Team spirit underlies all of our work at
Vienna Acoustics, but when it comes right down to it, we achieve outstanding
results because we are passionate. About what? Music, music, and music. And we
have a vision: to bring you nearer to music by creating loudspeakers,clearly the
most significant and important mediator of any sound system. At Vienna Acoustics,
we have always been fascinated and motivated by the dramatic sound improvements
a great speaker can provide. Mediocre systems prevent too many people from truly
getting to know the joy of music, and we really appreciate the positive feedback
we receive from all over the world about the musical Vienna Acoustics
sound.Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers are the embodiment of our passion, our
self-realization brought to life in loudspeakers that bend technology to the
service of music. Maybe it's the ambience of our town Vienna, where music is
always in the air – the concerts, the marvellous sound of the Goldener
Musikvereinssaal, the jazz clubs, the dance clubs. Certainly Vienna is and has
been an inspiration for artists; its musical heritage is overwhelming. No other
city can lay claim to being the birthplace of western classical music. Mozart,
Beethoven, Strauss, Schoenberg . . . the list goes on and on. Virtually every
composer of significance has been drawn to Vienna, much as we have, for its
richly musical backdrop. Today, Vienna remains the "City of Music," as the
finest orchestras in the world bring their sonic delights to a populace at once
critical and enthusiastic.We feel lucky to be able to relish all these musical
offerings, and to combine these experiences with our work. Nothing is more
important for us than your recognition of our commitment and talent in the
sound, innovation, and quality of our speakers. This website contains
comprehensive background information, but only hearing Vienna Acoustics products
in person, for yourself, can demonstrate with real immediacy what makes our
speakers so special. Our efforts focus on each individual product, to ensure
that every one of our customers will get the masterpiece the designer intended,
wherever she or he unpacks a Vienna Acoustics speaker. This is our
self-realization: wherever we meet our progeny again, we'll be proud of them.

Symphony Edition SIGNATURE
€. 1.616,00

Grand Symphony Edition Signature La musica di Haydn è nota per il suo lirismo, da cui
vibranti colori tonali e brillanti strutture armoniche vengono estratti da
arrangiamenti apparentemente semplici. Allo stesso modo, il complemento di
driver apparentemente semplice dell'Haydn Grand Symphony Edition, costituito dal
nostro driver mid-bass brevettato X3P Spidercone da 6" e dal raffinato tweeter a
cupola in seta da 1" a tripla pila, è incentrato sull'innovativa porta bass
reflex a cuneo con controllo del flusso d'aria che serve a eliminare
virtualmente il rumore della porta, consente per una maggiore flessibilità di
posizionamento e fornisce una configurazione del driver straordinariamente
compatta posizionando il tweeter sulla parte anteriore del cuneo. Un layout di
crossover lineare dedicato, con i percorsi del circuito in rame disposti nella
direzione del flusso di elettroni, tiene conto del potenziale di interazioni
simpatiche e parassite tra i componenti del crossover che possono iniettare
rumore e distorsioni indesiderate consentendo al tempo stesso un trasferimento
più diretto ed efficiente del segnale a i driver che portano ad un maggiore
livello di dettaglio e purezza. Questa combinazione di elementi, alloggiati in
un cabinet meravigliosamente compatto, consente un posizionamento altrettanto
efficace e semplice sia sugli scaffali che sui supporti per altoparlanti. Un
monitor compatto a 2 vie, Haydn Grand Symphony Edition presenta immagini,
risoluzione e linearità eccezionali, sfidando le prestazioni dei migliori
diffusori da pavimento Impedenza 4 Ohm Risposta in frequenza 40 Hz - 20 kHz
Sensibilità 88,5 dB Amplificatore consigliato 50 - 180 Watt Tweeter 1" VA
Rivestito a mano , triplo magnete al neodimio cupola in setaMid-Woofer 6”
Spider-Cone™ X3P Sistema di bassi Bass Reflex con ventilazione frontale Funzione
bassi Ottimizzazione degli impulsi QB 3 (quasi Butterworth) Sistema crossover
Bidirezionale 6db/12db BesselCrossover Componenti Condensatore MKP Tolleranza 1%
Bobine 0,7% tol. , Resistenze a film metallico con bobine ad aria Senza
induttanza all'1% Peso per coppia 44 libbre/20 kg Dimensioni (L x A x P) 6,85" x
14,2" 10,4" / 174 mm x 361 mm x 265 mm Prezzo per un diffusore nei
coloripiano black -cherry-piano white -colore Rosewood 1.850,00 euro
Haydn Grand Symphony Edition
Haydn’s music is known for its lyricism, from which vibrant tonal colors and
brilliant harmonic structures are drawn out of deceptively simple arrangements.
Similarly, the Haydn Grand Symphony Edition’s deceptively simple driver
complement of our patented 6” X3P Spidercone mid-bass driver and refined 1”
triple stackedsilk-dome tweeter centers around the groundbreaking airflow
control wedge bass reflex port that serves to virtually eliminate port noise,
allows for increased placement flexibility, and provides an extraordinarily
compact driver configuration by positioning the tweeter on the front of the
wedge. A dedicated linear crossover layout, with the copper circuit paths
arranged in the direction of electron flow, takes into account the potential for
sympathetic and parasitic interactions among crossover components that may
inject unwanted noise and distortions while allowing for more direct and
efficient transfer of signal to the drivers which leads to a greater level of
detail and purity. This combination of elements, housed in a beautifully compact
cabinet, permits equally effective and effortless placement in either
bookshelves or on speaker stands. A compact 2-way monitor, Haydn Grand Symphony
Edition features exceptional imaging, resolution and linearity, challenging the
performance of the finest floor standers Impedance 4
Ohms Frequency response 40Hz – 20kHz Sensitivity 88.5dB Recommended Amplifier 50
– 180 Watts Tweeter 1” VA Hand Coated, Triple Neodymium Magnet Silk
DomeMid-Woofer 6” Spider-Cone™ X3P Bass System Front Vented Bass Reflex Bass
Function Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (quasi Butterworth) Crossover System Two Way
6db/12db BesselCrossover Components MKP Capacitor 1% Tolerance Coils 0.7% tol.,
Air Coils Metal Film Resistors 1% Inductance Free Weight per Pair 44lbs/20kg
Dimensions (W x H x D) 6.85” x 14.2” 10.4” / 174mm x 361mm x 265mm Finishes
Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Selected Walnut, Piano Black and Piano White.Price
for one speaker .

