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms Input Impedance: 10K ohms single ended (unbalanced) 15K ohms double ended (balanced) Sensitivity: 2v setting 2 Volts in = 100 Watts into 8 ohms - gain 23 dB 1v setting 1 Volt in = 100 Watts into 8 ohms - gain 29 dB Distortion: THD+noise: < 0.010% 20Hz to 20kHz at 100 watts into 8 ohms, IMD: < 0.010% 60Hz + 7KHz mixed 4:1 Noise: Measured with input shorted - 20Hz to 20kHz. >108dB below rated output (with 20Hz to 22KHz bandpass filter) Slew Rate: >60 volts per microsecond Power Bandwidth: <1 Hz to over 100 kHz Damping Factor: Over 500 at 20 Hz, ref. 8 ohms Power consumption: idle 30va, maximum power 600va Heat load: idle 100 btu/hr., max power 288 btu/hr Dimensions: Regular model: Front Panel: 17.2” x 4” Body: 16.9” wide X 3.5” high X 15.1” deep (depth includes front panel and protrusion of rear panel connectors) PRO model: Front Panel: 19” x 3.5” (2 rack units) Body: 16.9” wide X 3.5” high X 15.1” deep (depth includes front panel and protrusion of rear panel connectors) Weight: approx. 28 lbs (12.7kg.)

MARK LEVINSON      N°336                                                                                                 Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

 Mark Levinson N°336 Dual Monaural Power Amplifier, Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Designer: Madrigal design team. Power rating: 350 watts @8 ohms; 1400 watts @2 ohms. Frequency response: 20 to 20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB. Damping factor: >800 (20-20,000 Hz @8 ohms). Input impedance: 100 K (balanced), 50 K (single-ended). Input sensitivity: 2.42 V. Output impedance: <0.05 ohms (20- 20,000 Hz @8 ohms). Connections: four custom binding posts per channel for biaming; one 3-pin XLR balanced connector/channel; one RCA input connector/channel. two-4 inch mini-jacks for remote turn-on; two Mark Levinson communication ports; two PHAST communication ports. Non-detachable AC cord. Dimensions: 171⁄2" x 9" x 19" (w x h x d). Shipping weight: 150 lbs

MARK LEVINSON      N°333                                                                                                   Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

MARK LEVINSON Nº333 Rated power output: 300 w/ch continuous rms power @ 8Ω 600 w/ch continuous rms power @ 4Ω 1200 w/ch continuous rms power @ 2Ω all above power ratings from 20 Hz–20kHz at <0.5% THD _ Frequency response: within 0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz _ Signal to Noise ratio (main outputs): better than –80 dB (ref. 1 w) _ Input impedance: 100kΩ (balanced) 50kΩ (single-ended) _ Voltage gain: 26.8 dB _ Input sensitivity (2.83V output): 130 mV (all models) _ Input sensitivity (full output): 2.25V for Nº333 1.80V for Nº332 1.30V for Nº331 _ Power consumption (Nº333): 350W (±5%) at idle, 200W (±5%) in standby _ Mains voltage: determined by the needs of country for which the unit was manufactured; cannot be reset by dealer or user _ Overall dimensions: See “Dimensions” _ Nº333 Shipping weight: 150 lbs. (68.2kg) each _ Connector complement: four custom binding posts per channel one 3-pin XLR balanced input connector per channel one RCA input connector per channel two 1⁄8" mini-jacks for remote turn-on two Mark Levinson communications ports one captive high current AC mains cord (Nº333 only), or one IEC-standard high current AC receptacle (Nº332, Nº331) _ Output impedance: less than 0.05Ω from 20–20,000 Hz _ Damping factor: greater than 800, 20–20,000 Hz @ 8Ω peso: 70kg


MARK LEVINSON      N°436                                                                                                  Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

Description: Solid-state monoblock power amplifier with one pair Madrigal speaker binding posts, one 3-pin XLR balanced input, two 1/8" minijacks for remote turn-on, one RS-232 port on RJ-11, two Mark Levinson communication ports on RJ-45, and two PHAST communications ports on RJ-45. Rated power output (20Hz-20kHz, <0.3%. THD, FTC): 350Wpc into 8 ohms (25.4dBW), 700W minimum continuous into 4 ohms (25.4dBW), 1400W minimum continuous RMS power at 2 ohms (25.4dBW). Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz, ±0.2dB. Output impedance: ±0.05 ohm, 20Hz-20kHz. S/N Ratio: better than -89dB (ref. 2.83V). Damping factor: >800, 20Hz-20kHz into 8 ohms. Power consumption: 100W in standby, 180W at idle. Current draw at rated output at 120V: 8.5A (350W into 8 ohms), 14.6A (700W into 4 ohms), 25.6A (1400W into 2 ohms). Dimensions: 17.75" (455mm) W by 7.65" (194mm) H by 20.2" (518mm) D. Weight: 85 lbs (38.6kg) net, 95 lbs (43.2kg) shipping. serial number :1028

THRESOLD  T50                                                                                                 Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

Threshold T50 finale di potenza con 50 watts in classe A circuitazione Nelson Pass

AUDIOANALOGUE     DONIZZETTI                                                  Telefona/ invia un e-mail


MELOS FINALE                                                                                                               Telefona/ invia un e-mail 

CROWN  XLS 1000                                                                                                         Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Crown's XLS Series amplifiers define the standard for portable PA systems with unmatched performance, technology and affordability. Its advantageous flexibility includes multiple inputs so you can plug in anything and play anywhere, along with several system setup configurations. The integrated crossovers and switch-mode power supply produce superior sound, and Peakx™ limiters protect your speakers. Weighing less than 12 pounds, compared to 40 pounds for its competitors, it's much easier to set up and move from show to show. Simply put, the XLS is most reliable, versatile, efficient amp available today.Two-channel, 350W @ 4Ω Power Amplifier.Specifications Sensitivity 1.4Vrms (for full rated power at 4 ohms) Frequency Response (at 1W, 20 Hz - 20 kHz) + 0 dB, -1 dB Signal To Noise Ratio (A-weighted) >97 dB (rated as dBr to full rated 8 ohm power output) THD > 0.5% Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz and 7 kHz at 4:1, from full rated output to -30 dB) <0.3% Damping Factor (8 ohms, 10 Hz to 400 Hz) >200 Crosstalk (below rated power) 20 Hz to 1 kHz >85 dB, >55 dB Input Impedance (nominal) 20k ohms balanced, 10k ohms unbalanced Load Impedance 2 to 8 ohms per channel in Stereo, 4 to 8 ohms in Bridge Mono AC Line Voltage and Frequency Configurations Available (+/- 10%) 120VAC 60 Hz, 100 VAC 50/60 Hz, 220 and 240VAC 50 Hz Dimensions 19" x 3.5" x 7.7" (48.3cm x 8.9cm x 19.6cm) Weight 8.6 lbs (3.9 kg) Shipping Weight 13.6 lbs (6.2 kg) IEC Power Connector 15A


quad   405                                                                                                                                           Telefona/ invia un e-mail

SANSUI BAF 1                                                                                                                      Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Specifications  Power output: 110 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 1Hz to 600kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.008% Damping factor: 100 Input sensitivity: 1V Signal to noise ratio: 125dB Speaker load impedance: 8Ω (minimum) Dimensions: 430 x 187 x 430mm Weight: 20.4kg

AERON  A07             

Con i suoi sette canali da 120 watt rms, l'A-07 è uno degli amplificatori più potenti oggi disponibili. Il progetto è stato elaborato per dar vita ad un apparecchio prestigioso, inappuntabile sotto il profilo qualitativo e stupefacente come potenza pura. La sua massa di ben 28kg toglie ogni eventuale dubbio sul dimensionamento elettro-meccanico, garante dell'affidabilità e della tenuta in potenza a lungo termine. Partner naturale del pre/decoder AV-1003, quest'apparecchio (robusto meccanicamente ed elettronicamente, ma delicato musicalmente) è l'amplificatore ideale per i sistemi home cinema che richiedano sette canali, elevate potenze e prestazioni "audiophile Dati tecnici Power output 7 x 100W rms / 8 ohm Power output 7 x 160W rms / 4 ohm All power figures at 20Hz-20kHz, 0,1% THDSensitivity 1V / 47k ohms Frequency response 20Hz-20kHz +/- 0.5dB Signal to noise ratio >95dB at 100W (A weighted) Harmonic distortion <0.1% from 20Hz to 20kHz, 1 to 100 watts Intermodulation distortion <0.2% (IHF A) Power supply 230V, 50/60Hz Absorption 1100 VA Dimension (WxHxD) 430 x 200 x 460 mm Finish Silver Weight 23 kg






YAMAHA  A-100                                                                                                                                €.    250,00

Specifications Power output: 50 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo), 100W into 16Ω (mono) Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.2% Damping factor: 70 Gain: 38.2 dB Input sensitivity: 0.245V Signal to noise ratio: 105dB Speaker load impedance: 8Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 220 x 96 x 296mm Weight: 4.6kg

DENON  POA- F100                                                                                                                                                  €.    250,00

Amplificatore finale di potenza a 3 canali. 25 W x 3 canali su 8 ohm (canale centrale e canali surround). Ideale in abbinamento al AVRF100 per creare un sistema multicanale A/V.Stadi finali separati a componenti discreti. Accensione e spegnimento controllati dal telecomando in dotazione all'AVR-F100.

Denon-Design-Endstufe POA-100 Dreikanal.Äußerlich sehr gut erhalten. Technisch i.O. Aus Ausstellung gekauft und von mir seither fast unbenutzt. Reduziere jetzt meine Sammlung. Design: silber. Leistungseigenschaften: - Anzahl der Signal-Kanäle: 3 - Mitte:25 W Sinusleistung - Hinten:25 W Sinusleistung, pro Kanal - Sinusleistung (Mitte) gemessen an 6 Ohm - Sinusleistung (Hinten) gemessen an 6 Ohm - Frequenzgang-Untergrenze, Line: 20 Hz - Frequenzgang-Obergrenze, Line: 50000 Hz - bei max. Abweichung, Line von + 1 dB - bei max. Abweichung, Line von - 3 dB - Eingangsempfindl., normal/direkt: 0,435 V - Eingangsimpedanz: 47 KOhm Geräuschspannungsabstand: 90 dB.Anschlüsse: - Cinch-IN, gesamt: 3. Konstruktionsmerkmale:diskreterVerstärkeraufbau.Leistungsaufnahme/Spannungsversorgung: - Leistungsaufnahme, Betrieb: 72 W.GehäuseEigenschaften: - Breite: 27 cm - Höhe: 8,4 cm - Tiefe: 25 cm- Gewicht: 3,9 kg.

LIIN  LK85                                                                                                                                           Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Descrizione Key Features ♦ Stereo power amplifer with pitch accurate sound ♦ Advanced control features ♦ Upgradeable ♦ 85W per channel into 4 Ohms ♦ LK design and compatibility ♦ 4 sets of speaker outputs for optimised bi-wiring and tri-wiring Output power (230 Vac mains): 62W per channel into 8ohm, 85W per channel into 4ohm Input signal for maximum output: 685mV rms Size: 320mm x 325mm x 80mm (W x D x H) Weight: 7Kg Gain: x27 (28.6dB) Input impedance: 10Kohm MFrequency response: (-3dB) 10Hz-70kHz MOutput offset: <5mV Signal sense threshold: >150µV rms

TECHNICS   A800 MKII                                                                                                                  €.    700,00

Power output: 55 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 70kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.01% Damping factor: 70 MInput sensitivity: 1V Signal to noise ratio: 110dB Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 430 x 136 x 348mm Weight: 8.7kg

SANSUI    B3000                                                                                                                  Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Specifications MPower output: 120 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 5Hz to 100kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% Input sensitivity: 1V Signal to noise ratio: 110dB Speaker load impedance: 8Ω to 16Ω Dimensions: 430 x 127 x 224mm Weight: 9.6kg

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


ADVANCE ACOUSTIC  503                                                                                                                     €. 750,00



THRESHOLD   DAC1/E                                                                                                                €. 1.500,00

Description  High-performance processor for converting a digital audio input stream  To an analog output signal at fixed line level. Operating format is an ultra linear 1 bit system performing @ 24 bit equivalent static linearity in a dual parallel balanced differential configuration. Computer optimized passive filtration maintains phase linearity to 80 kHz. Proprietary "jitter" reduction circuitry assures extreme accuracy in the conversion of each bit. Master clocking is performed by three separate precision lithium-tantalite crystals each clocking an associated PLL reference oscillator and dedicated to a single one of the processor's sampling rates. Analog signal output is developed by a proprietary discrete FET /bi-polar buffer. Four digital inputs are provided, 2 via coaxial, and 2 via optical connectors. One optical digital output and balanced or single-ended characteristic stereo analog output signals are available. The analog output signal characteristic may be phase rotated 1800 • Front panel controls: INPUT SELECTOR, PHASE. Front panel displays indicate: sampling rate; emphasis present; lock lost; standby mode. Frequency response 48 kHz sampling: DC to 22 kHz ± 0.15dB. 44.1 kHz sampling: DC to 20 kHz ± 0.15dB 32 kHz sampling: DC to 15 kHz ± 0.15dB. Decoding system  1 bit performing @ 24 bit equivalent static linearity. (500Hz, pass band filtered)  Oversampling clocked @ 768 times incoming data Jitter  MApproximately 20 picoseconds Linearity Within ± 0.3 dB @ - 120 db below digital maximum level Output filtration  3rd order (passive) with phase linearity to 80 kHz De-emphasis MPassive analog Distortion  Below 0.002% typical 20 Hz through 20 kHz.


MICROMEGA   DAC (NUOVO EX DEMO)                                                                                                         €.    690,00

convertitore D/A Dac1 ( 3 ingressi digitali , ottico , coassiale e AES-EBU , uscite analogiche bilanciate e sbilanciate)

ORIGINAL  DAC                                                                                                            €.    690,00

ASUS XONAR ESSENCE ONE MKII  (demo)                                                                             €.  450,00

Convertitore D/A HiEnd con 11 amplificatori operazionali sostituibili, Rapporto Segnale/Rumore 120dB, risposta in frequenza <10Hz - 48kHz, ingresso  USB/SPDF/TOS, velocità di campionamento/trasferimento 44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz/176.4kHz/192kHz, frequenza di campionamento e risoluzione DSD 64/2.8 MHz, 44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz/176.4kHz/192kHz@16bit/24bit/32bit, Upsampling fino a 352.8kHz (ingresso 44.1kHz/88.2kHz/176.4kHz) oppure 384kHz (ingresso 48kHz/96kHz/192kHz)32bit, 3 uscite analogiche (XLR bilanciato, RCA sbilanciato, cuffia), DAC principale TIPCM1795, kit sostituzione Op- Amp n. 4 TI Burr-Brown OPA2132PA + n. 2 NS LM4562NA, amplificatore cuffie NS LME49600TS ottimizzato sino ad impedenza 600Ohm, Dimensioni
(LxAxP): 261 x 230 x 60 mm.

USB digital-to-analog converter with exclusive 8x symmetrical upsampling and Op-Amp swap kit • Exclusive Op-Amp swap kit includes 6 Op-Amps and tools for easy tone tuning • World’s first 8X symmetrical upsampling technology restores lossless audio • Eleven swappable Op-Amps for user-tunable tone characteristics • Built-in 600ohm headphone amplifier drives all headphones on the market • Ultra-high 120dB SNR for the purest sound • Dedicated internal linear power supply ensures the cleanest audio , Tune your essence of sound Tune your essence of sound  Xonar Essence series is dedicated to pursuing the purest listening experiences and the highest fidelity.  Thousands of years ago, our ancestors crystallized their precious knowledge of materials and music into the Chime of the Tiger, one of the first audio masterpieces in human history. The Chime of the Tiger totem has inspired the Xonar team’s passion for audio, in honor of the accomplishments of those who came before. The team has made its own mark on history, contributing new audio innovation, thus maintaining humanity’s endless pursuit of the essence of sound.  Redefine high fidelity and clarit The ASUS Xonar Essence One digital-analog converter (DAC) and headphone amplifier has earned considerable critical acclaim, winning a 2012 CES Innovations Award in the audio component category with the industry’s only 8x symmetrical upsampling, The ASUS Xonar Essence One Plus Edition further adds a bundled Op-Amp tweaking kit with six extensively-tested Op-Amps to make sound characteristic tuning easier out of the box, with no soldering required. It also saves customers the need to purchase Op-Amps separately.  Note: CES 2012 Innovations Award for Xonar Essence One (original edition).  Redefine high fidelity and clarity  Multi-tone tuning With a bundled Op-Amp swap kit  Multi-tone tuning with a bundled Op-Amp swap  Op-Amps serve a critical role in audio hardware, amplifying analog signals and determining tone and timbre characteristics. As user taste in tone character varies, dedicated audiophiles often choose to change Op-Amps to fine-tune performance, something the original Xonar Essence One supported with its eleven swappable Op-Amps. This feature proved highly popular, leading the Xonar team to extensively test over a hundred different Op-Amps with the original Xonar Essence One in order to explore the finest combinations . The six Op-Amps deemed most unique in their impact on sound character were selected to be part of the Xonar Essence One Plus Edition, the first USB DAC with a bundled Op-Amp swap kit.  Op-Amp  Six extra Op-Amps included  By combining the original Texas Instruments TI-NE5532 Op-Amps with four Texas Instruments TI-OPA2132PA and two NS-LM4562NA Op-Amps, the special edition allows for five unique tonal impression customization options.  User-friendly tools and Op-Amp swap guide The kit even includes IC clamps, a screw driver, and an Op-Amp swap guide which shares various Op-Amp tips based on the Xonar team’s findings. These make swapping any of the existing eleven Op-Amps easy for quick audio modification based on personal preference. The kit further offers compatibility with other Xonar products, including the Xonar Essence ST/STX, Xonar Xense, and Xonar DS/DSX Audio Performance Output Signal-to-Noise Ratio (A-Weighted) (Front-out) : 120 dB Output THD+N at 1kHz (Front-out) : 0.000316 %(-110 dB) Frequency Response (-3dB, 24bit/192KHz input) : 10 Hz to 48 KHz Output/Input Full-Scale Voltage : Balanced Output : 4 Vrms ( Vp-p) Unbalanced Output : 2 Vrms ( Vp-p) Headphone : 7 Vrms ( Vp-p) Bus Compatibility USB Chipset Audio Processor :C-Media CM6631 High-Definition Sound Processor Sample Rate and Resolution Analog Playback Sample Rate and Resolution :44.1K/48K/88.2K/96K/176.4K/192KHz @ 16bit/24bit S/PDIF Digital Input : 44.1K/48K/96K/192KHz @ 16bit/24bit ASIO 2.2 Driver Support : Hz @ with very low latency Upsampling capability : Up to 352.8 kHz (44.1K 88.2K 176.4KkHz input) or 384 kHz (48K/96K/192KkHz input), 32bit  Connectivity Analog Output  1 x 6.3 mm jack (1/4") Headphone out 2 x RCA (Un-Balanced) 2 x XLR (Balanced) Digital 2 x S/PDIF in (1 x Optical (Toslink)/1 x Coaxial) Accessories Driver CD x 1 6.3mm to 3.5mm stereo adapter x 1 Audio Precision (AP) test report x 1 USB cable x 1 Power cord x 1 Op-Amp Swap Kit x 1 Dimensions 261.33 x 230 x 60.65 mm ( L x W x H ) Note Components: ● S/PDFI Receiver: AKM 4113 ● DSP: ADI ADSP-21261  ● D-A Converter for Analog Inputs: TI PCM1795 ● Power Input Jack: IEC AC Inlet ● Volume controller: Balanced Output: Quad Units Taper B Potentiometer; Headphone Output: Quad Units Taper B Potentiometer ● Voltage Selector: AC 115V/223V Slide Switch Operational amplifier:  ● Balanced/Un-balanced I/V:4 x NE5532 ● Balanced/ Un-balanced LFP: 2 x NE5532 ● Balanced /Un-balanced Buffer: 3 x LM4562NA ● Headphone: 2 x LME49600 Clock:  ● Crystal clock: 12MHz For USB; 24.576MHz For S/PDIF ● Oscillator: 45.1584MHz (for 44.1KHz sample rate); 49.152MHz (For 48KHz sample rate) LED Indicator:  ● One color LED: Ø3mm Lamp LED Blue color ● 2 color LED: Ø3mm Lamp LED Multi color(Blue and Red) Op-Amp Swap Kit Content:● TI-OPA2132PA x 4 (Op-Amp) ● NS-LM4562NA x 2 (Op-Amp) ● Screw driver x 1 ● IC clamp MAC OS X support:  The Essence One supports Mac OS X 10.8 or later version without any driver needed

ASUS XONAR ESSENCE ONE MUSES (demo)                                                                        €.  750,00

Flagship USB DAC and headphone amplifier uses premium MUSES 01 Op-Amps for high-fidelity audio reproduction• Powered by six top-notch MUSES 01 Op-Amp for crystal clear and spacious sound •MUSES 01 is the first ever oxygen-free copper interconnect and custom layout Op-Amp for truthful sound reproduction •8x symmetrical upsampling technology for ultra-low sound distortion •Dedicated 600ohm headphone amplifier for clearest detail •Ultra-high 120dB SNR for purest sound Audio Performance MUSES 01 Op-Amps help deliver premium audio Xonar Essence One MUSES Edition includes six MUSES 01 Op-Amps, produced by the New Japan Radio Company. MUSES 01 are the top-of-the-line Op-Amps from the brand, which is considered a leader in quality audio components. Together with ASUS Xonar engineering, MUSES 01 Op-Amps take audio to new levels, with lifelike reproduction capturing every nuance.  Truthful audio MUSES 01 components are notable as the first to use oxygen-free copper interconnects, allowing for better circuit conductivity and thus improved reproduction. They use exclusive fabrication techniques, including advanced symmetry die-bonding, a custom layout that lowers component crosstalk and generates better-balanced left/right channel symmetry.  Ultra spacious sound field To achieve better stereo symmetry, the MUSES 01 employs exclusive technology, the Advanced Symmetry Die-bonding (ASD) Technology.The specialized layout techniques offer super low cross-talk and well-balanced symmetry between both left and right channels and create the most ever spacious sound field.  Proved performance with a test report Excellent achievement granted by New Japan Radio. During the development, the prototype of Xonar Essence One MUSES edition was tested by the MUSES engineer team and received a testing report Output Signal-to-Noise Ratio (A-Weighted) (Front-out) : 120 dB Output THD+N at 1kHz (Front-out) : >0.000316 %(-110 dB) Frequency Response (-3dB, 24bit/192KHz input) : 10 Hz to 48 KHz Output/Input Full-Scale Voltage : Balanced Output : 4 Vrms ( Vp-p) Unbalanced Output : 2 Vrms ( Vp-p) Headphone : 7 Vrms ( Vp-p) Bus Compatibility USB Chipset  Audio Processor :C-Media CM6631 High-Definition Sound Processor Sample Rate and Resolution Analog Playback Sample Rate and Resolution : 44.1K/48K/88.2K/96K/176.4K/192KHz @ 16bit/24bit S/PDIF Digital Input : 44.1K/48K/88.2K/96K/176.4K/192KHz @ 16bit/24bit ASIO Driver Support : 44.1K/48K/88.2K/96K/176.4K/192KHz @ 16bit/24bit with very low latency Upsampling capability : Up to 352.8 kHz (44.1K 88.2K 176.4KkHz input) or 384 kHz (48K/96K/192KkHz input), 32bit  Connectivity Analog Output  1 x 6.3 mm jack (1/4") Headphone out 2 x RCA (Un-Balanced) 2 x XLR (Balanced) Digital2 x S/PDIF in (1 x Optical (Toslink)/1 x Coaxial) Accessories Driver CD x 1 6.3mm to 3.5mm stereo adapter x 1 Audio Precision (AP) test report x 1 USB cable x 1 Power cord x 1 Dimensions 261.33 x 230 x 60.65 mm ( L x W x H ) Note Components: ● S/PDFI Receiver: AKM 4113 ● DSP: ADI ADSP-21261 ● D-A Converter for Analog Inputs: TI PCM1795 ● Power Input Jack: IEC AC Inlet● Volume controller: Balanced Output: Quad Units Taper B Potentiometer; Headphone Output: Quad Units Taper B Potentiometer ● Voltage Selector: AC 115V/223V Slide Switch Operational amplifier:  ● Balanced/ Un-balanced I/V:4 x MUSES 01 ● Balanced/ Un-balanced LFP: 2 x MUSES 01 ● Balanced/ Un-balanced Buffer: 3 x LM4562NA ● Headphone: 2 x LME49600 Clock:  ● Crystal clock: 12MHz For USB; 24.576MHz For S/PDIF ● Oscillator: 45.1584MHz (for 44.1KHz sample rate); 49.152MHz (For 48KHz sample rate) LED Indicator:  ● One color LED: Ø3mm Lamp LED Blue color ● 2 color LED: Ø3mm Lamp LED Multi color(Blue and Red) MAC OS X support:  The Essence One supports Mac OS X 10.8 or later version without any driver needed


Convertitore stereo Digitale / Analogico DAC 32 bit ESS Reference audio ES9018, ESS Time Domain Jitter Eliminator®, sovracampionamento automatico, progetto completamente bilanciato con uscite bilanciate e sbilanciate, trasformatore toroidale sovradimensionato, display LCD, 6 ingressi (2 Coax, 2 Toslink, 1 AES/EBU, 1 bilanciato I2S), ingresso USB asincrono 24 bit 192 kHz. Con telecomando. Schede digitali, di uscita e USB aggiornabili. Dimensioni (LxAxP): 216x105x343mm. Peso: 7,3kg. Finitura nero o  Silver  
W4S DAC-2 Features: • ESS Reference audio (ES9018) 32 bit DAC • W4S proprietary discrete output stages for optimum sonics • ESS Time Domain Jitter Eliminator® • Automatic oversampling for precise output filtering • Fully balanced design with balanced and unbalanced outputs • Upgradable Digital, Output, and USB boards (designed for future improvements) • Oversized toroidal transformer for solid and noise-free powe • 88,000uF of filtering with W4S low ESR "super-cap" (same as used in the STP-SE) • VFD display for input, sample rate, volume control, and configuration viewing • Remote control with features such as balance control and phase inversion • Defeatable - 32 bit volume control • HT Bypass inputs (selectable via DC trigger) • 2x Coax inputs • 2x Toslink inputs • 1x AES/EBU input • 1x Balanced I2S input via HDMI cable (not standard HDMI cable format) • 24-bit 192kHz Asynchronous USB input • Proprietary drivers for 32/64 bit Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Mac OS 10.4, 10.5 ,10.6 • Factory selectable mains 115/230VAC • Compact size (8.5"W x 4.125"H x 13.5"D) • 16 lbs. • Covered by a 3 YEAR WARRANTY

HARMAN KARDON DMC 1000 NUOVO                                                                                                        €. 2.599,00

DMC 1000 Four-Stream Digital Media Centre  4-Stream Digital Media Center With Progressive-Scan DVD-Video Playback and 250GB Internal Hard Drive Smaller but vastly smarter and better looking than your average CD storage rack, the DMC 1000 will digitize, catalogue and store as many as 60,000 songs as you play them, allowing you to banish all those aging jewel cases to the attic. It will also let you distribute four separate audio streams from your music library to different locations in your home. With touch-sensitive front-panel controls (the ultimate no-button design), a concealed front-panel USB jack and hidden memory card slots, the DMC 1000 will even let you transfer your music for use in portable players, card-equipped cars and cell phones. And your iPod? Full audio/video playback and charging with The Bridge universal dock (sold separately, and very much worth it). Substantially smaller but vastly smarter and better-looking than your average CD storage rack, the DMC 1000 will digitize, catalogue and store as many as 60,000 songs as you play them, allowing you to banish all those aging jewel cases to the attic. It will also let you distribute separate audio streams from your music library to two, three or four locations in your home. With touch-sensitive front-panel controls and concealed front-panel USB jack and memory-card slots, the DMC 1000 will even let you transfer your music for use in portable players and media card-equipped cars and cell phones. And your iPod? Full audio/video playback and charging with The Bridge universal dock (sold separately and very much worth it)

HARMAN KARDON DMC 250 NUOVO                                                                                                        €.     899,00

Harman Kardon has announced the launch of their new DMC 250 digital media centre in July 2008. The DMC 250 is not only a DVD player but also plays sound and image files stored on CDs, memory cards or USB drives, and records from CDs or its line-level audio inputs to solid-state media or USB drives. The new digital media centre makes it easy to transfer your favourite music from the home to a car or portable audio player, without the need for a computer. The DMC 250 is engineered to deliver exceptional progressive-scan picture and multi-channel audio quality with unconverted 1080p HDMI video output. The digital media centre plays back a wide variety of DVD and CD formats, as well as discs that contain JPEG images, DivX Ultra compressed video files, Kodak Picture CD, MP3 or Windows Media Audio (WMA) files. Not only does the device play back audio and video files from memory cards and USB storage devices, it can convert audio files from a CD or its analog inputs to the MP3 format, storing the resulting files on any of the compatible solid-state media. Users can also listen to a CD while recording, or transfer content to portable media at 4x-speed. The DMC 250 offers a host of additional useful features and its software and firmware can be upgraded to accommodate future feature and performance enhancements or other capabilities. The DMC 250 was designed from the ground up by Harman Kardon. It features an intuitive on-screen user interface that offers total ease of operation and ready access to its numerous performance and convenience features. It has a striking industrial design, with ultra-slim styling, a gloss-black and dark graphite front panel, and a base that imparts a distinctive ‘floating’ appearance.

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CLASSE' CDP 102     NUOVO FINE SERIE                                               Telefonare/e-mail                                 

Lettore CD, CD R/RM DVD-R/RW +R/RW DVD-Audio, DVD Video, Dual Disc. Display LCD TFT Touch Screen con preview video. Conversione D/A a 24 bit/192 kHz con upsampling di tutti i segnali digitali. Meccanica slot-in Teac. Uscite analogiche XLR e RCA, uscita digitale anche multicanale. Telecomando  LISTINO 4.500,00  euro

CDP-102 CD Player It is alive! More than twenty years after the first CD players arrived on store shelves, the compact disc format is alive and well. Despite challenges by DAT, mini-disc, SACD and DVD-Audio among others, the CD remains the gold standard for music lovers worldwide. Music collections often contain a variety of recordings using everything from compressed files such as MP3, to uncompressed, high-bandwidth, high bit-rate formats such as DVD-Audio. Most collections, however, are dominated by the compact disc. For this reason, no serious music lover/audiophile should be without a top-quality CD player. The Classé Design Team has developed the CDP-102 and CDP-202 as two-channel CD players, perfectly suited for the needs of the contemporary music lover/audiophile. Although capable of playing a great variety of discs (CD, MP3, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, etc.), the CDP-102 and CDP-202 are optimized for playback of two-channel music. Classé Disc Player Platform The CDP-102 and CDP-202 utilize the advanced platform introduced by the ground breaking CDP-300 DVD Player. As in the CDP-300, the CDP-102 and CDP-202 utilize a TEAC ® slot-loader mechanism for reading discs. It was chosen in place of the older drawer-loading designs because of its superior disc-handling characteristics, reliability and control flexibility. Elimination of the drawer also facilitates a greater range of installation options. Loading remains convenient even when the player is mounted at or above eye-level in equipment racks, where placing discs in trays can be awkward. Fitting neatly within the Delta series model's black control strip, the slot is illuminated by a soft blue light to assist when loading discs in a darkened room. The CDP-102 and CDP-202 share the beautiful industrial design and elegant control screens found throughout the Delta series range. They are the first CD players to offer touchscreen control and video preview on the front panel. The preview feature allows audiophiles the option of enjoying a pure music listening session without video, because DVD-Audio (or DVD-Video) discs may be navigated directly from the front panel. The Classé CDP platform is a 'from the ground up' design. It features special vibration-absorbing feet, a strong and rigid chassis and DVD-ROM drive. The drive, also used in the CDP-300 DVD Player, is capable of reading CD, DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, MP3, WMA, Video-CD and S-VCD discs. A special test/monitor output allows connection of composite and S-video signals to standard definition displays. CDP-102 The CDP-102 utilizes the same digital and analog audio circuit topologies as the CDP-300, with the exception being the number of output channels. As a two-channel machine, the CDP-102 down-mixes multichannel recordings (from DVD-Audio or DVD-Video discs) to two channels for its left and right analog outputs. Digital outputs may provide either two-channel or multichannel signals, as would be available from Dolby Digital ® or DTS ® recordings. Regardless whether analog or digital outputs are used, the superior performance of the CDP-102 begins with careful routing and clocking (timing) of digital audio signals. The presence of jitter at the point of conversion from digital to analog increases distortion and robs the playback system of resolution. To reduce jitter in the CDP-102 (as in the CDP-300), digital audio signals are routed through a CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) and sample rate converter. They are re-created as 24-bit/192kHz signals and re-clocked before being output to the D-to-A converters. By attacking jitter at its source, the Classé Design team makes great sounding audio possible from a variety of digital formats. Stereo DACs (with 8x digital filters) perform the delicate process of converting digital audio to analog. Both channels of the stereo DAC are themselves converted as differential signals. The CDP-102 offers both single-ended and balanced analog outputs. Unlike other designs offering both formats, the single-ended (RCA) path is fully optimized and independent of the balanced (XLR) path. While the balanced path is truly differential, from the output of the DAC, the single-ended path benefits from the differential topology as well. Instead of using one half of the balanced signal to derive a single-ended output, the CDP-102 employs a differential amplifier to properly combine the two signals and gain the benefit of common mode rejection from the balanced topology. In addition to its superb sonic performance and touchscreen control the CDP-102 offers a suite of advanced features to enhance its value in a diverse range of installations. Among them are variable analog outputs, two-channel down-mix of multichannel recordings, bi-directional RS-232 control and preview capability for navigation of DVD-Audio or video discs. Although conceived as a world-class CD player, the CDP-102 delivers far more than spectacular sound from CDs. For versatility, performance and style, the CDP-102 is clearly in a class by itself.