MOZART Reference
€. 2.490,00

Mozart Grand Symphony Edition È quasi impossibile esprimere appieno l'impatto
che Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ha avuto sull'identità della nostra casa, Vienna.
Questa importanza è la stessa per noi di Vienna Acoustics e per il modello di
altoparlante, giunto alla terza generazione, che abbiamo scelto di intitolare al
più famoso innovatore musicale. Tenendo pienamente conto dell'importanza
rappresentata da Mozart, abbiamo ricreato il Mozart Grand con perfezionamenti
che hanno interessato praticamente tutti i componenti critici. Un'area che non
cambieremo è come e dove costruiamo ogni pezzo. Da più di vent'anni ogni
diffusore che creiamo è realizzato a mano a Vienna, in Austria, utilizzando solo
i migliori componenti e mobili personalizzati sapientemente realizzati. Partendo
dalla nostra convinzione di lunga data che il fondamento di un corretto design
di un altoparlante risieda nella qualità dei suoi driver, abbiamo lavorato a
lungo sulla costruzione di unità di trasmissione con tolleranze sempre più
strette. È con questo costante miglioramento nella produzione e nei test dei
nostri driver che abbiamo trovato i primi modi per apportare miglioramenti a
questo modello. Oltre a questi difficili miglioramenti nella produzione dei
driver, abbiamo sostituito il secondo woofer con il nostro woofer brevettato
Spider-Cone™. Come per tutti i nostri modelli, abbiamo deciso di continuare a
ricercare modi per migliorare anche il crossover. I miglioramenti sonori finali
come risultato di questi cambiamenti collettivi sono una maggiore chiarezza,
velocità e una maggiore estensione dei bassi senza rinunciare alla famosa
qualità musicale e al ritmo insiti in tutti i nostri progetti. La ricompensa
finale per questo sforzo scrupoloso è presentata qui nella nostra edizione
Mozart Grand Symphony, splendidamente rifinita con impiallacciature di vero
legno selezionate, nonché con vera lacca per pianoforte. Impedenza 4 Ohm
Risposta in frequenza 30 Hz - 22 kHz Sensibilità 90 dB Amplificatore consigliato
30 - 200 Watt Tweeter Mid-Woofer con cupola in seta VA da 1,1" rivestita a mano
(1) X3P da 6", (2) Spider-Cone™ X3P da 6" Funzione dei bassi Ottimizzazione
degli impulsi QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth) Sistema bassi Sistema crossover Bass
Reflex Componenti crossover a due vie e mezzo Condensatore MKP Tolleranza 1%
Bobine 0,7% tol., bobine ad aria Resistori a film metallico 1% Senza induttanza
Peso per coppia 116 libbre/52,6 kg Dimensioni (L x A x P) pollici 8,5 ” x 38,25”
13,5” mm 216 mm x 972 mm x 343 mm Prezzo per un diffusore nei
colori piano black ,herry,piano white Versione Rosenwood 4.120,00 euro

MOZART signature
Edition Listino
€. 3.750,00
COPPIA) Listino
€. 12.500,00

Mozart Symphony Edition Signature: più evoluzione che rivoluzione, la SE
continua la tradizione VA di estrema attenzione ai dettagli in ogni fase di
progettazione e produzione. Vestibilità e finitura sono superbe, probabilmente
le migliori della categoria. Da alti cristallini a bassi pettorali, la Mozart SE
offre un palcoscenico sonoro espansivo. Tracce delicate ma dinamiche creano un
abbinamento perfetto, esponendo gli impulsi ad alta frequenza più sottili
mantenendo il calore e la chiarezza dei medi per cui Vienna Acoustics è rinomataCaratteristiche
Numero di tweeter: 1 Colore: Ciliegio Materiale di finitura: Impiallacciatura di
legno Colore griglia B. laccato Dimensioni woofer, pollici: 6 Dimensioni driver
midrange/woofer, pollici: 6Dimensioni tweeter, pollici: 1Materiale tweeter n. 1:
setaTipo driver midrange/woofer: conoTipo tweeter: cupola Numero di driver: 3
Numero di vie del sistema di altoparlanti: 2,5 vie Posizionamento porta bass
reflex: In basso Frequenza massima, Hz: 2000 Potenza massima, W: 200 Frequenza
minima, Hz: 30 Impedenza, Ohm: 4 Livello di risposta, bD/Wt/m: 90 Cassa
altoparlante: Con porta bass reflex Terminali: Viti, standard Dimensioni Peso,
kg: 26,3 Altezza, mm: 972 Profondità, mm: 216 Larghezza, mm: 343
Mozart Grand Symphony Edition It is
nearly impossible to fully express the impact Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has had on
the identity of our home, Vienna. This importance is the same with us at Vienna
Acoustics and the model loudspeaker, now in its third generation, which we have
chosen to name for this most famous musical innovator. Taking into full account
the importance Mozart represents, we have recreated the Mozart Grand with
refinements effecting virtually all critical components. One area we will not
change is how and where we build each piece. For more than twenty years each
loudspeaker we create is hand crafted in Vienna, Austria with only the finest
components and expertly crafted, custom cabinetry. Beginning with our
longstanding belief that the foundation of a proper loudspeaker design lies
within the quality of its drivers, we have worked extensively on building
tighter and tighter tolerance drive units. It is with this constant improvement
in our driver production and testing that we found the first ways of making
improvements to this model. In addition to these difficult improvements in
driver production, we have replaced the second woofer with our patented
Spider-Cone™ woofer. As with all our models, we decided to continue researching
ways of improving the crossover as well. The final sonic improvements as a
result of these collective changes are greater clarity, speed as well as greater
bass extension without giving up any of the famed musical quality and rhythm
inherent in all our designs. The final reward for this painstaking effort is
presented here in our Mozart Grand Symphony Edition, beautifully finished with
selected real wood veneers, as well as with true piano lacquer.
Impedance 4 Ohms Frequency response 30Hz – 22kHzSensitivity 90 dBRecommended
Amplifier 30 – 200 WattsTweeter 1.1” Hand Coated VA Silk DomeMid-Woofers (1) 6”
X3P, (2) 6” Spider-Cone™ X3PBass FunctionImpulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth)
Bass System Bass Reflex Crossover System Two and a Half Way Crossover Components
MKP Capacitor 1% Tolerance Coils 0.7% tol., Air Coils Metal Film Resistors 1%
Inductance Free Weight per Pair 116lbs/52.6kg Dimensions (W x H x D) inches 8.5”
x 38.25” 13.5” mm 216mm x 972mm x 343mm Finishes Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Piano
Black and Piano White .Price
for one speaker .