RESTEK   MINI-PL      NUOVO DEMO                                                    Telefonare/e-mail                                 

LETTORE CD RESTEK MINI-PL Lettore CD di fascia alta della serie SOIREÉ Mini Module Sistema a infrarossi controllabile da remoto Display multifunzione dimmerabile caricatore frontale Funzionamento con un pulsante guidato da menu Uscita digitale ottica e coassiale Uscite sbilanciate Specifiche del lettore CD Restek Mini-Pla: MConvertitore D/A: convertitore multi-bit Burr-Brown Delta Sigma a 24 bit Risoluzione: 16, 18, 20 e 24 bit Sovracampionamento: 44,1, 48, 88,2, 96, 176,4 e 192 kHz Risposta in frequenza: 3Hz 20kHz ± 0,5dB Distorsione armonica: <0,01% Dinamica del segnale utile: >100 dB Livello di uscita: 2 V rms max. Impedenza di uscita: 50 ohm Rapporto segnale/rumore: >100 dBA Attenuazione diafonia: >100 dB Dimensioni (LxAxP): 285 x 55 x 330 mm Peso: circa 3 kg Design frontali: alluminio spazzolato nero Colore del display: ross

BLACK  NOTE  CDP 300                                                     Telefonare/e-mail                                 

Significant area of the front panel there is a huge dot LCD scarlet. He perfectly readable from a distance, but the main advantage of such a decision in the absence of spurious interference - in this sense LCD matrix is much preferred the traditional fluorescent displays. All nodes apparatus assembled on a solid steel plate. This part is covered with a special vibration-damping enamel, which is commissioned by Blacknote. Effectively suppress the vibration of the three-layer composite also helps faceplate. n the CDP 300 realized the idea of driving Natural-Speed. Special measures devised to maintain the "natural rate", provide smooth rotation of the disc so that reading takes place almost without mistakes. The mechanism does not create vibrations and noiseless operation. Together with high-precision clock generator Burr-Brown PLL1705 it provides a low jitter than standard transports. The second feature of the CDP 300 - Separate power to all units. Analog, digital, and mechanical control of the machine get energy from their own transformers, each carefully matched power system with the consumer. Digital paths are used 24-bit converters AKM Japanese and American Texas Instruments (brand Burr-Brown). They are included so as to obtain 368-times oversampling data source. This solution allows us to derive far beyond the audible range of the quantization noise signal and simplify the analog output circuit. The latter, in turn, is built on a balanced circuitry on two 6922 tubes. Player wins his passionate musical temperament. The device has a sound SuperDynamic handwriting beautifully conveys the attack, so drums are played very lively and natural. Gulkovaty reverberation, but it is suspected that they are caused by microphonic. Despite the fact that the developers have taken all measures for vibration protection, extra soundproofing platform under the player will not be superfluous. The average range is transmitted openly and slightly restrained by the dynamics. In this band, the Blacknote CDP 300 sounds generous, but without expansion - smoothly and accurately. Hear everything spotless cleanliness, unaccustomed sound may even seem less vivid and moving than any other player. Playing uppercase also does not cause complaints. Figure HF absolutely right - there is no color, found the right balance between comfort and informative. Treble plucked from the general web, as sometimes happens, and are a natural part of the musical picture. That's Italian unit creates the strongest presence. There are, however, and weaknesses in the sound. Powerful dynamic contrasts, especially concentrated in the high range, transmitted not as clean as we would like. Looks like the lamp still make some limitations here. There are errors in the sound stage. She "painted" broad strokes and wider than usual. Imagine how the video looks like 4:3, stretched on the wide screen - here the effect is about the same. On the other hand, the scene has all the signs of a clear separation according to the plans. The problem extended panorama solved very simply - the restriction of stereo speakers.

TEAC VRDS10                                                                                                                       €. 690,00

Caratteristiche tecniche Sistema di conversione: doppio Philips bitstream "DAC-7" + sovracampionamento ottuplo e filtro digitale a 20 bit + filtro di butterworth del 3 ordine. Risposta in frequenza: 1 : 20.000 Hz +- dB RCA Distorsione armonica totale: 0,0013% (1 kHz) Separazione fra i canali: > 110 dB (1 kHz) Rapporto S/N: 110 dB (1 kHz) Livello d'uscita: analogica: 2,2 V RMS uscita RCA, digitale: 0,5 Vp-p/75 Ω coassiale, 15 : 21 dBm ottica MDimensioni: 43,5 x 14,9 x 33,1 c Peso: 10 kg

MICROMEGA DUO                                                                                             Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

NAKAMICHI  OMS3                                                                                                                                 €.    350,00

Lettore  cd  revisionato  1 anno  di  garanzia

Specifications Disc format: CD Digital converter: PCM54HP-J CD Mechanism: KSS-121A / KSS-123A Frequency response: 5Hz to 20kHz Dynamic range: 92dB Signal to Noise Ratio: 97dB Channel separation: 90dB Total harmonic distortion: 0.007% Line output: 2.5V Dimensions: 430 x 100 x 322mm Weight: 6.6kg Accessories: RM-3CDP remote control

DENON DCD 1500                                                                                            Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

MARANTZ  CD76 II                                                                                         Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail


PIONEER   PD-S801G                                                                                                                        €.    350,00

Lettore  cd  revisionato  1 anno  di  garanzia

Specifications Disc format: CD Digital converter: 2 x PD2028B CD Mechanism: PEA1030 Frequency response: 2Hz to 20kHz Dynamic range: 98dB Signal to Noise Ratio: 110dB Total harmonic distortion: 0.0021% Line output: 2V Digital outputs: optical Dimensions: 420 x 276 x 135m Weight: 5kg

Yamaha  CDX-460                                                           €.    200,00           


TECHNICS SLP 477A                                                                      €.    180,00   

Lettore  cd  revisionato  1 anno  di  garanzia

Specifications Disc format: CD Digital converter: MN6474, MASH CD Mechanism: CDM-4/19 Frequency response: 2Hz to 20kHz Dynamic range: 96dB Signal to Noise Ratio: 100dB Total harmonic distortion: 0.002% Line output: 2V Digital outputs: optical Dimensions: 430 x 92 x 288mm Weight: 3.6kg



PIONEER   W739           


DENON DCM5000                                                                                                                    


The Denon DCM-5000 offers a variety of control options that make it easier than ever for the user to organize and access an entire CD music library. Standard control functions such as play, stop, random play and so on can be activated from either the ergonomically designed front panel or via the supplied remote control—but that’s just the beginning. The user can also connect a standard PC keyboard directly to the DCM-5000 and enter disc/name information into the DCM-5000’s memory; once entered, this information is displayed for easy identification when the disc is selected for playback. Each CD can be assigned to any of up to eight musical categories (i.e., "Rock," "Jazz," "Country" and so on), and the user can choose to listen to only CDs within a particular category at any time. CD TEXT CDs are also supported.The DCM-5000 also includes a standard RS-232 serial port, allowing it to be controlled by a personal computer. And for the ultimate user interface, the Denon DCM-5000 is compatible with the Escient Tune-Base CD management system. Escient’s Tune-Base system, which has an Internet PC-based engine and proprietary software, connects to the DCM-5000 and the home theater system’s monitor TV. Because every CD has a unique Table of Contents, the Escient Tune-Base system is able to look up the names of each CD (using the CD’s unique identification code) and enters its title, artist’s name, song title and even album cover into a custom, personalized database. A graphical on-screen interface then allows the user to choose and play the desired music simply by clicking on album cover art and song titles!Advanced Engineering for Audiophile Sound QualityAlong with its unparalleled playback versatility, the Denon DCM-5000 provides true audiophile sound quality, superior to even esoteric high-end CD transport/ D/A converter combinations. Key to the DCM-5000’s superb audio performance is Denon’s new 24-bit ALPHA processing technology, a proprietary analog waveform reproduction technology that uses newly developed interpolation algorithms to provide 24-bit resolution from conventional 16-bit CDs. The DCM-5000 incorporates the finest available 24-bit Burr-Brown D/A converters for ultimate sound quality. The DCM-5000’s ALPHA processor also incorporates an adaptive digital filter that automatically adjusts the low pass cutoff frequency, for improved pass-band and impulse response. The result is a dramatic leap forward in CD sound quality, with vastly improved low-level detail resolution, outstanding dynamic range, precise imaging, a wider and deeper soundstage and a far more natural musical presentation.Built-In HDCD Decoding In addition, the DCM-5000 incorporates the Pacific Microsonics HDCD decoder chip to obtain the full sonic benefits of HDCD-encoded CDs, which offer greater resolution and dynamic range than standard CDs. HDCD is a multi-stage process that overcomes the limitations of the 16-bit CD format by using a patented system to extend the dynamic range of CDs to a 20-bit level, while remaining completely compatible with the CD format. The DCM-5000’s built-in HDCD decoder also improves the sound of non-HDCD discs, thanks to its high-precision digital filter. More than 2,000 HDCD titles from major artists are currently available, with the list growing rapidly. The Denon DCM-5000 carries a suggested retail price of $1,800, and the DCM-5001 100-disc slave changer unit is available at $1,300 suggested retail.Denon Electronics is Japan’s oldest audio company. Founded nearly 90 years ago, the company has a long history of technical innovations, including the development and first commercialization of PCM digital audio recording.100 disc CD Changer • Dual CD drives • Slide-out, non-removable linear CD tray • HDCD decoding via Pacific Microsonics PMD-100 filter/decoder • 24 bit Burr-Brown premium DACs (Audio output 1) • 20 bit digital filter, 18 bit Burr-Brown premium DACs(Audio output 2 - second zone) • CD Text • Disc naming function, via front panel controls or via external PC keyboard input, or via remote control • 8 Music groups • 40 step programming X 4 functions = 160 step programming capacity • 2 sets analog ouptuts (main and second zones) • 2 sets digital outputs (coaxial) • Digital inputs for connection to optional DCM-5001 auxilliary drives • Crossfade in analog mode • Up to 5 DCM-5001 aux drives can be connected to DCM-5000 control drive • Remote control supplied • RS-232/422 serial port • Composite video output for on-screen display • assorbimento: 42 W-misure: 434(B) x 243 (H) x 474,5 (T) mm-peso 16,2 Kg.

DENON DCM5001                                                                                                                    

100 disc CD Changer • Companion to DCM-5000 • Dual CD drives • Slide-out, non-removable CD tray • 20 bit digital filter, 18 bit premium Burr-Brown DACs for both analog outputs • 2 sets analog outputs (main zone/second zone) • Digital connections (2 coaxial) to DCM-5000 for all digital transfer • Up to 5 DCM-5001 drives can be connected to DCM-5000 master drive • RS-232/422 serial port • misure :434(B) x 243 (H) x 474,5 (T) mm-peso 16,2 Kg.


DENON DN-1200C                                                                                                                    

Master unit for DN-1200F-TELECOMANDO


DENON DN-1200F                                                                                                                    

Master unit for DN-1200F-TELECOMANDO

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

DENON DVD2500 BT                                                                                            Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Differente come sempre, Denon. Con una visione del mercato Hi-Tech che verrebbe da definire 'aristocratica', ma che con maggior lucidità è più esatto definire lungimirante e pragmatica, Denon ha risposto alla richiesta di lettori in formato Blu-ray con il distacco e l'autorevolezza di un leader che non ama gettarsi nella corrente dei consumi ma - semmai - dettarli con scelte di alto profilo. Queste operazioni possono sembrare azzardate fino ad apparire arroganti, ma in realtà c'è dietro la volontà di esprimere un'opinione, un indirizzo, un suggerimento per il consumatore. Ecco qual è.Una scelta intelligenteDebuttare con una meccanica di lettura, piuttosto che con un lettore integrato dotato di decoder ci sembra una scelta razionale e motivata. Guardando la diretta concorrenza, sono molti i competitors di Denon dotati di decoder HD audio incorporati che possono offrire 'attracco' al DVD-2500BT senza problema alcuno di compatibilità. Lo standard Blu-ray, anche se da tempo in commercio, solo da relativamente poco è stato legittimato come unico standard per l'audio e il video in alta definizione, sotterrando definitivamente l'HD-DVD.Il mercato dei lettori Blu-ray, vista anche l'ubiqua presenza della PlayStation Sony, si sta ancora strutturando, soprattutto nell'alto di gamma, dove non esiste - o per meglio dire, non esisteva - una vera e propria leadership.Denon come è sua tradizione, ha preferito aspettare il momento adatto per debuttare con un prodotto di livello assoluto, capace di affermare immediatamente la propria leadership.Semplice, nella sua complessitàIl DVD-2500BT è una 'meccanica di lettura' o una 'transport unit', per dirla con gli anglofili. E' una unità con sola uscita HDMI 1.3 che veicola sia il segnale audio, sia quello video, entrambi in formato digitale. Può essere collegata a qualsiasi dispositivo dotato di ingresso HDMI (compatibile HDCP High Definition Content Protocol), ma è ovviamente possibile fruire dell'audio in HD solo nel caso che il DVD-2500BT venga collegato ad un apparato (sintoamplificatore, preamplificatore o amplificatore AV) dotato di decodificatore audio HD. Nulla vieta, però, di utilizzare ilDVD-2500BT con un qualsiasi Flat-TV dotato di ingresso HDMI (e che abbia la possibilità di gestire l'audio tramite quel tipo di interfaccia).Dal DVD-2500BT è infatti prelevabile un segnale video a risoluzione massima di 1080/24p, che può essere poi personalizzata tra 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i/p.Il processo video, e quindi l'upscaling e la conversione i/p (interlacciato/progressivo) avviene tramite sofisticati circuiti che lavorano il segnale nel dominio digitale attraverso circuitazione di grado High-End, quindi al massimo livello prestazionale, normalmente utilizzati nelle migliori applicazioni professionali. Per realizzare questo lettore, Denon ha sviluppato una nuova meccanica, pesantemente schermata al fine di creare il miglior 'ambiente' di lettura al pick-up ottico. La tecnica costruttiva è denominata SVH (Suppressed Vibration Hybrid), che accoppia, per gli elementi della meccanica, materiali di tipo diverso, in modo da rendere la rotazione più stabile possibile, ottenendo una più precisa lettura del disco. Tutto questo racchiuso in uno chassis composto da tre strati di materiali differenti, così da isolare il più possibile gli elementi interni dalle vibrazioni. Il DVD-2500BT è naturalmente compatibile con lo standard BD, quindi con quello DVD-Video, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, CD, CD-R/RW e MP3, WMA, JPEG (solo su CD-R/RW) e con DivX (V.6).Sul pannello frontale è presente uno slot per schede 'SD' (è possibile leggere miniSD e microSD con un adattatore opzionale) che permette di vedere le proprie fotografie digitali. Il DVD-2500BT è un lettore 'totale', universale nel vero e più completo senso della parola.Visione Il DVD-2500BT è in grado di produrre prestazioni di pura classe High-End, a partire dal suo funzionamento meccanico.Il caricamento del disco avviene in modo istantaneo e si può accedere in modo rapido al contenuto, per ogni tipo di disco, Blu-ray compreso. La qualità video è ai massimi livelli ottenibili con questa tecnologia. Con il Blu-ray si gode di un dettaglio, di una profondità di campo e di una 'potenza espressiva' davvero inediti.Le immagini sembrano prender vita e materializzarsi tra le pareti domestiche, con un realismo ed un partecipazione emotiva che sembra provenire direttamente dal regista, dagli attori, dal direttore della fotografia del programma che stiamo al momento guardando.Il Blu-ray è il vero salto di cui il video aveva bisogno, limitato fin oggi dalla bassa definizione dei DVD standard. Anche quest'ultimi poi, letti dal DVD-2500BT, danno il meglio di sè, con un miglioramento generale nelle prestazioni. Si gode sempre di immagini di ottimo livello, spinte al massimo delle loro potenzialità, percependo con nettezza il talento della macchina Denon, capace di estrarre dal DVD l'essenza della qualità possibile. Conclusioni Il DVD-2500BT si candida come 'la' sorgente video per eccellenza. Prestazioni world-class da una macchina costruttivamente allo stato dell'arte, ma economicamente ancora abbordabile grazie al 'risparmio' operato in partenza sul decoder, ed in grado di estrarre ogni stilla di informazione audio o video da qualsiasi supporto digitale a 5'. In sintesi, una opzione di acquisto tipicamente Denon: altissima tecnologia, grandi prestazioni e prezzo di inconfutabile onestà. In più ci sono una versatilità ed una 'longevità' tecnologiche pressochè sconosciute nel volatile mercato dell'home-cinema, anche di grande livello. Da mettere in cima delle preferenze dagli amanti della qualità.


PROCEED    PDMT                                                                                       Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

CAMBRIGE DVD 300                                                                                  Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Cambridge DVD-300 è un lettore DVD che combina la leggendaria qualità audio di Cambridge con un altissimo livello di prestazioni e una finitura di alta qualità. Questo nuovo lettore Cambridge offre prestazioni eccezionali che sbloccano tutto il potenziale del suono DVD e dell'immagine digitale. Musica e film sono riprodotti con profondità e realismo, lasciando solo una cosa: il live! Solo i sistemi molto tecnologicamente avanzati possono eguagliare le prestazioni del DVD-300 di Cambridge. Un riferimento.Decodificatore Dolby Digital multizona  Uscita DTS Bitstream Convertitore 24 bit / 96 KHz uscite digitali ottiche e coassiali Uscite S-Video, component (YUV) e video composito RGB su scart 5.1 uscite audio surround Compatibile con CD / VCD / CD-R / CD-RW / MP3 EQ regolabile tramite telecomando Pal / NTSC commutabile tramite telecomando Lettore DVD compatibile con i formati CD, CD-R / RW, MP3 Audio DTS Dolby Digital / Composite integrato PCM / 96KHz a 24 bit Video MPEG 1 e 2, Pal / NTSC Connettività Analogico: x1 stereo Down Mix, x1 in 5.1 (RCA) Digitale: x2 (Opt. E coassiale.) Video: x2 composito (RCA / Scart), Y / C (Ushiden), YUV (RCA) o RGB (Scart) configurabile tramite il menu Dimensioni: 430 x 78 x 335 mm Peso: 4,2 kg


DENON  A11                                                                      Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

■ Il nuovo circuito Progressive di FAROUDJA (Uscita NTSC / PAL) Oltre al Motion Adaptive Deinterlacer, che elabora i segnali video in unità di pixel, la tecnologia  video a scansione progressiva ad alta definizione è resa possibile da un processore in modalità mFilm, che supporta materiale pulldown 3:2 e 2:2. La tecnologia DCDi, famosa per la sua capacità  m,di elaborare linee diagonali e bordi, produce immagini omogenee, naturali e prive di disturbi. m,Il DVD-A11 è inoltre dotato di 5 modalità di scansione progressive che permettono all’utente di selezionare la conversione progressiva ideale per ciascuna delle sorgenti di programma scelte fra un’ampia gamma. ■ Convertitore Video Dual a 12-bit, 216-MHz Il DVD-A11 utilizza un totale di sei convertitori D/A video 12 bit/216 MHz per trarre il massimo potenziale dalle prestazioni del nuovo circuito di FAROUDJA. Il DVD-A11 utilizza convertitori D/A indipendenti per la riproduzione delle immagini Progressive med Interlacciate. Questi convertitori garantiscono una frequenza di campionatura molto elevata, pari a 216 MHz, con una sovracampionatura 8x utilizzata per il funzionamento in modalità Progressiva ed una sovracampionatura 16x in modalità Interlacciata, ottenendo come risultato la conversione D/A più precisa attualmente disponibile. ■ Sezione Video Utilizzando un filtro con estese caratteristiche di sezionamento come filtro analogico passa basso, il DVD-A11 riesce a riprodurre le delicate sfumature dei segnali video, consentendo allo spettatore di apprezzare le immagini originali al massimo livello di realismo. ■ Alimentazioni indipendenti Sono state studiate alimentazioni indipendenti per lo stadio di elaborazione del segnale audio, lo stadio del segnale video ed altre sezioni, allo scopo di eliminare le interferenze reciproche. L’alimentazione di potenza che viene fornita ai vari circuiti contribuisce ad una elevata qualità delle immagini e del suono. ■ Noise Shaped Video (NSV) ■ Filtro Super Sub Alias ■ Circuito di Riduzione Rumore Rumore di fondo e sfarfallio, caratteristici problemi dei segnali video compressi in formato MPEG, vengono efficacemente eliminati per produrre un’immagine video più naturale. Inoltre, la riduzione del rumore 3D elimina i disturbi minori presenti nell’immagine video per riprodurre splendidamente solo le informazioni video richieste. ■ Modalità Pure Direct Il DVD-A11 include due modalità Pure Direct che migliorano ulteriormente la qualità del suono. Ad esempio, durante l’utilizzo dell’uscita audio analogica, il Pure Direct può disattivare le alimentazioni della sezione digitale, della sezione video ed il display frontale, che potrebbero influire sulla qualità sonora dei segnali audio analogici. ■ Elaborazione AL24 per tutti i canali Denon ha ulteriormente sviluppato la propria tecnologia brevettata AL24 Processing per la riproduzione delle forme d’onda analogiche, a supporto della frequenza di campionatura di 192 kHz del DVD-Audio. Questa nuova tecnologia, AL24 Processing Plus, sopprime efficacemente  il rumore di quantizzazione associato alla conversione D/A dei segnali LPCM, per riprodurre i segnali di basso livello con un’eccezionale chiarezza, che mette in luce tutte le delicate sfumature musicali. ■ DENON Link Quando il DVD-A11 è collegato tramite un apposito cavo con terminali RJ-45, ad un amplificatore A/V dotato di ingresso Denon Link, il trasferimento bilanciato di segnali offre una tensione inferiore rispetto ai cavi coassiali o non bilanciati. Dato che DenonLink è molto meno sensibile  al rumore irradiato, garantisce il massimo livello di trasferimento di segnale. L’interfaccia Denon Link è in grado di trasferire un’uscita digitale di alta qualità LPCM 24-bit / 192-kHz / a 2 canali (*1). ■ Costruzione multistrato Poiché i dati ad alta densità registrati su DVD devono essere letti con assoluta precisione, le vibrazioni provenienti da sorgenti esterne o interne, come l’alimentazione, influiscono negativamente sulla qualità del sonoro e delle immagini. Nel DVD-A11 sono state adottate diverse soluzioni per sopprimere queste vibrazioni indesiderate. Il fondo del telaio del DVD-A11 è caratterizzato da una solida struttura a 3 strati progettata per meliminare le vibrazioni. Robuste flange di rinforzo vengono utilizzate anche sul frontale e sul retro del telaio stesso. L’aggiunta di una copertura superiore a 2 strati e di materiale isolante, servono ad eliminare le vibrazioni esterne. E la base del trasformatore è realizzata di alluminio pressofuso che assorbe le vibrazioni esterne e quelle provenienti dal trasformatore stesso per garantire un funzionamento ottimale.

DENON  A1                                                                            Per offerta  Telefonare/e-mail

Lettore digitale per DVD Audio/Video, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, Foto JPEG e Kodak. Certificazione THX Ultra. Nuovo circuito Progressive Scan Sil504 Silicon Image (solo NTSC). 5 regolazioni video tra cui contrasto e colore. Sofisticata sezione di conversione con 8 DAC audio a 24bit192kHz. Modalità Pure Direct. Elaborazione AL24. Filtri Super Sub Alias e Noise Shaped Video. Chassis in rame a struttura ibrida per lo smorzamento delle vibrazioni. Sezioni di alimentazioni separate. Decoder HDCD. Riproduzione sia PAL che NTSC. Convertitore D/A video 14bit/108MHz. Denon Digital Link. Uscite audio digitali AC-3, DTS, e PCM 24/96. Uscita analogica stereo, uscite digitali (ottico e coassiale) ed uscite analogiche separate 5.1. Ingressi digitali ottici e coassiali. 2 uscite video composito, 2 S-Video, 1 Scart RGB e 1 component. Porta RS-232. Telecomando retroilluminato glow-key multifunzione in dotazione. Finitura in nero o oro.

THX Ultra Certified • Powered by the latest Silicon Image/DVDO PureProgressive (SiI504) Decoding Engine - highest quality progressive decoding engine available • Accurate 2:3 pulldown detection and reconstruction • Optimum processing for film content, video content, graphics content and mixed-mode content • New ESS Vibratto ES6038F MPEG/DVD-Audio Decoder • New highest resolution Analog Devices 108 MHz, 4:4:4, 14 bit Video D/A Conversion system featuring Noise Shaped Video processing(progressive and interlace output) • 4x Oversampling Progressive and 8x Interlace output  • (2)Composite and (2)"S" outputs  • 2X DVD read speed; 4X CD/CD-R/CD-RW read speed; with 4MB drive buffer memory • 4:3 Squeeze and Zoom Controls • Top audio performance, featuring 8 Burr-Brown 24-bit, 192-kHz PCM 1704 Audio DACs, with 2 per Main L/R Channels in differential mode • Pure Direct Modes to defeat unneeded portions of player for the ultimate in audio performance • Full Digital Bass Management for DVD-Audio, featuring Analog Devices 32-bit processor; 80Hz crossover with 12dB high and 24dB low pass slopes; Adjustable delay time • HDCD decoding • AL24 Processing Plus • MP3 Playback • Plays Audio/Video CDs; HDCDs; DVD-Video; DVD-R/RW (conditional); Audio CD-R/RW; MP3 CD-R/RW (128 or higher kbps recommended) • JPEG photo file viewer and Kodak Picture CD compatible • 24/96 digital outputs; optical and coaxial • Optical and Digital Inputs to allow player to be used as outboard D/A converter • DENON Link for connection to AVR-5803 • Internal Copper construction, and multi-layer top and bottom plates • 3 box, 6 block internal layout to isolate analog, digital and video circuits • RS-232C and remote in/out ports • Backlit remote control • Dimensions: 17.1"w x 5.4"h x 16.2"d • Weight: 40.8lbs. • Download Setup Tips for DVD-Audio Playback in pdf format, click on tech note icon

PIONEER DVL 909                                                                                    €.  790,00

Pioneer improves on their original design by offering the DVL-909. New features and improvements include single-chip 10 bit DAC MPEG-2 video decoding system, "Personal Modes" hardware preference settings menu, MPEG-1 Video-CD playback compatibility, Composite video outputs, and "VitterBi" data buffering to reduce digital errors caused by mechanical "wow and flutter". Additional features include double-side laser disc play, dual layer DVD play, optical and coax Dolby Digital 5.1 sub-carrier outputs for both laser and DVD discs, separate loading drawers for 5" and 12" discs, full digital effects on CLV format laser discs, PCM digital output for DTS decoding, single S-video & composite video outputs, one scart loopthrough socket outputting either a composite or S-Video signal, wireless remote control, 96Khz/20-Bit digital audio decoding, on-screen graphical user interface (GUI) and CD-R playback.


DENON DVD 900                                                                Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Lettore digitale per DVD, DVD-R, CD, CD-R, CD-RW e MP3. Convertitore D/A audio a 24 bit/192 kHz. Uscite audio digitali AC-3, DTS e PCM, uscita analogica stereo. Convertitore D/A video a 10 bit, 27MHz. 1 uscita video composito, 1 S-Video, 1 SCART (RGB). Pannello frontale in alluminio. Funzione di zoom x2 e x4. On screen display. Telecomando multifunzione in dotazione.Finitura in nero o oro.

Progressive Scan DVD Player • Progressive Scan featuring DCDi by Faroudja decoding engine • 3:2 Pulldown Detection • Plays CD/CD-R/CD-RW Discs, *DVD-R Conditionally • MP3 Decoder for encoded CD-R/RW Discs (128 or higher kbps recommended) • 12-bit, 54-MHz Video DAC • Burr-Brown 24-bit, 192-kHz Audio DACs • 2MB Memory Buffer to decrease layer change pauses or pickup dropouts • Selectable 24 bit, 96 kHz PCM output pass-through capability • PCM, DD, dts compatible Optical and Coaxial Digital Outputs • Component, S-Video and Composite video outputs • Passes Below Black(Pluge) for proper Monitor Calibration • Picture Zoom • Dimensions: 17.1"w x 3"h x 8.3"d

DENON DVD 800                                                            Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Lettore digitale per DVD, CD, CD-R, Video CD e DAD. Convertitore D/A audio a 24 bit/96 kHz.Uscite audio digitali AC-3, DTS e PCM, uscita analogica stereo. Convertitore D/A video a 10 bit.1 uscita video composite, 1 S-Video e 1 Y/C(SCART).Filtro Super Sub Alias. On screen display.Telecomando multifunzione in dotazione.Finitura nero I dischi CD-R registrati senza un corretto procedimento di finalizzazione potrebbero risultare leggibili soltanto in parte o completamente illeggibili.

DVD Player • Plays CD, DVD, Video CD, CD-R and CD-RW music discs • Built-in MP3 Decoder for CD-R/RW encoded discs (128 or higher kbps recommended) • 10 bit, 27 MHz video DAC • 3MB Memory Buffer to decrease or eliminate layer change pauses or pickup dropout • 24 bit, 96 kHz DACs • Real 24 bit, 96 kHz digital output capability • Dolby Digital & DTS digital outputs • Optical digital output • "S" & Composite video outputs • Subwoofer output • Component video outputs (Y, Pr, Pb) • On Screen Display • Picture Mode Adjustments • Passes PLUGE (below black) • Dimensions: 17.1"w x 3.2"h x 9.7"d

DENON DVD F100                                                            Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Lettore digitale per DVD, CD, CD-R e Video CD. Convertitore D/A audio a 24 bit/96 kHz. Uscite audio digitali AC-3, DTS e PCM, uscita analogicastereo. Convertitore D/A video a 10 bit/27MHz. Circuito Virtual Surround Sound. 1 uscita video composito. +Filtro Super Sub Alias. Telecomando multifunzione in dotazione

PIONEER DV 626 D                                                                 Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

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REL STADIUM 2                                                                       Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

REL Stadium III on test By Jason Kennedy  Overview: Price: £1500 Website: Size: HxWxD - 55.8x59x39cm Weight: 50kg Finishes: Black ash, cherry, light oak, rosenut, walnut Drive unit: 250mm long throw Power: 200 watts REL is a small dedicated company based in Bridgend, south Wales and committed to bass. It could be argued quite easily that REL founder Richard E. Lord put the subwoofer or sub-bass loudspeaker system on the hi-fi map. Before he appeared on the scene the subwoofer was not the kind of thing any self respecting audiophile would consider giving house room to. This may have been because most of the species were sold with satellite loudspeakers or simply because no one had made a serious subwoofer before, one that could enhance rather than muddy the quality of regular speakers.The key feature that makes REL subs so easy to get a good result with is the ability to adjust the roll-off point of the sub so that it marries seamlessly with the stereo speakers. REL subs are not designed to increase the amount of bass produced by a system but to extend the bandwidth of the existing speakers. For a stereo speaker to be able to extend down to the 12Hz (-6dB) claimed for the Stadium III it would have to be as big as a fridge, a big fridge at that. The reason the REL is able to do that with a 65 litre cabinet is that it is actively driven, it has its own 200 watt MOSFET power amp and electronic crossover which means that it can boost the output at very low frequencies. In other words it drives the big ten inch Volt drive unit harder therefore producing more bass energy.Another reason for REL's success is inclusion of both high and low level signal inputs, this means that you can feed the sub exactly the same signal that you send to your speakers via the high level input. The connection is made with a three core cable that hooks up to your amplifier's speaker outputs. There is of course the low or line level input but this is really only appropriate for surround sound processors which have a dedicated LFE (low frequency effects) output. Sound quality To integrate the Stadium III with your speaker traditionally requires that you roll the sub in at the point your speaker rolls off and then set output level to match the speaker. However, I have found that if you set roll off three or four dB higher than the speaker's roll-off and turn the output level down a bit you can get a better result. There are many surprising aspects to the sound of this sub not least being the way that it enhances the high frequency performance of all the speakers I have tried it with. It introduces a sense of open spaciousness that is hard to accredit to an improvement in low frequency extension and power. It must be something to do with the way that bass defines a space but is not an easy phenomenon to explain. Yet it is not in the least bit subtle and gives the REL considerably more appeal than you would expect an extra octave or two in the bass to produce.The bass does of course help matters considerably, it adds a foundation to the sound that gives the rest of the range something to work from, something solid. This seems to apply regardless of the bass content of the music. There is a tendency to think that only your Prodigy and Grace Jones albums will sound a lot better with a decent sub but the Stadium III boosts everything you play. The more familiar and well loved the album the more exciting the result, even albums like Jeff Beck's Wired, which is clearly fantastic yet can sound compressed, takes on a whole new sense of purpose and solidity with this sub.All this is achieved without you thinking wow there's loads of bass, in other words you are not skewing the balance of your system, the main speakers sound the same but better. And if you turn the sub off you don't think where has the bass gone, you think why is the sound small and relatively flat. You can set it up so that it goes boom and everyone knows there's a sub in the room - which can be fun I'll grant you - but for long term musical satisfaction an integrated sound is the way forward, the approach that's going to reveal more of the music and the venue it's played in. leads for installation flexibility  Finished in 30mm MDF in Brittex Blac

B&WASW 750                                                                      Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


B&WASW 2500                                                                      Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


VELODYNE HGS                                                                              Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


JBL DIGITAL 12                                                                              Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Specifications :Type: single driver subwoofer Frequency Response: 29Hz to 150Hz Crossover Frequency: 50-150Hz Sub Bass: 1 x 12" high polylaminate cone Enclosure: bass reflex Dimensions: 372 x 540 x 423mm Weight: 15.4kg Note: 120 watt power amplifier