€. 4.257,00

Beethoven Baby Grand Reference Edition Questo design a 3 vie rappresenta il cuore
e l'anima della gamma Concert Grand. Beethoven Baby Grand Symphony Edition, come
lo strumento che porta il suo nome, consente di svolgere epiche esibizioni in
sala da concerto nel comfort di sale di ascolto di medie dimensioni. Dinamico,
aperto e altamente musicale, questo design a 3 vie presenta i nostri doppi
woofer brevettati X3P Spider-Cone™ da 6", un singolo driver midrange X3P da 6" e
un tweeter a cupola in seta al neodimio rivestito a mano da 1". Sin dalla
nascita di Vienna Acoustics nel 1989, abbiamo costantemente sostenuto che la
prima priorità di tutti i nostri progetti risiede nello sviluppo dei driver.
Fondato su questa convinzione, Beethoven Baby Grand Symphony Edition è stato il
primo modello a trarre vantaggio da questo tweeter con struttura magnetica al
neodimio accuratamente progettato e prodotto con cura dagli specialisti di
fascia alta di ScanSpeak. I driver midrange e tweeter straordinariamente
naturali e trasparenti, accoppiati con due unità bassi, producono un equilibrio
eccezionale, un'omogeneità, integrando le altezze più fini con una vera base
slam. E questo equilibrio si estende al suo design industriale, dove le
proporzioni sono perfettamente rese, i robusti deflettori anteriori e posteriori
bilanciano la profondità extra del cabinet per conferire un senso di sostanza e
stile che va ben oltre la semplice superficie. Un crossover dedicato, progettato
con maggiore semplicità, è anche l'implementazione di componenti dal suono
ancora migliore, pur mantenendo i nostri componenti con tolleranza più stretta
dell'1%. Beethoven Baby Grand Symphony Edition è dotato di un kit base in
alluminio di alta qualità con punte controdado, per la massima stabilità e messa
a punto del suono, con conseguente grande gamma dinamica complessiva. Le
impiallacciature sono come sempre selezionate a mano da noi a Vienna. Le vere
lacche per pianoforte sono solo la massima qualità disponibile nel rispetto dei
più severi standard ambientali dell'Europa occidentale. Impedenza 4 Ohm
Risposta in frequenza 30 Hz - 22 kHz Sensibilità 90 dB Amplificatore consigliato
40 - 250 Watt Tweeter 1,1" rivestito a mano/ Neodimio, cupola in seta VA
Midrange (1) Woofer X3P da 6" (2) Sistema di bassi X3P Spider-Cone™ da 6" Bass
Reflex Funzione dei bassi Ottimizzazione degli impulsi QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth)
Sistema crossover Condensatore MKP Tolleranza 1% Bobine 0,7% tol., Bobine ad
aria Film metallico Resistori 1% di induttanza libera Peso per coppia 120
libbre/55,5 kg Dimensioni (L x A x P) 8,5" x 40" 14,75" con gruppo base Dim. (L
x A x P) mm 216 mm x 1016 mm x 375 mm . Prezzo per un diffusore nei
coloripiano black -cherry-piano white .In colore Rosewood 4.890,00 euro
Beethoven Baby Grand Symphony Edition This
3-way design represents the heart and soul of the Concert Grand range. Beethoven
Baby Grand Symphony Edition, like the instrument that shares its name, allows
for epic concert hall performances to take place in the comfort of listening
rooms of average dimension. Dynamic, open and highly musical, this 3-way design
features our patented dual 6” X3P Spider-Cone™ woofers, a single 6” X3P midrange
driver and an 1” hand coated Neodymium Silk Dome tweeter. Since Vienna Acoustics'
birth in 1989, we have consistently maintained that the first priority of all of
our designs rests in driver development. Founded in this belief, Beethoven Baby
Grand Symphony Edition was the first model to take advantage of this carefully
designed, ground up neodymium magnet structure tweeter, carefully manufactured
by the highend specialists of ScanSpeak. The remarkably natural and transparent
midrange and tweeter drivers, coupled with two bass units, produce an
outstanding balance, a homogeneity, integrating finest heights to real slam
base. And that balance extends to its industrial design, where the proportions
are perfectly rendered, the robust front and rear baffles balancing out the
extra depth of the cabinet to confer a sense of substance and style that are far
more than skin deep. A dedicated crossover, designed with increased simplicity,
is also the implementation of even better sounding components while maintaining
our requisite tighter than 1% tolerance components. Beethoven Baby Grand
Symphony Edition features an high grade aluminium base-kit with counter-nut
spikes, for maximal stability and sound fine-tuning, resulting in great overall
dynamic range. The veneers are as always, hand selected by us in Vienna. The
true piano lacquers are only the highest quality available while adhering to the
most stringent environmental standards of Western Europe.Impedance 4 Ohms
Frequency response 30Hz – 22kHz Sensitivity 90 dB Recommended Amplifier 40 – 250
Watts Tweeter 1.1” Hand Coated/ Neodymium, VA Silk Dome Midrange (1) 6” X3P
Woofers (2) 6” X3P Spider-Cone™ Bass System Bass Reflex Bass Function Impulse
Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth) Crossover System MKP Capacitor 1% Tolerance
Coils 0.7% tol., Air Coils Metal Film Resistors 1% Inductance Free Weight per
Pair 120lbs/55.5kg Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.5” x 40” 14.75” with base assembly
Dim. (W x H x D) mm 216mm x 1016mm x 375mm Finishes Cherry, Premium Rosewood,
Piano Black and Piano White.Price
for one speaker .