INFINITY SSW210                                                         Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Infinity SSW-210 Subwoofer, TWO 10inch graphite subwoofers, black cabinet and grille, 250 watt integrated amplifier, high and low inputs, volume control, adjustable crossover. Powerfull and in EXCELLENT CONDITION. Powered at 250 watts rms will make any home theatre system truly come alive. Features an internal crossover and seperate volume level and equalizer controls. Will accept line level inputs (rca) or speaker level.Specs from Infinity... Frequency Response: 30Hz - 120Hz Crossover Frequency(ies): 40Hz - 120Hz continuously variable/adjustable Power Output: AMPLIFIER - 250 watts RMS (fuse protected) Woofer: Dual 10" IMG (Injection Molded GRAPHITE)




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BLU NOTE  PICCOLO                                                                   Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

THORENS  TD321                                                                   Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


THORENS  TD160 MKII                                                    Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

 Description Despite it's moderate price, this handsome slim line integrated transcription turntable shares many of the advanced engineering features and refinements of the highly sophisticated Thorens TD-125 mark II series. For example, the identical TP-16 tonearm and belt-driven synchronous motor used in the Thorens TD-125 mark II are incorporated in the TD-160C. In addition, it comes complete with a walnut base and dust cover. Here's the traditional quality and precision you have come to expect from Thorens, at a moderate price

THORENS  TD160B MKII                                                    Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

THORENS  TD318                                                                    Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Drive method: one step belt drive Motor: low voltage 16-pole synchronous motor Speeds: 33 and 45rpm Speed control: 2-phase generator Platter: 2.7kg, 300mm, zinc alloy, dynamically balanced Wow and flutter: 0.04% Rumble: -70B Tonearm effective length: 232mm Effective mass: 12.5g Overhang: 16.4mm Offset angle: 23 degrees Dimensions: 440 x 350 x 170mm Weight: 10.5kg

PROJET  6 EXPERIENCE  CLASSIC 2                          Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

 Evoluzione del PJ1, il primo giradischi Pro-Ject a debuttare in commercio, e sofisticazione del best-buy 1Xpression (da poco nella nuova versione Carbon) 2Xperience SB DC si basa sul 2Xperience, giradischi che incorpora oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel design della Austriaca Pro-Ject, che ricordiamo essere la prima azienda al mondo nella produzione di giradischi. Implementa un controllo elettronico del motore con cambio di velocità, mentre conserva inalterate le altre caratteristiche dei modelli 2Xperience Classic SP. Un braccio 9cc Evolution completamente in carbonio, telaio in MDF con tecnica di costruzione non risonante proprietaria e piatto girevole in materiali pesanti non risonanti, e in una configurazione a sandwich. Uno strato di vinile funge da mat mentre il perno a vite centrale in congiunzione con il clamp (non fornito a corredo) oltre a spianare il disco sul piatto elimina le vibrazioni indesiderate. Le prestazioni audio sono sorprendenti e assolutamente superiori rispetto al prezzo del giradischi, anche grazie al cavo di collegamento in dotazione, di livello audiophile. NAltra novità sono le testine a corredo dei nuovi modelli, mentre 2Xperience SB monta una Ortofon 2M Silver, con bobine in argento e realizzata in esclusiva per Pro-Ject, 2Xperience Classic SP 2M Blue e 2Xperience Classic SP Acryl 2M Blue adottano invece l’omonima prestigiosa testina della azienda danese. Le finiture sono quattro, in vero legno, (eucalipto, olivo, noce, palissandro) e nero lucido, mentre la sola versione Acryl ha la base in acrilico trasparente di grande spessore.  Caratteristiche tecniche NVelocità: 33, 45 con cambio manuale (nell’SB DC cambio elettronico tramite interruttore) NTrasmissione: a cinghia NPiatto: 30cm in MDF con matte in vinile incollato NWow & flutter: +/- 0,08% NVariazioni di velocità: +/- 0,5% NBraccio: da 9” in carbonio, Pro-Ject 9CC EVO Lunghezza effettiva del braccio: 230 mm NMassa effettiva del braccio: 8,5 gr. NOverhang: 18 mm NDimensioni: 415x130x335 (LxAxP)Peso: 7,7 kg (7,6 kg Acryl)

PIONEER   PL800                                                                     Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

The Pioneer PL-L800 is a 2-speed, direct-driven turntable with integrated, linear-tracking tonearm and moving-coil type cartridge. Automatic features include lead-in, return and cut, with quick repeat, play and stop options. Specifications Drive system: direct drive Motor: Quartz PLL Hall type Platter: 320mm dia aluminium alloy die-castSpeeds: 33.33 and 45rpm Wow and flutter: less than 0.025% WRMS Signal to noise ratio: more than 78dB Tonearm: Linear motor, static balance type, linear tracking arm Effective length: 162mm Overhang: 0mm Usable cartridge weight: 3 to 8g Cartridge: PC-4MC moving coil type Stylus: PN-4MC 0.3 x 0.7mil diamond Tracking force: 1.7 to 2.3g Frequency response: 10 to 35,000 Hz

PROJET  DEBUT  III PHONO USB  ( DEMO)                          Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Giradischi fornito di uno stadio Phono USB integrato per archiviare gli LP su computer. Pro-Ject Debut III con unità phono USB integrata. La massima convergenza tra il mondo del vinile e quello della multimedialità  Assolutamente rivoluzionaria l’innovazione offerta da Pro-Ject al mondo audio. L’ultimo giradischi prodotto dall’azienda austriaca, infatti, è fornito di uno stadio Phono USB integrato per archiviare gli LP su computer: la prova tangibile e affascinante di due realtà che finalmente si incontrano, ottenendo il meglio l’una dall’altra. Il Debut III Phono USB, forte della migliore tradizione in cui si inserisce, si avvicina dunque al settore informatico mantenendo comunque la sua identità. Il giradischi è compreso di braccio e di testina Ortofon OM5E, trazione a cinghia, velocità 33/45 giri, motore sincrono AC e puleggia metallica isolati dallo chassis con una sospensione in gomma a quattro punti. Il braccio dritto da 8,6” è in alluminio ed è caratterizzato da altezza,azimuth e VTA regolabili. Il giradischi è inoltre fornito di alimentatore separato per eliminare le interferenze. Colore disponibile nero.

SIMSTEMDEK                                                               Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


TECHNICS SL1700                                                                Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

The SL-1700 offers the famous Technics direct drive system with the added convenience of semi-automatic operation. Once the tonearm is manually positioned over the lead in grooves, the automatic mechanism will lower the tonearm onto the record when the lever is flicked, and automatically return it to the arm rest at the completion of play. The unit is then automatically shut off.  This handy feature frees the user from rushing to the turntable at the end of record play and also saves wear on your stylus.  At any time during play, flicking the stop lever will cause the tonearm to automatically lift up and return to the arm rest. Specifications Type: semi-automatic turntable Drive method: direct drive Motor: servo DC motor (mk1), brushless DC motor (mk2) Platter: 330mm (mk1), 332mm 2kg (mk2) Speeds: 33 and 45rpm Wow and flutter: 0.025% WRMS Rumble: -73dB (mk1), -78dB (mk2) Tonearm: universal s-shaped tubular arm Effective length: 230mm Overhang: 15mm Offset angle: 21.5 degrees (mk1), 22 degrees (mk2) Weight: 8.8kg (mk1), 10kg (mk2)

dual 505                                                                                    Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Floor vibration and acoustic feedback are frequent external sources of interference.Vibrations can be transmitted to the record player with each step, and sound energy from the loudspeakers can be fed back acoustically to the record player through the air or through a piece of furniture. To minimise these unwanted effects, the Dual CS 505 uses a floating chassis. In the Dual 505, a great deal of technical expertise has been applied to acoustically decouple the entire turntable drive unit from the remainder of the casing.As a result, external interference is filtered out so effectively that it no longer has any audible effect on the music.The anti-resonance mat used on the CS 505 filters and counteracts resonances which can be transmitted through the record player to the record. Specifications Drive: Dual 16-pole SM 100-1 synchronous motor with precision flat belt for flywheel driveStarting time: 2 to 2.5s Platter: 304mm, 0.9kg, non-magnetic, removable Speeds: 33.33 and 45rpm nPitch control: 6% nWow and flutter: 0.05% WRMS Rumble: 69dB Tonearm: distortion free ultra low mass aluminium tubular tonearm in 4 point tip bearing

dual 506                                                                                    Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Floor vibration and acoustic feedback are frequent external sources of interference.Vibrations can be transmitted to the record player with each step, and sound energy from the loudspeakers can be fed back acoustically to the record player through the air or through a piece of furniture. To minimise these unwanted effects, the Dual CS 506 uses a floating chassis. In the Dual 506, a great deal of technical expertise has been applied to acoustically decouple the entire turntable drive unit from the remainder of the casing.As a result, external interference is filtered out so effectively that it no longer has any audible effect on the music.The anti-resonance mat used on the CS 506 filters and counteracts resonances which can be transmitted through the record player to the record. specifications   Drive: Dual 8-pole synchronous motor with precision flat belt for flywheel drive   Starting time: approx 2s Platter: 304mm, 1.1kg, non-magnetic, removable Speeds: 33.33 and 45rpm Pitch control: 6% Wow and flutter: 0.04% WRMS Rumble: 70dB  Tonearm: torsion resistant tubular aluminium  Effective length: 221mm  Stylus pressure: 0 to 3g

ONKYO  CP1055 FB                                                               Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

THORENS  TD105                                                                     Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

  Description The Thorens TD 105 semi-automatic, high-fidelity turntable incorporates advanced technical features to afford true state of the art performance. It employs a special Thorens suspension system for the floating chassis and an exclusive Isotrack tonearm with precision bearing assembly and low-mass construction which enables optimum tracking characteristics to be realised with modern pickup cartridges. The TD 105 also employs a velocity sensitive electronic shut-off which raises the tonearm, returns it to it's rest, and stops the motor. The electronic shut-off at the end of a record operates without frictional contact with the tonearm, ensuring precise performance and full protection of the record and pickup stylus. All operating functions are initiated by electronic switching keys which respond to a light touch of the finger. Specifications Drive method: 1 step belt drive Motor: dc motor with 72 pole tacho-generator Speeds: 33 and 45rpm Speed control: electronic Pitch control: +-6% Platter: 300mm, 1.3kg zinc alloy, dynamically balanced Wow and flutter: 0.05% Rumble: 65dB Tonearm effective length: 222mm Effective mass: 7.5g Overhang: 15.5mm Offset angle: 23 degrees Dimensions: 435 x 125 x 355mm Weight: 5.5kg

TELEFUNKEN S800                                                              Telefonare/ invia un e-mail                                          



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Nella storia della Mark Levinson ci sono stati molti prodotti che hanno rappresentato vere e proprie pietre miliari. In quest’illustre gruppo figurano il pre phono JC-1 (1972), il preamplificatore ML-1 (1977), i finali mono ML-2 (1977), il primo componente “Reference”, il finale mono N°20 (1986) e i leggendari Processore Digitale Reference N°30 (1991) e Pre Reference N°32 (1999). Questi prodotti, sin dalla loro presentazione, erano ovviamente destinati a diventare dei classici. In molti casi questi classici erano notevolmente più costosi di qualsiasi altro prodotto della stessa classe, e spesso offrivano meno funzioni (o meno potenza) rispetto ad apparecchi concorrenti. Tuttavia sono diventati dei classici. Questi ed altri leggendari prodotti Mark Levinson condividono una straordinaria caratteristica, surclassando, infatti, qualsiasi altro apparecchio della loro categoria.  Il motivo principale per possedere un prodotto Mark Levinson è il livello delle prestazioni offerte, e sono proprio le eccezionali prestazioni quello che caratterizza il Media Console Mark Levinson N°40. Il N°40 è probabilmente il prodotto più innovativo dei 29 anni di storia del marchio, sicuramente destinato ad entrare nella lista dei classici. Come i prodotti Reference anche il N°40 va considerato uno spartiacque, rappresentando una transizione importante tra come sono stati progettati i prodotti nel passato e come lo saranno nel futuro. Come i prodotti Reference il N°40 ingloba una raffinata esecuzione di molte tecnologie sviluppate e sperimentate in apparecchi Mark Levinson precedenti, insieme a nuovi dispositivi e nuove tecniche. Molte innovazioni tecniche sviluppate per il N°40 troveranno spazio in futuri progetti Madrigal. In effetti, è già successo: sia il CD Processor Mark Levinson N°390S, di eccezionali doti timbriche, che il Proceed AVP2, nuovo pre audio/video, ne hanno già beneficiato. Perché, allora, il N°40 non è stato designato come prodotto Reference? Per quanto buono sia, infatti, il N°40 non eguaglia le prestazioni di quattro Pre Reference n°32 e di quattro Processori Reference N°30.6. Le sue prestazioni sono molto vicine ai prodotti Reference, e la combinazione del N°40 con i N°32 e N°30.6 offre grandi risultati. Configurazione modulare Il N°40 è un progetto modulare in grado di accettare le più svariate configurazioni: la sua configurazione standard viene incontro alle esigenze della maggior parte degli impianti. Sia il processore audio che quello video hanno diversi “slot” liberi per espansioni tramite i moduli opzionali, dei quali alcuni già disponibili: moduli per ulteriori ingressi/uscite, per ulteriori R-Zone, per speciali esigenze di comunicazione, per interfacce sicure audio o video, per la gestione avanzata video, per risorse addizionali DSP. Configurazione Standard del N°40 3x ingressi compositi 6x ingressi S-Video 3x ingressi video component 6x SPDIF su RCA 4x Toslink 2x AES/EBU su XLR 1x SPDIF su BNC 1x coppia audio analogica bilanciata su XLR 6x coppie audio analogiche sbilanciate su RCA 8 canali audio principali d’uscita (bilanciati e sbilanciati) Uscite principali Composita, S-Video e Component 2x R Zones (zone remote/record, audio e video) Interfaccia utente grafica  La caratteristica del pannello frontale che attira maggiormente l’attenzione è la presenza di un piccolo schermo LCD sul processore video. Questo schermo può essere usato in molte, utili, maniere inclusa quella di accedere a tutti i menù di setup e relative opzioni di controllo attraverso la nostra interfaccia utente grafica (GUI).


DENON A1HDA                                                                 €.  3.500,00


Preamplificatore HD Surround per applicazioni A/V certificato THX Ultra 2. Decodifica Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby True-HD, Dolby Digital +, DTS, DTS ES, DTS 96/24, DTS-HD MASTER AUDIO, DTS HD High Resolution Audio, THX Ultra 2, THX Surround EX, HDCD. Dolby Headphone. 3 processori SHARC 32-bit. Convertitore D/A audio a 24 bit/192kHz per tutti i canali. Elaborazione AL24 Advanced. Nuovo DDSC-HD. Auto Setup e Auto Room EQ con mic. e MultiEQ XT Audyssey. Audyssey Dinamic EQ. Audyssey Dinamic Volume. Protocollo CEC per HDMI. 6 in e 2 uscite HDMI 1.3a, 36bit Deep Color, spazio colore xvYCC. Funz. Restorer audio compresso. 2 in USB con dec. MP3, WMA, AAC e FLAC. Internet Radio. 1 Ethernet. Denon Home Network. Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g. In Dock Control per basi ASD per iPod (opzionale) con controllo da telec. preamp. In e out multicanale 9.3, uscite pre XLR 9.3. RS232 e Denon Link 3. Conversione video con scaler interno fino a 1080p su HDMI. Ingressi video: 8 S-Video, 8 compositi e 6 component. Uscite video: 4 S-Video, 4 compositi e 2 component. Multi Zone fino a 4 stanze. Nuovo telec. elettrolum. + telec. per zona remota. Finitura Premium Silver

.For the ultimate home theater experience, Denon presents the ultimate A/V surround sound and video processor – the AVP-A1HDCI. With features and capabilities simply not found on any other controller, the AVP-A1HDCI sets the standard for both audio and video processing ability, along with state-of-the-art next-generation digital media connectivity with built-in Ethernet and Wi-Fi (802.11b/g) that lets you access music and photo files as well as Internet radio stations. An optional adapter lets you stream your favorite songs and videos from your iPod. Built with uncompromising attention to detail, the AVP-A1HDCI is equipped with an astonishing six individual power transformers to ensure the ultimate audio and video fidelity, eliminating interference between the various audio and video processing sections. Featuring unparalleled audio connectivity, the AVP-A1HDCI is equipped with 12 high definition video inputs (6 HDMI v1.3a/6 component) and an additional 16 standard definition inputs, with deinterlacing, upscaling and conversion to HDMI outputs via the Silicon Optix HQV Realta reference video processor. THX Ultra2 certified Processor All new circuit layouts that shorten audio and video signal paths for best picture and sound Discrete Devices for ultimate performance in each circuit block (D.D.S.C.-HD) Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio decoders To preserve original sound quality for the room's acoustics at any volume level, Audyssey Dynamic EQ loudness correction technology Realta sxT2 HQV processing for i/p and scaling Deep Color (30/36-bit) and xvYCC broader color space support Discrete construction and circuitry for highest quality video processing HDMI to HDMI scaling up to 1080p HD/SD video noise reduction functionality Network Audio and Photo Streaming Compressed Audio Restorer to enhance digital music files New user interface for easy operation, setup and digital media browsing (G.U.I.) GUI-assisted operation even during 1080p output from HDMI Dual HDMI outputs enabling simultaneous output to video projector and flat panel Three Analog and One Digital, Four Zone multi-source capability Zone 2 OSD with text, Album art is also available Web setup, save and load all settings via Ethernet

ONKYO PRSC -5530                                                                             Telefonare/ invia un e-mail     

Preamplificatore Network 11.2 certificazione THX Ultra2Plus, 3 trasformatori di alimentazione separati, uscite XLR, Dolby Atmos, TrueHD/HD Master, DTS Neo:X™, calibrazione acustica AccuEQ, WRAT, USB per file audio Lossless, HDMI con gestione 4K e HDCP 2.2, connessione diretta Wi-Fi e Bluetooth, MHL, DLNA, InstaPrevue™, Upscaling 4K Qdeo™, 8 HDMI in/2 HDMI out, uscita video HDMI Zona 2, OSD

Revealing the Soul of High-Resolution Entertainment Bringing next-generation audio and video processing together with flagship connectivity and audiophile build quality, the PR-SC5530 represents the ultimate in A/V separates technology. This THX® Ultra2™ Plus-certified controller supports Ultra HD video at 60 Hz with HDCP 2.2 via HDMI® 2.0, with Qdeo™ 4K upscaling technology and ISF video calibration ensuring the absolute best picture quality possible, even from low-resolution sources. A massive toroidal transformer with separate EI transformers for A/V processing, seven discrete 32-bit TI Burr-Brown DACs, and two 32-bit DSP engines support hi-res audio streaming via Wi-Fi® and the new Dolby Atmos® format for unbelievably realistic multi dimensional surround-sound. Your choice of balanced or unbalanced 11.4-channel pre-outs—along with Zone 2/3 audio and HDMI Zone 2 out—allow you to build the home theater of your dreams, be it a Dolby Atmos-ready 7.2.4-channel theater complete with in-ceiling speakers or an app-controllable multi-zone A/V system. Married to a multichannel amp (or amplifier combo) and speakers of appropriate quality, the PR-SC5530 is ready to unlock the hidden potential of your movie, music, and gaming entertainment. Dolby Atmos® Multidimensional Sound Onkyo is among the first to introduce the exciting Dolby Atmos surround-sound format to home theater environments. Dolby Atmos uses object-oriented mixing to layer independent audio elements through discrete channels, moving three-dimensional sound effects around the theater with astonishing realism. The format adapts to any home theater layout incorporating height channels for a more enveloping soundfield with extremely accurate directional and overhead effects. THX® Ultra2™ Plus for Reference-Level Sound THX certification guarantees the same high-volume sound you experience in a multiplex theater. Your PR-SC5530 processor has passed more than 2,000 laboratory tests to ensure every aspect of audio performance meets rigorous standards for theater-reference sound. THX Ultra2 Plus is recommended for screen-to-seat viewing distances greater than four meters and for room volumes 85 cubic meters or greater.Engineered for Audio-Video Perfection Cutting-edge audio-video processing and handcrafted construction combine to deliver a vivid and immersive entertainment experience. At the heart of the PR-SC5530 is a massive customized toroidal transformer supported by two separate EI transformers for A/V processing, which is controlled by dual 32-bit DSP engines. Digital-to-analog audio conversion comes courtesy of seven discrete 32-bit Burr-Brown DACs. From source device to output, audio and video signals are kept clean and clear for optimal performance. HDMI® 2.0 for 4K/60 Hz Video and HDCP 2.2 All HDMI terminals feature the latest specification supporting 4K video at 60 frames per second and 21:9 theater aspect. Now you can add enveloping 11.2-channel surround-sound to next-generation Ultra HD games and video for a breathtaking entertainment experience. The PR-SC5530 also supports HDCP 2.2 DRM copy protection via HDMI Input 3 and the main output. This is essential for viewing premium streamed and broadcast Ultra HD content. Wide Connectivity for All Your Components The PR-SC5530 has both 11.4 multichannel pre-outs and balanced 11.4-channel XLR pre-outs to connect one or more multichannel and stereo power amplifiers. For home cinema lovers looking for ultimate in performance, there are four parallel subwoofer pre-outs, and connectivity is rounded out with a phono input, six digital audio inputs and seven analog inputs, four composite video inputs (and a Zone 2 analog video out), and three 12 V trigger outputs. AccuEQ Calibration for Pure Audio Performance As part of our Emotion, Delivered audio concept, which brings together technologies that significantly improve both stereo and multichannel sound quality, Onkyo introduces the powerful AccuEQ room calibration system. AccuEQ measures and corrects speaker distances, levels, crossovers, and frequency response from one convenient listening position to ensure clear and cohesive surround-sound while enabling playback of 7.1-channel formats at 96 kHz (no down-sampling). For the ultimate in pure stereo performance, AccuEQ bypasses the front channels so the unique characteristics of your loudspeakers can be enjoyed without DSP correction to potentially alter the sound.ADVANCED FEATURESSupports Dolby Atmos® Format for Exhilarating Multiplex Surround-Sound THX® Ultra2™ Plus Certified for Theater-Reference Audio Quality ISF (Imaging Science Foundation) Video Calibration for Optimal Video Performance DTS Neo:X™ Upmixing and Surround Modes Massive Toroidal Transformer and Two Separate Transformers for Audio and Video Processing Separate Processing Block Construction 11.4-Channel Balanced XLR Pre-Outs, Audio-Grade 18 mm-pitch RCA Pre-Outs (Front L/R), and 11.4 Multichannel Pre-Outs 4K/60 Hz-Capable HDMI® 2.0 Terminals for Ultra HD Entertainment Supports HDCP 2.2*1 Copy Protection for Future 4K Streaming, Broadcasting, and Premium Studio Content 3 x HDMI Outputs Including Zone 2 HDMI for HD Video in a Second Room Built-in Wi-Fi®-Certified Wireless LAN and Bluetooth Version 2.1 + EDR with Advanced Music Optimizer to Enhance Low-Quality Digital Music Internet Radio and Music Streaming Subscription Services Included (TuneIn Radio, Pandora®, Spotify, AUPEO!, and Deezer)*2 Play MP3, WMA, WMA Lossless, FLAC, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Apple Lossless, DSD 5.6 MHz, LPCM*3, and Dolby® TrueHD via Local Network Control and Stream with Free Onkyo Remote Streaming Apps for iPod touch/iPhone*4 and Android Devices*5 HDMI Video Upscaling to 4K with Qdeo™ Processing Technology by Marvell AccuEQ Room Calibration with Mic for Clear and Balanced Sound Zone 2/3 Pre/Line-Outs for Distributed Audio Playback *1 HDCP 2.2 is supported on HDMI Input 3 and Main Out only. *2 Availability of services depends on region. Some services may require a paid subscription and firmware update. Availability of third-party services advertised here is accurate at the time of publication, but may be subject to change without notice. *3 LPCM is supported via DLNA only. *4 Compatible with iPod touch (3rd generation or later) and iPhone 3GS or later. All models require iOS 4.2 or later. *5 Requires Android OS 2.1 or later. PROCESSING FEATURES  HDMI for 4K/60 Hz Video, 3D, Audio Return Channel, DeepColor™, x.v.Color™, LipSync, Dolby Atmos®, Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio™, DVD-Audio, Super Audio CD, Multichannel PCM, and CEC 7 x TI Burr-Brown 192 kHz/32-bit Two-Channel D/A Converters Dual 32-bit Digital Signal Processing Engines Whole House Mode for Synchronized Housewide Audio PM Bass for Deep Bass and Clear Mid-Range 4 DSP Modes for Gaming: Rock, Sports, Action, and RPG

ONKYO PRSC -5509                                                                                     €.  1.390,00

THX Ultra2 Plus per una trasmissione di musica, giochi e film; connettori HDMI placcati in oro, uscite XLR a 9,2 canali e ingressi stereo XLR per una trasmissione del segnale senza distorsioni. Qualità di elaborazione audio grazie a un trasformatore ad anello appositamente adattato, trasformatori audio e video separati e un alloggiamento antivibrazione. Processore HQV-Vida e tecnologia Qdeo per un'elaborazione video con la migliore qualità delle immagini e una scala alla risoluzione 4K; Audyssey MultEQ XT32 e DTS Neo:X per creare un incredibile scenario audio adattato alla stanza. Otto ingressi HDMI per formati ad alta risoluzione come video 3D e segnali audio senza perdita e una porta Ethernet per la trasmissione audio in rete; eccellente elaborazione del segnale..

Onkyo’s New Flagship Pre-Amp Handles It All Boasting the premium quality assurance of THX® Ultra2 Plus™, the PR-SC5509 is the ultimate conduit for all your music, games, and movies. Whether from a Blu-ray or SACD player, from your PC or the web, from a game console or an iPhone, your entertainment is brought stunningly to life. Eight HDMI® inputs for high-definition formats such as 3D video and lossless audio and an Ethernet jack for home-network audio make system integration a breeze. HDMI terminals, 9.2-channel XLR outs, and stereo XLR inputs are gold-plated for pristine signal transfer. Further evidence of audiophile build quality comes in the form of a customized toroidal transformer, separate audio/video transformers, and an anti-vibration chassis. Processing is also top-notch. For video, an HQV® Vida™ processor and Qdeo™ technology work to eliminate noise and upscale video to eye-popping 4K resolution. On the audio side, Audyssey MultEQ® XT32 and DTS Neo:X™ offer incredible flexibility for creating an immersive room-matching soundstage. Partnered with a high-end 9-channel power amp and surround speakers, the PR-SC5509 keeps the high-quality entertainment flowing. THX® Ultra2 Plus™ Certified The ultimate benchmark for home audio performance, THX Ultra2 Plus is specified for rooms where the screen-to-seat viewing distance is more than 4 meters and the room volume is 85 cubic meters or greater. To achieve THX Ultra2 Plus certification, the PR-SC5509 must meet the world’s most demanding standards for home theater audio quality and performance, and must play at reference volume levels with minimal distortion. Network Capability Delivers Internet Radio and Network Audio Streaming via Ethernet Linking directly to the internet or to a media server or home PC via a local network, the PR-SC5509 takes streaming audio and internet radio to a whole new level. MP3, WMA, WMA Lossless, FLAC, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, and LPCM audio files can now be played back through your main system with unprecedented power and fidelity. The PR-SC5509 also brings to life a huge array of internet radio channels from and vTuner, plus on-demand music streaming from Napster, Spotify, and AUPEO!*. As well as being compatible with earlier platforms, the receiver is compatible with Microsoft’s Windows® 7 platform, which includes the DLNA 1.5-specified “Play To” media-streaming feature. The PR-SC5509’s internet connectivity has the added benefit of making firmware updates simpler than ever.*Availability of internet radio and music streaming services depends on region. Massive Toroidal Transformer and Two Separate Transformers  Onkyo's H.C.P.S. (High Current Power Supply) has the ability to respond to the wide dynamic range of home theater. A massive toroidal transformer efficiently delivers a steady source of power under any conditions. It has been designed to minimize noise radiation into the surrounding circuitry for a super-clean signal. In addition, the PR-SC5509 features separate transformers for audio and video processing, which means the system works more comfortably and efficiently. FEATURES THX® Ultra2 Plus™ Certified HDMI® Support for 3D, Audio Return Channel, DeepColor™, x.v.Color™, LipSync, Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio™, DVD-Audio, Super Audio CD, Multichannel PCM, and CEC Massive Toroidal Transformer and Two Separate Transformers for Audio and Video Processing Separate Anti-Vibration Aluminum Panels VLSC™ (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry) for All Channels High-Quality HQV® Vida™ VHD1900 Video Processor ISF (Imaging Science Foundation) Video Calibration for Optimal Video Performance HDMI Video Upscaling to 4K with Qdeo™ Technology by Marvell DTS Neo:X™, Audyssey DSX™, and Dolby® Pro Logic® IIz for Expanded Surround Channels Audyssey MultEQ® XT32 to Correct for Room Acoustics Direct Digital Connection of iPod/iPhone via Front-Panel USB Port Supports Onkyo Remote Apps for Control of A/V Receiver via iPod touch/iPhone*1 and Android Phone*2 Playback of Audio Files Through Local Network (MP3, WMA, WMA Lossless, FLAC, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, LPCM) Internet Radio and Music Streaming Connectivity (vTuner, Spotify, AUPEO!)*3 Bi-Amping Capability DSD Direct for Super Audio CD Zone 2/3 Pre-Outs and Subwoofer Pre-Outs, and Zone 2 Video Out for Distributed A/V Playback in Multiple Rooms Gold-Plated HDMI Terminals (2 Inputs and 1 Output Only) Gold-Plated, Machined Solid Brass A/V Terminals (19 mm-Pitch Inputs for TV/CD and Phono) Gold-Plated, 9.2-Channel Balanced XLR Pre Outs (with Front Bi-Amping Capability) Gold-Plated, 2-Channel Balanced XLR Inputs *1 Compatible iPod/iPhone models: iPod touch 3rd generation or later; iPhone 3GS or later. (All models require iOS 4.2 or later.) *2 Requires Android OS 2.1 or later. *3 Availability of services depends on region. AMPLIFIER FEATURES MWRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology) Three-Stage Inverted Darlington Circuitry H.C.P.S. (High Current Power Supply) Massive High-Power Transformer Linear Optimum Gain Volume Circuitry PLL (Phase Locked Loop) Jitter-Cleaning Circuit Technology PROCESSING FEATURES Dolby® TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio™ Decoding TI Burr-Brown 192 kHz/32-Bit DACs (PCM1795 x 6) for All Channels Advanced 32-Bit Processing DSP Chip Linear Optimum Gain Volume Circuitry PLL (Phase Locked Loop) Jitter-Cleaning Circuit Technology 4 DSP Modes for Gaming: Rock, Sports, Action, and RPG Advanced Music Optimizer for Compressed Digital Music Files Handles Playback of Mass Storage Class USB Memory Theater-Dimensional Virtual Surround Function Direct Mode and Pure Audio Mode CONNECTION FEATURES 8 HDMI® Inputs (1 Front/7 Rear) and 2 Outputs Universal Port for Onkyo Peripheral Devices Such as UP-A1 Dock for iPod/iPhone or UP-DT1 DAB+ Radio Tuner 2 USB Ports (1 Front/1 Rear) Compatible with UWF-1 Wireless LAN Adapter (via Front-Panel USB Port) 3 Component Video Inputs and 1 Output 5 Composite Video Inputs and 2 Outputs 4 S-Video Inputs and 2 Outputs Analog RGB Input (D-sub, 15 pin) for PC Video 7 Digital Audio Inputs (4 Optical and 3 Coaxial) 7 Analog Audio Inputs and 1 Output Phono Input Color-Coded, 7.1 Multichannel Inputs Color-Coded, 9.2 Multichannel Pre-Outs (Including 2 Independent Subwoofer Pre-Outs) Dual IR Inputs with Common Output 12 V Trigger Outs (A, B, and C) RS232 Port OTHER FEATURES Overlaid Graphical On-Screen Display (OSD) and GUI Navigation via HDMI Audyssey Dynamic EQ® for Loudness Correction Audyssey Dynamic Volume® to Maintain Optimal Listening Level and Dynamic Range Dolby® Volume for Reference-Quality Listening at Any Volume Independent Crossover Adjustment for Each Channel (40 ⁄ 50 ⁄ 60 ⁄ 70 ⁄ 80 ⁄ 90 ⁄ 100 ⁄ 120 ⁄ 150 ⁄ 200 Hz) A/V Sync Control (Up to 800 ms in 5 ms Steps) Tone Control (Bass/Treble) for All Channels Light Dimming (Display: Normal/Dim/Dimmer; Volume Knob LED: On/Off)* 40 FM/AM Random Presets Certified with Windows® 7 and DLNA Version 1.5 RIHD (Remote Interactive over HDMI) for System Control Bi-Directional, Preprogrammed, and Customizable RI Remote Control with On-Screen Setup, Mode-Key LEDs, and Macro Presets for Four Activities *Note: Volume knob LED is always off when display is dimmed. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Response: 5 Hz–100 kHz/+1 dB, -3 dB (Direct mode) WHD: 435 x 198.5 x 453.5 mm Weight: 14.0 kg