€. 5.860,00

Concerto di Beethoven Grand Reference Edition Scala, potenza e grandiosità sono
tutte conferite dal suo nome. Come per tutti i modelli della gamma Concert Grand™,
il nome del compositore viene selezionato in base alla scala, alla complessità e
alla potenza della performance per cui sono più conosciuti. Il termine Concert
Grand, come il pianoforte con la stessa denominazione, si riferisce alla sua
capacità di fornire questo livello di prestazioni in grandi sale da concerto e
sale da musica. La nuova Concert Grand Symphony Edition a 3 vie offre molto di
più che solo potenza e scala. L'ascoltatore attento si diletterà nella lucidità
e nella chiarezza delle importantissime gamme medie dove praticamente tutti gli
strumenti trovano le loro origini toniche. Qui eccelle, con una naturale
facilità, chiarezza e silenziosità laddove solo pochi modelli molto più costosi
hanno messo piede. Per una sala di proiezione o un teatro su larga scala, la
Concert Grand Symphony Edition offre anche le scene più impegnative con una
facilità che consente un'immersione più profonda nell'esperienza
cinematografica. Un prodotto davvero straordinario che ricalibrerà le vostre
aspettative. Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition presenta il nostro
sofisticato tweeter al neodimio, un discendente della nostra tecnologia
coassiale, risultato di una ricerca e sviluppo meticolosi e permanenti. Tre
driver dei bassi Spidercone da 7" (o driver ULF, Ultra Low Frequency),
presentano un gruppo motore rielaborato e un posizionamento rivisto delle
nervature XXP, fornendo maggiore potenza, estensione e controllo. L'enorme
superficie risultante dall'uso di tre di questi straordinari driver significa
una riproduzione senza sforzo delle dinamiche dei bassi estremi con
articolazione e forza. Le impiallacciature sono come sempre selezionate a mano
da noi a Vienna. Le vere lacche per pianoforte sono solo della massima qualità
disponibile e aderiscono ai più severi standard ambientali dell'Europa
occidentale. Il tweeter Il nostro tweeter al neodimio è un discendente della
nostra tecnologia coassiale, il risultato di uno sviluppo evolutivo permanente
Nel corso degli anni Vienna Acoustics ha trovato il tweeter dal suono migliore,
uno sviluppo raffinato in collaborazione con gli specialisti danesi di ScanSpeak.
Ma la tecnologia superiore è la sorgente puntiforme e quel tweeter era troppo
grande, quindi negli ultimi due anni l'obiettivo era quello di sviluppare una
versione al neodimio che suonasse uguale al riferimento o migliore. Questo non
solo è stato raggiunto, ma è stata anche realizzata un'estensione del
super-tweeter, con una risoluzione eccezionale senza compromettere le
caratteristiche generali fluide e naturali del tweeter originale.
Originariamente sviluppato con magneti al neodimio per ridurne le dimensioni
senza compromessi, non ha eguali nel suono incolore e neutro anche nella
versione stand alone. Il filtro per il tweeter è un Bessel particolarmente
"morbido" del 2° ordine, il midrange lavora a 6 dB (primo ordine, una bobina
d'aria) con compensazione dell'impedenza per l'induttività della bobina mobile.
I bass driver Bass Array Three da 7" Spidercone (o driver ULF, Ultra Low
Frequency) - presenti anche nel nostro famoso altoparlante LISZT - presentano un
gruppo motore rielaborato e un posizionamento rivisto delle nervature X3P,
fornendo maggiore potenza, estensione e controllo. L'enorme superficie
risultante dall'uso di tre di questi straordinari driver significa una
riproduzione senza sforzo delle dinamiche dei bassi estremi con articolazione e
forza. Il nostro cabinet utilizza diversi supporti che dividono il cabinet in
due camere diverse, una con un singolo woofer e l'altra con due woofer, ciascuna
ventilata e accordata in modo univoco. Le due unità inferiori producono i bassi
più bassi, lavorando in parallelo, mentre il singolo driver fornisce la
transizione ideale al driver di gamma media. Questa configurazione si traduce in
un'enorme estensione dei bassi con velocità e liquidità. Il driver midrange Il
driver midrange del nostro Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition è dotato di
un cono con la miscela proprietaria Vienna Acoustics "X3P" di TPX e 3 materiali
sintetici a base di polipropilene, per il massimo smorzamento interno. Combina
la precisione e la trasparenza dei coni duri - come il metallo stampato - con la
morbidezza e la musicalità dei materiali più morbidi. Uno dei segreti è la
giusta percentuale di polipropilene che offre il massimo in termini di rigidità
e smorzamento interno. Il rivestimento in gomma invertita fornisce lo
smorzamento ottimale senza perdite. L'unità crossover Beethoven Concert Grand
Symphony Edition ha richiesto un nuovo sviluppo e design, utilizzando solo i
componenti migliori e selezionati. I miglioramenti sonori finali come risultato
di questi cambiamenti collettivi sono una maggiore chiarezza, velocità e una
maggiore estensione dei bassi senza rinunciare alla famosa qualità musicale e al
ritmo insiti in tutti i nostri progetti. Tutti i nostri singoli componenti
crossover sono della massima qualità, scelti esclusivamente tramite test di
ascolto. Di conseguenza, i nostri progetti presentano condensatori selezionati
con cura molto costosi e resistori a film di ossido metallico con tolleranza
inferiore all'1% vengono scelti per la loro assenza di induttanza. Impedenza
4 Ohm Risposta in frequenza 28-22.000 Hz Sensibilità 91 dB Amplificatore
consigliato 50 – 300 Watt Unità driver Woofer da 7" (3) XPP "Spidercone"
Midrange da 6" X3P Tweeter a cono Tweeter a cupola da 1,1" Sistema di bassi con
cupola in seta VA rivestita a mano Bass Reflex Ottimizzazione degli impulsi
della funzione dei bassi QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth) Componenti crossover
Condensatori MKP, 1% di tolleranza Bobine 0,7% tol., Sezione midrange/tweeter
Bobine ad aria, Nucleo in polvere speciale per sezione bassi Resistori a film
metallico 1% tol., Senza induttanza Funzione crossover a 3 vie, 6 dB e 12 dB
Peso Bessel per coppia 144 Ibs Dimensioni (L x A x P) pollici pollici 7,5 x 42,7
x 15,7" (senza gruppo punte) 9,5 X 44, 5 X 17,75 (con gruppo punta) Dimensioni
(L x A x P) pollici 190 x 1085 x 400 mm (senza gruppo base) 292 x 1145,5 x 400
mm (con gruppo base) Gruppo punta controdado in alluminio ottimizzato incluso.
Prezzo per un diffusore nei coloripiano black -cherry-piano white
.Il colore Rosewood 6.740,00 euro
Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition
Scale, power and grandeur are all conferred by its name. As with all models in
the Concert Grand™ range, the composer name is selected based on the scale,
complexity and power of performance for which they are best known. The term
Concert Grand, like the piano of the same designation, refers to its ability to
deliver this level of performance in large concert halls and music rooms. The
new 3-way Concert Grand Symphony Edition delivers far more than just power and
scale. The careful listener will delight in the lucidity and clarity of the
all-important middle ranges where virtually all instruments find their tonic
origins. Here it excels, with a natural ease, clarity and quietness where only a
few much more expensive designs have tread. For a large-scale screening room or
theater, the Concert Grand Symphony Edition delivers even the most demanding
scenes with an ease that allows for deeper immersion into the film experience. A
truly extraordinary product that will re-calibrate your expectations. Beethoven
Concert Grand Symphony Edition features our sophisticated neodymium tweeter, a
descendant of our coax technology - a result of meticulous, permanent research
and development. Three 7” Spidercone bass drivers (or ULF, Ultra Low Frequency,
drivers), feature a reworked motor assembly and revised placement of the XXP
ribs, providing increased output, extension and control. The huge surface area
that results from the use of three of these extraordinary drivers means
effortless reproduction of extreme bass dynamics with articulation and force.
The veneers are as always, hand selected by us in Vienna. The true piano
lacquers are only the highest quality available while adhering to the most
stringent environmental standards of Western Europe. The Tweeter Our neodymium
tweeter is a descendant of our coax technology, a result of permanent
evolutionary development Over the years Vienna Acoustics had found the best
sounding tweeter, a refined development in cooperation with the danish
specialists from ScanSpeak. But the superior technology is the point source, and
that tweeter was too big, so over the last 2 years the goal was to develop a
neodymium version which sounds the same as the reference or better. This was not
only achieved, but on the way a super-tweeter extension was realised, with
outstanding resolution without compromising the smooth and natural overall
characteristics of the original tweeter. Originally developed with neodymium
magnets to decrease its size with zero compromise, it is unmatched in uncoloured
and neutral sound as the stand alone version as well. The filter for the tweeter
is an especially "soft" Bessel of 2nd order, the midrange works 6dB (first order,
one aircoil) with impedance compensation for the voice coil inductivity. The
Bass Array Three 7” Spidercone bass drivers (or ULF, Ultra Low Frequency,
drivers) – also found in our famed LISZT speaker -, feature a reworked motor
assembly and revised placement of the X3P ribs, providing increased output,
extension and control. The huge surface area that results from the use of three
of these extraordinary drivers means effortless reproduction of extreme bass
dynamics with articulation and force. Our cabinet utilizes several braces that
divide the cabinet into two different chambers, one with a single woofer and the
other with two woofers, each vented and uniquely tuned. The two lower units
produce the lowest bass, working in parallel, while the single driver provides
ideal transition to the midrange driver. This configuration results in
tremendous bass extension with speed and liquidity. The Midrange Driver The
midrange driver of our Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition features a cone
with the Vienna Acoustics proprietary mixture “X3P” of TPX and 3 polypropylene
based synthetics , for maximum inner damping. It combines the precision and
transparency of hard cones - such as stamped metal - with the smoothness and
musicality of softer materials. One of the secrets is the right share of
polypropylene which gives the optimum in stiffness and inner damping ratio. The
inverted rubber surround provides the optimum of no-loss damping. The Crossover
Unit Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition demanded new development and
design, using only the finest, selected components. The final sonic improvements
as a result of these collective changes are greater clarity, speed as well as
greater bass extension without giving up any of the famed musical quality and
rhythm inherent in all our designs. All of our individual crossover components
are of the highest quality, chosen exclusively by listening tests. As a result,
our designs feature very expensive handpicked capacitors, and metal-oxyd-film
resistors with less than 1% tolerance are chosen for their freedom from
inductance. The differences in resolution and spaciousness between capacitors
that have identical measurements and identical material, but are produced by
different manufacturers, can vary unbelievably. While our crossover components
are chosen purely on the basis of their contribution to sound quality, we have
identified another area of sonic variance in other designers' speakers. Even the
tiniest variations in coil inductance may dramatically affect width and depth
reproduction in the soundstage. We have eliminated this issue by winding our
special air core inductors using a specially designed robot able to hold a
tolerance of only 0.7%. The resulting improvement is decidedly worth the effort.
Our massive, custom-made gold / silver plated binding posts, also found in our
Reference Series, are designed to assure lowest transition resistance and accept
banana plugs, spade terminals or bare wire connection. The Base Assembly Our new
Beethoven Concert Grand Symphony Edition features a brandnew base-foundation.
The carefully manufactured devise is created by using a high-pressure aluminium
die-casting and designed for greatest stability and optimized decoupling of the
speaker. The Fit and Finish As with all our models of the Concert Grand Series
speaker systems, we have perfected a real-wood veneer process that to our
opinion is exclusive and unrivaled: the membrane press / handcrafting veneer
wrapping technique. Through years of experience working with real wood and
real-wood veneer techniques, especially for curved baffles, Beethoven Concert
Grand Symphony Edition is meticulously handcrafted to the highest standards of
quality in Vienna, Austria, with each finished speaker matching the reference
within 0.3 dB, to ensure the most effortless and natural performance from every
speaker that leaves our factory. Available in true Piano Black and Piano White,
as well as in sustainably sourced Cherry and Premium Rosewood veneer finishes.
Impedance 4 Ohms Frequency response 28-22000 Hz Sensitivity 91 dB Recommended
Amplifier 50 – 300 Watts Drive Units7” Woofer (3) XPP "Spidercone" 6” Midrange
X3P Cone Tweeter 1.1” Dome-Tweeter Hand-Coated VA Silk Dome Bass System Bass
Reflex Bass Function Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth) Crossover
Components MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance Coils 0,7% tol., Midrange/Tweeter
Section Air Coils, Special Powder Core for Bass Section Metal Film
Resistors 1% tol., Inductance Free Crossover Function 3-way, 6 dB and 12 dB
Bessel Weight per Pair 144 Ibs Dimensions (W x H x D) inches inches 7,5 x 42,7 x
15,7" (without spike assembly) 9,5 X 44,5 X 17.75 (with spike assembly)
Dimensions (W x H x D) inches 190 x 1085 x 400 mm (without base assembly) 292 x
1145,5 x 400 mm (with base assembly) Optimized aluminum counter-nut spike
assembly included. Finishes Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Piano Black and Piano
for one speaker .