PROCEED PAV 1                                                                                                                                       Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Proceed PAV Info: Description: Full-function surround-sound audio/video preamplifier with Pro Logic, THX, and music modes. Frequency response and THD: not specified.  S/N ratio (main outputs): >80dB at 0dB output.  Gain: 14dB (nominal). Gain range: -60dB to +14dB.  Gain resolution: 0.5dB except at lowest levels. Input overload: >2V RMS (0dB output).  Input impedance: 100k ohms (single-ended).  Output impedance: ±20 ohms.  Maximum output: 10V RMS (balanced). Audio inputs: 2 balanced, 8 single-ended. Audio outputs: 1 set stereo main (L&R), balanced; 2 set stereo remote (balanced and unbalanced); 6 single-ended main (L, C, R, Sub, LSur, RSur); 4 sets record out (2 sets each VCR and tape).  Video inputs: 4 composite video, 4 S-video (Y/C).  Video outputs: 4 composite video, 4 S-video (Y/C). Dimensions: 17.25" W by 4.45" H by 13.27" D. Weight: 27 lbs (shipping). Price: $4195  Proceed PDSD Info: Frequency response:20 Hz – 20 kHz, +0dB, –0.2dBTotal harmonic distortion:0.005% @ 1 kHz, A-weighted Maximum output (XLR):10 V rms Maximum output (RCA):5 V rmsDynamic range:100 dB (or better) Signal to noise ratio (balanced outputs):105 dB (ref: 0 dB output) Channel separation:better than 100 dB Analog filter:Bessel-tuned, linear phase to 40 kHz Low-level linearity:deviation less than 1 dB to -90 dB FS(1 kHz, 20 bit data, 80 kHz measurement bandwidth) Volume range:126 steps Volume resolution:0.5 dB steps above 16 in display,gradually increasing step size at lower levels Digital inputs:6 S/PDIF electrical on RCA2 S/PDIF electrical on BNC1 AES/EBU electrical2 each EIAJ optical RF Demodulator input:Digital Input 11 (w/opt. RF demodulator card) Digital input impedance:75Ω (S/PDIF electrical)110Ω (AES/EBU electrical) Other inputs:6 channel PAV analog pass-through Digital output:1 RCA (S/PDIF) on remote zone card Digital output impedance:75Ω (S/PDIF electrical) Main analog outputs:6 balanced outputs6 single-ended outputs Analog output impedance:10Ω Available trigger current:80 mA per outlet Power consumption:less than 70 W Shipping weight:34 lbs. (15.5 kg)


ROTEL  RSP 1068                                                                        Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Preamplificatore/Processore stereo A/V con display TFT frontale. Decoder Dolby Pro Locic II, Dolby Digital/AC-3, Dolby Digital EX, DTS ES, DTS96/24 e DTS. Decoder HDCD e MP3. Modalità Rotel XS (Extended Surround) per la riproduzione di una qualsiasi sorgente in ingresso tramite 5, 6 o 7 canali. Regolazione del taglio del crossover per il subwoofer. Ingressi/uscite video composito, S-Video e component. Conversione Video. Multi Room. On screen display. Presa RJ45 per aggiornamenti software. 3 Trasformatori toroidali. Telecomando programmabile multifunzione RR-1050 in dotazione.Disponibile in finitura Black


AERON AV 1300                                                                                                                                             Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

AV 1003 HOME THEATRE 7.1 Come nell'hi-fi, anche nell'home cinema i sistemi più pregiati sono realizzati tenendo distinte la gestione delle sorgenti dalla gestione delle potenze: al posto di un unico telaio che racchiude la sezione digitale, la sezione di pre-amplificazione e i canali di potenza, si preferisce affidare le funzioni "delicate" ad un apparecchio che stia lontano dalle grandi energie e dai loro influssi sulla purezza dei segnali; la parte "muscolare" sarà affidata ad un amplificatore massiccio ma autonomo ed adeguatamente distante. Con questo approccio abbiamo realizzato il pre/decoder AV-1003, capace di fornire otto canali decodificati ("7.1") che sfruttano i più recenti processi surround (THX-EX e DTS-ES) in aggiunta ai più classici Dolby Digital e DTS. Non manca l'elaborazione Pro Logic II, utile non solo per materiale codificato Dolby Surround ma anche per donare ambienza a materiale stereofonico, che acquisterà maggiore realismo.

NAKAMICHI  CA1                                                                                                                               Telefonare/ invia un e-mail


DENON f100                                                                                                                                  Telefonare/ invia un e-mail




ROTEL  D A980                                                                                                            Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

Digital surrond adpter PROCESSORE ac3-pro logic  AUDIO VIDEO  3 INGRESSI

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AERON  A07                                                                                                                                  Telefonare/ invia un e-mail

A 07 Con i suoi sette canali da 120 watt rms, l'A-07 è uno degli amplificatori più potenti oggi disponibili. Il progetto è stato elaborato per dar vita ad un apparecchio prestigioso, inappuntabile sotto il profilo qualitativo e stupefacente come potenza pura. La sua massa di ben 28kg toglie ogni eventuale dubbio sul dimensionamento elettro-meccanico, garante dell'affidabilità e della tenuta in potenza a lungo termine. Partner naturale del pre/decoder AV-1003, quest'apparecchio (robusto meccanicamente ed elettronicamente, ma delicato musicalmente) è l'amplificatore ideale per i sistemi home cinema che richiedano sette canali, elevate potenze e  Dati tecnici Power output 7 x 100W rms / 8 ohm Power output 7 x 160W rms / 4 ohm All power figures at 20Hz-20kHz, 0,1% THD Sensitivity 1V / 47k ohms Frequency response  20Hz-20kHz +/- 0.5dB Signal to noise ratio >95dB at 100W (A weighted) Harmonic distortion <0.1% from 20Hz to 20kHz, 1 to 100 watts Intermodulation distortion <0.2% (IHF A) Power supply 230V, 50/60Hz Absorption 1100 VA Dimension (WxHxD) 430 x 200 x 460 mm Finish Black or Silver Weight 23 kg

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HARMAN KARDON  AVR-507SE                                                                   Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

PIONEER   VSX 424                                                                                                     Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

MARANTZ  SR-7000                                                                                               Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

FEATURES • Dolby Digital ® and DTS ® surround sound decoding and and a variety of additional surround modes) -defect-• dolby ProLogic ® decoding • 100 watts (at 8 ohms) in each of the five main channels • Wide range of digital and analog audio and video inputs, outputs and switching equipment including S-video switching, front panel A / V inputs and five digital inputs • Precision AM / FM tuner with 50 station memory and automatic station memory • Multi-room operation enables the control of a second zone audio / video system • Six-channel inputs and direct six-channel preamp outputs • Programmable learning remote control • Fluorescent lamp front display and user-friendly on-screen menu syste Specifications NTuning range: FM, MW Power output: 100 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Surround output: 100W (front), 100W (center), 100W (rear) Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.05% Input sensitivity: 316mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 105dB (line) Speaker load impedance: 8Ω (minimum) Digital inputs: coaxial, optical Video Connections: composite, SVHS Dimensions: 458 x 159 x 460mm Weight: 15kg







MARANTZ  SR-8300                                                                                                       Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Improved RS232C upgreadability, along with powerful upgrades like DTS 96/24, Circle Surround II and Precision Decode Plot characterize the incredibly versatile and flexibile Marantz SR8300. Accompanied by the RC3200 learnable remote control the SR8300 takes you on a journey of passion and enjoyment in both music and movie productions. You?ll experience a wider frequency response and more favorable aural characteristics along with outstanding user friendly navigation and control.Specifications Tuning range: FM, MW, LW Power output: 105 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Surround output: 105W (front), 105W (center), 105W (rear) Frequency response: 8Hz to 100kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.08% Input sensitivity: 168mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 105dB (line) Digital inputs: coaxial, optical Video Connections: composite, SVHS, scart Dimensions: 440 x 480 x 184m  Weight: 19.3kg Accessories: RC3200A remote control


Denon  S-5DB                                                                                  Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Sintoamplificatore HT/BluRay/DVD universale new design in alluminio laccato nero. Potenza 75W x 5. Audyssey Multi EQ. AL24 processing. Decodifica Dolby Pro Logic IIx e z, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby True-HD, Dolby Digital +, DTS, DTS ES, DTS 96/24, DTS-HD MASTER AUDIO, DTS HD High Resolution Audio. Lettura di Blu-ray, CD, CD-R/RW, DVD, DVD-/+R/RW, MP3, WMA, DivX 6. HDCD. •Dock Control.•USB frontale per iPod o MP3.•Ingressi e uscita HDMI scaling fino a 1080p e versione 1.4 HDMI.•Radio con RDS.•RS-232.•Porta Ethernet.•Nuova interfaccia grafica a icone GUI.•Multiroom e multi source su 2 zone.•Telecomando multifunzione.•Finitura: Nero piano laccato.


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TEAC   W585R                                                                                                                                 €.    299,00                         

Piastra doppia cassetta TEAC W585R dotazione veramente completa : doppio motore per ogni piastra, telecomando, DOLBY B C HX PRO, ingresso stereo per microfono, autoreverse


TECHINICS    RSB106                                                                                                                                   €.    170,00                         

The main features of the Technics RS-B106 are: 2 heads, electronic tape counter with 3 digits, manual tape type selection with support for normal, chrome and metal tapes, belt driven single-capstan transport. Typical front loading cassette deck with the cassette compartiment located on the left side of the deck. Tape eject is operated mechanically and the cassette needs to be placed with the side to be played facing forward in the cassette well.Level meters used on the RS-B106 are generic digital peak reading meters with multi-color indication to provide visual saturation level of tape. Soft-touch controls for fast and easy transport function selection of the RS-B106. The Dolby-B system reduces tape hiss on tapes recorded on the RS-B106 by as much as 10 dB at the highest frequencies. To make live recordings this deck has 2 microphone inputs to connect microphones with a jack connector. For undisturbed listening a jack connector for a pair of stereo headphones is supplied. Connection to other audio components for plaback can be achieved by a


NAKAMIKI   CR-5                                                                                                                                                €.    990,00 

The Nakamichi CR-5A cassette deck is aimed at the audiophile who insists on uncompromised engineering but is willing to forgo a few costly special features. It is a three-head, three-motor, dual-capstan unit with Dolby B and Dolby C noise reduction, user-adjustable bias, and memory-rewind and automatic-repeat functions. In all essentials, the CR-5A is identical to the $1,350 Nakamichi CR-7A.Nakamichi is one of the few companies that design and manufacture their own tape heads, and the three-head configuration of its decks permits each head element to be optimized for its function. Most three-head decks use a so-called "sandwich" head construction in which the record and playback elements are contained in a single case. Nakamichi feels that such a design compromises accuracy of alignment and increases bias leakage from the record to the playback head gaps, which can result in Dolby mistracking. The separate record and playback heads of the CR-5A are completely independent units, each with a full set of alignment adjustments. And instead of the Sendust alloys generally used, Nakamichi's heads are made of Crystalloy, a softer but magnetically more linear material. The CR-5A's heads have a rated lifetime of 10,000 hours.The CR-5A's primary capstan is direct-driven by a DC servomotor. The secondary capstan-which rotates slightly more slowly, creating the tension that holds the tape against the heads-is belt-driven. The use of dual capstans with different rotational dimensions and masses, made of different materials so as to inhibit sympathetic resonance, is said to be responsible for the extremely low wow-and-flutter ratings of the CR-5A. Further, the tensions within the tape path are designed to permit proper tape/head contact without using a cassette's built-in felt pressure pad. In an arrangement unique to Nakamichi decks, the pressure pad is automatically pushed away from the playback head by a boss on the head shield. This is said to result in lower scrape flutter and modulation noise. The second DC motor is used for the reel drives, and the third is used with a cam mechanism to operate the head-gate without the jarring produced by solenoids.Tapes are loaded into a conventional cassette well where sensors detect the tape type and automatically switch to the appropriate bias and equalization. Unlike most decks, however, the CR-5A provides a manual override that allows the user to switch, for example, to 120-microsecond playback EQ for nominally "high-bias" prerecorded tapes requiring this setting. Bias is adjustable on the front panel, although the user must do the fine-tuning by ear since the CR-5A lacks the sophisticated automatic calibrating system of the CR-7A. We found, however, that patiently adjusting the bias to match the recorded sound of FM interstation hiss as closely as possible with the source was a reasonably good substitute for instrumentation.The record-level indicators on the CR-5A are large, easily legible, peak-reading fluorescent displays. Their twenty-four segments per channel are calibrated from -40 to + 10 dB, with the IEC standard 0-dB level of 250-nanoweber/meter set at +1 dB. The four-digit tape counter does not indicate elapsed or remaining time. In addition to the Dolby noise-reduction selectors, a switchable FM multiplex filter is provided, together with a switch for an external timer. While there are no microphone inputs, the CR-5A does offer dual-speed fade-in/fade-out buttons and a playback level control.Specifications Type: 3-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record, 1 x playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x reel, 1 x capstan, 1 x mechanism Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 72dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.027% Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.8% Input: 50mV (line) Output: 0.5V (line) Dimensions: 435 x 135 x 306mm Weight: 8.5kg

NAKAMIKI   DR3                                                                            Telefona/ invia un e-mail 


Specifications Type: 2-head, single compact cassette deckTrack System: 4-track, 2-channel stereoTape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x reel, 1 x capstan, 1 x mechanism Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 70dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.06% Total Harmonic Distortion: 1.0% Input: 50mV (line) Output: 0.5V (line) Dimensions: 430 x 100 x 320mm Weight: 5.4kg


NAKAMIKI   480                                                                                                                                           €.    350,00 

The 480 is a truly superior product, designed and built by Nakamichi to deliver the utmost in quality and performance. It incorporates engineering innovations in every important area, which includes magnetic heads, transport and electronics. Advanced design enables the 480 to realise the full potential of the latest in magnetic recording technology; the metal particle tape Type: 2-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 62dB (dolby B) Wow and Flutter: 0.06% Total Harmonic Distortion: 1.2% Input: 50mV (line) Output: 0.6V (line) Dimensions: 450 x 135 x 289mm Weight: 6.4kg

NAKAMIKI   BX2                                                                                                                                          €.    350,00 

Today's budget-conscious audiophile is faced with a difficult decision. As costs sky rocket, the price of high-quality sound is slipping beyond the reach of many music lovers. Must they sacrifice performance to stay within budget? We don't think so, and as proof, we offer the BX-2! Many low-cost cassette recorders offer numerous features, but, when you listen to them, something is missing. Sound lacks clarity; detail is lost in a confused muddy homogeneity, and all the knobs and controls in the world don't rescue it. What is lacking is basic performance, the sine qua non of high-fidelity reproduction. So much has been spent on features - many of which will never be used - that little is left to ensure quality. The BX-2 is different. Emphasis is on sonic excellence, not bells and whistles; on clean elegant styling, not superfluous knobs. Compare the sound of the BX-2 with competitively priced models. We're confident you'll hear the difference quality makes! Specifications Type: 2-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x reel, 1 x capstan Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 68dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.06% Total Harmonic Distortion: 1.0% Input: 50mV (line) Output: 0.5V (line) Dimensions: 430 x 110 x 250mm  Weight: 5.5kg


TECHNICS    RS-TR474                                                                                                                        €.    300,00 

Specification Type: auto reverse, double compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x playback, 1 x erase Motor: 2 x reel, 2 x capstan Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C, HX Pro Frequency Response: 20Hz to 17kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 74dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.1% Input: 100mV (line) Output: 0.5V (line) Dimensions: 430 x 136 x 285mm MWeight: 4.4kg


DENON  DRM-710                                                                                                  Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail



DENON  DRS640                                                                                                    Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail

Specifications Type: 2-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x reel, 1 x capstan, 1 x loading Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C Headroom Extension: HX Pro Frequency Response: 25Hz to 18kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 74dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.06% Input: 80mV (line) Output: 0.775V (line) Dimensions: 434 x 122 x 310mm Weight: 4.4kg


TECHNICS    RS-bx701                                                                                                    Per offertaTelefonare/e-mail


Specifications Type: 3-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s Heads: 1 x combination record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x capstan, 1 x reel, 1 x mechanism Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B, C Headroom Extension: HX Pro Frequency Response: 30Hz to 19kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 74dB (dolby C) Wow and Flutter: 0.07% Input: 100mV (line) Output: 0.5V (line) Dimensions: 430 x 125 x 293mm Weight: 4.6kg


TECHINICS    RSB106                                                                                                                                   €.    170,00


PIONEER CT301                                                                                                                                                €.    190,00

Specifications Type: 2-head, single compact cassette deck Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo Tape Speed: 4.76 cm/s Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: 1 x DC servo Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal Noise Reduction: B Frequency Response: 35Hz to 15kHz (Metal tape) Signal to Noise Ratio: 67dB (dolby B) Wow and Flutter: 0.06% Total Harmonic Distortion: 1.5% Input: 50mV (line), 0.3mV (mic) Output: 0.3V (line) Dimensions: 420 x 120 x 238mm Weight: 3.8kg


JVC  HRS9700                                                                                                                                  Telefona/ invia un e-mail  

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DENON  TUS10                                                              Telefona/ invia un e-mail  






quad   FM4                                                                                                                                                 Telefona/ invia un e-mail


TECHNICS  STg 460                                                             Telefona/ invia un e-mail

Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Digital FM Tuning Range: 87.5 to 108 MHz MW Tuning Range: 522 to 1611 kHz Sensitivity: 1.5uV (FM), 20uV (MW) Signal to Noise Ratio: 65dB (FM) Distortion: 0.1% (FM) Frequency response: 4Hz to 15kHz (FM) Output: 300mV Dimensions: 430 x 69 x 288mm Weight: 2.5kg



NAKAMICHI  ST7                                                                                        €.  850,00

The Nakamichi ST-7 / ST-7E is a digital synthesis tuner with the Schotz Noise Reduction technology. This revolutionary system improves effective stereo sensitivity by about 9db and lets you enjoy clean stereo on broadcasts that previously could only be received in mono. Other features include seek and manual tuning as well as 16 FM/AM presets that can be programmed at random, thus combining convenience with top-level capability

NAKAMICHI  TUNER 2                                                                               €.  650,00



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STAX  SR404                                                                          €.  599,00


The Stax 4040II System is one of the few headphone systems I could envision displacing my loudspeaker listening. It achieves a few of the holy grail qualities headphones must have to warrant extended, repeated use: 1. Neutrality. These headphones are near perfect in their tonal response and as such are nearly fatigue free. The frequency extremes are decently extended which is a bonus, but most importantly, there are no errors within the range they reproduce. Some may find the lack of a mid-bass hump disconcerting, but after acclimatizing to the sound you realize this is how music is supposed to be reproduced. 2. Comfort. Other than the AKG K501, these are the most comfortable headphones I have ever used. You can wear them for hours and hardly notice them. 3. Openness of soundstage. Better than anything I've heard, these allow you forget at times that you are listening to headphones. M4. Supreme resolution. I have heard no headphones which better these in terms of low-level detail. Other headphones will force detail upon you through accentuated treble or emphasized transients. These present everything "as it is." The few drawbacks of the SR404 are largely related to partnering equipment. You must search out the best source possible. I would hesitate to use any CD player below $3000. These are too revealing. The sound you may get won't be unpleasant as Stax always makes the best of the source material, but it will become painfully obvious what kind of flaws most source components suffer from.