MAESTRO      Listino
€. 2.470,00

Maestro Grand At the heart of theater is the
human voice. Our ears are most attuned to catch every subtle nuance of this
expressive instrument. Being the hardest working speaker in a surround system,
the quality level of a center channel is of major importance to a system. Film
sound springs to life from the Maestro Grand with a naturalness and intensity to
match any of the Vienna Acoustics Grand main speakers. The 1” hand coated
silk-dome tweeter incorporates a triple stack neodymium magnet assembly mounted
within an integral decoupling iris-shaped mounting block to reduce any
extraneous resonance. Housing the tweeter in this assemble allows the tweeter to
be positioned above the mid-bass drivers, assuring exceptional dispersion
characteristics, as well as open and effortless high frequency response. The
thoughtful chosen position of the tweeter allows to work in perfect harmony with
the dual 6” mid-bass drivers, utilizing Vienna Acoustics’ proprietary Spider
Cone technology, in order to offer unrestrained dynamics and unparalleled detail
in giving voice to even the most sophisticated of theater systems.Impedance
4 Ohms Frequency response 38-22000 Hz Sensitivity 91 dB Recommended Amplifier 30
- 200 WattsDrive Units 2 x 6” Bass/Midrange Driver, X3P Cone Spidercone
Technology 1 ” Dome-Tweeter, Hand-coated VA Silk Dome Bass System Bass Reflex, 2
x Front Ported Bass FunctionImpulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi-Butterworth)
Crossover Components MKP Capacitors 1% Tolerance Coils 0,7% tol., Exclusively
Air Coils Metal Film Resistors, 1% tol., Inductance Free Coils 0,7% tol.,
Midrange/Tweeter Section Air Coils, Special Powder Core for Bass Section
Crossover Function 2-way, 6 dB and 12 dB Bessel Weight 30 Ibs / 14 kg Dimensions
(W x H x D) inches 23,25 x 6,75 x 11,5" mm 590 x 172 x 291 mm Finishes Cherry,
Premium Rosewood, Piano Black and Piano White.Price
for one speaker .
WALTZ      Listino
€. 1.200,00

Waltz Grand
The Viennese Waltz has been a runaway hit for over two hundred years and is
still heard in every corner of Vienna. So too, the Waltz Grand is an
extraordinarily popular speaker and can be used virtually anywhere in any sound
room. The remarkable Vienna Acoustics cabinetry houses a wealth of technology
that allows these slim speakers to provide a rich tonal balance with surprising
dynamics and astonishing detail. Featuring dual 6” X3P mid-bass drivers and a 1”
silk dome tweeter, audiophile performance was made available in a wall-mountable
enclosure only 3.5” thick. By designing both crossover and drivers in tandem, it
most efficiently and effectively provides an unbelievably rich foundation of
bass regardless of the size of the cabinet. Combine these attributes with
uncanny mounting and placement versatility, and the result is a speaker that can
serve equally well in any position in either two or multi-channel systems. The
striking angles of the elaborately manufactured, angled cabinet provide more
than just a beautiful appearance, as they allow for unparalleled placement
flexibility in the focusing of the sound field, either to the right, left, or
even center, depending on the enclosures vertical or horizontal orientation. The
included hardware and bracket offer up to eight different possible mounting
positions.Impedance 4
OhmsFrequency response 70-22,000 Hz Sensitivity 91 dB Recommended Amplifier 25 -
180 Watts Tweeter 1 ” Dome-Tweeter VA silk dome Drive Units (2) 6” Bass/Midrange
Driver X3P transparent cone Bass System Acoustic Suspension (Closed Cabinet)
Crossover Components MKP Capacitors 1% Tolerance Coils 0,7% tol., Exclusively
Air CoilsMetal Film Resistors, 1% tol., Inductance Free Crossover
Function 2-way, 6 dB and 12 dB BesselWeight per Pair 16 Ibs / 7 kg Dimension (W
x H x D) inches 7,9 x 18,9 x 3,7" Dimension (W x H x D) mm 200 x 480 x 95
mmFinishes Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Piano Black and Piano White .Price
for one speaker .

PRINCIPAL    Listino
€. 3.190,00

Principal Grand All at once, the
possibilities of music, space and naturalness find its way into our last but not
least member of our Concert Grand Series - Principal Grand. Why Principal?
Strength, power and beauty: principal refers technically to the most pure of
sounds from an organ; that which is not an imitation of other instruments.
Following with this traditional definition, the Principal Grand subwoofer should
never be confused with a woofer but rather is built as an example of the truest
form of Sub-Woofer. Properly designed loudspeakers already have woofers. The
Principal Grand subwoofer is designed to add the last octave of bass
reinforcement below traditional woofers allowing for a greater sense of space
and focus. Of course in home theater applications this also means the visceral
experience the sound editors originally created and which are only now being
realized with the latest high resolution multi-channel audio and video formats.
The creation of this newest product rests on tried and true philosophies. The
driver is first. Working very closely with the Danish manufacturer ScanSpeak, we
have created our proprietary 12” driver. This hand crafted and made in Denmark
woofer delivers tremendous power while still having the finesse and speed
necessary to properly integrate with our loudspeakers. To control this driver we
have sourced a beautifully constructed, two piece electronics package. The
amplifier is of course extremely powerful offering a conservative 300watts. To
maintain absolute control, all controls and the filter network is mounted in a
completely separate enclosure beautifully hidden from view below the subwoofer
itself. Lastly, and most obviously, the cabinet. As with all of our fine
cabinets, only the finest in hand crafting is accepted. Whether true piano black
or white lacquer, or either of our specially sourced wood veneers: cherry, or
premium rosewood, we only select the finest. Strength,
power and beauty. Bass System Bass-Reflex Design – Bottom vented (requires
25mm/1” to 50mm/2” from vent to floor) Frequency response 20Hz – 100 Hz Driver
Design Proprietary Pulp-Paper Carbon filled cone manufactured by ScanSpeak,
designed by Vienna Acoustics Amplifier 300 Watts SMD Technology Inputs (2)
High-Level (~1,000O) (2) Line-Level via Phono (RCA) – Plugs Controls Power
on/Standby (standby <1watt) 0° - 180° Phase switch Variable crossover control
Variable gain control Weight per Pair 26kg / 58lbs Dimensions (W x H x D)
385mm/15.25” x 495mm/19.5” x 385mm/15.25” (including spikes) Finishes Cherry,
Premium Rosewood, Piano Black and Piano White.Price
for one speaker .