STAX  SRM-1 MK2                                                                     €.  890,00

The Stax SRM-1/MK-2 Professional is a high-voltage amplifier and bias source for Stax' electrostatic headphones. It has both a Professional (580 V) and a Standard (230 V) output, so any Stax earspeaker ever made since 1959 works perfectly. (Stax' marketing people have always called their headphones "earspeakers.") The SRM1-Mk-2 Professional is an FET-input, pure class-A, DC-coupled amplifier. It has no capacitors or transformers in the audio path. It's housed in a completely non-magnetic case to ensure no inadvertent magnetic coupling happens. It uses high-voltage bipolar transistors in its output stage. It has enough output to deafen us with any of Stax' headphones, without any distortion. It is fed from any device with 1/4" RCA jacks, or even directly from iPods and iPads with any 99¢ 3.5mm to RCA cord. If you do your iPod transfers correctly, this and a set of SR-Lambda Professionals sounds indescribably incredible from an iPod, if you'd just listen. This SRM-1/Mk-2 Professional was Stax' top amplifier from 1982-1995. A few other amps came along during that time: All versions of the SRM-1/MK-2 amps are the same, differing only in the bias supply fed to the diaphragm. They have come in both silver and black. The audio amplifiers are the same, and in fact, regardless of bias voltage and pin count of any particular socket, the audio connected to each socket is actually wired directly to the same amplifier output. The audio sections of the two sockets are wired in parallel! The only significant circuit differences among the versions are leads coming from one bias supply or another Stax SRM-1/MK-2 is how its name is printed on the front and back of the amplifier, but be careful to look for the PROFESSIONAL printed on the top cover, or one jack marked PRO ONLY and the other marked NORMAL. Others will write is as SRM-1 Mark II, SRM1-MK2, or other ways. The SRM-1/MK-2 (not professional) has two standard (230 V bias) outputs, while this Professional version has one standard and one professional (580 V bias) output. Inputs There is one loop-through line-level input. Rated 100 mV, 50 k Ohm. Loop-through means they are wired together; you can insert this in between any two other components, and even if it's turned-off, the signal goes through. Gain 60 dB (1,000x).In other words, a 100 mV input can produce a 100 V output at maximum gain. Frequency Response Rated DC - 20 kHz, ±1 dB, at 30 V with one pair of SR-Lambda. Distortion Rated 0.01% THD at 1 kHz. Rated 0.05% THD at 100 V at 1 kHz while driving an SR-Lambda. Internal Wiring Super oxygen-free copper with giant crystals. Outputs The two headphone audio (plate) outputs are connected in parallel. Rated 370 V RMS maximum output at 1 kHz. The bias voltage of the "normal" socket is standard 230 V, and the Professional outlet has a 580 V bias voltage. Size  Rated 5.9 x 3.4 x 14.2 inches, WHD Rated 150 x 87 x 370 millimeters, WHD. Weight Rated 2,000 g. (70.5 oz. or 4.41 pounds). Line Voltage and Power Voltage: Rear-panel selectable 100 V, 117 V, 220 V or 240 V. Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz. Power Consumption: Rated 33 Watts. Ambient Operating Temperature 0 ~ 40 º C (32 ~ 104ºF).



STAX  SRD7                                                                            €.  250,00


The Stax SRD-7 energizer works differently than a regular Stax amplifier. It requires to be piggy-backed to a standard speaker amplifier, where it takes the current from the speaker amplifier and convert it to the necessary high voltage power for driving Stax Electrostatic headphones. It remains a popular choice among Stax users as a cheaper alternative than a standard electrostatic amplifiers.  MThe SRD-7 pictured here is a normal bias version, where both headphone out has the 6-pin normal bias Stax connectors. There are also pro-bias SRD-7s that accomodates the higher bias Pro-version Stax headphones. The unit itself is fairly small, measuring roughly 12cm x 7cm x 20cm, and it easily finds place next to your computer. The front panel has a knob for turning power on and off. When the knob is on the off position, the signal from your speaker amplifier is passed on to the speakers, thus you conveniently can switch between your headphone and speaker set up.On the back panel, we find two cables as well as four binding posts for connecting your speakers. The black cable is the AC Power cable, where the gray cable goes into your speaker amplifier. Conveniently, Stax included the cabling legend for connecting the SRD-7 to your speaker amplifier. Power consumption is surprisingly low at 0.1w.


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KENWOOD GE 730                                                                              €.  450,00

PIONEER  SG9                                                            Telefona/ invia un e-mail



dbX-2BX EXPANDER                                                                              €.  400,00


2BAND DYNAMIC RANGE EXPANDER  dbx 2BX two band dynamic range expander. The limitations of the recording process requires record and tape manufactureers to sacrifice nearly half the dynamic content of live music. Crescendos and loudness variations containing vital musical information must be reduced in scale, compromising the presence and excitement of the original performance. A dynamic range expander is a complex electronic system which makes quiet sounds quieter and loud sounds louder to restore the dynamics sacrificed in the recording process


PIONEER MA9                                                                                      €.  300,00




ROTEL  RSP 900                       Prezzo offerta    €. 499,00


MIXER Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

TEAC MIXER  model 2                        Prezzo offerta    €. 250,00


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INFOCUS IN72                                                                Per  offerta  Telefona/Email

Description  The InFocus IN72 DLP home entertainment projector offers all of the excitement of attending your first rock concert! You can’t always get what you want? With the IN72, you can always get it – in sports, gaming or television entertainment. It’s like going out on the town without having to leave home! With its stylish design, it delivers more performance than a plasma TV – at less cost. Go for it! Live large. Invite your guests to see the latest movies in your own screening room. The IN72 truly brings it all back home. Product Identifiers  Brand InFocus  Model IN72  MPN IN72  UPC 00797212665706, 797212665706  Key Features  Display Technology DLP  Resolution 854x480  Image Brightness 900 ANSI Lumens  Contrast Ratio 2000:1  Form Factor Portable  Image  Max Resolution 1024 x 768 (XGA) Image Size (Diagonal) 32.47 in. - 156.46 in.  Image Aspect Ratio 16:9  HDTV Formats 1035i, 1080i, 1080p, 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p  Screen Distance 5 ft. - 20 ft.  Synchronization Range Horizontal 31.5-80 kHz  Synchronization Range Vertical 50-85 Hz  Analog Video Format NTSC, PAL, SECAM  Color Support 24-bit (16.7M colors)  Technical Features  Platform Mac, PC  Front Panel Controls Keypad  Remote Control Features Illuminated Remote  Connectors Component, Composite (RCA), DVI, HDMI, S-Video  Interfaces  Video input 4 Pin - Mini DIN (S-Video), Component Video, Composite Video, DVI, HDMI x 1 Lamp  Lamp Type SHP  Light Source Power 200W SHP  Light Source Life 3000 Hours  Dimensions  Width 14.2 in.  Depth 14.2 in.  Height 4.7 in.  Weight 9.3 lb.  Miscellaneous  Features Keystone Correction  Projection Method Ceiling, Front, Rea



EPSON   EH-TW9000                                                          Per  offerta  Telefona/Email


Color Light Output 2.400 lumen White Light Output2.400 lumen Risoluzione Full HD 1080p, 1920 x 1080, 16:9 Alta definizione Full HD Aspect Ratio 16:9 Rapporto di contrasto 200.000 : 1 Lampada ETORL, 230 W, 4.000 h Durata, 5.000 h Durata (in modalità Risparmio energetico) Correzione trapezoidale Automatico verticale: ± 30 ° Frequenza immagini 2D/3D 120 Hz / 480 H Rapporto di proiezione 1,34 - 2,87:1 Zoom Manual, Factor: 1 - 2,1 Lenti Ottico Lens Shift Manuale - Verticale ± 96,3 %, orizzontale ± 47,1 % Dimensioni immagine30 pollici - 300 pollici Distanza di proiezione grandangolare 0,9 m - 9 m Distanza di proiezione teleobiettivo 1,9 m - 19,2 m Rapporto focale (F) 2 - 3,17 Distanza focale 23 mm - 47 mm Messa a fuoco Manuale S-232, Ingresso HDMI (2x), Ingresso Composite (2x), Ingresso Component Modalità colore 3D 3D Dinamico, 3D Cinema Caratteristiche Correzione automatica del colore, Correzione trapezoidale automatica, Tecnologia DeepBlack, Epson Cinema Filter, Epson Super White, Frame interpolation, Accensione/spegnimento istantanei, Funzione Split Screen Modalità colore Cinema, Dinamico, Soggiorno, Naturale Consumo energetico 348 Watt, 263 Watt (in modalità Risparmio energetico), 0,37 Watt (in standby) Dimensioni 466‎ x 140 x 395 mm (LxPxA) Peso 8,3 kg Livello di rumore Mod. Normale: 32 dB (A) - Mod. Economy: 22 dB (A)



EPSON  TW 3800                         Per offertaTelefonare/ invia  un e-mail

Resolution 1920x1080  Type LCD  Weight (kg) 7 Rated fan noise (dB) 22 Throw ratio 2.4-5.1 Rated contrast 18000:1  Aspect ratio 16:9  Max image size (in) 300  Dimensions (hwd, cm) 15x45x39  Rated brightness (Lumens) 1800  Phono audio in 0  PC in 0  S-Video in 1  HDMI in 2  RGB Scart in 1 Component in 1  Accepts 1080p Yes  24fps Yes  HDMI 1.3a Yes  Composite in 1  DVI in 0  HD Ready Yes  Full HD Yes


SHARP XV-C1E                              Per offertaTelefonare/ invia  un e-mail

SHARP XV-C100E                          Per offertaTelefonare/ invia  un e-mail


PROCESSORI VIDEOTelefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

DVDO                                 Per offertaTelefonare/ invia  un e-mail   

PANASONIC                                         Prezzo offerta    €. 559,00


DBX-DAV 600G                           Per offerta Telefonare/ invia  un e-mail

Audio video program route selector A switching console for people who have more equipment than their receivers have inputs.
* 3 video input/output (play & record, that is) plus one video input-only (for laserdisc or DVD)  * 3 audio input/output  * Multiple audio and video effects processing loops for noise reduction units, equaliser, etc.  The only difference between the video and audio sections is the passing of video through the circuit. I have almost always used it for six audio connections and ignored the video 

ALTOPARLANTITelefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

Infinity infinitesimal                COPPIA Prezzo offerta €. 400,00

INFINITY FILTRI PB Renaissance 80  Prezzo offerta €. 150,00


INFINITY FILTRI PH Renaissance 80         Prezzo offerta €. 170,00



INFINITY EMIT 902-5228                    PREZZO OFFERTA €.250,00


CAR STEREOTelefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100


NAKAMICHI IND7                                      Prezzo offerta     €.1.890,00


IN-DV7 – Nakamichi’s Latest Venture in Car Audio Multimedia IN-DV7, a stylish and user-friendly In-Dash DVD/TV/Tuner is Nakamichi’s latest venture in Car Audio Multimedia. Nakamichi seeks to elevate in-car entertainment to new heights by delivering high performance visual and audio experience with IN-DV7, illustrating Nakamichi’s technological prowess and ingenious expertise.The Touch Screen Control allows finger-tip control of virtually all functions. Alternatively, you could also operate with ease with the user-friendly integrated big function buttons that are prominently visible. Enabled with Joystick Menu Navigation, you can navigate conveniently with more room for mobility. With its 60 sec Electronic Skip Protection, you no longer have to worry about screen or sound distortion whenever the vehicle goes over a bump. Experience maximise sound amplification with minimal sound distortion with the Discrete 4-Channel MOSFET High Power IC Amp, even at great outputs. Superb audio reproduction is delivered accurately and enhanced that would satisfy any discerning audiophiles. IN-DV7 also boosts with screen resolution of 1.15 mega pixels for its LCD display that projects clear and vivid pictures. Aimed to be the ultimate mobile theatre system, IN-DV7 performs flawlessly with a motorised 7 inch TFT LCD Flip-out/up screen which is automatically elevated for good viewing position at a push of a button. Both the driver and passengers will be entertained with Dual Zone environment – front audio for the driver while rear-seat passengers could watch their own video entertainment. Consistent with Nakamichi’s product design philosophy, INDV7’s elegant aesthetic design would complement any dashboard display and establish car interior trends.Renowned for its superior product design, acoustic quality and performance,Nakamichi has once again successfully produced a versatile and superior InCar Entertainment System for its discerning audience.SPECIFICATIONS:• High Definition 1.15 Mega Pixels• Active Matrix LCD Panel• Full Automatic Motorised TFT LCD Flip-Out/up• Multi-Zone Output (Kid Zone)• Touch Screen Control• DVD-R/-RW, CD-R/RW Compatible• JPEG, VCD, SVCD, DVD Media Formats• MP3 Direct Track Access• Dual Zone – Audio For Driver And Video For Back Seats• Joystick Menu Navigation• Tilt Adjustment 2-Stage 6 Steps Automated• ID3 Tag Compatible• 60-Sec ESP• High-Speed Audible Track Search• All-In-One (No External AV Box)• Discrete 4-Channel MOSFET High-Power IC Amp Monitor Section:Screen Size 7” Diagonal, 16:9 Widescreen160(H) x 102(W) mm 6.3(H) x 4(W) InchesScreen Type TFT Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)Resolution DVD Player : 1.15 Mega Pixels(Internal RGB Digital Interface) 800(H) x 480(W) x 3 Composite Video Input 384,000 Pixels 800(H) x 480(W) mm Pixel Pitch 0.1905 x 0.1905 mm Viewing Angle 65° Left / Right 45° Up, 50° Down (Manual Adjustment DVD/CD Player Section Compatible Formats DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, CDDA, MP3, SVCD, VCD, JPEG Signal-to-Noise Ratio 70 dB Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, -3 dB Channel Separation 60 dB D/A Converter 24 Bit 192kHz, DELTA-SIGMA Converter Television:18 Channel Auto Preset Memory 4-Line Diversity Antenna (Supplied) Tuner: 18 FM / 12 AM Presets with Preset Scan Auto Station Store CEA Section Power Output 30 W x 4 Channels 10% THD 1 kHz Signal-to-Noise 70 dBA Dynamic Power 36 W at 4 ohm x 4 Channels Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, -3 dB Power Supply 14.4 VDC FM Tuner Section Frequency Range USA 87.5 – 107.9 MHz in 200 kHz Steps Other Area 87.5 – 108.0 MHz in 50 kHz StepsQuieting Sensitivity (-50 dB) 15 dBf Signal-to-Noise Ratio > 60 dB (1 kHz) Stereo Separation > 30 dB (1 kHz) Distortion 1%AM Tuner Section Frequency Range USA 530 – 1,710 kHz in 10 kHz Steps Other Area 531 – 1,602 kHz in 9 kHz Steps Sensitivity (-20 dB) 30 µ V Signal-to-Noise Ratio 48 ~ 49 dB (1 kHz) Video Section Formats NTSC or PAL (According To Country Of Sale)* Dimensions do not include protruding parts. Specifications and design are subject tochange for further improvement without notice.Output 1 Vp-p (75 ohm)Input 1 Vp-p (75 ohm)General:Full Function Infrared Remote ControlLimited Function Infrared ‘Kid Zone’ Remote Control Connection Facilities• OSD – On Screen Display Menu Control• 2 Pairs Front / Rear (RCA) Pre-amp Outputs• 2V RMS RCA Pre-amp Output Voltage• 1 Subwoofer Pre-amp Output (RCA)• 1 Center Channel RCA Pre-amp Output (Variable)• 2 Pairs Rear (RCA) Auxiliary A/V Inputs• 1 Composite Video Output For Additional Screens Audio Input Impedance 10 k Power Supply 11 VDC to 16 VDC (Negative Ground) Fuse 10 Amp, ATO Type
DIN Chassis Dimensions 178(H) x 178(W) x 51(D) mm7(H) x 7(W) x 2(D) Inches Weight Approx. 4.3 kg / 9.5 lbs


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