€. 8.250,00

Liszt "La musica è
il cuore della vita." Franz Liszt Forse il pianista tecnicamente più avanzato
della sua epoca, Franz Liszt era noto per le improvvisazioni sorprendenti e
l'innovazione di nuove forme di musica. Come il suo omonimo, la serie Imperial
LISZT è una meraviglia di comando tecnico: l'ultima improvvisazione su un
rivoluzionario design Vienna Acoustics che stabilisce un nuovo standard nel
suono. I prodotti della Music Company Vienna Acoustics si ispirano alle persone
e al luogo. Siamo sempre stati motivati dalla straordinaria differenza che un
grande oratore può offrire; e quando costruiamo un prodotto a mano, come
facciamo noi, sono sempre le persone e il loro lavoro di squadra a determinare
quella differenza. Le nostre persone – il nostro team – condividono una passione
per la musica che deriva dall’ambiente della nostra casa, la “Città della
Musica”, con i suoi rinomati locali di musica classica e contemporanea. La
musica è la cultura di Vienna, che permea ogni aspetto della vita, e musicisti
da tutto il mondo si riversano in città per suonare nelle sue celebri sale da
concerto dall'acustica magnifica. I diffusori Vienna Acoustics riflettono questa
eredità: come il grande Großer Musikvereinssaal, consentono di realizzare
pienamente qualsiasi stile musicale. Il suono è ricco, autentico, dettagliato e
immancabilmente musicale. L'altoparlante Liszt L'apice della serie Imperial di
Vienna Acoustics, il LISZT è un ingegnoso sistema di altoparlanti a tre vie che
utilizza una versione completamente nuova della tecnologia brevettata
Flat-Spider-Cone™ dei driver coincidenti vista per la prima volta nella nostra
ammiraglia Klimt Series™. Questo driver è situato in un involucro rotante e
ventilato separato, supportato da un sofisticato cabinet dei bassi con tre dei
nostri woofer Spider-Cone brevettati. Il Music Center Il cuore del design LISZT
è il nuovo driver coincidente Flat-Spider-Cone da 15 cm; il risultato di un
intenso progetto di sviluppo condotto nel corso di molti anni per far avanzare
ulteriormente il nostro sistema brevettato. Questo gruppo driver impareggiabile,
che sposa perfettamente una nuova sorprendente gamma media con un altrettanto
straordinario tweeter, è stato sviluppato esclusivamente da Vienna Acoustics ed
è abilmente prodotto da ScanSpeak. La parte midrange del sistema utilizza un
driver piatto utilizzando il nostro sistema proprietario materiale polimerico
smorzante X3P rafforzato dall'introduzione di fibre di vetro, che guadagna
ulteriormente rigidità strutturale dalle sue dodici grandi nervature di rinforzo
"Spider" da 16 mm. Il risultato di questa tecnologia brevettata non è solo una
rigidità senza precedenti con un vero comportamento pistonico, ma anche una
massa eccezionalmente bassa, con conseguente risposta e risoluzione transitoria
ultraveloci. Il controllo preciso e senza sforzo di questo driver è un enorme
gruppo magnetico al neodimio ad alta forza, costruito attorno a un'enorme bobina
mobile da 50 mm. Installato in una posizione perfettamente allineata nel tempo
al centro del driver midrange è il nostro nuovo tweeter a cupola in seta
rivestito a mano, progettato da Vienna Acoustics, azionato da un gruppo motore
con magnete al neodimio. Con oltre due anni di sviluppo, questo nuovo tweeter si
colloca come uno dei nostri migliori driver fino ad oggi. Il cabinet progettato
per ospitare questo esclusivo sistema di driver sfrutta al meglio la sua
straordinaria tecnologia. Il driver Flat-Spider-Cone è alloggiato in un'unità
superiore separata che è disaccoppiata dalla cassa dei bassi da un meccanismo
girevole in alluminio ad alta tecnologia, facilitando accordatura ottimale
consentendo regolazioni minime della convergenza del Music Center. Sebbene
questa configurazione di base sia simile a quella trovata nella serie di
altoparlanti Klimt, unico per LISZT è il porting del cabinet midrange. Questo
sistema di sospensione recentemente studiato da VA consente una consegna e una
risoluzione dinamica non soppressa. L'array dei bassi Mentre il Music Center
gestisce le frequenze alte e medie, tre driver dei bassi Spider Cone da 7
pollici, con coni composti dal nostro materiale polimerico X3P a coste
brevettato, funzionano in un involucro separato ed elaborato. Il cabinet dei
bassi che ospita i driver utilizza sette supporti che dividono il cabinet in due
camere diverse, una con un singolo woofer e l'altra con due woofer, ciascuna
ventilata e accordata in modo unico. Le due unità inferiori producono i bassi
più bassi, lavorando in parallelo, mentre il singolo driver fornisce la
transizione ideale al driver di gamma media. Questa configurazione si traduce in
un'enorme estensione dei bassi con velocità e liquidità. La vestibilità e la
finitura Come tutti i sistemi di altoparlanti Vienna Acoustics, LISZT è
meticolosamente realizzato a mano secondo i più alti standard di qualità a
Vienna, in Austria, con ogni altoparlante finito che corrisponde al riferimento
entro 0,3 dB, per garantire le prestazioni più naturali e senza sforzo di ogni
altoparlante che lascia la nostra fabbrica. Disponibile in vero Piano Black e
Piano White, nonché con finiture impiallacciate in ciliegio e palissandro
Premium di provenienza sostenibile. Impedenza 4 Ohm Risposta in frequenza 28
Hz - 25 kHz Sensibilità 91 dB Amplificatore consigliato 50 - 400 Watt Tweeter
1,2 pollici / 30 mm Neodimio rivestito a mano realizzato a mano Midrange con
cupola in seta con ventilazione centrale (1) Flat-Spider-Cone™ da 6 pollici /
152,4 mm, woofer con motore al neodimio ad alta potenza (3) Sistema di bassi X3P
Spider-Cone™ da 7 pollici / 177,8 mm Sistema di crossover Bass Reflex a tre vie.
Componenti crossover Bessel da 6 dB e 12 dB Condensatore MKP, tolleranza 1%;
Bobine in aria, tolleranza 0,7% Tolleranza resistori a film metallico, senza
induttanza Peso per coppia 198 libbre / 88 kg Dimensioni (L x A x P) pollici
7,8" x 45,2" 17,2" senza gruppo base / mm 198 mm x 1148 mm x 435 mm pollici
11,6" x 47,6" 17,2" con gruppo base / mm 295 mm x 1210 mm x 435 mm
Prezzo per un diffusore
nei coloripiano black -cherry-piano white .Il colore
Rosewood 9.625,00 euro
Liszt "Music
is the heart of life." Franz Liszt Perhaps the most technically advanced pianist
of his era, Franz Liszt was noted for astounding improvisations and innovating
new forms of music. Like its namesake, the Imperial Series LISZT is a marvel of
technical command – the latest improvisation upon a revolutionary Vienna
Acoustics design that sets a new standard in sound. The Music Company Vienna
Acoustics products are inspired by people and place. We have always been
motivated by the dramatic difference a great speaker can deliver; and when
building a product by hand, as we do, it is always the people and their teamwork
that determine that difference. Our people – our team – share a passion for
music that derives from the ambience of our home, the “City of Music,” with its
renowned classical and contemporary music venues. Music is the culture of
Vienna, permeating every aspect of life, and musicians from around the world
flock to the city to play in its celebrated, acoustically magnificent concert
halls. Vienna Acoustics speakers reflect this heritage: like the great Großer
Musikvereinssaal, they enable any style of music to be fully realized. The sound
is rich, authentic, detailed, and unfailingly musical. The Liszt Speaker The
pinnacle of Vienna Acoustics’ Imperial Series, the LISZT is an ingenious
three-way loudspeaker system using an all-new version of the patented
Flat-Spider-Cone™ coincident driver technology first seen in our flagship Klimt
Series™. This driver is set in a separate rotating, vented enclosure, supported
by a sophisticated bass cabinet featuring three of our patented Spider-Cone
woofers. The Music Center The heart of the LISZT design is the new 15cm
Flat-Spider-Cone coincident driver; the result of an intensive development
project conducted over the course of many years to further advance our patented
system. This second-to-none driver assembly, which perfectly marries an
astonishing new midrange with an equally remarkable tweeter, was solely
developed by Vienna Acoustics and is skillfully manufactured by ScanSpeak.The
midrange portion of the system employs a flat driver using our proprietary
self-damping X3P polymer material strengthened by the introduction of glass
fibers, which further gains structural rigidity from its twelve large 16mm
reinforcement “Spider” ribs. The result of this patented technology is not only
unparalleled stiffness with true pistonic behavior, but also exceptionally low
mass, resulting in ultra-fast transient response and resolution. Precisely and
effortlessly controlling this driver is a huge, high-force neodymium magnet
assembly, built around a massive 50mm voice coil. Installed in a perfectly
time-aligned position at the center of the midrange driver is our new Vienna
Acoustics–designed, hand-coated silk dome tweeter, driven by a neodymium magnet
motor assembly. With over two years of development, this new tweeter ranks as
one of our best drivers to date.The cabinet designed to house this unique driver
system makes the most of its remarkable technology. The Flat-Spider-Cone driver
is housed in a separate top unit that is decoupled from the bass enclosure by a
high-tech, aluminum pivoting mechanism, facilitating optimal tuning by
permitting minute toe-in adjustments of the Music Center.While this basic
configuration is similar to that found in the Klimt Series of speakers, unique
to LISZT is the porting of the midrange cabinet. This newly VA researched
suspension system allows for unsuppressed dynamic delivery and resolution. The
Bass Array While the Music Center handles high and middle frequencies, three 7
inch Spider Cone bass drivers, with cones composed of our proprietary ribbed X3P
polymer material, perform in a separate and elaborately devised enclosure.
The bass cabinet housing the drivers utilizes seven braces that divide the
cabinet into two different chambers, one with a single woofer and the other with
two woofers, each vented and uniquely tuned. The two lower units produce the
lowest bass, working in parallel, while the single driver provides ideal
transition to the midrange driver. This configuration results in tremendous bass
extension with speed and liquidity. The Fit and Finish As with all Vienna
Acoustics speaker systems, LISZT is meticulously handcrafted to the highest
standards of quality in Vienna, Austria, with each finished speaker matching the
reference within 0.3 dB, to ensure the most effortless and natural performance
from every speaker that leaves our factory. Available in true Piano Black and
Piano White, as well as in sustainably sourced Cherry and Premium Rosewood
veneer finishes.Impedance 4 Ohms Frequency response 28 Hz – 25 kHzSensitivity
91 dBRecommended Amplifier 50 – 400 Watts Tweeter 1.2in / 30mm Handcrafted,
Hand-Coated Neodymium Center-Vented Silk Dome Midrange (1) 6in / 152.4mm
Flat-Spider-Cone™, High-Power Neodymium Motor Woofers (3) 7in / 177.8mm
X3P Spider-Cone™Bass System Bass Reflex Crossover System Three-Way. 6dB and 12dB
Bessel Crossover Components MKP Capacitor, 1% Tolerance; Air Coils, 0.7%
Tolerance Metal Film Resistors Tolerance, Inductance FreeWeight per Pair 198 lbs
/ 88 kg Dimensions (W x H x D) inches 7.8” x 45.2” 17.2” without base assembly /
mm 198 mm x 1148 mm x 435 mm inches 11.6” x 47.6” 17.2” with base assembly / mm
295 mm x 1210 mm x 435 mm Finishes Cherry, Premium Rosewood, Piano Black, and
Piano White.Price
for one speaker .

MUSIC       Listino
€. 18.300,00

The Music Passion,
skill, leadership, innovation, vision, harmony, teamwork: the words that evoke
Klimt and his Art were also always target for Vienna Acoustics and the company’s
latest achievement, the first model out of the Klimt Series, "THE MUSIC".
Revolution Vienna Acoustics´ "THE MUSIC" introduces a truly revolutionary new
flat, concentric 18 cm driver that closely approximates the Platonic ideal for
which speaker designers have been striving. It places 7 octaves of music in a
single, phase coherent time plane. With a wave launch that mimics "pebble
dropped in a still pond", this remarkable driver reproduces spatial coherence
unfamiliar to anyone, save perhaps the original recording engineer.The physics
of this patented driver are an outgrowth of Vienna´s longstanding use of
reinforced cones designed to maximize strength at nodal multiples, while keeping
mass to a functional minimum. Flat cones actually do not provide stiffness, but
we turned a disadvantage into an advantage by our patented
one-sided-cone-light-weight-framing. Not only this delivers the best
weight-stiffness ratio of any construction (the construction coming close in
stiffness is sandwich, but it is too heavy as it needs a second layer and a
dense honeycomb mesh), it also allows specific and calculated sound and
impulse-response tuning by varying the quantity of ribs, their shape, their
thickness, radial or concentric orientation, and specified placements on
critical spots. Basis for the cone material is TPX, in a proprietary mix with
other materials for the optimum result of stiffness/inner-damping ratio in
combination with light-weight-framing on the cone's rear side. The maximum final
stiffness is defined by adding glass fibres to the compound, aligned in the
optimum arrangement by according injection moulding tool execution. All cones
are developed and produced by Vienna Acoustics in Austria, afterwards
manufactured to a complete driver by Eton Germany.By using finite element
analysis, Vienna Acoustics´chief designer Peter Gansterer was able to create a
radial-vaned structure (like architecture scientists we place a rib where
necessary), cast into the flat cone that produces an enormously stiff, flat
surface (thereby eliminating time and frequency specific phase shift across the
driver), with a new state of the art silk dome tweeter, using a vented neodymium
magnet structure placed in its center. Years of development made the flat cone
possible, for Peter Gansterer the prerequisite of a realization of the optimum
reproduction unit, a coax. Having 2 drivers at the same center (point source),
results in otherwise inaccessible homogenous sound, but current technology of
cone shaped midrange diaphragms disqualifies itself by unacceptable colorations
of the tweeter by the cone induced hornloading. In our technology it enjoys a
flat surrounding as usual in highend applications. Similarily, the midrange
itself is uncomparable in its lack of coloration: Cone-shaped drivers reproduce
upper midrange mainly by the inner part, which again suffers from the
hornloadings distortion. At the same time our flat cone is ultra-stiff because
of the ribs and the glassfibers, but exhibiting smooth musical sound due to the
soft inner damping of the TPX material. The resulting piston like behaviour
extends the frequency span, resulting in a range from 100 Hz to 20.000 Hz from
the coax alone, defining it as the heart of the speaker, thereby being also the
heart of music reproduction. We are that enthusiastic about this music center
that we gave it its own cabinet. Above and Below While the top-unit handles mid
and upper bass in its own enclosure, below this primary driver we built a
separate large enclosure, featuring 3 proprietary bass drivers, each with our on
proprietary 25 cm ultra rigid NAWI cones die cast by Spidercone-framing (finally
assembled also by Eton Germany), handling the frequencies from 18 Hz to 100
Hz.The 3 units are working in parallel, while the upper bass operates in its own
chamber. Finally, a remarkable Supertweeter, manufactured by the Danish high-end
specialist ScanSpeak, tops the lower enclosure, extending response from 20.000
Hz upwards to 100.000 Hz. During development we revealed that piezo technology,
which is used in the super-tweeter, has superior advantages above 20.000 Hz
(optimum dispersion, acting like balloon inflating). Form follows function The
total decoupling from the bass chambers allows the coax music center, in its
dedicated housing, to reach the absolute optimum in clarity and naturalness in
sound. The cabinetry is clearly evolved to make the most of this technology; the
separatetop-unit enclosure is decoupled from the bass enclosure by a high-tec,
drawn aluminium swiveljoint, which allows optimum room tuning by enable not only
adjustment for rake, but also for toe-in.This allows you to create a sweet zone
rather than a narrow sweet spot. By adjusting the dedicated coax point source
cabinet and directing it like swivelling a flashlight you are able to easily
create the sweet zone wherever wanted. Furthermore this allows for optimizing
the sound to any room condition as many rooms will strongly benefit from the
reduction of the disturbing early reflections which cannot properly be separated
from the direct signal by the human ear. As always, the speakers´veneer and
finish quality is to the highest of standards. "THE MUSIC" is available in true
Piano Black version and Sapele veneer finish.System type 3-way system,
employing integrated subwoofers
Frequency response 22 - 100.000 Hz Bass drivers 3 x 9" Vienna Acoustics
Spidercones, manufactured by Eton Germany Midrange Coax driver 1 x 7" Vienna
Acoustics Flat-Spider, 1 x 1" , handcoated vented neodym-magnet powered silk
dome, manufactured by Eton Germany Supertweeter 0,5" ScanSpeak Sensitivity 91 dB
Impedance 4 ohms Recommended power amplifiers from 50 to 500 watts Weight per
speaker 180 Ibs. / 82 kgDimensions (WxHxD) 10.75 x 50.98 x 24.80 inches
273 x 1295 x 630 mm Finishes Sapele, Piano BlackPrice
for one speaker .

KISS       Listino
€. 6.710,00

The Kiss Revolution
Following the introduction of the flagship of our Klimt Series™, The Music, we
present the smaller yet no compromise model, The Kiss. As its larger sibling,
The Kiss is based on the same revolutionary and patented Flat-Spider-Cone
coincident driver system. This new design is able to produce the Platonic ideal
of the entire critical seven octave human vocal range and beyond in a single,
phase coherent time plain without any of the normal horn loading and compression
present in most conventional designs. Not only does this technical innovation
free the sound of virtually all mechanical interference, it also allows for
great placement freedom that is normally not experienced nor expected in a
reference speaker system. The physics of this patented driver are an outgrowth
of Vienna Acoustics’ longstanding use of reinforced cones designed to maximize
strength at nodal multiples while keeping mass to a functional minimum. Flat
cones actually do not provide stiffness, but we turned a disadvantage into an
advantage by turning to our own patented Spider-Cone technology. This technology
not only delivers the best weight – stiffness ratios of any construction, it
also allows specific and calculated sound and impulse-response tuning by varying
the quantity of ribs, their shape, their thickness, radial or concentric
orientation and specified placements within critical positions. The only other
construction close is in application is that of sandwich or honeycomb technology
that has already proven to be too heavy for our application. Basis for the cone
material is our X3P in a proprietary mix with other materials for the optimum
result of stiffness and inner-damping ratio combed with our Spider-Cone
light-weight-framing on the cone's rear wall. All cones are then produced by
Vienna Acoustics in Austria. By using finite element analysis, Vienna Acoustics’
chief designer Peter Gansterer was able to create a radial-vaned structure cast
into a flat cone that produces an enormously stiff, flat surface (thereby
eliminating time and frequency specific phase shift across the driver surface).
This is then combined with a special hand crafted silk dome tweeter using a
special neodymium magnet structure placed in its center. Form follows function
After the careful and time consuming creation of our new Flat-Spider-Cone
coincident driver system, an appropriate partnering bass driver designed
specifically for the demands of extended bass had to be created. For this
process we again turned to both finite – element – analysis along with visiting
our own patented Spider-Cone technology. The result is the creation of our
entirely new patented 23cm ultra rigid NAWI cone. This new driver has extremely
low mass while maintaining exceptional stiffness. By creating such a strong and
low mass bass driver, we were then able to take full advantage of not only the
highest grade crossover components, but also the purest crossover design
employing a new proprietary, modified first order layout. This new crossover
combined with our newly designed drivers offers the greatest phase coherency
resulting in maintaining the greatest detail as well as offering greatest power
and clarity in the lowest octaves. This further manifests itself in creating a
reproduction of space that has thus far been absent from pedestal mounted
loudspeakers. The cabinet technology necessary to take advantage of these
technical breakthroughs in driver and crossover design required further careful
consideration. The separate top-unit enclosure is decoupled from the bass
enclosure by a special high-tech, drawn aluminum swivel joint which allows
optimum room tuning by enabling not only adjustments for rake, but also for
toe-in. The construction of the top unit or Music Center shares the same
internal volume and is sealed as is the Music Center of our larger model within
the Klimt Series™, The Music. Mated to this revolutionary driver system is a
vented bass cabinet housing our newly developed bass driver. While initially
striking, the fully decoupled Music Center allows the entire system to reach the
absolute optimum in clarity and naturalness in sound by allowing careful
optimization of both the bass cabinet while not compromising the mid and upper
frequencies produced by the Music Center. Vienna Acoustics – The Art of Natural
Sound™ As always, the speakers´veneer and finish quality is constructed to only
the highest standards. The Kiss is available in a true Piano Black Lacquer
version as well as a beautiful Sapele natural wood veneer version.System type
3-way system, employing integrated subwoofers Frequency response 36Hz – 20kHz
Bass drivers 23cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Spider-Cone Midrange – Tweeter
Coincident 18cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Flat-Spider-Cone midrange with 2.5cm
hand crafted neodymium center vented silk dome tweeter Sensitivity 89db
Impedance 4 ohms Recommended power 50 – 180 watts Speaker Weight 43kg / 95 lbs
each Speaker Dimensions (WxHxD) 273mm/10.75" x 540mm/21.3" x 540mm/21.3"
Stand Weight 23kg / 50 lbs each Stand Dimensions (WxHxD) 273mm/10.75" x
730mm/29" x 530mm/21" (including spikes) Finishes Sapele, Piano Black.Price
for one speaker .

€. 8.250,00

Poetry In this new
era where the promise of truly high resolution audio playback has finally become
a reality in home theater, we have created Poetry. Named for one of the most
famous “movements” within Gustav Klimt´s, Beethoven Freeze, Poetry aims to set a
new standard. Capable of being used in a Left – Center – Right configuration or
additionally as surround channels, Poetry possesses an ability to produce the
proscribed full range frequency range without dynamic limitation. As a center
channel only, it was designed to offer proper matching with our flagship model
from The Klimt Series, The Music, without compromise. Created around the same
patented Flat-Spider-Cone™ coincident driver system that offers vocal clarity
and dispersion before not possible, there is the same hand crafted silk dome
tweeter at its center. On either side of the sealed enclosure housing this
driver system are our patented Spider-Cone™ woofers each individually vented via
large rear mounted ports. Vienna Acoustics – The Art of Natural Sound™ystem type
3-way system, employing integrated subwoofers
Frequency response 32Hz – 20kHz Bass drivers 2 x 23cm Patented Vienna
Acoustics Spider-Cone Midrange – Tweeter Coincident 18cm Patented Vienna
Acoustics Flat-Spider-Cone midrange with 2.5cm hand crafted neodymium center
vented silk dome tweeterSensitivity 90dbImpedance 8 ohms Recommended power 50 –
300 wattsSpeaker Weight 50kg / 110lbsSpeaker Dimensions (WxHxD) 920mm/36.25” x
270mm/10.75” x 550mm/21.75”Stand Weight 40kg / 90lbs Stand Dimensions (WxHxD)
920mm/36.25” x 580mm/17.75” x 580mm/23” (including spikes) Finishes Sapeli and
Piano Black Lacquer.Price
for one speaker .

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